A kissing demon!

- J.Aanto

It was a quiet evening in the student council room. Shirogane just entered he room when Shinomiya was making tea. She gave him a warm smile, and as Miyuki settled in his seat, she poured him a cup of tea.

A few minutes later Chika entered the room and started talking about the new game made by the tabletop gaming club. This time though, they flatly refused to play it. One marriage with Chika was enough for both of them to realize marrying Chika leads to nothing but suffering. Plus, they were dating now, and god forbid Miyuki get married to Chika again. *They'll never find Chika's body.*

When all this was going on, Ishigami entered the student council room, looking thoroughly exhausted. He didn't have his Switch in his hand, which was weird. He was practically attached to it. He also had this cautious look, like he was prey being hunted. Concerned, the trio asked him what the issue was.

"What? What issue? There's no issue. Seriously. None. None at all!" said Ishigami, looking bewildered.

Okay, so there was something.*

Since Ishigami wasn't willing to give the details, Kaguya decide to take a guess, and she asked, "Is it Iino?"

Ishigami froze in his seat. Kaguya had hit the mark. This was a serious issue. He just started to go out with Iino, and he already is afraid of her? He probably did something to annoy her again, Kaguya thought to herself.

"Look Ishigami, you are dating Iino now. You can't go around pissing her off every single second like you used to, okay? You have to compromise, or she might fall out of love with you. Do you want that?" said Kaguya, and her tone sounded somewhat like she was speaking not only to Ishigami, but to herself as well. After all, she still was overly conscious about how she treats her friends, especially Shirogane.

"It seems like you're misunderstanding something here, Shinomiya senpai, I didn't piss her off or anything. The reason is totally different." said Ishigami, still looking at the door intensely.

Making sure Iino isn't there, he continued, "Ever since we started dating, Iino has been kissing me nonstop."

The temperature in the room went up a few degrees. Shinomiya couldn't even believe what she was hearing, so she asked again for confirmation. The only people unfazed by this were Chika, who was well aware that Iino was a closet pervert and Ishigami, who was also aware of this even before they started dating.

"But that's not a bad thing right?" asked Shirogane, who was bright red in the face but still curious, "You're her first boyfriend so of course she's going to be a little over the top."

"It's okay when I'm alone, president, but she's kissing me at every corner of the school!"

Okay, a little out of control here* Shirogane thought to himself. "You could tell her to control herself can't you?"

"Like hell I can. I tried and it only led to more kissing!"

"How did that happen?" asked Kaguya, now paying complete attention. This could provide useful info for her plans to kiss the president, volume 12.

"Whenever I say no, she just makes this puppy face and I just give up. How can you say no to- wait shinomiya senpai, what are you doing?" Ishigami looked at the notes in her hand. "Keep going!" gestured Kaguya, hoping to get even more methods.

At that time, the door creaked. The council snapped back to reality and started doing whatever they were supposed to do. Iino entered the room, her face practically glowing, and took her seat next to Ishigami.

"Hello everyone!" She gave them a warm greeting and started working on her disciplinary committee report.

Everyone else didn't do anything. They just stared at these two, hoping to see something happen. Iino took notice of this and asked, "What are you guys doing?"

Startled, they rapidly made up excuses, all of them except Chika, who was still staring at them with increasing curiosity. "Fujiwara senpai,what are you doing?" Iino asked again.

"Oh nothing! Just wanted to see if Ishigami was speaking the truth that's all!" Chika replied promptly. "He said you guys were kissing all over the school!"

"Wha-?! Ishigami?!" Iino stared at him with disbelief. "You went and bragged about it! It was supposed to be a secret!"

"Secret, my ass! You kissed me in the class this morning! And I didn't brag about it!" Ishigami argued back.

"Iino, you can't go and kiss someone in the class, you're a member of the discipline committee aren't you? You're supposed to set an example." said Shirogane, but he himself realized the irony. After all, the student council room was practically his haven for love affairs, and it couldn't get lower than that.

"No one saw us! So it's fine!" said Iino, much to everyone's shock. "You've corrupted her, Ishigami." said Chika, "you've corrupted her morals."

"Oh hell no, she corrupted me! Now I feel like a normie more and more each day! I have a girlfriend, I'm a member of the cheer squad, and I even thought of cutting my hair!" Ishigami replied, with a face of pure horror at the realization of what he was about to do.

"Of you're gonna cut your hair, get a crew cut." Iino butted in. "No way, but nice try, Iino. I'm not getting a crew cut within this century." replied Ishigami.

"Hmph. Anyways, don't go around telling people that. I don't want anyone to know just yet."

"I'm fairly sure the whole school knows." everyone said in unison. "And you know it's the case, Iino. Why hide now?"

"B-but, I'm a member of the discipline committee! I can't be seen commiting indecent acts in the school now, can I?"

"Then don't commit them." said Ishigami, "Don't try to hide it Iino, it's not like you."

"Fine then," replied Iino, "No more indecent acts inside the school, got it?"

"Not even when I want it?"

"You're telling me you didn't want it back then?" Iino asked him angrily.

"No, because I don't know which 'back then' you're talking about, because we kissed about a million times this morning."

Jeez, he really doesn't get it, Kaguya thought to herself. She's just gonna get mad at him again.*

Finally, Iino said, "Ishigami, don't talk to me for the rest of the day. I don't wanna hear anything you have to say." And turned her head towards the report, with a heavy pout.

Kaguya and Miyuki looked shocked, seeing a lover's quarrel live for the first time. Chika looked ecstatic, as if she was watching a TV show and was waiting for the twist on the plot. Ishigami looked like he was hit by a truck. He tried to talk to her, but she didn't listen. Finally, the day came to an end and the council disbanded for the day.

While everyone left, Ishigami was still in the room, sitting next to Iino, who was writing finishing up her report. He gestured for the others to leave, and they left.

Well, they hid behind the door but still, they left the room.

"You're not going?" asked Iino, still looking down at the paper work.

"Not until you talk to me, nope." replied Ishigami.

"Well, I just did, so leave." said Iino. Oh boy, she was angry.

"Not good enough for me."

"I said I'm not gonna talk to you." Iino still didn't give in.

"Look Iino, I just said I don't like you kissing me out of the blue, you know? I mean, when it's occasional I guess it's cool, bug not cool when you do it every other second. Just tell me when you want to." Ishigami tried hard, but she wasn't listening.

Okay then, plan B*

Ishigami got up from his seat, went to the door, and shouted, "Hey Iino! Look! It's the principal!"

Sure enough, she looked behind suddenly, and saw not the principal, but Ishigami, who was really close for some reason. But her mind was too late in figuring it out. He kissed her, and she didn't pull away. I fact, she pulled him in.

"All bark and no bite, huh?" Ishigami pulled away to reply, a sly grin on his face.

"Oh shut up, you're the same. No surprise kisses you say, and yet you kissed me out of the blue." replied Iino, looking slightly bashful. But don't be fooled. She isn't mad because he kissed her. She's mad because he pulled away too soon.

"I was just doing a demo for you. See? You didn't like it, cause it was too sudden."

Iino facepalmed at how dense this guy is. "You idiot, do you think I'm mad because of that? No wonder you suck at studies, with that logic, your 150th position is well deserved."

"Hey now, don't cross the line. And it's like I said. I will beat you in the next exam."

"Oh really now?" Iino asked playfully, " Let's see if you can do it."

"If I do it, will you go on a date with me?"

Iino froze for a second, the replied, "You don't need a competition to do that... You know what, I have an idea. We go on a date anyways, but the winner chooses the place to go to."

"Fine with me." replied Ishigami with a smile in his face.

"But hey, were you really mad at me for kissing you too frequently?" Iino asked, with the faintest hint of sadness and pain, something Ishigami hasn't seen on her face in a while.

"No, I was just annoyed. Not because it was bad or anything but because it was too frequent. I felt like it lost its meaning you know?" replied Ishigami.

"You're a little too romantic, aren't you?" Iino replied smugly. "Well, if that's how you feel, them why don't we take turns?"


"Like, I'm the only one even trying, you know? It won't hurt to be a little bit more proactive, would it? And guess what? It'll feel romantic all the same." Iino replied with a serious face, like she was delivering a lecture. But Ishigami realised something in this little talk. She needed some emotional support from her boyfriend. She wasn't exactly the most liked person, so it's obvious she needs a shoulder to cry on when it gets tough for her. She needed validation for her efforts like everyone else, and he's the only person she can expect it from without sounding selfish.

God I love this girl, thought Ishigami.(Let us not question his taste, for it is good)*

And while she was talking, Ishigami reached for her hand and held it tightly. This startled Iino, and she stopped mid sentence. He didn't waste a second, and went in for a kiss. And this time, he didn't pull away so soon. In fact it was Iino who did so, because she needed to breathe.

Gasping for air, she asked him, "A little too quick on the update, huh? I thought it'll take a year atleast to settle in."

"Iino," said Ishigami, "I like your plan. Let's kiss each other whenever we want to, okay? I won't stop you, but same goes for you."

"Like I'll ever stop you, you dummy." Iino smiled. But now she had a totally different look in her eyes, and she kissed Ishigami immediately.

It was all fun and games until she stuck her tongue in his mouth. She didn't stop there, and he followed suit. She pushed him down on the sofa, with her intense kissing, their tongues lashing away at each other, the tension was real high.

Ishigami took a breather, and said, "Iino, this is going a bit too far I think-" he was interrupted by her lips. "Stop talking, you're killing the mood."

"I agree." said Ishigami, who lost all sense in the heat of the moment just like his girlfriend here.

But right when it was getting good, Chika kicked the door open, and screamed at the top of her lungs at the duo.


Unfortunately no one was paying any attention to her. Iino and Ishigami were still embarrassed after realising what had happened and were bright red in the face, but didn't let go of each other's hands. Chika was looking at the president and shinomiya for some support, but they were too busy congratulating their kouhais for successfully taking care of their first relationship problem. This caused them to get scolded too, bit it's Chika having fun with all the moral authority so they didn't care for it.

It was going to be happy relationship, and they were glad. Both the couple in question, and the couple who caused this.