Chloe's Journal

Dear Journal,

I am having the worst day ever!

First, I realized I won a free book at Farms and Knomble, only to realize it was one of those horrible spam bots. Seriously, why do they spam up my email?

Next, I got a D on my English test. English is my best subject, so I was so shocked.

But also, the worst thing happened…

Zoey and I got into a huge fight, and Nikki is on her side!

It all started in between 4th and 5th period at school today.

I was walking to class with Nikki and Zoey, when we found a really tight space, crowded with kids. We had to squeeze through. When we did, I saw Zoey put out her foot, and I walked right into it and….

I tripped.

Everyone in the crowd stopped looking at whatever had happened, and started laughing at me.

I felt like I was going to cry. Nikki helped me up, and the three of us escaped the mob.

When we found our own space, Nikki said "OMG, Chloe, are you OK?" I replied with "N-no. I mean, I'm fine, but why did you do that, Zoey?"

Zoey and Nikki exchanged a weird look, and Zoey said "I didn't. We were just trying to get past that crowd. I would never mean to. You are my BFF."

I was so surprised at her. I mean, I SAW her put out her foot.

I told her that, and Nikki said "She didn't! She said she was trying to get through, just like you. Don't overreact about it!"

I clenched my fists.

"No! I saw her! You're just sticking up for her because you like her better! I know it!"

Zoey and Nikki both gave me shocked looks, and Zoey said, "Well if that's what you feel… have fun being lonely."

And they walked off.

I stood there, feeling so mad. We had been BFFs for the longest time, and now, they abandoned me.

I walked off to class alone.

I will publish Zoey's first POV soon. Enjoy this chapter!