Exceeded the 100 both later and preferred, I really did not expect it so soon to be honest and I thank the readers for this, while WhiteDragonSky for the translation is this chapter. However, I could not answer the reviews before because of a bug in the site that prevented me from seeing them, so I will do it now:

-King Kai: he did it but in a few chapters, you will see why in a while.

-David Alejandro Gmez Fernandez & petru95: Yes, Haru will be human most. It will not be reincarnated in other races, nor will it rise thanks to anyone.

-phelipebr: I don't do spoiler on what it will be, but I can tell you that Ophis will not be part of the harem.

Having said this good reading and let me know what you think of the story while it continues!

Asia is worried and a little scared. Not too long before she was declared a heretic by the church, where she lived for almost all of her young life, after healing a devil without her knowledge. The almost empty world in which she lived was completely shattered from there. Every member of the church began to insult her and wish her demise, or at least a horrible fate. Every person she had healed over the years, every person she saved with the power God gave her, every person she helped when she was lost or looking for help, her guardians. They all turned their backs on her and cast her out like a witch for doing what she was told to do, for what they forced her to do. When she found out she could help people she was ecstatic, so she helped all those in need, but when the priest who found her took her to the church she was isolated and raised with the sole purpose of healing, following the teachings the holy father gave them. She isn't sure when but at a certain point everyone began to praise her as a holy virgin, which brought the isolation in which she lived to a whole other level.

But that reality ended that day.

Asia has never considered herself a very smart or intuitive person, so she felt a huge sense of despair when she lost everything and everyone, as well as having no idea what to do in the situation she is in. Thanks to the help of some kind souls, for which she is eternally grateful, she decided to continue living with the teachers she grew up with, because despite the harsh treatment, she doesn't regret anything. She was therefore very surprised by an invitation to go to the church in Kuoh Town to reintegrate her, according to some fallen angels. Since they are fallen angels she should not have trusted them, but she was desperate so she accepted the invitation.

But now she has learned that they are traitors. And while she may be naive, she isn't stupid enough to believe they didn't want something from her.

"D-do you speak Italian?" Asia asks in surprise.

"Yes, I'm very familiar with the language," replies Haru, his impassiveness replaced by a slightly softer tone. "Anyway, it's dangerous to go there. Do you have somewhere else to stay?"

Asia shakes her head. Her stomach rumbles noisily.

"Awuu" is the typical sound she makes involuntarily when she makes a noise.

"...let's go eat something," says Haru turning and nodding to follow him.


"It's on me. Besides, aren't you hungry?"

"...thank you, Mr...?" she asks, realizing she doesn't know the name of her helper.

"Hyodou Haru. Pleasure" he answers as they walk.

"Nice to meet you too, I'm Asia Argento-Ow" as she stumbles, and falls. On a completely flat street. With no obstacles whatsoever.

"Are you all right?" asks the rather amused human of the former nun's clumsiness. He's always been torn in two between not tolerating the innocence of her character, or appreciating her. He moved to the latter side as the novel continued.

"Y-yes," She replies by accepting the hand he gave her to help her get up. "W-Why am I so clumsy..." she complains with a sulk.

"Anyway, there's a fast food restaurant not too far from here, do you want to eat there?"

When asked by the reincarnate, she seems completely lost.

"Emh ... what is a fast food?"

"…I'll show you"

A couple of hours later...

Some time later, I had Asia do quite a few tours. We ate at Burger King (for the girl's sake, otherwise he would never have gone near that greasy monstrosity they call hamburgers), I took her to an arcade to let her try everything that attracted her, I even got her a blue dragon-shaped stuffed animal. I answered all her questions, whether it was about common life here in Japan or about school, typical dishes or tourist attractions. I tried to satisfy that childish curiosity in every possible way since she deserves it, but something is still amiss.

Haru knows from his life that he isn't very good at making people feel comfortable. Asia is very happy with everything he did for her but there's something still bothering him. Issei showed up around lunchtime because he was worried that I wouldn't come to school, with permission from Rias of course.

Only later I realized what the problem was. I didn't allow my feelings to leak out, since I'm not good at anything like that, so even though little, Asia wasn't completely comfortable. She was very grateful for treating her as a person rather than an object, even ecstatic, but I hadn't referred to her as a 'friend', which she sorely needs. Issei solved the problem in a very short time, and I punched mimself mentally for not thinking about it. She opened up to us immediately afterwards, but of course there couldn't be a day without some form of mishap.

"So this is where you ended up, human" a voice full of outrage came from above us.

We look up and find ourselves another fallen angel. It's a middle-aged male, wearing a dark grey trench coat, black hat and sunglasses that don't leave much to look at anyway. This one has only two wings too.

"Ah, that's nice, you're... who exactly are you?" I ask sarcastically avoiding a spear of light by tilting my head.

"You brat! I am-gah!?" I didn't let him finish with a punch in his stomach that knocks him to the ground.

"So, we were saying?"

The fallen angel gets up holding his stomach. I think I smashed some of his organs. He's vomiting blood, so yeah, I definitely squeezed something out of him.

"Issei, bring Asia to our house, I'll take care of this one" I say and the two look at me worried.

"Are you sure you don't want a hand?" I stare at him for a moment to let him know how stupid the question was.

Meanwhile the fallen one tries to attack while I'm not paying attention to him, but I simply avoid the fist and hit him with an elbow that makes him fall to his knees.

"Does that answer your question?" I kick the enemy in the face and break his nose.

"Gaah! Son of a bit-!" While he was on the ground holding his nose, I didn't let him finish the insult because I hit him again by crashing him into the park fountain.

"Are you going to dodge one of my shots at some point or not?"

At Issei and Asia a drop of sweat falls on the head. Maybe they're worrying about the wrong person.

The fallen angel comes out of the fountain flying into the sky, visibly angry.

"I'll kill you, you brat!" a dozen spears of faded yellow light form in the air and he throws them at me.

I lift my shoulders and formed a blue sphere with Chakra. I throw it as fast as a splinter and use it to break all the spears. It's a sort of Rasengan locator. I had time to waste, so why not? It only serves to frustrate the fallen more, who doesn't understand how it was possible, he forms another one and throws it at me again. I shake my head. I form two rasengans in my hands, the first one I use to break the spear of light which he wanted to aim at me while the other hits him in the stomach. Once again, he crashes into the fountain.

"You really don't learn, do you?" I ask no one in particular as I approach him, his body still in the fountain. I grab him by the collar of his suit and pull him out. "There are some informations I want to know, so talk, and maybe I'll let you live."

My proposal makes the fallen angel laugh out loud.

"Kill me, I won't talk," he spits in disdain at me. I shrug my shoulders. I give him a head butt that breaks his glasses and worsens the condition of his nose, now almost non-existent.

"Do it, you'll only make things more fun for me" I reply with a sadistic grin "Who sent you here anyway? Azazel or Kokabiel?"

There were some things that didn't add up however. Issei during the story was supposed to be attacked immediately after his reincarnation, and again by the one who killed him first for Asia. Yet he was not attacked after reincarnation, nor the second time for obvious reasons. So how much has history changed?

"Ugh... I won't talk," he says almost amusedly with spite.

"For a traitor you seem to be very loyal to your boss," I'm actually annoyed by this guy.

"Traitor? What the hell are you talking about?" he asks a little concerned by my statement.

"You have arbitrarily decided to kill a target you were only supposed to be observing, within devil's territory, more exactly within the territory of two sisters of the maou, known quite well for being some of the greatest siscon in the world. Ring any bells?

That seems to shake him up a bit

"A-Azazel-sama ordered to monitor the situation and eliminate him if he was a threat!

"Oh? Are we being cooperative now?" he jumps, realizing the mistake he made. "Now I'll give you a piece of news that might interest you: that order never came from Azazel.

My grin widens when I see the shock on his face


"It was not Azazel who gave the order. He may have told you to monitor him for now, but he would never have ordered you to kill him. The guy loves sacred gears almost more than his own kind after all."


"I wouldn't have put it exactly like that, but he wasn't wrong," a new voice comes up and I turn to see...


"OK, what the fuck?" I ask confused seeing the leader of the Grigori here. I knew he'd show up at some point, but not so soon.

Azazel looks like a man in his thirties. He's got black hair with blond tufts, typical purple fallen guy eyes, goatee that makes him look playboy. He wears one long reddish brown V-neck coat with a wide open high neck that opens at the hem. The long coat also has two black belts around the waist and four black bands on each arm, two of the bands at the wrist and the other two near the elbow. He wears grey trousers and brown shoes.

His twelve black wings are spread and he looks at me with curiosity.

"A-Azazel-sama..." mumbles the fallen angel speechless when he sees his leader.

"I must assume that you are investigating Kokabiel and while you were there, my brother too" I say impassively after the initial surprise. He whistles surprised.

"You caught me," he says, raising his arms in feigned surrender and landing. "Now can you let him go?"

I shrug my shoulders and drop him on the ground. He moans in pain, but I ignore him.

"So he already made his move to start a new war?" I ask curious and he stares at me.

"How did you know he wanted to start a war?" he asks skeptically.

"Are you really asking me this question? I'm surprised he hasn't actually tried before," I reply annoyed by what will evolve into a massive pain in the ass.

"No, he's actually tried before, but we always stopped him before he could do any damage," he says, scratching the back of his neck, annoyed by his old army comrade.

"Azazel-sama, what's going on!?"

"Oh, Dohnaseek right? You were on the research team that's been missing for a few months. Long story short, Kokabiel betrayed us and sent you here, passing his orders along for mine," says Azazel like it was nothing.

"What?!" cries the middle-aged man in shock.

"Yes, about that, go fetch the others and bring them to me, along with the equipment you stole," he orders the fallen man to go (fly) to the church "Well, back to you and me, how about we have a chat at my place?"

I shrug my shoulders.

"Alright, why not?"

In a hotel somewhere in Kouh...

"So, how serious is the situation?" I ask, wanting to know where his plans are for Kokabiel.

"You don't have to be so serious all the time, otherwise what's the point of being young?" he asks, putting apparently expensive alcohol in the glass with two ice cubes. "Drink?"

"No thanks" I refuse, almost starting to regret coming here. "Be serious Azazel, where's that retard at?"

"Do you ever think about relaxing?" he asks annoyed by my attitude and my eye twitches.

"I don't know. Do you ever think about doing your job?" I ask rhetorically and he opens his mouth to answer "that doesn't have to do specifically with sacred gears" only to close it.

"that was a cheap shot," he mumbles while drinking. "To answer your question, it seems I've already bribed a few members upstairs at the church, in addition to stealing a couple of the excalibur fragments."

I snort hearing the name of the weapon in question. The sword of promised victory, just a toy possessing nothing at all. Or maybe it's my fault that I nail the image of the strongest sacred sword to something majestic, like the version of the nasuverse version, not something that could break so easily.

"Great, anything on when he is gonna hit here?" I can't know exactly if it'll be after Riser since there's been some changes in the time story. I killed Ray-something that was supposed to kill Issei and Asia for their sacred gear, so Asia now won't be reincarnated in a devil probably. Also Issei was supposed to be attacked twice if I'm not mistaken after his reincarnation by Rias, but it didn't happen. So there may possible other variations as far as I know.

"Not now. While there are some factors, he won't cause the ruckus he wants, so he'll wait a little longer," he says as he fills his glass again.

"However, I'm curious, where did you learn to use the Chakra? I saw you training your brother and Rias Gremory's Rook" he asks exceptionally curious and my eye twitches.

I should have paid more attention.

"I learned my abilities from an old wolf Yokai, he was also my mentor" I say leaning against the back of the chair where I'm sitting. "What do we do now?

"There's no use worrying about that for now. I'm sure he'll attack, but don't think too much about it" says Azazel as he continues to drink. "Keep doing what you usually do, and I'll let you know when something happens"

I raise an eyebrow to this.

"You expect me to do something against a cadre?" I ask skeptical to the insinuations within that last sentence.

"A word of advice for the future: check the seals you use to hide your abilities, they don't work too well with those stronger than you."

So he knows.

"Fine but I need something in return" I say drawing his attention.

"What would that be?"

"You need to remodel my house" my request earns me a curious look.


"Asia's coming to live with me, but we don't have free rooms and I need more space."

"And...what makes you think I'm gonna invest in this?" he asks curious.

"You hate static, and trust me, when the time comes I'll give you a show with a bang" I answer a little mysterious to attract his desire to know "Obviously if you cooperate"

He scratches his chin, and after a moment of reflection nods.

"Fine, I'll take care of it. Now what do you have in mind for this 'show'?" he asks, trying to examine him more thoroughly.

"Where's the fun in telling you everything now? You'll wait, like the others. Isn't that right, Hakuryuukou?" I say and the door to the main room opens revealing Vali.

"Oh? So you knew I was here?" he asks, trying to seem distant, but I know perfectly well he wants to prove himself against me.

"You've been listening from the very beginning, so I don't need to tell you to leave it to me when the time comes, right?" I ask knowing the answer.

"Mpf, since when do I take orders from a normal human? You may have trained with a Yokai, but you're still a human with no sacred gear or supernatural background. There is nothing part-mmn?"

Before he finished his monologue, he sensed something. He doesn't know exactly what but seeing the cold and impassive gaze of the reincarnate, a shiver ran down his spine.

"I wouldn't get too cocky, you little half-breed," I said with mockery. I don't really care what he has to say, but his presence gets on my nerves.

"What?" he says, narrowing his eyes.

"Alright alright let's not start a fight here, I don't feel like paying for the damage unnecessarily," says Azazel, coming between Vali and me. "So what is it?"

"The vermin you've been waiting for have arrived," replies Vali annoyed by his interruption.

"Well, I'm off then," I say suddenly and activate some peculiar seals.

"Wait wha-" before Azazel finished speaking Haru had already disappeared.

He accidentally recreated Hiraishin two years ago.

"Azazel, was it him?" Vali asks, curious that he showed himself to his rival's brother.

"At this point I'd say yes," replies Azazel, who couldn't stop the stupid grin on his face.

A few years ago there was a strange phenomenon in Japan that caused imbalance in the reincarnation system, which caused several bugs in the program that manages the distribution of sacred gears. He and Ajuka Belzebub were called for help, and although beloging to opposite factions, they made an exception for the rather serious situation. They fixed it before the situation degenerated into something else. Over the past six years, however, something has purified the corrupted natural energy of the world in and around Kuoh. The vegetation has bloomed like never before, the air became more clean and there is a sense of peace in nature like never before in the last thousand years. It was the work of a senjutsu user, but the question has always been who and why. The Yokai faction is also investigating, but no one has found answers.

Except Azazel now.

"Things will get really interesting in a while."

Haru sneezes on the way home, not knowing why.

A few days later...

Nothing of importance has happened in the last few days apart from the fact that his house has become a multi-storey high building with a few basement floors. Very similar to what the canon would have become.

But now I'm about to introduce Koneko to Senjutsu.

"Are you ready for this?" I ask seriously looking at the nekoshou in the eye.

"I...am..." she replies not too sure about her choice.

"Why did you ask me to train you in the first place? I've never asked you now that I'm thinking about it," with this question I can take a doubt out of my mind and possibly calm her down a bit.

"Because...I'm weak," she says as she looks down. "As much as I train with the Rook piece I'm not making any progress, and when you trapped us in that illusion I knew...the vision would have happened sooner or later if I hadn't gotten better."

Of all the possible reasons I didn't imagine it was something so profound in reality.

"So... I must become stronger... even if I have to use that power..." she continues shaking slightly.

I stare at her for a moment. Issei was in the canon the one who solved all sorts of problems, but he's not here, nor is he so close to Koneko. So maybe I should start doing what I'd rather do than think about what my twin would have done. I sit in front of Koneko and gently stroke her head to ease her worries. She leans a little bit against my hand. Then she comes closer to me and snuggles up beside me, so much to my surprise. I keep stroking her head, a little more awkwardly embarrassed by the contact.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I ask, emitting a slight green aura. It's senjutsu, the natural energy clean from any malice should be able to calm her down.

"Mn...okay" she says but remains silent for a few seconds. "I hate senjutsu and everything it represents. It took nee-sama away from me."

So she told me her story. They were orphans of both parents, with their mother who died giving birth to her, leaving Kuroka alone to take care of Koneko since her father had died. She didn't know how, she was never told. Anyway, life was difficult on the streets, but she was happy with her sister, until a particularly high-class devil approached them, trying to convince Kuroka to become his servant, in return he would take care of both of them. One day however Kuroka killed him after going crazy over senjutsu. From there her life went to hell until Rias took her. The devils chasing after her sister almost killed her a lot of times, some found it funny, others because they thought it was right and so on. In the end they captured her and almost executed her, but Sizerch Lucifer, Rias' older brother, one of the current four Satans saved her and gave her to his sister. The only thing left to her was an old comb which belonged to her mother that Kuroka had given her, but she didn't have the courage to throw away and her old name, which she discarded for the present one. Then she showed him the comb she always has with her, except when she has to fight, so as to not ruin it.

However, what I didn't expect to find from the comb were hidden seals. When I opened them, holographic datas from experiments on super devils that Koneko's father and the devil who reincarnated Kuroka were doing with Lilith's corpse came out.

"Looks like Kuroka didn't kill that bastard by accident," I say in an icy voice, surprising Koneko who is looking at the data from the comb with surprise.

"What?" she asks confusedly looking at him with conflicting emotions.

"That man was using Kuroka and his other pieces as a lab rat to create artificial super devils. From what I see also using Lilith's corpse" the language is encoded, so if there isn't a genius like Ajuka who can decipher it or a fuinjutsu master to decode the characters it would be impossible to read.

But Koneko is still shocked.


"Pull yourself together Koneko and go fetch Rias. Tell her to call her brother and get him here immediately. The old devils' faction is involved."

I had to shake her a little from her surprise but she still nodded her head.

Seriously, how the heck do things always go wrong?!

That night...

It was interesting to find out how Rivezim inherited the sacred gear cancel ability from Lucifer Morningstar. Apparently he's the only real son he had from Lilith, but given his poor fertility he started creating devils from Lilith's body, who later died from stress experienced and from them were born the original 72 devils, which in turn created the 72 pillars that make up the underworld.

I didn't remember something like that so it was quite the surprise. I also didn't remember that the bastard who had gotten together with Koneko's mother was using his eldest daughter for his sick experiments. Really, I hope he died in excruciating pain, because simply dying wasn't enough for someone like him. That said, out of respect for Kuroka he decided that he would help her make peace with Koneko.

"You must be Haru-kun right?" Sizerchs' voice distracts me from my thoughts.

"Yes, and you the present Lucifer" I say stating the obvious.

Sizerchs is the blunt copy of his father. Or a male version of Rias. He wears informal clothes for now, considering he's always in formal wear. He's in a suit and tie, crimson and black.

When he heard that the old Satan faction was lurking around his sister, he left everything he was doing and came running. He took Ajuka with him when we told him about the data, and Serafall Leviatan who took advantage of the oppurtunity to visit 'her So-tan'. However, as much as I would have liked to see Sona crying over the embarrassment, Serafall is taking this informatio pretty seriously. We are in the club room, with Rias, Akeno, Koneko, Sona and her queen, Tsubaki.

"Haru! He's one of the Satans, be respectful" hisses Rias shocked by my lack of formality.

While I know that one of the maous might kill me, I know that in an informal environment, none of them like formalities.

"Ria-tan, it's okay, I don't like formalities," he says chuckling to himself when he sees her younger sister flushing with disdain for the nickname.


"Shut up, the adults are talking," I say annoyed. The heirs and their queens strike me down with a glare, but I ignore them, Sizerchs is confused by my hostility towards his sister. "She tried to have my brother killed for her troubles," I still say annoyed at the memory.

He frowns.

"We'll talk about this later," he says to Rias, who sweats at his brother's serious voice. "By the way, how did you decipher that information? Ajuka's taking a while," he says curious.

I shrug.

"Fuinjutsu" I say cryptic and very amused by the fact that a maou is looking at me patiently, like a child waiting for a gift.

"Actually, I'm curious too," Ajuka's voice reach the group, still working with his investigation.

Ajuka Beelzebub looks like a bewitching and attractive young man who looks like in his early twenties, with blue eyes and green hair pulled back. He has a mysterious aura around him that claims to make him look evil. Also wearing informal garbs, I think.

"Do you want a hand?" I ask and he hums thoughtfully.

"All right, if you could decipher this language earlier, we could do it faster in two," he says, making room on Rias' desk for me too.

"Ooh, this could be fun! Ajuka-chan doesn't often cooperate with others!" a sizzling voice makes Sona moan for annoyance.

Serafall Leviathan looks like a beautiful girl in her late teens, who like every woman on Highschool DxD has almost unreal shapes. She has black hair tied in two twin tails by pink ribbons, blue eyes and wears her magic pink girl dress.

"Is she always like this?" I ask, clearly bothered by her presence and unfortunately knowing the answer.

"Just smile and ignore her," Ajuka annoyedly replies to the nickname.