Hello everyone, today I am honoured to present the last chapter (for now) of my fic. Right now, I don't know if I'm going to do a second part of Callie and Arizona's story.

Feel free to let me know if you want a sequel and enjoy the reading!

Chapter 21: Dance with my father

Arizona's POV

I had been carrying our child for almost six months now and everything was going well. Our son was growing up properly and I was having a dream pregnancy. Our family was getting better and better every day. We were just happy and eager to meet our "Super-NotYetHuman".

We had started preparing for her arrival in our family: we bought a new, bigger house, started buying furniture for her room and even finished painting it. The only thing we had not yet thought about was what our child's name was going to be.

We decided to address this issue during a week's vacation in Canada. We had rented a beautiful house on the outskirts of Montreal. That evening we were having dinner on the terrace of the house when I decided to open this conversation.

"So," I asked my daughter, "do you have any ideas regarding your little brother's name?"

"Super-NotYetHuman is my favorite name." She answered. "Doesn't it work?"

"Sweetheart," Callie said, "I'm not sure that's the best idea."

"It's just really cute." Our daughter replied. "Super-NotYetHuman Sloane-Robbins-Torres is the cutest name ever."

"It's probably cute for a one month old baby." I explained. "But I'm not sure it's going to be okay when he gets a job with responsibility."

"Mummy, do you think me and 'Super-NotYetHuman' will be doctors like the three of you?" Sofia asked me with her cute voice.

"I don't know baby, it will your choice." I answered. "The most important thing for us is that you do things that make you happy. You can do whatever you want, you'll have plenty of choices."

"In the same way that you have a lot of choices about your little brother's name." Callie said, returning to the original topic. "That's why we need ideas. I know you have a lot of ideas, there must be names you like. For example, in cartoons."

"I don't know," replied Sofia, "that makes a lot of conditions: it has to be a nice name, it has to suit the fact of having a position of high responsibility, it has to appeal to all three of us... It's a lot of conditions, I don't know if I'm going to make it."

"You know," I reassured her, "you just have to concentrate on the cartoon names you like and see if some of the names are pretty."

She thinks for a few moments, visibly going through all the cartoons she liked.

"I can't think of anything!" She began. "The only name I can think of is a cartoon we watched together last Christmas. I do not really know what it's about anymore, but I do know that there was a reindeer and a little boy named Billy. I remember that little boy was extremely brave. I want my brother to be just like that character, just as brave and just as strong."

"I like the name William very much too," Callie agreed, "I had a former high school teacher named William Weiner... He was the one who made me want to go into medicine."

"I agree, so our child will be named William." I nodded before talking to my baby. "My little guy, my little William, the three of us are really looking forward to meeting you and seeing what a good guy you are going to be"

Callie's POV

After this discussion, the three of us went to bed. Still, as I lay in my big bed beside the love of my life, I felt a wave of sadness overwhelm me.

"What's going on Calliope?" My wife asked me. "What's wrong? Why are you sad?"

"It's just because Sofia said our kid's name was going to be Sloane-Robbins-Torres. I didn't dare tell her that our child could not be named Sloane, because it won't be Mark's child."

"I know you miss Mark and I'm sorry."

"By calling my son only Robbins-Torres, I'll feel like I'm taking him out of his family, out of our family. Even if it wasn't planned at all at the beginning, it's thanks to him that we have Sofia and as soon as he found out I was pregnant, he wanted to be there. He was always there for his daughter; he was a good father. He was Sofia's dad, he wasn't just a sperm donor."

"I know what you mean."

"I want our family to continue to be the Sloane-Robbins-Torres family."

"Don't worry. I have a solution."

Two months later, a little boy with a charming smile was born in New York. His name was William Sloane Robbins-Torres.