Welcome for this new fic dedicated to the best couple of Grey's Anatomy. This story takes place when Arizona leaves Seattle to join Callie in New-York. Have a good time and give your opinion in reviews.

Chapter 1 : Take me home, country roads

Arizona's POV

I would have thought it would have been harder for me to leave Seattle to join Callie in New York, but in reality, it turned out to be quite simple. Anyway, I felt sure that my life and my fate was somewhere else, that they were waiting for me by Callie's side. I have always loved Seattle, I have always cherished the smoothness that reigned over this city and I've had adored every single bit of happiness I've had here. Anyway, as I was waiting for my plane in the airport, I knew I would not regret this place.

I felt like the decision I made to reunite with my ex-wife was the very best decision I had ever made. It would enable my daughter to have both of her two moms by her side and it would enable us to rebuild our family.

Beyond those reasons, I just could not bear to see a tear rolling down my daughter's cheek every time she saw a picture of the three of us, happy to be a family.

Furthermore, I had nothing to hold me in Seattle anymore. I had made the decision to stop my relationship with Carina, since she could not stand that I would put my daughter above our relationship. Anyway, from day one, this relationship was never supposed to last. It was just supposed to be a fad, a casual one-night fling. I had never had any real strong feelings for this woman, or at least I did not have as many as I had hoped.

I wish I could have started my life over with her, I wish I had wanted to be fully committed to her, I wish I only had eyes for her, but I didn't…because I was still crazy in love with Calliope Iphigenia Torres.

Callie was the only woman that mattered to me, she was the only one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. To be honest, none of the many women I had spent a night with in my life could ever compete with Callie. She was my soulmate and nothing or no one could ever change that.

So, that day I found out that Callie had broken up with Penny, I felt extremely happy. It was not that I wanted to hurt that woman who was in a relationship with my loved one. But I never appreciated that another woman could sleep with her or that she could have plans with another woman.

I was therefore even more impatient to land in New York and be able to get our family balance back, as I had imagined it when I got married.

The moment we set foot in the arrivals terminal of JFK airport and I saw Callie's face in the dense crowd of people waiting for their loved ones was one of the most beautiful and the most emotional moments of my life. The emotion that overwhelmed us was so intense that I thought my heart was going to fail.

I really felt like I was having a heart attack, but it wasn't a heart problem, it was that simple love that I felt.

Callie's POV

They were so magnificent; they were smiling to me and they seemed so happy to see me. Being so lucky to be able to see them and to be able to hold them both in my arms made me forget in a flash all the stupid mistakes I had made in the last few months.

I was still feeling over the moon when we went down to the parking lot, when the three of us got into my car and when I dropped them off in front of the house Arizona had rented. I helped them get their things inside of the house, I helped them organize their stuffs and then I offered to take care of dinner:

"You are probably exhausted from jetlag. If you want, I could go get some pizzas…or whatever you want for dinner."

"I would like to have a pizza, Mama." Sofia replied, lying on the couch after she had put her things in her bedroom. "A cheesy pizza!"

"If it's all right with Sofia," Arizona added, "it's all right with me too."

"If it's all right for the two of you," I concluded as I grabbed my jacket and got ready, "I'll go grab you exactly what you need. I'll be back in 15 minutes."

I was about to leave the house when I saw Arizona grabbing her own jacket and following me.

"Hold on Callie," she said to me, "I'm coming with you. You'll need more than two hands to carry the pizza."