
Sawada Iemitsu is one of the respected men in mafia, clearly The Young Lion of Vongola Famiglia is someone not to mess with. However, despite that exterior in mafia, Sawada Iemitsu is a delusional foolish man believing that his family loves him. Due to a misinformation of Sawada Iemitsu, Reborn faced a huge consequence that shock him out. Let's say, Reborn is ready to fire a bullet in Sawada Iemitsu's head.

Another title : The Product of Neglect

CHAPTER ONE : Innocent exteriors yet vicious interiors.

Sawada Tsunayoshi is an enigmatic fellow, the six years old is anything but ordinary and normal. He is mostly seen with a book at his hands; reading it peacefully at the shade of the cherry blossom trees or at the rooftop of Namimori Elementary with the company of Namimori's Young Demon Prefect, Hibari Kyoya. His friendship with the said male was surprising and scary to most people because the demon does befriend just anyone. Also, Tsuna's difference with the young demon is so noticeable, how can an adorable innocent child be friends with a fearsome beast anyways? Quite true, however, Tsuna is more than 'adorable innocent' child.

Tsuna is rather an eccentric child, he didn't like talking to most of the kids at his age. Although, people do note that he is close to Sasagawa Kyoko and Kurokawa Hana; another bunch of kids who Hibari seems to tolerate. There was this rumour once that Kyoko talked to Hibari without the latter being irritated or annoyed. But, that it, as people brushed it of, a rumour. There is no proof that can prove it really happens.

Tsuna with Hana is terrifying to see, especially if they are not with Kyoko, (no one is willing to admit that the two together are much more scarier than Hibari himself). The two quite make a pair, like they have grown horns in their heads unlike their usual halos with Kyoko. Tsuna and Hana have this presence that made kids and adults alike to scramble away; Hana is a snarky and observant girl combined with Tsuna's remarks that seems to read a person.

Come to think of it. No one dare to approach that four. Despite Kyoko's sweet exterior, the young girl is rather a scary too, especially with her smiles. Yes, her smiles that can turned into warm to cold within a moment


Tsuna walked at the empty streets of Namimori, it is dawn and he is currently enjoying himself since he feeling quite unwell in the past few days. Tsuna have been stuck at his room, and he wanted to just let out his frustrations. As different he is from the rest, he is still a child.

That was when he caught a red haired kid, sitting with his face hiding at his legs. Tsuna pondered for a while before approaching the kid. "What are you doing?" Tsuna peered down at the kid. The red haired shrieked in surprised, "Eh? Uh? I am hiding." He manage to answer him. "I do know and see that but that is not what I meant."

"Well... I am trying to think..." Tsuna titled his head, clearly interested in what is the red haired kid going to say. "About my new project."

"A project, you say." Tsuna took a sit next to the red haired. "I'm Tsuna. You are?'

"Shoichi." The red haired kid, Shoichi, replied quietly.

"Now, tell me more about your project, Shoichi." Tsuna demanded. Shoichi beamed, it is the first time someone told him to share what his project is. Mostly, the kids his age didn't comprehend what he is saying and called him a nerd because they couldn't understand it. Thus, leaving Shoichi alone with the company of only his own. Yet, Tsuna, he asked him -- no, demanded him to say more with interest and determination. It is refreshing to see.

"My project consist of upgrading the security cameras here in Namimori and also putting them in places people wouldn't mostly thought of. Also, a systematic system wherein I could see and detect everything that is happening at once. A system that will alert me of outsiders. I think it is rather good idea to have the whole town under watch so no illegal activities will happen."

"Shoichi... I think you and Kyoya would get along well..."

And, unsurprisingly, they did. Kyoya was delighted (not that he show it) that Namimori would be in peace and no one can step his territory unauthorized by him. However, it is a surprise that Shoichi invented machines that would help Kyoya (he was grateful, he won't show it though) and in a span of five months, Shoichi's project is completed.


"Hana, Shoichi, Tsuna." Kyoko called out her friends, smiling at them with underlying meaning to it. Hana scowled, she knows that Kyoko is up to something big. "We don't we took down scammers?" She suggested, her eyes hold a dangerous glint on them. "Scammers?" Shoichi wondered out loud before he let out a chuckled (Hana noted in the sidelines that it was an evil chuckled). "A good idea, Kyoko." He turned to Tsuna as if asking him for his opinion.

Tsuna's mouth twitched. "Let's mess with them."

"Those monkeys will learn their lessons in a hellish way." Hana smirked. "First of all, we need Kyoya." She told them with her arms crossed over her chest.

Needless to say, for a year, many scammers were terrified and traumatized. They didn't expected anyone to outwitted them (oh, what will their expression would be if they knew a bunch of kids pissed their asses off). Prior to that event, the kids made a name for their small group; Atrocious Justice.

CHAPTER TWO : Young Demon and his own share of bad luck.

Hibari Kyoya is not pleased when his mother told him they are going to France to visit the hometown of his ancestor. Kyoya could care less about a dead man but Tsuna and Shoichi with Hana's influence and Kyoko's support urges him to show his domination to France. What the little animals suggested tempted Kyoya that he agreed to go to France. He remember Kyoko saying something about finding some carnivores and Hana saying biting them to death. Let's say, Kyoya was having a trouble denying them after that.

Kyoya decided that he wanted to walk, see if France is like Namimori. No doubt, he didn't regret that because he found a herbivore near the streets -- wet and dirty, he have cuts and wounds in his arms and legs. Kyoya is not happy at all. The herbivore is clearly younger than him, if anything maybe the same age as the little animals or younger.

He grumbled, taking his phone from his pockets as he walked closer to the child. "Mother, there is a herbivore child laying in the sidelines of the streets. Send help." He clicked the end call before his mother could say anything, he knew his mother is on her way to him now with people that can help the herbivore.

Looks like Kyoya found another runt, a small animal is added to his pack.


Months after Kyoya's trip to France, the herbivore, Fran, had gotten into his pack as expected. Kyoya was torned when Tsuna welcome him asking for the new friend he met, it seems like he knew that Kyoya will meet Fran. When he expressed his annoyance and confusion, Tsuna laughed at him and assured him that he will informed him next time. It was as if Tsuna knew there is going to be next time.

Hana, on the other hand, got a good laughed when she saw Kyoya with Fran trailing behind him. Kyoya was pissed when she told him that Tsuna is taking an effect on him. Kyoko agreed to her and asked Kyoya to brought another one if he found someone. Kyoya was ready to pounced at the girls when Shoichi showed him a new invention of his.

Fran, the little french animal, fit in nicely at their weird group of friends. He somehow got custom to be with Tsuna's side all the time. To Kyoya's horrors, the two are much more similair than someone let on. Both of them seems to enjoy putting him on edge -- being him the eldest of the group. Kyoya took his frustrations to the herbivores he saw along his way. He should have known that having Tsuna teach Fran japanese was a big no-no.



"Come on, Kyoya!"

"Me think Kyoya should go."

"I am not going to Italy." Kyoya glared at Tsuna and Fran. The others are busy with the project Shoichi have come up again. "Imagine what will you find there." Fran said with his usual blank tone as Tsuna nodded in agreement. Kyoya almost rolled his eyes and said, "Another kid again." but he didn't.

"We will let you train us!" Tsuna offered, Kyoya grimaced mentally -- how on earth can they read him that easily? Fran have only stayed a year as Shoichi have been a friend for half a year and the other three have known him approximately two or three years. He felt like he should blame Tsuna for this, he is always the start of everything.

And again, Kyoya agreed to go to Italy. He is going to regret this for sure.


Yes, he did.

Kyoya didn't know how did he arrive near another kid who is burying himself in the soil. He also didn't know why he did he save the kid nor didn't know why he called his mother again. His mother, when she arrived to help him again, wasn't even surprised at this point (after he befriend Tsuna, that sweet boy, weird things started to happen to Kyoya).

"You. Herbivore. Explain." The kid stared at him, he is laying at the hospital bed. "What? Ore-sama was getting drown by the peasant twin."

Ah, yes. Another one like Fran. Kyoya was close on banging his on the wall but he didn't. He is Hibari Kyoya for goodness sake.


"Ushesheshe, Rasiel."

Kyoya facepalm when he saw Tsuna already friends with Rasiel, Shoichi seems to be intrigued by the way Rasiel uses his knives and offered him if he wanted to help in his project in the future same to Fran. Rasiel agreed and grinned at Shoichi's suggestion, Tsuna smiled excitedly at that.

"Don't worry, Kyoya. The next one will be brought by Shoichi." Tsuna earned a couple of wounds because of that. Fran, Shoichi, and Rasiel weren't spared either by the enraged demon.

CHAPTER THREE : The calm of the storm and misty days.

Rasiel never expected to live a life as a normal person. However, it wasn't unwelcome either as Tsuna and Kyoko treated him warmly, Shoichi found him intriguing, Hana and Kyoya took him seriously, and Fran look at as an equal. Tsuna's mother, Nana, or Kaa-san as she asked him and Fran to call her is definitely an angel to their eyes. She treated them as if she is their sons and it is so refreshing.

It feel home.

It is something that both him and Fran agreed to, that their home is Namimori. As for Rasiel, he isn't going back to his former life. He is happy and contented with what he have. Besides, Kyoya have a moral of biting herbivores to death if they didn't follow the law or Kyoya's law. Rasiel found that quite amusing and asked the older male to teach him.

Let's say, Rasiel have an idea of what he wanted to be in the future.


Fran was surprised when these weird people accepted him without asking much about him. Kyoko and Shoichi were understanding as Hana wasn't the one to pry. Kyoya seems to know but he never voiced it out and Fran is glad for that.

Tsuna, on the other hand, is a weird kid. He asked him if wanted to be his brother, boy, Fran might not show it but he was touched by that.

Then, Rasiel arrived. Fran almost laughed but he didn't, Kyoya was already pissed and he didn't want to get bitten to death thank you. Rasiel was also asked by Tsuna if he wanted his brother, he agreed. Fran couldn't help but to think that Tsuna is not sane at all, yet he love him for that. After all, Tsuna is the reason why they are here.


Two years; Kyoya is twelve, Rasiel is eleven, and the remaining ones are nine. Two years have passed and they are closer than before, Fran and Rasiel learned more about the former group of five that were called the "Atrocious Justice" by most people. The same group who made many scammers' lives hell, the very same group who protected Namimori, and the group who earned their place as one of the peaceful groups in the world who followed laws and legal ways.

Funny thing here is that both Fran and Rasiel alike found the now group of seven really fascinating. Rasiel decided that he wanted to show people what a genius prince like him can do to change the world. Fran just follows what his brothers and sisters do like any good younger sibling.


It is decided. Atrocious Justice is recognized as one of Japan's Greatest Force. With no one to know their identity and location, courtesy to Shoichi's good planning and inventions, Rasiel's skills and Fran's illusion (a story for another day). Of course, Hana helped with her studying the laws for the past two years to make sure everything they do is in the blindside of the law. Kyoko also supported them by going undercover for informations. With Tsuna and Kyoya, no one dare to mess with them.

A terrifying bunch.