In honor of KyokoRen Week, some of the writers in the Skip Beat! Discord collaborated on two new fics to celebrate our beloved ship!

In this canon fic: we reveal secrets, tease our coworkers, and let the Heels take the wheel.

This chapter celebrating Kyoko/Ren Week 2020 was brought to you by: claraowl

Chapter 1: Chance

Kyoko shut the door of her dressing room and slumped against it, exhausted. She seriously had the worst luck. Normally, this would have been no big deal; knowing your castmates ahead of time was a good thing. It was even better if you'd worked with them before! So really, doing this drama with the two of them was no big deal. None at all.

Or at least, that would have been the case if the Cain Heel's identity wasn't going to be revealed tonight. And then she would have to come back tomorrow for a full-day shoot with both Cheese-brain and the Hamster. Really, what were the chances that this would happen?

Kyoko shook her head and peeled herself off of the door. No, Murasame-san and Manaka-san. She wasn't really Setsu; she had no reason to dislike her castmates, much less call them names. None at all. They had been perfectly lovely, and she had the passing notion that she and Manaka-san might even be friends someday.

If she could ever get Setsu to shut up.

All day in the part of her brain where her characters lived, Setsu had been complaining about her co-stars. She had been clawing at the driver's seat, trying to unseat Miyako, Kyoko's character for the drama. And most of all, moping about having to share her brother with the world, starting tonight. It took every ounce of Kyoko's professionalism to keep her in check (and, maybe, the combined efforts of Natsu and Mio). As a result, she was mentally exhausted.

She slipped off her scrubs a bit sadly—they really were comfortable. Dr. Ito Miyako had originally been a one-off appearance on Pills Alone, but the director had liked her slightly twisted specialist so much that she had been made a regular character. Miyako's dark humor played well off of Murasame's wild card doctor and Manaka's sweet nurse.

Kyoko had been studying endocrinology in her spare time so she could understand her character better. If she had time, she would be able to read up on Hashimoto's Thyroiditis before Kuon came to get her—but first, she needed to run interference for tonight. With this in mind, she hurried out of her costume and into her Love Me uniform. She had a job to do.

"Ah, Murasame-san!" she called, catching him as he finished talking to the director. She bowed. "May I borrow a moment of your time? I have a message for you."

"What the…?" He stood there, blinded by the pink. "What are you—?"

"I know; I'm sorry. President Takarada has us wear these. We hate the color as much as your eyes do. But, to the point!" She straightened up and clapped her hands together. "I know you're busy, so this will just be a moment. You see, I'm serving as a translator at tonight's announcement for Tragic Marker, at Setsuka-san's request. She was unable to attend due to school and wanted me to give you a message."

Taira was not sure which threw him more: The absurdly bright pink uniform, or the fact that his sweet, hardworking co-worker knew the Heels. "You're… You're translating for him?"

"Yes," Kyoko replied, making sure to look appropriately terrified. "And since Setsuka-san won't be there, she gave me a message. Well, it's more of a demand, really." She twisted her fingers together in front of her, not believing her own audacity. Was she really doing this? She hoped Kuon wouldn't mind.

"Er, right." He glanced around and was relieved to see everyone was giving them a wide berth—no doubt thanks to Kyoko's eye-burning outfit. "What is it?"

"She wants you to keep a 'hamster' away from her nii-san. She said you would know what that meant." She bit her lip, her brow furrowed in confusion. "Did Tragic Marker have a rodent problem?"

Taira blinked, bewildered, at his coworker. "I… Yeah, I'll do that." A horrible thought struck him. "Are you going to be wearing that—er, that uniform around him?" He had no doubts Cain would kill her just for the crime of wearing it around him.

She plucked the collar nervously. "I have to. Setsuka-san demanded it, because the color would keep her nii-san's eyes off of anyone who wasn't her." She winced, pretending to be every bit the pure maiden made uncomfortable by the so-called siblings. "She said the color meant he wouldn't really look at me. It's a good distraction." Kyoko's wide, golden eyes looked up at him. "I don't want to know what she would do to me if I disobeyed."

"Right. You can let her know that I'll try my best." Poor kid, he thought. She's so new, but has to deal with those two already. What are the chances?

Kyoko brightened. "Thank you! I'll see you tonight at the announcement, but I doubt I'll get to say hello. I'll let you get going now, I know you're busy. Thank you again!" With that, she bowed once more and scampered away.

Wait. A thought struck Taira. How does she know those two, anyway?

Fifteen minutes and twenty pages of Kyoko's book later found an incredibly nervous Kuon pulling into the studio's underground parking garage. He parked and dialed Kyoko's number. Moments later, a familiar blinding pink figure came hurrying towards him. His nervous smile melted into a softer one as she slipped in beside him, greeted him, and buckled her seatbelt. He backed up and started driving, then asked, "Are you ready for tonight?"

"I think so," Kyoko replied, eyes trained on him. "I warned Murasame-san that I would be there in this," she plucked at her uniform, "tonight at Setsu's request. So hopefully that'll keep him from wondering where she is for at least a while."

He glanced over at her. "Really? How'd he take it?"

"Love Me pink kinda struck him dumb. He just said that he'd see us there and try his best to keep the Hamster off of you."

His eyebrows shot up. "He said that?" The car stopped at a red light, allowing him to catch a glimpse of her blush.

"Well… Setsu may have had a message for him, delivered through me…" She stared determinedly out the window as the light turned green and they started moving again.

"And what did Setsu tell Cheese-brain?"

"To keep the hamster off of her nii-san," Kyoko mumbled, her cheeks now a lovely shade of red. "Though she didn't want me to say it so nicely."

Kuon grinned. "Thanks, princess." How was she so cute? "But are you sure it was Setsu telling him that?"

"She was driving me crazy," she whimpered, burying her face in her hands. "I have no reason to dislike them, really, but she hates them! How do you keep a character under control in situations like this?"

He reached over and gave her leg a reassuring squeeze. "Hopefully it'll get easier after tonight. You're still coming over afterwards for our own wrap party, right?"

"Of course!" And just like that, her smile was back. She gave his hand a squeeze before it returned to the wheel. "What about you? Are you ready for tonight?"

"Yes… and no? On one hand, it's always a relief to get a secret off of my chest." He shot her a knowing smile, which she returned with a giggle. "On the other hand, Cain didn't exactly… play well with others."

"Cheese-brain in particular."

"Exactly. So, I'm a bit worried about the backlash." He turned and pulled into LME's parking garage, where Ten awaited them.

"Hopefully, they'll be so in awe of your talents that they won't think twice about things," Kyoko said as they unbuckled their seatbelts and got out of his car. "At least for a while."

His fingers itched to take her hand as they walked the short distance to Ten's trailer, but he knew better. There were cameras here, and worse, Lory was likely in that trailer. And Lory did not know that they were dating. No one did except for Kotonami-san because Kyoko could not keep secrets from her best friend. And Kuon could not handle Lory's reaction to such an announcement right before the reveal of Cain Heel. So instead of taking her hand, he simply drew comfort from the fact she would be with him tonight. Even if it was in that eye-burning uniform.

"There you are!" Ten exclaimed when they entered the trailer. As expected, Lory was there too, today dressed as Cousin Itt. "Come in, I've got Cain's wig ready , and the outfit's all set to go behind the curtain. Get changed and I'll fix you up."

As Ren obeyed, Kyoko bowed to Muse and to the pile of hair with sunglasses and a hat that could only be her boss. "Good evening."

"Good evening, Mogami-kun," came Lory's voice, a bit muffled by his itchy costume. "Exciting night, isn't it?"

She nodded, her hands clasped in front of her. "Yes! I'm curious how everyone is going to respond."

Ten turned with a pout to Lory, continuing a conversation they had been having before Kyoko and Ren arrived. "Darling, are you sure you don't want her to go as Setsuka tonight? It wouldn't take long for me to transform her, and I brought the perfect outfit along."

"As fun as it would be, Setsuka is too distracting. Not to mention, it might cause unsavory rumors to emerge—Ren is boring enough that I wouldn't mind…" He gave a pointed look to the actor as he emerged from the screen, dressed as Cain. "But if Setsuka were linked back to Mogami-kun, it could cause problems for her career." Not to say I didn't consider it… Linking them together like that could be the push these two need. Ah, well. Her being there tonight could be enough.

Kyoko bowed again, relieved to hear this line of thought. "Thank you for thinking of me, sir."

Ten nodded, securing Cain's wig over Ren's hair. "Fine, but I want to play with you soon, Kyoko-chan. You're a perfect little chameleon! I love making you over."

Kyoko descended into La-La Land at the prospect, her eyes sparkling.

Kuon fought to keep his face in check. She was just too cute.

Lory chuckled. "I'll see what I can do, Ten. Now, Mogami-kun," he said, snapping Kyoko out of her fantasy, "be sure to remember to be afraid of Cain."

"Yes, sir!" Kyoko nodded. "I'm not his beloved little sister tonight. I'm some girl that Setsu got to translate for him while she's busy with school, whom Setsu told to wear a blindingly bright color so her precious nii-san couldn't see any other girls. I don't count as a girl because Cain can't really see me, he just sees the pink."

Kuon was very glad that Kyoko had already explained this in the car when Lory guffawed, the hair over his face flying out. Even Ten laughed. Kyoko's cheeks grew pink.

"Excellent, Mogami-kun. That is a very Setsu thing to do." He turned to Ren and added, "You remember that, too. no being nice. At least not until after the reveal!" He clapped his hands together with glee, the sound muffled by the hair of the costume. "Now, go shock all of Japan!"

Half an hour later, a shaking Kyoko led Cain into the studio where the announcement would be broadcast. President Takarada really hadn't needed to remind her to be afraid—she was terrified. Granted, her fear was more about how the night would turn out than of the man who stalked behind her, but it all looked the same to outsiders.

"So you actually showed up," a familiar voice said.

"Murasame-san," Kyoko said, her bow shaky. "It's good to see you again."

He spared her a nod, his eyes fixed on Cain. His wig was styled so that his hair fell over his eyes, obscuring them from view—as if he had simply not bothered to get a haircut since filming wrapped. Cain did not respond, so Murasame tried again. "I'm surprised you bothered to show up for an announcement. You're even on time."

Cain grumbled something in English.

Kyoko jumped and gave him an apologetic bow. "Of course, Heel-sama! The dressing rooms are over here. You should have plenty of time to call her before the show starts." She scurried away, shooting Murasame an apologetic wince as she passed. Cain followed, hot on her heels. Those backstage stopped and stared at the mismatched duo until the dressing room door closed behind them.

Cain locked it, slumped down in the chair and pulled out his cellphone. A smirk played over his lips as he stared at her and pretended to dial, angling his phone so she could see the dark screen. After letting it "ring" a few times, he said, "Hey, Setsu."

Kyoko padded over to stand in front of him. Setsu smiled back at her brother and whispered, "Nii-san! I miss you. Did you do your stupid promotion yet? Can you come home?"

"Nah. Just about to start. Needed to talk to you before I go out there." He held the phone to his face, not noticing that it was upside-down as his eyes bore into hers. "I miss you, too."

She wanted to kiss him. But she couldn't, not here. There were probably cameras somewhere, and besides, they were at work. "About what, nii-san?"


She quirked an eyebrow. "Nothing?"

"I just needed to hear your voice. You know you keep me going."

"Aww, nii-san," Setsu cooed. "You're so cute."

He laughed, a low sound that reverberated in the small space. A sound just for her. "You're the cute one, Setsu."

There was a knock at the door.

He sighed. "I've got to go. I'll talk to you later, okay?"

"Okay, nii-san. I love you." And just like that, Setsu was gone, and a shaking Kyoko bolted to the door, unlocking it with trembling hands.

"I love you, too." He slipped fully back into Cain, the Cain whose sister was far, far away and definitely not hiding in an obnoxiously pink uniform.

Kyoko opened the door to a bewildered Murasame. "Er, may I help you, Murasame-san?"

Taira's mind whirled. He followed them when Kyoko led the monster to his dressing room—and had let herself be locked inside with him. He had been about to knock on the door when he had heard her voice. Setsuka's voice. Clear as day, coming from that room—it had not sounded like it was coming from a phone. And that was when he remembered what Kyoko-san had told him earlier—that she was standing in for Setsuka because the younger Heel had something for school. But Kyoko-san never explained how she knew the Heels or why Setsuka trusted her around her precious nii-san. They must be close if Cain had no problem locking himself in a room with the girl. A crazy idea was forming in his mind, but it could not be possible.

So he had knocked.

And now she stood in front of him, nervously waiting for him to answer her question. The idea was crazy. It had to be. His prim, proper co-star was nothing like the flashy, sexy Setsuka Heel. But he saw firsthand how dramatically this girl could change with a little make-up and a wig; he always researched his co-stars and he had definitely been stunned by her transformations. If he took her bully from that school drama and combined her allure with Mio's anger, then threw in whatever the hell Cain was… He could see her as Setsu. What were the chances that this could be the same girl?

He had been so lost in his thoughts that he had not realized how long he had been staring at her. Or how uncomfortable it was making her. But he did notice the incredibly deadly stare that Cain fixed him with when he finally tore his eyes away from Kyoko. It was the same deadly stare he received when he gave Setsuka a little too much attention.

Kyoko tried to lighten the mood. "Geez, Murasame-san, I know the uniform's bad, but it usually doesn't mesmerize people like that! You really shouldn't look at it this long, it might cause eye damage." She flashed him a nervous smile, determinedly not looking at Cain, despite her grudges swirling happily around him, basking in his killing aura. "Was there something you needed with Heel-sama?"

Murasame looked between the two of them. There was no way that this girl didn't notice the aura Cain was giving off. She was ignoring it. Easily. Like it was nothing unusual. Like it didn't make her fear for her life. His eyes dashed over her skin—she didn't even have goosebumps. He didn't think; he just moved. He shoved past Kyoko into the room and shut the door behind him. He locked himself in the room with the monster and the girl in pink.

What happened next was all the confirmation he needed. His shove had caused Kyoko to stumble and Cain caught her, moving faster than his frame should allow. But that wasn't what clinched it, even if Cain never should have done that for anyone but Setsuka. It wasn't even the way he tugged the girl to his chest as he caught her, holding her there protectively while he glared at Murasame. What clinched it was that the girl did not seem remotely terrified to find herself in the monster's arms. If anything, she seemed… comfortable. Like she spent most of her time there. Like she knew she was calming him down by letting him hold her.

It was crazy. It was impossible. But so had the thought of this girl being Mio. So, he gathered his courage, looked her in the eye, and took a chance.

"You're Setsuka Heel."

Here we go with chapter one! I wonder what the rest are going to do with this ;) Enjoy!


This author can be found at:

AO3: (website goes here) /users/claraowl/pseuds/claraowl

FFN: (website goes here followed by a slash) u/3551005/