Disclaimer: I do not own anything from the Naruto or Kingdom Hearts franchises. Comments/Criticism is fine as long as it isn't just hate or flaming.

A new story I'm trying out at the request and with the assistance of Pain17ification, I hope you all enjoy

My Heart's Desire

-Chapter 1-

-Falling Stars-

"Huh… haaa… haa…" One Naruto Uzumaki, a teenage boy with sunny blonde hair and whiskers on his face, gasped in shock and disbelief as an elderly man with long white hair launched him over the side of a cliff with a mere flick to the head. For a brief moment time seemed to have crawled to a stop, leaving him with floating above the seemingly bottomless chasm below him.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" And then reality kicked back into gear like the cruel bitch it was and the poor boy plummeted straight down like a stone. Panicking, the blonde's hands and feet were enveloped in a blue glow as he desperately reached for the closest wall-

*Crack* "Guh!"

Only to end up crashing face first into a stray outcropping that had been hidden by the shadow of another. The last thing Naruto saw was the world spinning around him wildly as something red filled the air before everything faded to black.


Why do you keep trying?

Cerulean eyes slowly flickered open as their owner groggily looked around, only to be met with a blurry abyss of darkness all around that he slowly sank deeper and deeper into.

What drives you to keep going?

Becoming more aware, the blonde suddenly jolted to full alertness once he realized he was submerged in water and started freaking out, only to calm down a few moments later when he realized he could breath just fine somehow. Holding a hand up to his lips in confusion, feeling the water pass through his lips yet only air entering his lungs, the boy looked around for some kind of explanation but was once more met with nothing.

You strive desperately for the light

A glow from above got Naruto's attention, or at least he thought it was above, causing him to look up instinctively to see what looked like sunlight streaming down towards him. Seeing as that was the only thing that really stuck out, he started swimming towards it as best he could, which was surprisingly harder than he thought as his limbs moved sluggishly through the water.

Yet are constantly dragged into the darkness

Suddenly several pitch-black tendrils lashed out from below, ensnaring his legs and waist before he could react and slowly pulling him back down into the depths. Bubbles billowing out of his mouth as he tried to yell out in surprise, the blonde frantically tore at the bindings, desperately ripping and tearing them off as he kept trying to escape, only for even more and more to appear each second.

Will your light survive…

Dozens upon dozens of shadow tendrils shot out, grasping the blond from all sides, covering more and more of his body every second until all that was left exposed was his hand desperately grasping towards the light above.

or shall the darkness smother it forever?


Naruto's eyes shot open once again, only this time he found himself standing in the middle of a large homely village with a large mountain in the background that had four faces carved into it. Blinking in surprise, his head swiveled around in all directions as he tried to make sense of what was happening.

You shall face many hardships…

Before he even had a chance to get his thoughts together, his attention was stolen by a group of people standing a few yards away in a nearby alley. Glad to finally see someone who might be able to explain what the hell was happening, the boy tried to call out to them as he walked in their direction… only to end up freezing in place and grabbing his throat when he realized not a sound would escape his lips.

Surrounded by many yet heard by none…

Trying again and again to no avail, he eventually gave up with a shake of his head, and to avoid passing out from lack of oxygen, instead opting on walking towards the group to get their attention in a more physical manner.

About halfway there though, Naruto stopped once more, only this time due to the shock of seeing a soft white glow began emanating from his chest.

You carry both a powerful gift…

Raising a hand to the light, the young man could swear he felt a soft pulsing, just like a heartbeat, against his fingers.

And a heavy duty…

Noticing another glow in the corner of his eye, Naruto glanced back up to see the exact same thing was happening to each of the members of the group. In fact, now that he was closer the blonde saw that the group was all women and young girls who were each… unique to say the least. Most of them appeared to be royalty of some kind, from their fancy dresses and regal features, defiantly did not belong anywhere near the dim alleyway they stood, while the rest wore some of the strangest outfits the blonde ever laid eyes on.

And even odder was that each of them seemed to be asleep, calm blissful expressions on their faces with their heads bowed and eyes closed.

The darkness shall come…

That was all he had time to take in before vortexes of darkness suddenly opened up beneath them, and the tendrils from earlier shot out and rapidly entwined each one. Eyes widening in alarm as one of them they were pulled down into the darkness, the whiskered blonde rushed forward to the closest ones he could reach, a cute redhead girl who looked about his age and a brunette in a lovely gold dress, and grabbed their arms.

Naruto tried to pull them free but the tendril's hold was just too strong, the best he managed to do was keep them from slipping further in… until even more shadow tendrils shot out and started pulling as well. Before long the blonde was losing ground, his feet leaving small trenches in the dirt as the pair were gradually dragged further and further into the vortexes of darkness.

The boy refused to give up and kept trying, even as sweat poured from his brow and his face turned red from exertion, but it was sadly just for naught as the brunette slipped from his grasp and vanished into the darkness. Gritting his teeth in frustration, the blonde immediately used his now free hand to quickly wrench some of the tendrils off the redhead before grabbing her waist and wrenching her free with the added leverage.

Unfortunately, the instant she was freed, another spiral of darkness opened up directly below the whiskered boy and several more tendrils started coiling around his ankles.

It is relentless…

But this time Naruto was ready for them, and the blonde managed to yank himself free before they got a good hold and booked it out of the alley with the girl in tow.

A dozen more portal appeared as he ran, with a multitude of those shadow tentacles shooting out at them from every direction. Yet this didn't stop the boy nor even slowed him down as he ducked, dodged, and weaved through the masses without pause, even using a large group to springboard up onto a nearby rooftop before hopping from one to another at incredible speed.

You can only run for so long…

Massive portals started opening up all over the places, allowing hundreds upon hundreds of dark tendrils to emerge, some as small as rope and others bigger than buildings. They tore through the village, bulldozing through buildings and the ground like wet paper as they surged towards the fleeing blonde from all sides.

Before long Naruto was forced to stop as a massive tendril wider than a bus came crashing down right in front of him, obliterating the rest of the building he was on. Turning around, he tried to back track only to but off once more by a several smaller tendrils erupting from the roofing, blocking off any chance for escape.

Alone you shall fall…

Adjusting his grip on the girl to a one-handed hold, the whiskered blonde reached into weapon pouch strapped to his leg and pulled out a kunai, holding it up defensively as the tendrils slowly inched closer and closer. Then one lashed out, aiming straight for the redhead, but was instantly sliced to bits by Naruto before it could get close, along with the three others that followed after it, and then the six after that.

Yet no matter how many he cut down, more just kept appearing to replace them, and soon the blonde was finding himself overwhelmed, sweat pouring from his brow as he struggled to keep the seemingly endless tide back with but one hand.

…But together you shall prevail.

Suddenly, the light from Naruto and the redhead's chests began increasing in intensity, causing the tendrils to visibly recoil before being utterly obliterated when it surged outwards in an all-encompassing wave.


"Huh!?" A started shout escaped Naruto's lips as he found himself sinking in a dark abyss of water once more and the girl from before nowhere to be seen. But unlike before, his sinking came to a sudden stop as the blonde felt his feet land on something solid and the sensation of water seemed to just evaporate into nothing.

Blinking in surprise and confusion, the blonde looked around in total confusion at the inky blackness all around.

"What the hell is going on? Is this some kind of freaky dream or something-Ttebayo?" He wondered aloud, his voice echoing into the distance eerily as he spoke. Naturally not met with any response, the whiskered blonde grumbled as he took a step forward-

*Flutter* "Whoa!" Only to stumble back with a surprised gasp as the 'ground' erupted in a wave of doves that fluttered away, revealing what looked like a brightly lit stained glass window beneath his feet.

It was easily as wide as a small house and shaped in a perfect circle that one of the people he'd seen earlier in the middle, a young woman with long black hair done up in a single ponytail, olive skin, and a light purple dress. She stood before some kind of desert palace with a ring surround her showing a strange lamp and beetles along another behind her head that had the silhouettes of various things and people Naruto couldn't recognize.

The time comes…

…Your destiny approaches…

…That is, if you can take the first step.

"What? Who said that? Hello?" Naruto called out as those words reached his ears, no louder than a whisper yet completely clear for him to hear. Not receiving any response nor seeing anyone else around, the blonde grumbled under his breath irritably but stepped forward none-the-less until he stood in the exact middle of the platform.

The moment he did so, a trio of spotlights lit up at the edges at equal distance from each other and him, from which three ornate stone pedestals rose up in sparkles of light.

You have great potential within…

now you must give it shape

A sword with a golden handle and strange three circle logo on the guard appeared above the first pedestal, floating a few feet in the air with a slow lazy twirling.

The power of the warrior, Invincible courage, a sword of terrible destruction

The next got a green handled staff with a weird 3D blue version of the logo on the top.

The power of the mystic, Inner Strength, a staff of wonder and ruin

And the last one to appear was a red shield with the same logo covering the front of it.

The power of the guardian, Kindness to aid friends, a shield to repel all evil

Choose wisely…

"Choose wisely? You want me to pick one?" The blonde asked in confusion, only to groan irritably when he was met with silence once again. "Oh come on, it's a simple yes or no question."

"Ugh, fine, be that way, stupid disembodied smartass…" Naruto grumbled to himself before turning to look at each of the items critically, his eyebrows knitting in thought as he contemplated each choice.

He stayed like that for several minutes, or maybe several hours' time was hard to judge, before nodding his head as he made up his mind. "Alright, I made up my mind, I choose… none of them."

You choose… nothing?

"Yes, I won't take any of them."


"Because, the last thing I need is even more stuff I have no idea what to do with," The whiskered boy stated with crossed arms. "All everyone ever does is shove a bunch of crap my way and expect me to figure out how it works by myself, instead of actually teaching me anything. So if your done wasting my time, I need to go give that two bit pervert who's supposed to be doing just that an ass whooping and then find someone who won't throw me off a fucking cliff to teach a lesson."


You've chosen to accept nothing… thus nothing needs to be given up

"Given up? Seriously, what the hell are you-" *Crackle* He started to demand, only to be cut off by a noise that sounded suspiciously like glass breaking. Looking down, his fears were confirmed when he saw the massive cracks rapidly spreading outwards from right under his feet. "Oh you son of a-*CRACK* BIIIiiiiiiiitch!"

As he fell though the abyss once more, Naruto looked surprisingly nonchalant this time, or rather he looked quite annoyed with a scowl on his face and arms crossed as he simply waited for something else to happen. It was a wait that didn't last long as a light appeared below the blonde and soon he found himself gently setting down on yet another stained glass platform.

Unlike the last one though, this one showed the redhead he'd been protecting before, standing before a tropical paradise with a strange star shaped fruit in hand, a ring of hearts around her and a ring behind her head with the silhouettes of more people. Also new was a translucent orange door sitting in the opposite end of the platform, which Naruto immediately approached once he noticed it.

Trying to grab the doorknob, his frown deepened as his fingers passed right through the see-through metal, just like he expected. "So what's the catch this time?"

This door will not open for you yet, you must prove yourself first

"And how exactly do I do that?" Not getting a response at first, an aggravated sigh started to escape the blonde's lips, only to turn into a surprised gasp when several dreadfully familiar pools of darkness suddenly appeared all over the platform. This time however, instead of shadowy tendrils like he was expected, the portals seemed to transform into a couple of strange creatures the likes he'd never seen before.

Pitch black bodies made of darkness, bulging glowing yellow eyes that glowed ominously, crooked horn like antennas on their head, and razor-sharp claws, they would have been truly scary creatures… if they didn't look like cartoon plushies.

Defend yourself

"I just had to ask," The blonde muttered dryly while reaching into his weapons pouch, only to swear when he found it empty. "And of course, my kunai are gone, cause why the fuck not?"

Before he could bemoan his rotten luck more, Naruto was briefly blinded by a flash of light from his hands which soon cleared to reveal the sword and shield from the previous platform now held in his grasp.

"…Oh go fuck yourself." Tossing them aside without a second thought, the whiskered blonde bolted straight at the closest shadow bug thing and punted it off into the distance. This seemed to spur the rest into motion as they all charged him at once, and were promptly met with a similar fates.

Catching a pair that jumped at his head by the neck, Naruto promptly slammed them together so hard they dispersed back to darkness, before spinning around and punching another in the face while crushing another under his foot.

Grabbing another off the ground by the leg, the blonde used it as a makeshift flail to smash the remaining ones to paste, then putting the poor thing out of its misery… by smashing it repeatedly against the ground until it too dispersed.

Then even more showed up…

Staring at the newly appeared monsters dryly, easily double the amount that he'd just dispatched, Naruto raised his hands up and put them together in a cross like shape. "Kage Bunshin no Jutsu."

Several clouds of smoke suddenly erupted all around the boy, which just as quickly cleared up to reveal a dozen identical duplicates who cracked their knuckles in perfect sync.

What followed next was an absolute massacre as the now horde of blondes pummeled the shadowy creatures into oblivion, completely wiping them and the follow up third wave of reinforcements in mere moments.

Once they were all gone, the clones dispersed as well, leaving one very aggravated feeling Naruto left as he marched to the now solid door and pulled it open, not even blinking as he was once more engulfed by a blinding ray of light.


Once the light cleared, the boy found himself standing inside a forest clearing, with a soft flowing river with a great view of the setting sun on the far side and three wooden posts stuck in the ground near the middle. Also within the clearing were three other people, a man with silver hair with almost his whole face covered save one eye reading an orange book by the river, a young girl with bright pink hair playing with some flowers by the treeline, and a broody looking boy with black hair leaning against one of the posts twirling a kunai in one hand.

At first looking excited at seeing these three, Naruto was just about to run up and talk to them, only to stop when he noticed an odd weight on his arms that caused him to glance down. The moment he did so, any cheer he felt vanished, immediately replaced with annoyance once more as he saw the sword and shield once again in his grasp.

Hold on, the door wont open for you just yet

"Kami damn it… what do you want now?" He growled out, his knuckles turning white from how hard he was grasping the items. "I just want to wake up aready dammit!"

All in due time…

First, tell me more about yourself

"Uuuugh, fine, what do you want to know?" Naruto demanded as he looked up at the sky, before growling when he was met with silence once more. "I never thought I'd say this, but I'm really hating this stupid dream-Ttebayo."

Unable to see anything else he could do, he walked up to the closest person, which just so happened to be the girl by the flowers.

"Hey Sakura-chan…"

"What are you afraid of?" The now named Sakura asked without even looking up from what she was doing, making the blonde's frown deepen even further.

Glancing up at the sky with an annoyed scowl, he bit the inside of his cheek to hold back the scathing remark he so wanted to say and instead answered the question, albeit reluctantly. "Being alone."

"Being alone? Is that really so scary?" The pinkette asked in a curious tone as she picked a solitary daisy from the bushel of flowers.

"More than you could ever imagine." Was all Naruto said before walking away and heading over to the next person, the brooding teen by the post.

Once he was in front of him, the raven-haired boy spun his knife one last time before stabbing it in the post he leaned against and staring at the other boy intently. "What do you want out of life?"

"…To be happy and loved." The blonde said back after a brief pause, making the teen grunt as he pulled his knife back out and started twirling it again.

"Don't we all?"

Not bothering to answer this time, Naruto simply moved on to the silver haired man by the river and sat down next to him. "And what are you gonna ask me Kakashi-sensei?"

Humming in a seemingly thoughtful manner, 'Kakashi' didn't say anything at first as he flipped the page to his book. "What is most important to you?"

"Those precious to me." The blonde replied without hesitation as he watched the sunset, making the man hum and flip pages again.

"Are they really that big a deal?"


You're scared to be alone…

You wish for happiness and love…

You care most for those close to your heart…

You are a most unique individual… Naruto Uzumaki…

"So I've been told." Naruto muttered with a nod as the area was once more enveloped in a blinding glow. however, just before he was completely blinded, the blonde had just enough time to see a small orange light shoot from his chest into the sky.

Your journey begins at sunrise… with the return of a fallen star…


In a twisted and darkened mess of a landscape, dozens of the shadow creatures swarmed together like a single entity, spreading across the area like a tidal wave as they sought to consume what lay in their path.

"Thundaga!" *Kraka-boom* Unfortunately for them, said thing didn't agree with their little plan as large bolts of lighting struck all around, blasting the majority of them apart. The few that survived quickly tried to regroup, but were just as swiftly dispatched as a speedy blue blur that zipped by.

Skidding to a stop several yards away, that blur was soon revealed to a lovely young woman with soft blue hair and blue eyes known as Aqua.

Wiping her brow with a tired sigh, the woman rolled her shoulders and dusted her hands off while she continued along her way.

"God, these Heartless just will not give up," She muttered to herself as she scanned the area carefully, keeping an eye out for any more monsters that might have decided to try their luck. Thankfully for her there were none, thus allowing her to catch her breath and regain some strength, even if just for a little while. "What I wouldn't give for a nice hot shower and warm bed right now."

It had been… she didn't even know how long since she'd been stranded in this place, hard to keep track of time in a place where time didn't move after all, but it had to been quite a while at least. She was covered in splotches of grime, her clothes torn and damaged from repeated battles, both of which she could fix right up with a quick spell but didn't want to waste the energy just in case.

"Hmmm… and being able to actually eat something or sleep again would be nice," Aqua mumbled while patting her stomach, one of the few upsides of time not actually moving being she didn't actually have to sleep or eat anything given that there literally wasn't anything to eat and to hell if she tried sleeping with all those things wandering around, but that didn't mean she didn't miss doing either. "I don't even think I can remember what anything tastes like any-whoa?!"

The bluenette was broken out of her musings when she noticed something zooming at her in the corner of her eye and just managed to jump out of the way as whatever it was smashed into spot she was just standing.

Her hands crackling with magical energy, Aqua was ready to start blasting at a moment's notice as she stared at the impact zone intently. However, to her surprise, once the dust cleared she was not greeted by the sight of yet another dark beast out for her life but rather a small crater with something sparkling within.

While curious though, the weary bluenette still kept her distance, opting to first check the surrounding area before charging up a ball of mana into her hand.

"Reveal." She murmured softly, causing a small almost invisible pulse of energy to expel outwards in every direction, washing over the area like a wave. After a minute of still nothing happening, Aqua relaxed just the tiniest bit and cautiously made her way up to the crater.

The moment Aqua peered inside though, a surprised gasp escaped her lips as her hand shot out and plucked the item within, holding it up for her to see. Said item was a small orange five-point star pendant with a red swirl in the middle.

"A Wayfinder? Where did you come from?" She asked in confusion while looking the charm over curiously, before reaching into the collar of her shirt and taking necklace with a blue Wayfinder on it. Undoing the binding, she threading one end of the cord through orange pendant's loop and let it slide on. "Better hold on to it, might be a clue on how to-"


"-Get the-What the fuck!?" Aqua swore at the top of her lungs as she was engulfed in a flash of light the instant the pair of star charms came in contact…

And then found herself plummeting into a ravine filled with razor sharp rocks alongside an unconscious heavily bleeding boy and holding a strange-looking giant ass key in her hand.

Acting on pure adrenaline-fueled reflex alone, the bluenette grabbed the child with her free hand and pulled him close before stabbing the closest wall she could reach with the new 'weapon' she held, the blade effortlessly cutting into the rock like it was warm butter.

A deafening shriek of metal on stone filled the air, making the woman cringe with grit teeth as it stabbed at her eardrums until the drag finally brought them to a stop several yards further down. Once that happened, Aqua couldn't help but take a peak downward in curiosity, and immediately regretted it when she saw that the bottom of the ravine was barely a foot below and that her rear end had stopped just centimeters above a VERY sharp looking stalagmite.

"Talk about a literal pain in the ass." She said while gulping nervously before carefully climbing down, leaving the strange key sword in the wall as she focused her attention on the boy in her grasp.

Gently leaning him against the base of a large stalagmite, she took one look at the source of his bleeding and hissed in sympathy. Something had torn a chunk right out of the right side of his face, a long narrow gash stretching right across the cheek from his lower jaw to the ear, and judging from the dirt and moss in the wound she had a good idea what.

Clearing out said gunk quickly but carefully, Aqua took a single deep breath and rested the palm of her hand over the injury as bother were enveloped in a soft green energy that almost seemed like liquid somehow. "Curaga."

For a few seconds nothing seemed to happen, and the blunette swore she could almost feel something pushing back against the healing magic for a moment prompting her push even harder. Then that feeling stopped just as suddenly and the boy's wound rapidly regenerated, being reduced to nothing more than a mild scar in barely a minute.

After making sure he didn't have any more injuries she might have missed, and then herself in case her adrenaline was numbing something out for her, Aqua turned her attention back to the weapon she'd used to stop her and the kid from becoming kebob-ed.

The moment her gaze locked onto it though, the weapon vanished from its stone prison in a shimmer of light and reappeared within her grasp.

"Well, that answers my question on whether you're a real Keyblade I guess," She muttered while examining the 'Keyblade' more closely. Being just a bit bigger than half her size with a steel looking handle wrapped in red cloth, a guard that looked like curled waves in sunset, a long blade stylized like fire and water intertwining together all the way to the tip and forming into a runic sun shape, and lastly hers and the mysterious Wayfinders stuck back to back hanging off the handle from a chain. "Now how bout where the hell you came from?"

Pausing to look around at the ravine she was in, Aqua's brow knit together in thought before looking upwards to see the sunlight streaming down in the distance. "Scratch that, better question is how did I get here? And where the hell is here exactly? I can't be back in the Realm of Light, can I?"


"Oh yeah, definitely back." The bluenette muttered with a strange mixture of a smile and grimace on her face as she grabbed her loudly growling stomach.


"Oh yeah, and the kid, can't forget to figure out what that was about," She added while glancing back at said kid when he groaned softly in his sleep, before turning back to the sky above. "But first things first, if I'm truly back…"

A soft blue glow formed in the woman's hand, which then traveled up the length of the Keyblade and forming a brightly glowing sphere of light at the very tip which she then pointed skywards.

"Spirit Star!" She exclaimed dramatically before the ball of magical energy shot straight up like a cannon shot, startling the hell out of a certain self-proclaimed super pervert as it zipped past. Streaking high into the sky, it just kept going further and further until not even the keenest eyes could spot it.

And then it exploded, lighting up the afternoon sky with a vibrant neon blue hue as particles of light danced through the air, briefly taking on the appearance of a crashing wave before shifting into the familiar shape of a certain good luck charm.

-End Chapter-