The next day at school
Marinette had never been so nerves in her life. She was gonna expose Lila today, with the help of Adrien and Chloe of course!
The trio walked into class to see Lila lying up a storm.
"Adrien!" Lila called out. She ran over and kissed his cheek.
"I missed you babe!"
"Babe? What are you talking about, were not a couple."
"Of course we are! You asked me out last night!"
"1: I don't like you."
"2: I don't like you."
"3: I don't like you."
"Your, your breaking up with me!"
"First we were never together, second I like some else."
"Marinette Dupain-Cheng! The kindest and sweetest person I know! Plus she's cute as a button."
Marinette felt her cheeks heat up, but she didn't have time to think about his confession, they had a job to do.
Before Lila could speak her worst nightmares appeared in front of her.
"Hello Lila."
There standing in front of her were Mr. Damocles, her mother, officer Roger, and Mrs. Bustier.
"Lila, these three kids have something important to show you all. Said Mrs Rossi."
"Mother Marinette's trying to steal my boyfriend!"
"Lila shut you mouth! Adrien isn't your boyfriend, so let Mrs Dupain-Cheng play her video!"
Marinette plays the video.
"That can't be true!" Alya yelled. "She's had it out for Lila since day one!"
"Here Max check it out." Said Marinette.
"Um, Alya, my calculations show that this video is in fact one hundred percent real."
"What! Lila... You, you, lied..."
"Lila Rossi you are expelled from this school. Pack up your things, NOW!"
"But, Mr Damocles..."
Lila quickly packed up her things and left with officer Roger, the principal, and her mother.
Mrs Bustier was the first to break the silence.
"Lila Rossi has been expelled and will be arrested for threatening and lying. You all better be glad Marinette was recording."
"Marinette... I'm so sorry, were all so sorry. We all treated you horrible and you were just trying to protect us." Alya choked out a sob.
I'm sorry could be heard from every student in there class.
"I don't know what to do. Should I really forgive you? All I was trying to do was look out for you, but instead of believing me you all bullied me."
Adrien pulled Marinette against his chest.
"For the safety of me, Chloe and Marinette were transferring schools. I talked to my Father and he agreed to it."
"Marinette, we said we were sorry."
"Alya sometimes that's not enough. We were all friend's for years, and the second Lila walks in you leave me behind. I hope you all have a good day."
With that Adrien, Marinette, and Chloe walked out to go there new school.
3 months later...
Adrien and Marinette are officially dating, and Chloe has repaired her friendship with Sabrina.
Chloe even convinced Marinette to start singing.
The end.
AN: Thank you all for being patient. I was on vacation. Relationship Things will be updated soon.
Please Review!