Hello everyone. I am back! I have officially started writing my VRAINS continuation after I promised it a few months ago on my OC files post. I would like to shout out Hunter HQ again for all the help and suggestions. It seriously helped! It may be a while before I get the first official chapter out I hope ya'll enjoy this.
~-Unknown in Link VRAINS-~
-Third Person-
A black silhouette stands in a dark room with blue screens holding various data and information. The silhouette was clearly female. She had long hair with a headband of some sort on her forehead and a split battle train down her back. After typing away on the screen closest to her, the silhouette summons a blue screen from her right and tapes a few buttons before speaking.
"This is voice record report number 1. Data placement VRAINS-Mission-Report-Voice. Today is the day we officially start our mission. Its been a little bit less than two months since the dark ignis, Ai's, disappearance and Playmaker going MIA. Every since Bohman's defeat Seina has been looking for all the scattered Ignis' data. We never calculated that that number would jump from five to six. Everyone but Playmaker has moved on. I fear as Playmaker scours the net looking for his partner that he'll run into Modicum. No doubt if he finds them that everyone will be pulled back into this again. I'll start following the first trail Seina has found in an hour. Hopefully it will lead to some of the scattered Ignis data. Precautions are being taken to make sure the Ignis don't go rouge. We want them and their partners at peace while we deal with our own demons. I didn't duel hard for a year and a half and have Seina hide our tracks for the last two months to get others involved. Hopefully everything will come together as planned. Probably not but hopefully. Until tomorrow's file. This is Divine linking off for now."
An other click of the button and the recording stopped. After a quick swipe the whole screen disappeared.
"Getting the last of everything setted up?" a new voice answered.
An other female silhouette appeared behind Divine. The silhouette had a short pony tail with casual clothing on.
"We official start in an hour. Can't have any problems with my log out program or data transfers to you," Divine replied not taking her focus off her screen.
"I've already doubled and tripled checked that. I think your just anxious," the silhouette seemed to smirk.
"In my position, wouldn't you?" Divine asked.
"I can try to but myself in your situation, but I'm a totally different person when it comes to that," the figure shrugged.
"True," Divine blankly said.
The figure walked up to Divine and placed a hand on her shoulder.
"Go get some rest. Do something that isn't this. I don't care. You won't stop after we start. I know that is what is going to happen."
Divine sighed before she stopped her work and turned around.
"Your right Seina. I won't stop. I'll be back in less than an hour," Divine said before hitting her duel disk to log out.
A clear smile could be sensed off of Seina's silhouette.
"There was I good chance you would say that. I think I know where your going too. See in a bit," Seina said as she took Divine's place in front of a collection of screens.
~-Somewhere in Link VRAINS-~
-Third Person-
-About two months later-
A male avatar stands as he over looks over LINK VRAINS. His multi-colored air whipped around in the wind caused by the data storm.
"I will find you Ai," he muttered to himself before he jumped off the little island.
A duel board appeared underneath him projecting him higher in the air as Playmaker searched for answers.