Life of Air


Since I was a little girl my grandmother would tell me stories about our ancestors, the great airbenders who had long passed, stories that had been passed down from her mother and grandfather. She instilled their values into me, the deep spiritual connection and respect for all life, just as she had done for my mother before me. It shaped me into the person I am and gave me hope for the future even in the darkest times; and believe me there were plenty of dark times. Even in her beautiful stories, the darkness would creep up as she retold the terrifying story of her grandfather's escape from the Fire Nation. As a child, I hated to hear these stories, but she always insisted. When I was old enough to understand I realized it was to teach me a lesson, that along with hope I needed to be aware of the wretchedness in our world, so I could protect myself and loved ones from it.

Protecting ourselves and continuing our line was the first priority, that I understood without being told. My home was unlike anything any airbender in history would put themselves through. We lived underground in tunnels created by the earthbenders in our tribe, keeping us as safe as possible so we would never be found by the Fire Nation or anyone who could hurt us. It was anything but ideal for an airbender, but it was safe and that's all that mattered to anyone. My four older brothers taught me the lesson of continuing our line, knowing that my parents only continued to try for a child because of how important it was that one of their children be an airbender. I was always sure my future would be just the same as my mother's and grandmother's: staying hidden and having as many children as possible.

I would give anything to live another destiny.