Angel Eyes

Rated: PG for swearing, violence, and romance in future


". . ." - speaking

'. . .' - thinking

Disclaimer: MKR is © CLAMP, but Angel Eyes is © FuuHououji

A/N: AHHHHHHHH! I'm SOOO sorry that I haven't updated! ::Bows repeatedly:: I can't believe that I let so much time go by! I'm such a procrastinator! Argh! Gomen! Gomen! Anyway, thanks to my many reviewers, responses are at the end of the chapter. This is dedicated to you!

Chapter Three: The Contemplation ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Fuu stood at the counter in the kitchen, deep in thought as she prepared supper. Looking into the other room, she glanced at her charge. Just seeing him drew waves of confusion over her. Although he had told her a perfectly liable story, she did not - would not, could not! - believe him. Why? Why did she not trust this boy? He was more of a man, actually. Damn it. Fuu shook her head furiously. Argh. Spending so much time contemplating one person. It gave her a headache.

She had half-carried, half-dragged him home. Laying him on the cot reserved for her patients, she had done the best she could to minister to his wounds while he was still unconscious. Blushing furiously all the while, of course. He was pretty cute . . . STOP! No more thinking about him!

A subtle noise reached her ears and she pivoted swiftly, quickly walking toward the door. Moving outside, she looked toward the faint echo and frowned. She took a bit of the still air and spun it into the brisk breeze that she wished it to be. Neatly, she sent it off down the forest path toward the sound, giving it strict instructions to spy out the comers and report back.

She stepped inside again, firmly shutting the door. She sighed and thought 'My, haven't I been getting a bit suspicious lately? Next thing you know, I'll be turning away clients.' She began to stare into space and contemplate again when her messenger returned, tapping on the window to get her attention. Silently, she listened as it told her of her friends return. Then, after setting the wind free to fly, she frowned. 'What is this apprehension I am feeling? What kind of thing is to come?'

A few moments later, her rambunctious foster sisters' return became evident.

"WHY, oh, WHY did we have to bring that THING?!" That was Umi.

"But Umi, what did he do? He was very good . . . mostly." Hikaru, trying to defend her beloved pet.

"MOSTLY?! MOSTLY?! He only tried to EAT that man's HEAD! And it was while I was flirt - er - talking to Ascot, too . . . it completely RUINED our conversation!"

"Umi, he was only playing . . ."


"Wrof, wrof!"

And with that exclamation, Mokona burst through the door, the new puppy chasing him - her - um - it. Hikaru and Umi close behind. Their chatter stopped dead as they saw the unconscious boy lying on the spare cot. Fuu stepped into the other room.

"Konichiwa! Hikaru-san, Umi-san. I take it that your trip was successful?"

Her friends stared at her as through she was completely crazy.

"Um, Fuu? Who is the guy that looks like he got beat up?" Hikaru ventured cautiously.

"Yeah Fuu, who is he . . . OH!" Umi's eyes lit up with recognition. "Fuu . . . is he your BOYFRIEND?!"

Fuu blushed. "No Umi-san. He was attacked by a monster not too far from here. I helped him and - oh!"

The young man stirred as he began to wake. Fuu briskly walked over to his side. He groaned and tried to sit up, almost falling when he failed to do so. Fuu quickly caught him in her arms.

"Are you alright?"

The first thing Ferio's blurry eyes focused on was Fuu's worried face peering at him. Confused, he spoke.

"A-are you an angel?"

Umi's snickers fully awakened him and snapped him back to reality. He smirked at Fuu's blush and addressed the girls.

"Hey, I know Angel Eyes here, but who the heck are you two?"

The question mark above Hikaru's head grew at Ferio's comment about Fuu, but she replied all the same. "I'm Hikaru Shidou, and this is Umi Ryuzakki. What's your name?"

Umi echoed Hikaru's question, with an added flare. "Yeah, who are you anyway? And why are you flirting with Fuu?"

Fuu's blushed darkened to shades of red thus far unseen by mankind - or womankind for that matter - as Ferio replied.

"The name's Ferio. This lovely lady here helped me out of sticky situation with a monster earlier." He winced. "I have some painful memories of that."

Fuu hmphed. "You should! A couple of broken ribs, a fractured ankle, a gash in your side, and several bruises are no little thing!"

Ferio grimaced at the mention of his 'battle scars'. "I guess I'm down for the count, right?"

"Oh yeah."

"Damn." The girls stared at Ferio. He got uncomfortable. Umi raised an eyebrow.

"How about you tell us why you're in the middle of nowhere fighting monsters?"

Ferio ran a hand through his hair. "I guess you're entitled to an explanation. So, I'm a traveler from Cephiro. I was raised as a warrior. A few years ago, there was this huge war, and everyone there still remembers it, so they all train. I got kinda bored in Cephiro, so I left. Came here looking for adventure, got beat up. End of story."

Fuu glanced at her friends. From their expressions, she could tell that they had bought it. She had to admit, this guy was good. But not enough. She narrowed her eyes. Again, she had the feeling that his story was not quite right.

"Ferio-san, if you were really looking for adventure and were a trained warrior as you say, why were you miles away from any road in the middle of nowhere? And why did you need my help to beat the monster?"

Ferio's eyes widened. Nobody had ever doubted him before. He recovered his composure with difficulty. After all, this girl had seen right through him.

"Okay, so you found me out. The truth is, I never knew my parents. My earliest memories are of my teacher dueling with me. Once, we traveled to the palace. I walked around to see everything. I picked up these rings and some guards caught me. The princess, Emeraude, defended me and persuaded them to let me go. I stayed in the palace with my master for a long while after that. Emeraude now wants a few spies in Hououji in Prince Eagle's court. I was one of the few picked to go, but I got lost."

Ferio looked at the girls again to determine their reactions. The redhead - what was her name? Oh, Hikaru - and Umi had swallowed it all, again. However, Fuu had an unreadable expression on her face. He decided to play it by ear.

"Hah! Gotcha! Didja really believe me?"

Umi looked furious. "How could you? You lied to us? After all the stuff that Fuu's done for you?!"

Hikaru seemed puzzled. He was getting used to seeing her like this. "But, but . . . Argh. I'm so confused!"

Fuu frowned. "Umi, dinner is almost ready. Would you finish it up? Hikaru, you need to look after the livestock now. I need to change Ferio's bandages." She gave them the glance that meant 'and that's final'.

As her sisters left, she turned her attention back to Ferio. As she changed the dressing on his side, she spoke.

"That last story. It was the truth, wasn't it? Or at least partially."

Ferio raised an eyebrow. She was good. "What is the truth? There can be several at once. Take your pick."

Fuu looked up at him, misgivings in her eyes. Ferio smiled. "You're pretty tricky."

She smiled shyly. "Better than being easily tricked. Now, would you like something to eat?"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

After dinner, the three girls sat and meditated, coming in control of their magic. Ferio watched with interest as the girls practiced elemental exercises taught to them by Clef. Slowly, Hikaru and Umi began to grow tired and eventually excused themselves.

Fuu sat in the open doorway, shivering with the warmth and the coolness the wind carried. She heard Ferio stir, and whipped around to find him standing.

"Ferio-san! Really, you shouldn't! You're hurt!"

"It's not that bad. And besides, I want to talk with you."

Fuu blushed and moved over to make room for him. Ferio sat and gazed at her seriously.

"How did you know?"

Fuu knew what he was referring to. "I always have. Clef used to say that the power of wind gave me clarity of spirit and perception. Sometimes I think it's something more, but who knows . . . "

Ferio raised an eyebrow. "Who knows is right. I suppose you can read minds too?"

Fuu half-smiled. "Sometimes I wish I did."

"In my case, for example?"


"Y'know, I think I'll be sticking around here for a while, so why don't we call a truce. No revealing secrets and all that." He leered. "'Cause I can get back at you if I need to."

Fuu gave him a gentle shove, watching for his sore spots. "A truce? Okay, you got it. On one condition."


She smiled. Ferio looked at her face, which seemed lit up. She had the most beautiful smile. In that instant, he realized that he wanted to get to know her better.

"Take care of yourself."


She blushed. "I just don't want you to be hurt any more than you are now."

Ferio smirked. "Okay Angel Eyes, you got a deal."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Done! Heh. Now I have to go do my Math homework, but I'll respond to my reviewers first. FERIO! FUU! GET YOUR LAZY BUMS OUT HERE! ::Author drags characters onstage by their collars:: Now respond to the reviews!

Fuu and Ferio: DO WE HAFTA?!

Yes! Now be polite and respond!

Ferio: ::grumbles::

Fuu: ::sigh:: Okay, here we go again.

To Momentum:

Actually, I got the name from the title of a song I've been listening to for inspiration for this story. Actually, I listen to it a lot. But it doesn't seem to be helping me update faster.

To Kyaa Kyaff:

Yeah, Fuu kicks butt. When she feels like it. Nobody really seems to think so. I'm really glad that you like the atmosphere of the story. The other girls' parts are harder to write, somehow. So I got 'em right? YES! Ferio is *kawaii*. Period. End of discussion.

To Aemilia Rose:

NO! FERIO'S MINE! ::snatches Ferio:: Ahem, anyway. I'm glad you like the story. See, I finally updated. ::Smiles::

To Nariel Narbeleth:

I love Ferio, too! Well, about Eagle. ::sweatdrops:: Sorry, but when I came up with the plot, no one else would do but him . . . gomen. Here's the next chapter, though! He doesn't really appear. Yet.

To Kamazova:

Yeah, I get a lot of influence from faerie tales. I guess I read too much. More fluffiness here, but it'll get better, I promise. Since you liked it so much, you're extra special: another chapter for you!

To Shamrock587:

Green hair rocks! Yeah, I got it from 'Angel Eyes' by Jim Brickman. Great song.

Thank you all! Kudos to you reviewers! Sayonara,
