This is my first fanfic so please be nice. I know this plot has been overused but I really wanted to make one. (I changed some stuff) Just so u know all regular relationships, percyxannabeth, ronxhermione ect except instead of harryxginny, it's harryxdraco.

Everything goes to JK. Rowling and Rick Riordan. I own nothing except the plot

Chapter one part 1: I gotta get back to Hogwarts (I LOVE a Very Potter Musical)

[Harry POV]

woke from another , you heard me, the Chosen One, the Boy who Lived got scared from a little nightmare. It was the battle of Hogwats but Voldemort had won and I had to watch as everyone I knew was killed right in front of me. I shot up from his bed. I looked around Ron's room and saw him still dreaming peacefully and smelt Mrs. Weasley cooking bacon and eggs. 'That wasn't real. It was just another nightmare. Everyone isn't dead' I reminded myself but I couldn't help but think of all the lives I had lost. Fred, Snape, Lupin, Tonks, (and some from before), Dumbledore, Sirius everyone. I was brought back from my thoughts by Ron's loud yawn. When I came back to reality, I was mad at myself. 'I'm Harry Potter' I thought 'I'm amazing and brave and everyone loves me. I shouldn't get scared over something as silly as a fucking nightmare ' Still half awake I shoved my glasses on my face and Ron and I walked downstairs to the kitchen. Hermione and I were staying at the burrow with the Weasleys. Everyone was more sullen than usual because of Fred's death. The whole family was gloomy sure, but it had affected George the most. He didn't joke as much and he was thinking about selling the joke shop. He didn't have a partner to help him with it and no one could replace Fred.

Hermione and Ginny were already downstairs eating when we came in. Ginny and I avoided eye contact, it was awkward between us ever since we broke up. Ron started wolfing down breakfast when 4 owls came through the window. stripped the owls of their letters and gave one to each of 4 young wizards. They were from… Hogwarts? Before I could even open my letter, Hermione screamed.

"We can go back to Hogwarts!" she yelled with the biggest grin I had ever seen on her face.

I read my letter. It said we could come back to complete our seventh year since we didn't get much of an education. Of course I was ecstatic but I wasn't completely sure if I wanted to go. Ron and I could start training to be aurors this year, like we've always wanted to. "I'll think about it," I said hesitantly.

"Come on, Harry," Ron said joyously, "It'll be fun. Me and Hermione-

"Don't you mean Hermione and I," Hermione interrupted

"Fine. Whatever. Back to what I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted. Hermione and I," Ron glared in Hermione's direction "will be there with you."

"All right, I'll go back"

"Okay" started,"We don't have a lot of time until September first so we're going to diagon alley first thing tomorrow morning.

~~this line break is happy that it is the first line break in the story~~

Chapter 1 part 2: We're going to…Pigpimples?

[Percy POV]

Annabeth and I were sitting at our spot on the beach, our arms around each other, just simply enjoying each other's company. We had been connected at the hip after t-t-tartarus, a shiver runs down my spine just thinking about it. We were the only one that could help each other with the nightmares, oh gods they were awful. One of us would wake up screaming and shaking ,sweat running down our face whenever one of us had one.

Leo came up out of nowhere, "Hey Percy. Someone wants to speak with you in the Big House."

I groaned. I prayed to all the gods I knew of, that it's not another quest, they know I've had enough for a few lifetimes. I let go of Annabeth,"Let's get this over with."

I jogged over to the big house. Where I expected to see a centaur, there was a shimmering, 7-foot goddess known as Hecate, standing in front of me. I owed down on my knees. "What do I owe the pleasure," I said sarcastically. I was almost sure what was going to happen next.

"I require the help of you, Perseus." I cringed at the sound of my real name but let her continue.

"A long time ago I made a pet world. I blessed a bunch of mortals with magic, but they aren't as powerful as my children. They need wands to channel their magic. This world I made is still thriving. The people in this world are referred to as witches and wizards"

"Witches and wizards," I interrupted, "as in abracadabra and bippity-boppity-boo?"

"They have real spells, but in all essentials, pretty much. Anyway, a while ago there was this wizard named Tom Riddle, who nicknamed himself Voldemort," I remember Nico complaining how much paperwork that man caused Hades."Tom became evil and split his soul to make himself as immortal as he could. He tried to kill this baby named Harry Potter, but he ended up almost dying. He came back to kill Harry Potter. There was a war and Harry successfully killed him."

"What does all of this have to do with me," I was genuinely confused. It was kind of hard to follow.

" Well, Perseus, I want you to go and teach at a magic school called Hogwarts. You must look after Harry Potter and his friends. I fear there may be another threat arising, involving some Greek monsters."

I burst out laughing, dropping to the floor," I'm going to a place called Pigpimples, who names a school after a pig skin disease," I could barely hold back my tears.

"Not Pigpimples, young demigod, Hogwarts."

Wait," I took the time to process it,"You want me to be a TEACHER. Annabeth would be so much better. I've been kicked out of so many schools, and I'm dyslexic. Besides I don't know anything about magic, they should be teaching me!?"

"That shouldn't be a problem. You need to teach how to defend themselves with more than just a wand. They need to learn combat. You're the best here, but no worries, you can ask Annabeth to help you teach once in a while. I can also bless you with magic and knowledge of the wizarding world once you accept this quest. " I agreed to take the quest and felt a purple glow around me, suddenly I knew so much about magic, more than you could imagine.

"All the things you will need for the school year will be on your bed including a wand. The wood is driftwood, 12 and ½ inches long, and has a core made of a mermaid hair and a pegasus feather. There is also your plane ticket to London, England and your train ticket on the bed. When you get to Kings Cross, run straight at the wall between platforms 9 and 10. Don't worry, you'll pass right through. The Hogwarts Express should take you the rest of the way. Once you get there look for Mcgonagall. She is the only one that knows you're a demigod. You must keep your secret safe at all costs. No one can know. Make a cover up story so you'll be prepared for any questions. Good bye and good luck, Perseus. "

I started freaking out in my head while I walked out. 'A plane, England?! What will I do. Zeus will blast me out of the sky if Annabeth doesn't kill me first. Now what do I say to her? I don't know what I could do without her. I need her to be with me. What do I do?

Sorry this first chapter is so short. Hopefully the others will be longer. Thanks for reading. I hope it was good, I worked hard on this first chapter. I will try to update soon. I would LOVE if you left some constructive criticism, or just a comment in general , just please no hate

Sincerely, Awkward Squirrel