Disclaimer: I do not own anything from Star Wars. All rights belong to Lucasfilms, Lucasarts, and Disney. The only thing I own is my OC and my story.




-One Sith-

Korriban; 32 BBY


The Grand Plan has reached its resolution.

"My birth place of power," the Sith Apprentice said to himself, hiding underneath the storm of red-beige sands from hitting his face. The growling howl of the wind grew in strength, the Sith barely able to recognize the broken and fallen columns in the Valley of the Dark Lords. "Apprentice to a Sith Lord, soon to break my chains and become my own master."

The power of the Dark side flurried in his veins, boiling with pride and ambition. His time was now. The winds began to die down suddenly, revealing a tall hooded figure dressed in fine obsidian robes. The Apprentice lowered his hood in traditional respect to his master, his yellow eyes waiting for Darth Plagueis' command.

The Muun stood in silence, standing on top of a massive broken column, searching for the words his legacy would impart. Keeping his hood up, Plageuis spoke. "Tell me what you regard as your greatest strength, so I will know how best to undermine you; tell me of your greatest fear, so I will know which I must force you to face; tell me what you cherish most, so I will know what to take from you; and tell me what you crave, so that I may deny you," Plagueis lowered his hood, his own yellow orbs fixated on his apprentice. "You remember those words Darth Deus?"

Darth Deus nodded, those were the first words his master said to him when he was baptized into the world of the Dark side. "Yes, master."

His face stern as always, Plagueis continued. "We now face one final trial, my apprentice," the Muun lowered his hood, his tall cranium partially blocking out the sun. "To see whose chains shall be broken and who shall fall."

The crimson blade of Plagueis hissed in ignition, the low rumbles inviting the court of combat. Darth Deus understood that his master never favored lightsaber combat, never to the degree that Plagueis' master did.


The Force tried to call out to Deus, gently as a caress to his ear. Deus' yellow eyes focused on his master, judging his body language and waited for the strike. He called his lightsabers to his hands from within his sleeves; being a patron of the arts, Darth Deus designed his lightsabers with a fine, high quality of craftsmanship, influenced by his love of the antiquity of the Ancient Sith. The body of his lightsaber was fashioned from nigh-indestructible phrik alloy while the flat emitter was composed of aurodium. The whole of the weapon possessed a refined and elegant electrum finish.

The blood orange color of his twin blades flashed his face, his yellow eyes soaking in the color of his blades. His stance shifted, his lightsabers poised in front and by his side.

"The Force is strong with you, it's always been strong with you," Plagueis continued, leaping from the broken column and landed a few feet from the Sith Apprentice; Deus remained where he was, still aware and cautious. "As is the Dark side. I felt a kinship that I haven't felt in a long time, even with my old master."

"I've felt it as well Master, you've taught me the limits of what the power of will can achieve," praised Deus honestly. The Sith Apprentice shifted his weight again, leaning away from the Muun. "And how to use others to get what I want."

A smirk etched on the Muun's lips, amusement bubbling within his eyes. "It's a shame really, perhaps in another life we could've ruled side by side."

"We still can," offered Deus. "We both understand that the Rule of Two is ending, there's no need to slaughter each other when with our combined strength we can overthrow the Jedi Order and establish stability and peace throughout the galaxy."

"The thought had crossed my mind, more than once," the Muun, too, responded honestly. "Unfortunately I've discovered a power to truly control the Force, and it shall remain my ally and my knowledge alone."

The dark, bellowing storm of Force energy began to surge within the Sith Lords, bubbling to a climax that could create a nexus of the Dark side, only for it to collapse upon itself and possibly rip the planet apart.

Deus had his answer. "You underestimate my power."

"You underestimate my knowledge," Plagueis countered.

Peace is a lie. There is only passion

The sands beneath their boots started to stir under their raw power, crawling upwards to escape the hellish fight soon to commence. Deus' heart rate increased rapidly, his yellow eyes fluxing with anticipation, his hands moistening slightly from his tight grip.

Through passion I gain strength

Red lightning coursed through the Apprentice's fingers, focused through his blood orange lightsabers, and directed his power towards the Muun. The crimson blade blocked the ungodly torrent of lightning within his lightsaber, methodically and slowly moving in a circle; Deus following his master step for step.

Two decades of training, two decades of studying in the Dark side, two decades of traveling across the galaxy, two decades of manipulation and deception, two decades of his life!

He would have this!

Deus snarled and drew more power from his anger and pushed forward, but his own power seemed to slow him down; he felt the raw energy of his lightning, so strong as to leave those foolish enough to assassinate him into ash, almost pushing against him, but he needed the all the power at his disposal.

"Feel the power of the Dark side flow through you. We serve nature's purpose for culling the herd, and our own by sharpening our skills. We are the predatory swarm!"

One step of his boot stomped forward, then another.

"The Sith no longer rely on brute strength. Now we rule through cunning, manipulation and fear!"

He was wrong. Deep down, Deus knew he was wrong. For all the wisdom his master had achieved in his long life, the Apprentice understood the one tenant of the Sith Code- Always two there are.

Master and Apprentice.

Power and cunning.

The Apprentice shifted his lightning away from Plagueis, the thunderous shatter of the canyon side high above them crackled and broke apart; boulders and mass of rocks the size of small starships rained down upon them.

Through strength I gain power

The blur of orange and crimson lights flourishing was a deadly dance of precision and focus, as the Sith Lords leapt directly into the path of the falling boulders. The duality of Force powers and lightsabers was a thing to behold, a rarity of skill and ambition between Master and Apprentice. Plagueis remained hidden within the chaos of the avalanche, his strength in the Force afforded the confidence he righteously earned.

"Very clever, you earned your lesson it seems," Plagueis praised, not without a flicker of smugness in his voice.

"I've always been a fast learner," Deus commented, landing on a small boulder a few meters above his master. "You're not the only who has become wise."

Plagueis' eyes glowed with bemusing forewarning. "Careful, my young apprentice; caution is the eldest child of wisdom." Flicking his long forefinger, the Muun broke apart the boulder underneath Deus' feet, a shout of surprise erupting from the Apprentice.

A rain of debris landed on Deus as he managed to land upon another boulder, only to leap off once he realized how close he was to the ground. Front-flipping onto a sturdy column, he gazed directly at the mouth of the beast; the ground continued to rumble as the avalanche began to die down. Quickly he surveyed past the rising dust from the crushed boulders, seeing a faint crimson light coming closer and glowing brighter.

Through power I gain victory.

The sudden battle cry broke the tense silence as the Muun launched himself from a flying leap, clashing his lightsaber with Deus', continuing their battle on the limited space on the column. The close quarters brawl, the lightning fast reflexes and strikes and clashes of their lightsabers, all countered perfectly in synch by the Master and Apprentice; it would look like a training session, a deadly training session, to those who were able to keep pace with their eyes and senses.

Their blades locked in a powerful struggle, loud grunts and growls pressed as the Sith Lords wrestled to survive. "You cannot kill me!" berated Plagueis, his dark scowl ingrained onto his face. "I am the master of life and death! The Force is mine to command!"

Deus pushed back with resounding vigor, putting his master onto his back foot. His muscles clenched and strained against his skin, the veins bulging underneath his skin beneath his robes. His yellow eyes began to glow even brighter. "If that is true, why haven't you killed me already?"

"Do not patronize me! Everything you have learned is from my doing, you are merely mirroring what I have learned."

"What all Sith before you have learned," countered Deus. A powerful Force-push from Plagueis nearly toppled Deus over the edge of the column. However using the Force, Deus shifted the momentum of his body and spun on his heels against the edge of the column and countered his master's attack with a Force-push of his own; knocking the Muun off the fifteen meter column.

The pull of his master's power yanked Deus off his feet suddenly and he plummeted after his master, his blood orange lightsabers scratching alongside the column's rocky surface. Twisting his body mid-fall, Deus slashed his dual sabers completely through and the loud groaning of the collapsing column overshadowed the Sith Lords. Calling to the Force and pulling the broken half faster to him, Deus spun the column beneath him and flung it towards Plagueis.

The resounding crash of the column on top of the Muun shook the ground; Deus ramming the column to dust with his momentum created a large crater. Brushing his hand with vigor in the Force, Deus dissipated the dust cloud.

The soft gasps of pain came from the crushed Muun, his glaring yellow eyes holding a flicker of pride. "Well done, Darth Deus."

"It's not over yet," commented Deus, stepping away from the Muun. Darth Plagueis looked on with awareness and called his midi-chlorians to heal his wounds and cracked bones.

Standing to his feet, the Muun straightened his posture. "The sole title of Dark Lord would have been yours just now, killing me when I was done and weakened."

"I am aware of what I did," Deus said. He shifted his stance and pointed his blood orange sabers towards his master. "Killing you at your prime seems more enjoyable to me."

Calling to his lightsaber, Plagueis twirled the crimson blade once. "You may have wasted your only chance of killing me."

Deus smirked darkly, pointing a single blood orange blade at his master. "I can make another opportunity. I can be resourceful when I have to be."

Assassins hidden above… waiting for the moment to strike.

Deus batted the blaster bolt from behind back to the Sun Guard hidden at the top of the canyon side. "I'm surprised they didn't die during the the avalanche. But keeping me distracted won't save you from the Sith's fate!"

Plagueis poised his lightsaber close to his body, shifting the stance of his feet across the hot sand. "A simple misdirection can seal the outcome of anything, even before either person can realize." Swiping against the sand, the Muun trapped his apprentice in a swirling ball of sand, and levitated the sand ball off the ground. The blistering speed of the sand stung against Deus' skin, loud pained grunts bringing amusement to the Muun.

Multiple blaster bolts fired upon the sand ball and using his anger and pain to fuel his power, Deus swatted his dual blades like a wild Rancor, turning certain parts of the sand to steaming hot glass. As his power swirled with the monstrous destructiveness of a hurricane, Deus broke through the sand ball and as the shards of hot glass sliced through Plagueis' skin. The Muun felt the powerful tug of the Force pulling him towards his apprentice; reaching out with his hand to send a torrent of Force Lightning, the sudden heat of his arm socket alerted Plagueis to the loss of his arm.

Through victory my chains are broken

The last moment that Plagueis felt was his skull cracking against one of the massive pillars, his body slumping in paralysis. His yellow eyes sharpened their anger as his apprentice stalked slowly towards him, taunting him to call his midi-chlorians again.

"How many hearts would I have to crush before you die?" Deus asked knowingly, his yellow eyes lingering at his master's chest. "Unfortunately I don't think even you could repair a broken spine, but obviously I'm not as wise as you."

"I was still right," Plageuis choked out slowly, his breathing catching in his throat. "We could not have ruled together. It is not the Sith way."

Deus nodded in contemplation. "My tolerance for you did hinder my thoughts in our fight."

Master and Apprentice laughed tiredly and somberly, knowing the fate of the Sith life- the transition of the title of Dark Lord to the apprentice.

The Sith Apprentice stared at his master, sensing through the Force of the midi-chlorians that flowed in his master's body. He stretched his hand over his master's chest, trying to feel the same connection his master did.

"My master told me that Sith Sorcery was an innate ability," spoke Plagueis, his voice stronger than before. "Something that neither he or I had a natural affinity with."

"But through the process of will," interluded Deus, his eyes focused on his task. "You developed the skills of something that seemed impossible."

Plagueis' chest heaved upward, his breath shortening and his eyes widening.

"The truth of the Sith is that it always begins and ends with the Master, never the apprentice," Deus commented, his yellow eyes morphing to orange.

One heart stopped…

The second heart stopped…

Deus' open hand curled into a tight fist, crushing the final heart of the Muun.

The Force shall free me

-One Sith-

It was his birthday today, Darius Alde noted. His thirtieth birthday. He is the Dark Lord of the Sith and soon to be Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic.

The Force had told him.

His green eyes focused on the blue-skinned Chagrian female, who handed him a bottle of fine Alderaanian wine on his personal Horizon-class star yacht. "To the Sith's ultimate victory of ruling the galaxy. You have been a wonder to teach Saarai, a natural in politics and the one I will trust as my voice in the Senate."

Saarai smiled sweetly at her older mentor, clicking his glass with hers and a purplish-blue blush flushed her cheeks. She shifted her place on his lap. "You're too kind."

"I wouldn't say if it was otherwise, you know me better than that," Darius chastised lightly, taking a drink from the cup. His hand slinked around her waist and pulled her closer against his chest. "You're young, beautiful, smart… notable attributes in our fair little game." His lips devoured her full, plump lips in a salutary, lustful kiss. Smirking against her lips, he pulled away and smiled pridefully as he sensed her sexual frustrations. This was the farthest he allowed her to be with him, and she obeyed. "But I always win."

She squirmed with boiling lust, it was consuming her very soul. Saarai glared at the smirk of the Dark Lord, hating him. Loathing him. Envious of him. She wanted him, she needed him. Yet his affections were taken by another. And now, still, he taunted her with this. Oh, how she wanted to strangle him. Make him feel the despair she had endured…

Darius' eyes softened at the Chagrian female, his green eyes starting directly at her unblinkingly. Setting his cup on the arm of the seat, Darius placed his right hand on her cheek and stroked it gently, fatherly. "Loyalty isn't the expectation of reward for your services. It is the service itself that is rewarding," he explained calmly, gently, and firmly. His eyes held firmly when he saw Saarai's eyes shimmering with burning tears ready to fall. "My feelings for you are real, never forget that Saarai." He rested his right hand on her waist, gently caressing the fabric of her dress with his thumb. "My relationship with Mina is also real, we have a long history together. With you… it's not complicated-"

"Then what is the problem?" Saarai demanded, her eyes flickering with anger. "I love you, I said it."

"Declaring your feelings for me doesn't resolve the issue," Darius explained evenly. The Chagrian female narrowed her eyes daringly at the Sith Lord. Darius raised an amuse brow at her abrupt change in her personality; he loved the riling fire in her eyes. He tightened his grip on her arm when she began to move, only to see her shift her position so that the back of her head was all he could see; she was pouting, not a playful one however. Easing his grip on her arm, Darius sighed and leaned against his seat. His eyes lusted on her blue exposed skin, he wondered how sweet it would be on his tongue. His own lust was beginning to grow, his crotch flexed under his pants as his thoughts begin to betray him. "Do you know why we'd played this game for so long?"

He felt her body stiffened, her emotions swirling in anger, curiosity and relief.

"You are special to me," Darius answered after a moment had passed. "You have been on my side the longest besides my master. You know my every secret, even Mina does not know of my life as a Sith. You do." His hands slithered towards her inner thighs, caressing the soft skin; a low moan from Saarai brought joy to the Sith Lord. "When we make love for the first time, I want it to be special. It will be rough. It will be passionate. I want to hear your screams. I want to feel your nails scratching along my back. I want to hear you beg for the pleasure only I can bring to you. I want you to remember who you belong to. You are mine! And my alone!"

The shocked gasp of the Chagrian sent tingles of power across Darius' spine, his hand roughly groping her womanhood; the moisture seeped through her panties, alerting to the Sith Lord of her wanton pleasure and lust. But… he would wait. She would wait as well.

-One Sith-

Senate Building, Coruscant

Quickly scurrying past the busied crowd in the hallways filled with Senators and Representatives, Darius and Saarai entered past the doorway that led them to the Senate pod of the Alderaan sector of the Galactic Republic. Darius smiled charmingly at the beautiful Senator Mina Bonteri, her faint gray eyes smiling with mischief.

"What a lovely sight to behold, Mina. I wasn't expecting to see you until after the hearings," Darius charmed, grinning like the young boy he felt. Mina smirked and stood to greet Darius, resting her soft hands against his neck and ensnaring him in a bold kiss.

"I didn't want to wait for that long," Mina teased, her fingers caressing his face. Her face sobered when she stared at his lively green eyes. "I miss you Darius, it feels too long when we're away. My heart hurts when I think of you, but don't see you," She guided his hand to her breast; he felt her heart quicken under his touch. Green eyes looked upon his hand, to the exposed skin above Mina's chest, then to her teary-eyed stare.

"I offered you to come with me," Darius said, his voice growling faintly at the memory that felt too long ago. "You know how happy I can make you. I have known you far longer than your… husband." The last word angered him greatly, and Mina could see it on his face.

"I was scared and I made a mistake," Mina stated, her voice wavering. "I came back to you."

"Not completely. Not wholeheartedly," Darius retorted. Attempting to pull his hand away, his green eyes fluttered in confusion when Mina lowered his hand to her stomach. His fingers reflexively pulled back, his eyes widening. Saarai's hands balled into a tight fist at the implication.

Mina smiled soberly at her lover. "Don't worry, there is no child. But I want one. With you."

His chest felt compressed as the breath was taken from him. He looked away from Mina, towards the hallway to the busy Senators, then returned his gaze to her. "Why would I allow that?"

The Onderon Senator massaged the hand of Darius, kissing it. "Because I'm doing what I should have done all those years ago. I'm leaving my husband, and coming with you. If… if you still want me."

Darius' brow furrowed at her statement. Mina leaned into Darius for a loving hug, snuggling into his chest, losing herself in the dreams that she only kept in her bed. He sensed Saarai's jealously through the Force, recalling the words he had spoken to her on his ship. Soon…

"When will you leave him?" Darius asked, his arms wrapping around Mina.

Mina smiled into his chest. "Tonight, after the hearings."

Darius snorted gently. "Too long."

"You were always impatient," Mina said.

The Alderaan Senator rolled his eyes at her words, smirking knowingly. "Believe me, I'm far from impatient." He felt her stiffen quickly. She had taken his words too literally. "I didn't meant that Mina." He sighed and pushed her back, looking into her gray eyes, stroking her cheek with his thumb. "I'll see you tonight. Promise?"

She leaned into his touch, smiling lovingly. "Promise."

Leaving the Senate pod, Mina disappeared into the sea of politics and Senator and Representatives. Darius turned to face Saarai, bringing her close to him. "I meant what I said. You've waited this long." He kissed her cheek thoughtfully. "You will be happy that you did."

-One Sith-

The Senate had gone into an uproar, the thunderous sounds of a thousands Rancors boomed in Darius Alde's ears. Thankfully he muffled them with his personal thoughts. He longed for this day- the sole title of Sith Lord, the death of his master, Mina, and now the final piece of the Grand Plan would be laid. It would be moments now…

A blue hand rested on his, squeezing with love and anticipation. The passing gazes of Bail Antilles and Bail Organa thought nothing of the scene, merely accepting the innocent gesture as just that. Darius shifted in his seat and his eyes grazed over to his fellow Alderaan brethren.

"I have a bad feeling about this," remarked Darius, nodding his head to the raging Senate. His eyes focused on current Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum; he was slumped in his seat, thoughts flying through the hyperspace in his mind. His ultimate downfall would be the Senate itself; the bureaucracies that Valorum allowed to tie around his neck would now hang him. Politics was tricky game, only meant for the few who could actually climb the ladder from the chaos below.

Organa nodded solemnly. "I have never seen the Senate act like this."

Darius nodded halfheartedly, only half listening. "Especially over taxation of the Trade Routes." He shook his head gently. "I hate to see how the Senate reacts to an actual threat."

Antilles' corner eye watched Darius, then focused back to the ensuing chaos. "The threat is still serious Alde, the Trade Federation has assumed too much power."

"I wonder whose fault that is," Darius remarked, gesturing to the pod of the Trade Federation. "Didn't I warn you something like this would happen? This is why you don't mix business and politics." Sighing in contempt, Darius shrugged his shoulders. "Not like we have any power to get rid of the Federation."

"Neither does Valorum, not for much longer it seems," Antilles agreed, gesturing to the Naboo pod floating closely to Valorum's pod.

"It is with a heavy heart Supreme Chancellor Valorum that I cast a Vote of No Confidence against your inability to deal with the crisis that is happening to my people," declared the Queen of Naboo, Padme Amidala. She was a young girl, no older than fourteen, yet so dedicated to the well-being of her people. Dressed in the finest clothing of Naboo royalty, Padme looked older than she appeared to be. "I was not elected to watch my people suffer and die while you discuss this invasion in a committee!"

Her eyes lingered in the vast sea of bureaucrats and politics to the man who suggested the best for her to follow. Darius Alde taught her much about politics and the unfairness that the Republic had allowed. Yet she believed that the Republic would fix itself. Now her people were paying the price. Part of her still hoped that the Republic could redeem itself, maybe with a guiding hand and a pure example to show them the way it could happen.

Finis Valorum sunk deeper into his chair, wanting it all to end. He had wanted the best for the Republic, and he tried… but he was too weak to actually do anything about it. His sullen eyes transfixed on his folded hands, they were old. He had become part of the problem in the Republic, the very problem he tried to get rid of- the bureaucracy. Needless shouting and arguments instead of actual discussion, and he allowed this to happen. His legacy would be this- of nothing. He would be forgotten, or remembered as a weak Supreme Chancellor. He would not win this.

The Senator of Alderaan squeezed the hand of his Chagrian assistant, taking in a breath. "Now it begins." Standing to his feet, Darius took control of the pod and directed it to the main action in the Senate chambers. "I agree with Queen Amidala, the time of inaction in the Republic must come to an end." He stared at the defeated Supreme Chancellor for a brief moment. "Your inability has come to this- a nonstop conflict of personal interests and procrastination." His green eyes squinted as a cruel thought passed in his mind. "I wonder how much the Federation is paying you to allow this invasion."

Valorum's face shot defiantly at the younger Senator in a glare, however his old and sullen face made him look like he was pouting instead.

Darius' brow rose amusingly. "No answer? Sometimes not saying anything is the worst thing for a politician can do." Antilles and Organa shot each a look silently, wondering the course of action Darius Alde was trying to commence. "It wouldn't be the first time you landed in accusations of corrupted conduct."

The Senator of Alderaan observed the Naboo Queen, his eyes softening in a familial manner. "Rest assured your highness, justice will be served. Time is of the essence, this crisis must be resolved quickly."

Queen Amidala nodded at her fellow Senator's words, however she felt hesitant. "We need a new Chancellor."

"I understand that, but it will take time for a candidate to be nominated and voted in by the Senate," Darius said. He rubbed his head full of hair and observed the endless pods staring at them. "I nominate myself for Chancellorship." His face was calm and stern as the murmurs of the Senate grew in voices. Valorum said nothing and glared in silence.

"I also nominate myself for Chancellorship," Bail Antilles announced, standing behind Darius Alde. The current Senator of Alderaan stared blankly ahead, mustering every ounce of ungodly control in his body not to strangle him. Bail Antilles was a good man, he reminded himself, a little too noble at times.

"I nominate Darius Alde for Chancellorship," Mina Bonteri called to the Senate. Claps and sounds of cheers grew with the votes as Vice Chair Mas Amedda called for order and silence in the Chamber.

"We will have a proper course of action for this vote," Mas Amedda called to the Senate. "All nominees will be considered and registered, then we will vote."

Darius Alde eyed the Naboo Queen one final time then retreated back to his place in the mindless and endless sea of the Senate.

-One Sith-

The maroon color added to the tense soberness in the room, Queen Amidala sat on the small couch as Darius Alde and Mina Bonteri sat in their chairs on the opposite ends of the Naboo Queen. Darius sat in silence, his gaze focused on the traffic flying past the window. He sensed that Amidala was tense, however he knew that she needed silence.

Amidala left the two Senators and walked over to the window. Darius looked at Mina, knowing that he should say something. Getting up from his seat, he stood behind Amidala, watching her reflection in the window.

"This is not an easy thing you just did," Darius said, settling his hand on her shoulder. "It was the right one however." He gently massaged her shoulder then removed it, folding his arms behind his back. Amidala turned to face the older man and stared at him, as if expecting him to say or do something. He smiled fatherly, she was ambitious to a degree. But he knew that her doubts and inexperience could temper the fierce fire that would await her in the future.

"How do I know if I really did the right thing?" Padme asked.

"You never do until time has passed and you reflect on it," Darius answered honestly. "Getting caught in the past however will not do anyone any good, no one can change the past. Only the present and future are our sole means for our legacy." He reevaluated the traffic across the landscape of Coruscant. "This crisis with the Trade Federation is a messy one indeed. You did mention that two Jedi traveled with you, right?"

Padme nodded, her eyes focused on him. "Yes, they were adamant about doing something about the Federation on Naboo."

"I figured they would. They are the public servants of the Republic, it is their duty to protect the innocent." Padme's eyes wavered at his words. "Though I do wonder why they're waiting for the Senate's orders if their duty is to the galaxy. I mean, if the Jedi were truly protectors of the people, then they don't need to wait for the Senate to stop the massacre of your people."

The Queen frowned and her thoughts reflected on his words, turning away from him. The Alderaan Senator scratched his forehead and looked over his shoulder to Mina, her gray eyes studying him closely.

"What are you suggesting?" asked Padme.

"Use the Jedi to stop this," suggested Darius, his voice becoming soft. "I know you didn't want to bring war to your people, but the war was brought to you by the Republic. They did allow the Trade Federation to amass so much power in the Senate and allow them to build a sufficient droid army, and now your people are dying."

He… was right.

Sighing tiredly, Darius placed both his hands on Padme's shoulders and gently massaged them. "You're a good girl, Padme. You have a big heart, maybe a little too big for politics." He smiled kindly, then wrapped an arm around her shoulder in a protective stance. "You need an army to stop this, and the Senate will take too long on the vote. Regardless on who gets voted in, you know I'm right. Join the Gungans in an alliance, it'll solve the strain that your people had with them and it will allow you perhaps the only chance you have saving Naboo."

He stepped away from the Queen and retook his place in his chair, readjusting his black aristocratic robes. Darius met the stare of Mina, her eyes partially widened in surprise. The Senator of Alderaan straightened his posture, his sign of declaration. He would not budge.

A/N: Hope you enjoy this new story!

This is my first Sith story, so I'm kinda excited for this one since I have a unique little surprise in story for this story lol.

New Note: Figured I'd reupload this little fan favorite story (waits for silver crow to foam from the mouth like the fan crazy Avatar guy... XD), so yeah... Hopefully I won't disappoint you guys again.

Fans: Too late.

Me: Oh c'mon-

Zer0the0mega108: *Taps foot impatiently* Muddafucka don't test me BOI!

Me: ... I don't know why I made you sexy sounding.

Zer0the0mega108: -_- you gayz man... you gayz... *Shakes head disapprovingly*

Me: XP

Fans: ... The hell did I just witness?


Suggestions are welcome.

Power Scale (Changed from the last iteration of this story)-

Galaxy to Galaxy+:



World Razer

Multi-Solar System to Multi-Solar System+:

The Son

The Daughter

Grandmaster Luke Skywalker

Solar System to Solar System+:


Darth Plagueis

Mace Windu (Second in power to Yoda)

Count Dooku (Comparable to Windu)

Darth Deus





Planet to Planet+:

Darth Maul

Shaak Ti

Plo Koon

Ki-Adi Mundi

Aayla Secura

Darth Talon

Darth Maladi

Obi-Wan Kenobi

Qui-Gon Jinn

Moon to Moon+:

Average Jedi Masters

Multi-Continent to Multi-Continent+:

Average Jedi Knights