Hi Prince Zuko,

My name is Katara. My mom knows your mom and she says I should practice writing Fire Nation. So she told me to write to you. Because you need to learn Water Tribe. Because when we're older we're going to use it to trade and stuff.

It's cool that you're a Prince. We don't have Princes here, like the kinds in the stories. My dad is the Chief but we aren't royalty. It sounds interesting. Do you live in a palace? It sounds amazing. One day I want to go to the Fire Nation.

I like the Southern Water Tribe, though. Everyone is fun and I spend a lot of time with my older brother. His name is Sokka. I think he's closer to your age but he doesn't like writing. He likes hunting and swords and stuff. And I'm a waterbender, too. Are you a firebender? That's cool.

I like penguin sledding and I like dancing and I like telling lots of stories. What do you like?

Sorry if this is weird. It's nice to meet you.

— Katara