Summary/disclaimer: time for another chapter of Sins of the Father. Enjoy the 900-word chapter. I don't own Metal Gear, Konami, Hideo Kojima and a few others do.

When Owl and his team entered the hallway towards where Hal's office was, they paused at the sight laid bare in front of them.

Bodies, splotches of crimson, and spent bullet casings greeted them. Owl and his men slowly stepped over the bodies, sweeping their rifles back and forth.

"What the hell…. Who the hell…?" Rabbit asked as Owl blinked in shock, closing his nose from the putrid scents burrowing into it.

This wasn't a fight; it was a slaughter. Owl could tell whatever did this didn't break a sweat or even his stride butchering these men.

They stopped at the door, hearing voices… in Russian. Owl looked at the others and hummed.

"Stun grenade. Breach and clear." Owl ordered, readying his rifle to make sure it was ready for combat.

Dust opened the door and tossed a stun grenade before waiting.

Owl entered first, putting a burst in the head of the first soldier, another fired at him only to catch a trio of shots from Rabbit's MK 23 handgun. Owl counted 6 more.

Bear brought up his SPAS 12 and put a hole in a third soldier, the others recovered by the time Owl and his group reached them.

Owl tackled one of the soldiers to the ground, sending his FAMAS to the side, Bear smashed into another. He snapped the man's neck before another soldier grazed him with his pistol.

Rabbit fired into the head of the soldier as Owl drew his knife and jammed it through the man's leg before kicking him into one of the last groups. The soldier he was busy subduing punched him and threw Owl into a console.

Owl flipped his blade over as the man drew his pistol and hurled it just as the man's hand reached the holster.

The man collapsed to the ground; the blade buried in his head as Rabbit killed the last soldier with a headshot just as he reached for his radio.

"That could have gone better." Bear tossed a fresh FAMAS to Owl who holstered the weapon on his back before grabbing his knife.

"Something tells me we got here just after Snake went through here… still? There's no way Snake tore through those soldiers outside." Rabbit put in as Owl nodded and cracked his back.

"No, but that just means there's another player in the game… spread out, find Dr. Emmerich, DON'T kill him. the only targets we're good with killing is the terrorists here." Owl stated before sighing.

That was before a faint howl broke the silence, the group rested their hands on their weapons.

"I didn't know there was any wolves on the island." Rabbit stated, Owl and Bear shared a look.

"Wolfdogs…. Like good old D-Dog." Owl turned after seeing something.

He could just barely make out a glimmer of light before Rabbit and Bear both followed his gaze.

Bear and Rabbit raised their guns before Owl lowered their weapons.

"Dr. Emmerich?" Owl asked, making sure to keep his voice calm.

The blob of deformed light turned slightly before Bear pulled up his balaclava.

"Sir, with all due respect? We're not here to kill you… we are here to assist in the combat mission and elimination or capture of Liquid Snake." Bear hated lying, but he wasn't going to make them look like a murder team.

Void Wing wasn't there to kill all of the soldiers… Owl actually was willing to put other soldiers from the Genome unit into the Void Wing group.

"You're with Snake?" Owl hummed and nodded before looking at Bear and Rabbit.

"Secure the room. I'm going outside to make a report." Owl ordered, knowing the longer this mission went on, the harder it would be to maintain their operation.

He wondered what happened to Venom. The man was quiet, but when he was on a mission? he was almost ghost like.

He walked outside to hear more howling, curious as to what had heard before a laser sight shone towards him.

Owl cursed and rolled behind a tree, he heard a laugh and then the dot was gone, along with the howling.

"Who the hell are these guys?" Owl questioned, wondering just what this group was.

Owl sighed and pulled his I-Droid before bringing it up to his face.

"This is B-3… we've secured Dr. Emmerich and are busy securing other elements… We have a man down, another member MIA and massive enemy reinforcements in the OA, please advise." Owl questioned, knowing that this mission had gone horrible.

He remembered the phrase 'no plan survives first contact with the enemy'. This was one of those missions, he rubbed at his head.

Owl sighed before Venom came in over the radio… and the crack of a rifle was heard. Owl blinked as he looked around with shock.

"Who is that sniper? And what are Wolfdogs doing here?"

Author notes

Phew, another chapter done! I want to point out that Owl is going to fight Sniper Wolf… and might recruit Raven as well. next chapter will be in a week or so and will show Owl meeting Sniper Wolf and Dingo's next move. Until then, Lighting Wolf out!

Ps: Owl is going to recruit more soldiers into the group soon enough