In the daycare, Trent was playing on his ukulele, but just then, Justin came in and asked what he was doing.

"Hey Trent!" Justin said to Trent.

"Hey Justin, do my strums sound any good?" Trent asked Justin.

"Yeah." Justin answered.

"One day, I'm gonna be a musician and tour the world." Trent said.

"Cool, and I'll be your roadie!" Justin said.

"What's a roadie?" Trent asked.

"A roadie is someone who sets up the big stage before a musician plays LIVE." Justin answered.


Trent: "That'd be great! I love Justin."

End of Confessional

"Hey you know what? We could start a band!" Justin announced.

"That'd be fantastic! We could be a group of four!" Trent rejoiced.

Trent and Justin managed to rangle up Harold and Cody, so they could ask them to be in the band.

"Do you wanna be in a band with us?" Trent asked.

"Sure." Harold and Cody answered.

"But what'll we call ourselves?" Justin wondered.

"I know! We can call ourselves The DramaRama Brothers!" Cody enthusiastally suggested.

So the boys got their costumes on (they look like the original ones), and got the others so they could perform.


Trent: "Wow! I never thought my dreams would come true so soon!"

End of Confessional

"Thank you. Thank you. Today we'll be performing a song called, When I Cry." Trent announced.

"When I cry,

My eye is wet,
And I swear it wasn't guy sweat.

My eyes ain't,


Everyone cheered and The DramaRama Brothers were a hit. Sure, they had a few disagreements at times, but they always had each others backs.