Mary Lou's POV

Three and a half months ago, I sat in Stephanie's apartment, after delivering her some chicken soup. Steph has been feeling under the weather lately, and I decided to check up on her. After hearing her symptoms, I suggested she take a pregnancy test. She did, and it was positive. After she got her breathing back under control, she was able to share her news with me.

"I'm pregnant, Mary Lou," I remember her, telling me.

"Joe's going to be thrilled. He'll make a great father. You know that wedding bells are going to be ringing soon." I exclaimed.

At my announcement, she sat on her bed, head in her hands. I can tell she was trying to figure out when she conceived this baby. When she spoke next, it was like a bucket of cold water was thrown on my head.

"Joe's not the father."

"What? Who's the father then?"



"Yes, Mare, Ranger. Oh, my God! He's going to think I tried to trap him. He's going to ship me off to a third world country."

"Stephanie, you're wrong. You told me about the conversation you had with him a few weeks ago. From what he told you, he loves you and wants to have children with you. He won't be angry, he'll be thrilled."

"This can't be happening."

"Stephanie, you need to calm down. First off, if you weren't pregnant, who would you choose. Be honest with yourself."

"Ranger. I would choose Ranger."


"Because I am not a Burg woman. I don't want the 2.5 kids, the house and the picket fence. I want adventure, I want a chance to be Wonder Woman. I want to be with someone who makes my heart skip a beat, who turns me on with a look, who worships me. Joe is a good guy, he always has been, but he doesn't make me feel special. There have been times when I've walked into his house after some bad capture or attempt, and he basically ignores me. Ranger never ignores me. Even when I'm covered with garbage, he still allows me in his cars. He doesn't look down at me. But I'm scared to choose Ranger."

"Why are you scared, Steph."

"I don't want to lose him. Losing Ranger will mean losing my heart, my desire to go on. He's my world."

"Stephanie, you do realize that you are carrying his child right now. That you and Ranger made a baby together. You will always have him with you forever."

I watch as Stephanie takes in what I'm saying, understanding the weight of predicament for the first time.

"I have to tell Ranger. I can't let him sign another contract."

"So, go tell him."

"But I have to tell Joe, too. I don't want him finding out through the grapevine."

"Stephanie, go to Ranger and tell him. Make love to him, then, you tell Joe."

I watch Stephanie pick up her phone, sending a text. A few moments later, she has a reply. She writes back, then puts her phone down.

"I told Ranger to meet me in Liberty Park in Hamilton. He's going to be there."

"Do you want me to go with?"

"No, Lou, you've taken enough time out of your day for me. I'll be fine.

I called Steph later that night to get a text that she was with Ranger, and everything was okay. I knew it would be. From what she told me, two days later, she met Morelli in the same park and told him about the baby and her and Ranger. Joe was disappointed and hasn't been the same since. Today, I am getting ready to watch my best friend marry the man of her dreams.

They are getting married in a new restaurant that opened up in town, King Umberto's. They rented the entire place for their friends and family to attend. There are no formal bridal attendants, just me and Lester Santos, who are the Matron of Honor and the Best Man. We will stand with Steph and Ranger. They invited many of Ranger's men, his family, her family, and some key members of the Burg. Eddie Gazarra, Carl Costanza, Big Dog, Connie, and Lula rounded out the attendees. Surprisingly, she invited Joe.

Stephanie is ready, waiting in the Manager's office with her father to enter for the ceremony. She purchased a light blue halter style dress that hides her cute baby bump. Her hair is down in soft curls, and she's ready to become Mrs. Manoso.

I walk through the restaurant, spotting Joe sitting by himself in a corner. I walk over to him.

"Hi, Joe. I'm surprised to see you here."

"I'm surprised I came. Part of me wants to leave now, but the other part of me needs to see her marry him. I guess there's a part of my heart that still holds out hope that she'll say no and turn to me instead."

"I don't think that will happen."

"Neither do I, if I'm honest. Is she happy, Mary Lou? Is Ranger who Steph really wants? I mean, I guess I'm asking if it weren't for the bun in the oven, would she be marrying him?"

"Yes, Joe, to all your questions. Ranger is the man for her. I've never seen her so happy, so content. He's good for her. He understands her."

"Well, at least she stopped bounty hunting."

"For now."

"What do you mean, for now?"

"She stopped while she's pregnant but will resume after she has the baby and some training. She is working full time for Rangeman, taking on a lot of the client relations portion of the business, but still wants to collect some skips. Ranger agreed that she can continue to collect her low-bond skips, but only after she passes the Rangeman training program and with a Rangeman partner. She agreed."

"I don't know if you heard, but I'm leaving Trenton."

"I did hear. Where are you going?"


"Joe, I wish you the best of luck. We'll miss you. I do have some advice for you, though."

"What's that?"

"When you decided to sleep with a woman, date her. Take her out to fancy dinners, go for long walks, go to the movies. Make her feel special, important. And most importantly, don't screw around on her. You know one of the reasons Stephanie never settled down with you was because you were always seen with other women. Terry Gilman, Tina Carmichael, Sara Gilbane, just to name a few."

"They didn't mean anything."

"But if you were able to be with them while you were with Stephanie, how much did Stephanie mean to you?"

I watch as a flicker of anger cross Joe's face before resignation. "You're right. I guess if I really loved her, I wouldn't cheat on her, even when we were off."

"You never would have been off."

"Thanks, Mare. You're a good friend."

I hear Tank bellow for people to take their seats, so I leave Joe to meet Steph. I begin the walk from the Manager's office with Lester Santos by my side. Lester's a good guy with a wicked sense of humor. He's a lot of fun to be around, and I have my eye on a potential woman for him. Once we are at our places, the bridal march comes on. I watch as a proud Frank Plum walks Stephanie to Ranger. Steph is glowing, not just from her pregnancy, either. When she reaches Ranger, he shakes Frank's hand then takes hers, briefly touching their child.

The Justice of the Peace does a quick ceremony, and soon they are presented as husband and wife. The kiss they share is hot, and I think a few of us feel a little uncomfortable. Thankfully, Lester's wolf-whistle halts their kiss, and a blushing Stephanie buries her face in her husband's shoulder.

"Babe, you don't need to be embarrassed. We're an old married couple now, we're allowed to kiss whenever we want."

Steph's smile is huge, contagious. I can tell she made the right choice.

Joe's POV

I watch as my Cupcake, my Stephanie, kisses her husband for the first time. As they kiss, all of our times together flash before my eyes. In my mind's eye, I never see her look at me the way she's looking at Ranger. I guess the signs were there. All I know is that I'll never have my dreams come true because Stephanie will always be the woman I want to spend my life with. I down my drink and sneak out of the restaurant. My car is packed, and I'm ready to start my life over in Boston. Goodbye, Stephanie Plum.

Ranger's POV

I stand here, ready to kiss the bride. I still can't believe that we are here and that both our families are happy for us. I was surprised at the way the Plums accepted me. I thought I was persona non grata. But I guess being responsible for a grandchild while marrying their daughter is reason enough. After the reception, we are starting our drive down to Florida. I discovered a beautiful quaint resort in Maryland where we'd have privacy and security for our honeymoon. We'll be spending the first week there. Then, we'll continue to Florida, staying two weeks in the Keys before moving into my house in Miami. Steph doesn't want to have our son here in New Jersey. She doesn't want bets or the news to spread of his birth before we can inform those most important to us. So, we are relocated to Miami. Part of me hopes this is a permanent relocation, as I prefer Miami to Trenton. I am hopeful that I can develop a relationship with Julie, which will only truly happen if I'm in Miami. But, wherever Steph wants to go, I will follow.

I can't wait to make love to Stephanie tonight. It's been a long three months. Those first few nights were agony for both of us, I don't think either of us slept. I know I disappeared into the bathroom at least three times each night to attempt to control my hormones. Her scent is my weakness, my undoing. She had no idea the power she has over me. I have my suspicions that Steph also released her own tension, though she never said anything to me. I'm amazed at how shy she is about sex. I will play nice, letting Stephanie enjoy our reception, knowing that I'll have her in my arms for the rest of my life. I finally hear the magic word, "now you may kiss the bride."

I lean down slightly to kiss Steph. She's wearing three-inch heels, so she's almost my height. I planned on the kiss being a short, respectable kiss, but soon it turned into so much more, our passion rushing out of us. I hear Lester whistle, which breaks us apart. Steph hides her head on my shoulder. I tell her, "Babe, you don't need to be embarrassed. We're an old married couple now, we're allowed to kiss whenever we want."

Her smile lights up the room and warms my heart. I watch Morelli sneak out of the restaurant out of the corner of my eye. I'm not sad to see him go. I know Stephanie would never cheat on me, but I don't trust him. In fact, I'm surprised he came. I guess he was hoping he could sneak in a sweep her off her feet. Think again, Morelli. I look back at my Babe and know that life is good. I can't wait to see what our future has in store for us.

A/N: Well, we've reached the end of another story. In the Facebook poll, most of you guess correctly on the POVs. Then again, I did post it on the Ranger Should Get the Girl page, so I guess that was a slight hint. I'm glad I got to confuse you and keep you wondering. It was a difficult exercise, trying to write something that was vague enough that could be either Ranger or Joe. Not using Cupcake or Babe was hard, as it's such a part of their thoughts. One review called me an evil lady (which I loved, btw) and someone said that if they couldn't sleep together than that was a bad sign. Now that the stories over, you know it's because they could be in the same bed and not BE together. Not because they couldn't share the bed. I also had to get Ranger's POV to mesh with Joe's somehow. As always, thank you Susan for your editing expertise and rapid return time. Chapters 4 and 5 were returned within an hour. Once again, thank you for reading and reviewing. Please, please, please no spoilers in the reviews. Thank you, Babes. You rock!