Thank you everyone for the wonderful reviews! Especially with the last chapter where I took a little creative license with Luka's reaction. I felt like he had been so passive in every situation we had seen in the show, maybe this would be the point where he puts his foot down. Either way, I'm fortunate to have very kind and mature readers! Thank you!
Returning to class, everything felt sort of surreal.
As Adrien and Marinette passed their classmates, instead of awkward smiles, they were greeted with hugs. But not quite in a friendly way. A hug that one would give another after they had been in a car accident, or some similar life-changing tragedy. They never said a word either, just a hug, and then they moved on.
However, it appeared that Lila never took the hint. She stayed completely delusional in the belief that the class was on her side.
In the classroom, she was fishing for attention. Marinette heard her asking around, "hey, do you want to hear about my vacation plans to Hawaii?" And, "oh during lunch I got a call from Jagged Stone! He heard about the whole thing and called to comfort me!"
No one took the bait. Not even a 'maybe later'. Just cold hard silence.
By the time the school day came to an end, the classmates started to speak to each other, but it wasn't ever anything more than school and homework related. Absolutely no gossip, nothing about media consumption, nothing.
It was almost as if all friendships had been reset to zero and everyone was reconsidering what they knew about each other.
Thankfully, Nino seemed pretty solid in his loyalty to Adrien. "Hey dude," he asked softly after the last class of the day. In the silence of the room, he was still heard pretty clearly by everyone. "If you're not going home, where are you staying right now?"
"Oh," Adrien tried to keep his voice even quieter. "I'm actually staying with Marinette. Chat Noir thought she was safest."
"Chat Noir said that? I wonder why?"
"He seems to have a good opinion of her."
"We've talked." Marinette clarified. "A few times. He's stopped on my balcony during patrol and stuff."
There was a scoff in the back of the room. "Really? He's stopped by your house? You're that chummy with Chat Noir?" Lila mocked.
Before Marinette could reply, the rest of the class groaned.
"Just shut up." Alix barked back.
"Chat Noir had to protect Marinette while I was akumatized," Nathaniel added. "It was on the Ladyblog too."
"Oh, so now we're taking all interviews on the Ladyblog as gospel?" Lila huffed, crossing her arms. "Hmm, sounds like favoritism to me."
"Except Chat Noir corroborated Marinette's story." Alya added. "He praised her quick thinking. He's mentioned her in high esteem a few times."
"Fine. But did you ever ask Ladybug about our friendship?"
Alix moaned. "Are you still talking?"
Alya forged ahead. "No, I didn't. But Adrien said this morning that Ladybug called you out in front of him."
"Adrien and Marinette are both liars, and everything they say should be taken with a grain of salt." Lila sneered.
Adrien clenched his fist, about to speak, but Marinette just stood from her seat. Calmly, she packed up her bag, and shouldered it. "If this is the hill you want to die on, be my guest. If there's anything I've learned from our classmates, it's that if you call someone a liar, they'll just think you're jealous. So good luck with all that."
Alya inhaled a quick breath, that Marinette ignored.
"You ready to go?" She asked Adrien.
"Absolutely." He gathered his supplies and they rushed from the room.
Once outside, Adrien let out a sigh. "What a fatal last comment."
"Ehh, I probably went too far. But I am still kind of salty about the whole thing. I'm ready to forgive and let my bitterness go, but I'd at least like an apology first."
"I think they definitely owe you one."
"Maybe I'll get more on Monday. It felt like everyone was…kinda in shock all day."
"No kidding."
"Chloe surprised me. I've been…kind of hesitant to trust her again, but what she did for you today was really something."
Adrien almost forgot he wasn't supposed to know about Miracle Queen, since everyone in the city, including Alya, had been in a trance. There was no coverage of it anywhere. No one knew why the auxiliary heroes were all retired, and no one knew about the Miracle Box being taken. Thank God.
"I know Chloe's a brat, but she's…been getting better?"
Marinette shook her head, and spoke in code, since they were out in public. "She was. Honestly, I was really proud of her and how hard she was working to be a friend again. But…the reason I'm the guardian now, it's kind of her fault. She was the akuma. But, she did it willingly. The big bad got a hold of the Jewelry Box and offered her the Comb if she worked with him. Him getting a hold of it was my mistake…but all the other friends were revealed because of her." She paused for a moment. "I wonder why you weren't summoned forward too, since you had the snake and all."
"I was inside." He clarified. "I saw the bees swarming out in the streets, so I stayed hunkered down in my room. I guess I didn't realize at the time it was Chloe, but with bees and makes sense." He pursed his lips. "I didn't notice Chloe acting much different. I wonder if her standing up for us was her trying to absolve herself."
Marinette shrugged. "She'll have to keep it up, I'm afraid. But I can't give her the comb again. It's just too dangerous."
"It's not your responsibility to fix people, Marinette. I know you want to, but Chloe is a damaged person. She will get better in time, but you gave her several chances. You can stop."
Marinette let out a breath. "Yeah. You're right. Thanks Adrien."
Desperate for a change in topic as they reached the locker room, Marinette asked, "how'd it go with Kagami? You came back kinda late so I didn't get the chance to ask."
"Oh, it went good. Really good."
"Yeah. She said she's over me already. I suspect she's lying...but we had a good talk. She's on our side at least. She doesn't believe I could molest anyone."
"As she should."
"She says she hopes to hang out with you again soon."
"I wouldn't mind but…I think it might be a little awkward for a while."
"She said you'd say that too." He laughed.
"Wow, she sure does have me pegged."
Adrien wrestled his duffle out of his locker, slinging it over his shoulder.
"Is that everything you need?" Marinette asked. "Do you need me to get Ladybug to get anything else?"
"Nope," he shrugged. "All of my earthly possessions are in here. At least, the things I can't live without."
"Do you need me to carry anything?"
"Nope, I got it."
So they headed out, not running into any of their classmates. However, as they left the locker room, they could hear yelling coming from the second floor, where their class was.
"Well, it's not an akuma." Adrien said with a tiny smirk.
"Should we intervene?"
"No. I think we've had enough drama for the last two days."
"Yeah…" Marinette breathed. "Speaking of drama…I spoke to Luka at lunch."
"Oh? How'd that go?"
"Not good. Not good at all. He feels…like I wasted his time. He was upset."
"He thought that I was trying to get over you so that he and I could date, but that's not exactly what happened. He thought his persistent pursuing me meant he was first in line to date me."
Adrien winced. That's kind of how Chat Noir had acted too. Boy, she would be pissed when she found out who he was. Maybe he shouldn't tell her after all…
"So yeah, that's how we left things. I've been kicked off the Kitty Section team indefinitely…"
"Oh Marinette…" Adrien cooed, resting a hand on her waist.
"Nope. Don't talk to me like that, or I will cry." She blinked rapidly. "I knew whatever I said would break his heart. But…I think if he had been gracious about it, I would have taken it harder. For him to react the way he did makes me feel like I dodged a bullet."
"I know exactly how you feel. Trust me." He tugged her close and gave her a little side squeeze.
The rest of the trip to the bakery was taken in silence as both teens were lost in their own thoughts. Both mulling over 'what if's of the future, and what was going to happen next.
Especially a very long conversation that had to happen.
At the bakery, Sabine greeted both of them with kisses to the cheeks. "Hello you two! How was school? Survive okay?"
"Survive is an apt word." Marinette chuckled weakly. "Lila's not going out without a fight."
"Well, my offer still stands, if you need me to request a parent teacher conference, I will!"
"Thank you Mrs. Cheng," Adrien stated, "but…my father threatened a lawsuit. If that doesn't get her mother's attention, I don't know what will."
"Oh my! She's that bad? I just assumed it was rumors and gossip. A Lawsuit is quite serious!"
"Well, my father fired her yesterday after she left here. In order to save face, she accused me of sexual harassment."
Sabine tutted. "That girl is a real piece of work. I'm sorry you're both having to deal with this! Whatever you need, just ask!"
Adrien gave a weak smile. "Could I have an almond danish?"
Sabine laughed. "Oh sweetie, you didn't need to ask." She took one out of the case and handed it to him. "Now, I have to get back to work, but we can finish this conversation later. Adrien, Tom and I wake up very early, so we think it's best if you stayed in Marinette's room so we didn't wake you up. You can behave yourselves, right?"
"Yes ma'am!" Adrien agreed a little too enthusiastically.
"Good, then scoot!" She shooed them out of the bakery.
"Are you okay with that, Marinette?" He asked. "Or are you afraid I'd sexually harass you in your sleep?"
"You touch me anyway I don't approve, and you'll be hanging from your ankles from the top of the Eiffel Tower."
He snorted. "Noted!"
Adrien followed her silently upstairs into the apartment. Now that they were alone, he knew he had to tell her. He needed to say everything, so they could move forward and make a plan. As he took the steps up to her room, his hands began to sweat around the strap of his bag. Just do it. Just say it.
"You can set your bag here," Marinette began. "The bathroom is across the hall from the living room, but you can keep your toothbrush here at my sink if you want. I'll get some pillows and blankets—"
"I'm Chat Noir."
He said it when she had her back turned, so he didn't have to see her face. She continued to face away from him, her shoulders slowly tightening with anxiety, like a coil about to snap.
"I should have told you yesterday," he continued, desperate to make sure she heard it all before she freaked out. "But you were so panicked with everything else, I just didn't want to add to it. I didn't want to hide from you, My Lady."
She flinched, ducking her head slightly.
"I went home yesterday. My father greeted me at the door, and we talked about trust. He said he approved of you and I seeing each other, and he said he would remove Lila from my photoshoots. You know this. And then…he said he had something he wanted to trust me with." He licked his lips, finding them unbearably dry. "He pressed some buttons on the painting of my mother, and this elevator lowered through the floor. At the bottom, there was this huge cavern I had never been in before. There was a bridge, and then a garden on the other side, and in a…it looked like a coffin, but I think it was a life support machine…my mother was there. She's in a magical coma, from using the broken Peacock Miraculous. Dad revealed himself to be Hawkmoth, and he explained he wanted our Miraculous so he could use the ultimate power to wake her up." He inhaled, his breath stuttering with faintly concealed sobs. "Then he asked me to help him. He had been using Lila as an akuma trigger, but since she was fired, he wanted me to take her place."
"And what did you say?" Marinette's voice was hollow and dull.
"I didn't say anything. I was just in shock. He was crying and…I wanted to save my mother too. I know his method is wrong, and I can't help but think the ultimate wish isn't going to do what we want…"
"So Plagg stole the Miraculous while he was sleeping?"
"Yes. I thought about getting you, but I had to work quickly. I didn't want to fight him. And after I gave them to you last night, I returned home, and he was waiting for me."
"So he knows?"
"No. I had an alibi, but…he still drugged me and tore my room apart looking for them. I woke up at some point, disoriented and confused, and I attempted to fight him, that's how I got my black eye."
Finally, finally, Marinette turned around, showing the tear streaks running down her face. "I was so worried about you." She whispered.
"Oh bugaboo…" He rushed to her, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her into a strong and solid hug. "I'm sorry. I just couldn't risk getting caught. That's why I left."
"I understand, you did the right thing." Her fingers dove into his hair, scratching at his scalp in a calming way. "I'm so proud of you, kitty."
"Thank you, my lady." He squeezed her. "And I am most certainly not disappointed in you for what happened. I know it was an accident, and I'm here to help you. I was worried about you, because I love you. I love you so so much, Marinette."
She croaked out a sob and nuzzled her face into his shoulder. "I'm so glad it's you. I'm sorry I kept breaking your heart, but I'm so glad it's you! It was always you, the boy I loved. The boy I kept turning you down for…I've always loved you."
"And now you know how I feel isn't a celebrity thing," he chuckled.
"I didn't doubt you for a second." She clutched his shirt. "You said you loved me even more since you found out who I was. I trust you, Adrien. With my life."
He pulled away enough to look down at her. "This was the final loose end I had to tie up. Telling you who I am." He reached a hand up, tracing the shell of her ear with his thumb, and letting it trail down to her jaw. "Marinette, would you marry me?"
She snorted, "what?"
"Sorry, I skipped a step. Would you like to be my girlfriend?"
"Wait, I didn't get to say yes to your proposal!"
He laughed, gathering her tightly and spinning her around. "I love you, Marinette Dupain-Cheng! One day, I'll make you mine!"
"I'll hold you to that," she giggled, elated and bursting at the seams with love. "You'll have to get it approved by my parents first."
"Your parents!" He gasped. "We should tell them! They might not be okay with me sleeping in here if they know! And I don't want to get on my in-laws' bad side!"
"Adrien." Marinette snickered. "It's okay. We'll tell them at dinner. And…" She glanced down. "I was thinking about telling them my identity."
"Oh?" There was no judgement or caution in his tone, just plum curiosity.
"It was Tikki's idea. Now that Hawkmoth isn't a threat, maybe revealing myself would clear the air, you know, because of unexplained absences?"
"In that case, can I tell them too?"
"Uh, sure…why?"
He rubbed his arm. "I want adults that I can come to if I need help. My father isn't that for me. One day, I'll probably tell him the truth, but…Not now. I'm too scared."
"Alright Kitty, we'll tell them tonight at dinner. After all, we have to get their permission to go to Tibet this weekend."
He raised an eyebrow. "That soon?"
"Sure! We have to talk to the guardians about how to save your mom after all."
His face melted from giddy to astonished, as he beheld her. "You…you want to save my mom?"
"Of course Kitty! You love her, don't you? If she can be saved, we should at least try."
He opened and closed his mouth, fighting for words of gratitude. 'Thank you' wasn't strong enough. It didn't mean enough. 'I love you' was starting to sound repetitive. Emotion seeped out of him, drenching his cheeks with tears of joy of being in love and being so loved in return. It was overwhelming, but so welcomed. He couldn't hold it back anymore.
He kissed her roughly, thoroughly, solidly. Hands wrapped around her, grabbing, tugging, caressing, bringing her closer and closer, until he could be all consumed with her, her scent, her taste. Her everything.
He took her bottom lip between his, sucking and teasing with his teeth, while he coyly tugged on her belt loop.
Then suddenly, they were tumbling, as her leg hit the edge of the settee and she lost balance. She landed with a little 'oof' right on the cushion, as he braced himself above her.
Her impossibly blue eyes stared up into his, before she burst into giggles. "Whoops."
"Are you okay?"
"I'm fine, Kitty."
"Good. Are you comfortable?"
"Yes? Why?"
"Because I'm not done with you yet," and he returned to capture her lips again with an open mouthed kiss. He indulged for a moment, just before pulling away. "If that's okay, My Lady?"
"Its alright, my Prince."
His cheeks colored a little at the pet name. "I like that one."
"Yeah..." He finally closed the distance, his touch much more gentle, tender, and just savoring the moment.
"I love you." He whispered between caresses. "I love you."
"I love—" she giggled as he cut her off over and over. "I love you! I love you!"
"Marinette! Adrien! Dinner's ready!"
They pulled apart to look at each other before they started laughing all over again. "Did we just—?"
"Kiss for two hours?" Asked Plagg, with the dullest voice. "Yes. Yes you did."
Tikki elbowed him. "Leave them alone Plagg. They're in love!"
"Yeah," said Adrien, sappily. "We're in love..."
"Go to dinner!"