Class 1A wanted to throw some sort of party-get-together shit with Class 1B. It was supposed to be a surprise party for Kendo but Tetsutetsu had told her. By accident.

Class 1A and 1B had bonded during their stay at the dorms, visiting each other.

"Dude we don't have flour," Kirishima stated.

Bakugo turned to look at him. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT!?"

"We, uh, kind of used it all," Hagakure said. "Us girls tried to bake something."

Bakugo groaned. Was he the only person in this goddamn class that knew how to cook?

"And I'm sure flour isn't the only thing we don't have. Ribbit," Tsuyu said, scratching her chin, trying to remember. "Eggs. Mina tripped on the eggs."

"It wasn't my fault. Who keeps eggs on the floor!?" Mina cried in exasperation.

"I'll make a list of the things we used up," Yaoyorozu said, creating a pen and a notepad. She wrote down a few things. "Here you go." She handed it to Kirishima.

"So, uh, who's gonna go get these?" Kirishima asked, facing the class.

"I-I'll go,"Midoriya said, stepping up.

"Damn it Deku! Kirishima, I'll go!" Bakugo yelled. Everything always had to be a competition between them.

"I have to get some things too so I'll go," Todoroki said in his monotonous voice.

"Great you three can go!" Kirishima said, overly too happy.

Bakugo snatched the list from his hand. "Followed me, extras!" He walked outside. It was surprising he even wanted them to follow him.

Midoriya was sweating bullets, while Todoroki muttered something about not being an extra before they followed him.

"Yo are you sure this is a good idea?" Sero said, looking outside the window.

"Walk behind me damnit!" Bakugo yelled as Todoroki began to walk faster. Midoriya scooted away from Bakugo.

Mina frowned. "I'm pretty sure it isn't."

"Don't worry. They'll be fine," Kirishima waved it off.

Bakugo pushed Todoroki backwards. "I said walk behind me!" Todoroki stumbled into Midoriya and tried to push Bakugo back but Midoriya stopped him.

"You know what. This is NOT a good idea," Kirishima concluded. "Plan B! Plan B!!"

"S-So we have to buy flour first," Midoriya said.

"Don't tell me what to do, Deku!" Bakugo yelled, slamming a bag of flour into the cart, making it tear open and causing the flour to fly everywhere.

"K-Kacchan!" Midoriya yelled, sneezing as flour flew into his nose.

"Shut up Deku!"

Todoroki watched, trying to get flour away from his face. "We haven't even gotten anything and you've succeeded in messing things up, Bakugo."

Bakugo turned to Todoroki, full on glowering at him. "I'll kill you Icy Hot! It was you who made it open!"

"Me!? How!?" Todoroki glared at him.

"G-Guys, let's calm down. We're going to-"

"Shut up you damn nerd!"

Bakugo also succeeded in breaking seven crates of eggs, and causing a domino of shelves crashing down.

Todoroki burnt a shelf by accident, and broke 29 bottles of different flavourings.

Midoriya was, well, the only level headed one, trying to stop Bakugo and Todoroki from fighting and wrecking the place even more. They hadn't even gotten one item on the list.

"Okay l-let's get the baking powder. Nothing can go wrong with baking powder, right?"

Bakugo reached for the baking powder the same time Todoroki did. "Let go of it, Icy Hot."

"No way, you'll just succeed in destroying it again."

"Like you won't!"

Bakugo set of a loud explosion, which caused the shelf to explode. Todoroki, out of reflex, turned the shelf into ice, freezing six other shelves in the process.

The cashier of the mall turned to glare at them. "You three! Leave this place! Pay for the damage you cost!"

"Like hell we-"

"We're sorry! We promise to behave!" Midoriya yelled, interrupting Bakugo and bowing frantically.

"You said that the last twenty things you destroyed!"

Bakugo set off an explosion at Midoriya for interrupting him.

Midoriya jumped away.

Todoroki, Bakugo and Midoriya stared at the burning mall. How they succeeded in burning it, nobody knows. But it was purely by accident. Kinda. Aizawa was so going to kill them.

"This is all your fault Bakugo!" Todoroki glared at him. "I didn't even get what I wanted to!"


"Guys please, let's not-"


The walk back to the dorms consisted of yelling, cursing (courtesy of Bakugo) and more yelling.

"Dude, where are the things you bought?" Kaminari asked, looking at them as they entered.

"We kinda sorta set the mall on fire," Midoriya said, grinning sheepishly.

"Well lucky for your guys, us girls went out to get the ingredients," Uraraka said. "And Mr. Aizawa is so going to kill you guys."

The cake was horrible, because Bakugo wasn't there to cook it. And Sato wasn't feeling his best.

And of course, Aizawa killed them.

With cleaning duty for three months.

If you have hateful comments, keep it to yourself. I don't want to hear them.

Thanks for reading though!