Random rat-fact: rats are nothing like they are portrayed in Harry Potter (traitorous Wormtail) or Grimm (cowardly and unlikable). Domestic rats are extremely sweet and affectionate animals. They love giving kisses and going for rides around the house on someone's shoulder. One of my rats, Jasper, always sleeps in a place where he can easily greet every single person passing my room and hugs their wrist until they pick him up.

Now, on with the story...

It was a beautiful sunny day and so far no one in Portland had been found murdered. This was good for reasons other than the obvious because it meant that police detective Nick Burkhardt was able to go with his wife, children, and friends to The Wolf's Den, a new bakery that had opened a few days before. They were all in a good mood and enjoying spending time together that didn't involve life-threatening experiences and wesen that didn't quite understand what lengths a grimm will go to to protect those he loves.

As it was, on this day, there was no possibility of death, blood, or gore. As far as any of them knew, there was no one currently out for any of their blood and that sat well with them. Of course, they knew that their brief moment of safety and peace wouldn't last more than a few weeks. Soon, Nick will come across a murder that appeared to be wesen in nature and he would drag Monroe into it and they would soon be tangled up in a mess of danger and adrenaline. Nick and Monroe would come out of it in the end, probably limping a bit with a few scratches or perhaps even a new scar or two. They would be able to settle into a new short round of peace and relaxation before the cycle started up once again.

Nick and Trubel didn't fight the instinct that persuaded them to scan the small shop in order to ensure that it contained no threat. They were both gifted with the unconscious but constant awareness that had been passed down through hundreds of grimms before them. It had been honed by numerous situations in which a small but automatic reflex had saved their lives. Both of the grimms scanned the cafe for a potential danger and, seeing none, turned their attention back to their family and friends. The group of friends was made up of Monroe, Rosalee; Nick and Adalind along with their two children Diana and Kelly; and Trubel. Hank and Wu had been invited but, unlike Nick, they had been unable to get the day off from work and were stuck in the precinct, likely sweating due to the broken air conditioner. The large group made their way into the bakery and found that none of the small tables could compensate for their number. They quickly solved their problem by pushing three small tables together to make one large one and grabbed a baby seat from the corner for Kelly. Apart from the party of seven, the bakery was otherwise empty. It seemed as if the shop was new enough that it didn't have a constant stream of customers. The shop was currently completely deserted and there wasn't even someone behind the counter but there was a small bell sitting on the counter and Nick could hear faint noises from an adjacent room with their enhanced hearing.

Nick, Rosalee, and Monroe were just about to go up to the counter to ring the bell and order for the group when a young boy who couldn't have been older than five years old darted out from behind the counter and approached them. He had a head full of messy blue hair and wore a small child-sized apron. There was a faint scar on his cheek from what must have been from a deep cut made a few years ago. His face was smudged with liberal amounts of powdery, white four but he wore a toothy grin that seemed far too wide for his small face.

"Hi, I'm Teddy! How can I help you? My godparents own The Den so it's my job to help out by being good an' not getting in the way or annoying customers so people like it so they come back an' buy more so we stay open an' can stay here and not move again. So," the blue haired child concluded, "it's my job to help you so you aren't annoyed!"

Rosalee smiled down at him, wondering if her triplets would be as adorable as the boy staring up at her and bouncing lightly on the balls of his feet. "Hi Teddy, I'm Rosalee. This is my husband Monroe and our friend Nick. Can you help us choose the best breakfast pastries?"

Teddy squealed in delight, "Yesssss! I know all the best foods 'cause Shade has me taste test things jus' in case they could be poisoned!" he looks up at them with a small frown on his face causing the three adults to hide their amused smiles. "they aren't ever poisoned so don't worry 'bout eating here. It's jus' a game 'cause Shade an' Red would never ever test if somethin' was poisonous on me! I jus' make sure it all tastes really, really good and it does! I..."
"Teddy Bear!" a green-eyed man stepped out from a door behind the counter, "I asked you to check if we had any guests, not chat with them so long that they die from starvation!" The man wore a mock serious expression on his young face but the corner of his lips quirked into a small smile at the sight of the flour covered boy nearly jumping from excitement. The man didn't seem much more than a boy himself. He appeared to be nineteen or twenty years old but he was evidently used to caring for the overly excitable five-year old.

"But Shade, I wasn' killing them from starvation, I was helping them! I was gonna show them all the good food and tell them to stay away from the yucky stuff you make."

"Just because you don't like blueberries, Teddy, doesn't mean that everyone finds them yucky. Why don't you go back to our personal kitchen and help Red finish up the pancakes before Rye wakes up?" 'Shade' suggested.

"I already said I'd help them find the best breakfast!" Teddy explained with a point to the people in question, as if there could be any doubt with the store otherwise empty, and an over dramatic pout.

The man smiled at him for a second before diverting his attention to his three customers who were watching the scene with amused expressions. He tilted his head to the side slightly, asking if they wanted to deal with Teddy or if he should send him back to the kitchen to make and eat pancakes.

Rosalee smiled back at him, "we would really like Teddy's help finding the best breakfast, if you can spare his help?"

'Shade' chuckled and nodded, "sounds great. I'm going to make sure that everything is under control in the other room and then I'll be right back. Call me or send Teddy through if you need anything."

With the young man gone, the three adults turned their attention to the boy who was excitedly leading them over to the display case when all the pastries were displayed. Somehow in the five steps it took to reach the pastry display, Teddy managed to trip over his own feet. He caught himself with his hands before his nose smashed into the ground and seemed relatively unhurt but he wasn't able to stop himself from woging. To the group's surprise, the bouncy and cheerful boy leading them to the pastries was a young blutbad. The flash of fear and small amount of pain from falling must have enough to set the child off. He seemed unconcerned with the situation and just picked himself back up and dusted his hands off. The whole incident would have gone over smoothly if Teddy hadn't glanced up to meet Nick's eyes the second before his woge rippled back into his usual face.

Teddy's face paled and even his bright blue hair faded several shades. That was new for the people standing before him but they realized that now wasn't the time to start interrogating him about how his hair suddenly lost color. The boy took a few stumbling steps away and kept his eyes fixed on the grimm in front of him but he didn't scream or run away in tears.

Instead he took a shaky breath and decided to face the problem face on, "are you gonna hurt me, Mr. Grimm?"

Nick looked down at the boy. He was scared and his bottom lip was trembling slightly but he wasn't backing down or running. Nick couldn't tell if it was because he was too scared to run or if he was being brave and thought that there was the chance that a grimm didn't want to kill him.

Nick slowly kneeled down to reduce the height difference between them and shook his head, "No, I'm not going to hurt you Teddy. My name is Nick and I'm a cop, not at all like those stories you've heard. I only catch bad wesen and I put them in jail so they can't hurt anyone anymore."

The boy seemed to want to believe him but he still kept his distance. Nick glanced up at his friends and tried again, "I have many friends who are wesen and I would never, ever hurt them." he could see Monroe and Rosalee woge from the corner of his eye but he kept his attention on Teddy. "See? Rosalee's a fuchsbau and Monroe is a blutbad like you."

Teddy nodded tentatively and some color came back into his face. "So you're a good grimm like Shade?"

Nick hadn't known that the young man behind the counter earlier had been a grimm but he nodded anyway, assuming it would be the best way to quickly reassure the child. "Yeah, I'm a good grimm."

Teddy gave him a scruitanizing look for ten seconds before he smiled brightly. "I believe you. Now come on! I still have to show you the best food!"

Just then, the man from before came back out from the other room. He didn't look like a grimm but there was no real 'look' that a grimm could be identified by. However, he did look like someone you wouldn't want to get in a fight with. He wasn't tall or having bulging muscles but there was something about the way he held himself - a self assurance and ellagence that skilled fighters have - that made him appear dangerous if provoked.

"Shade! Nick's a grimm jus' like you!" Now that Teddy had gotten over his fear, he seemed delighted by the fact. Nick had never had a wesen so quickly go from being terrified of him to being perfectly accepting.

'Shade' on the other hand, wasn't at all accepting. He threw himself over the counter, knocking business cards, a few pamphlets, and the small bell to the floor and positioned himself between Teddy and Nick in a fighting position.

The commotion was enough to draw Adalind and Trubel out of their conversation with Diana and Trubel motioned for the mother and children to stay out of it as she made her way over to the conflict.

The green-eyed man kept his eyes on the four people in front of him as he spoke to the boy, "Teddy, go find Red and tell what's happening."
"But he's ni…" the boy began to whine before he was cut off.


"'Kay, Shade. You're not going to be mean to them, right? 'Cause they weren't mean to me and Nick said that he wouldn't hurt me."

'Shade' sighed, not taking his eyes off of his potential enemies in front of him, "just go, Teds. No one's going to get hurt but I need you to get out of this, okay?"

Teddy reluctantly walked around the counter and slammed the door to the back room behind him.

The five adults stood silently for a few moments, sizing each other up. If it came to a fight, the winning side would be obvious. Two wesen and two grimms against one grimm was hardly a fair fight and one that no one individual could win. The young man who'd sent Teddy away only knew that he was facing a grimm and his companions, not that two of those companions happened to be wesen and the third was another grimm. And that wasn't even taking into account the two hexenbiests who still remained at the table, watching the situation unfold but staying out of it. Adalind knew that she needed to stay by her children and that if she got up, Diana would definitely follow her. Even now, Diana seemed to be thinking up ways to sneak off so she could be close enough to hear every word the adults said.

Monroe broke the silence before it became too awkward, "look, man, we weren't going to hurt the kid okay? Nick and Trubel are grimms but they aren't the behead-first-ask-questions-later type." When he saw that the green-eyed man's face was unchanged, he tried the method that had worked on Teddy and woged. Rosalee followed his lead a second later. "I'm a blutbad and she's a fuchsbau. The type of grimm that you hear about would never be friends with wesen like Nick and Trubel are."

The young man nodded slowly and extended his hand to Monroe, "okay. I'll take your word for it for now but I'm not letting any of you close to my godson without supervision."

Monroe nodded back at him and clasped hands, "understandable, man. I'm Monroe, this is my wife Rosalee and our two grimm friends Nick and Trubel."

"I'm Harrison Potter but call me Harry. My girlfriend and I own the shop." Harry reached out to shake Rosalee's and then Nick's and Trouble's hands. "I'm sorry that I haven't made the best impression," he chuckled. "I just wasn't expecting so many grimms to walk into my shop so soon and seeing Teddy so close to you kind of gave me a heart attack."

Nick waved off his apology, "it isn't your fault. He actually reacted much better than most of the wesen I've come across. Most scream and run for the hills but he just stood there and asked if we were intending to hurt him."

Harry frowned and glanced back at the door Teddy had gone through. "Being raised by a grimm will do that to you. He should be more careful, though, not all grimms are like me... and I suppose you two as well."

"How come you are raising a blutbad? I can't imagine many circumstances that would put a blutbad cub in the hands of a grimm," Rosalee asked, her tone almost accusing.

Harry shook his head, "it's not what you think, I didn't kill his parents and then take him in for whatever reason. Ted's father, my father, and my godfather met when they were eleven at their boarding school. They were fast friends and the three of them were loyal to each other to the death, even when they found out that Remus, Teddy's father, was a lycanthrope. They simply dubbed him 'Moony' and moved on with life. A few years after my parents were killed, Moony and my godfather took me from a bad situation and raised me." Harry moved back behind the counter and bent down so his arms were rested on it. "When Teddy was born Moony named me godfather and he's been my son ever since…" Harry paused for a moment and cleared his throat before continuing, "well, since Moony died two years ago."

Rosalee rested her hand on Harry's for a second in apology, "it wasn't right of me to accuse you like that. No grimm I have heard about kills to kidnap wesen children and it is obvious that you care a lot about him."

Harry smiled at her, "I really do, he's my family and I'd die before I let anyone hurt him." He then raised his voice and looked over to the door that led to the back room. "Hey, Teddy! You can come back out now and help our customers 'choose the best food' now."

The boy, his hair back to it's original brilliant blue, flew through the door, causing it to slam loudly against the wall and bounded up to them.

"Yes, finally! You were taking forever." Teddy accused his godfather. The young man simply raised his hands in surrender and watched carefully as his hyperactive and clumsy godson interacted with the grimms and wesen. He may believe that these grimms were like him and didn't go looking to behead every creature that wasn't 'normal' but he wasn't about to leave them in the same room as his godson when he wasn't watching.

This is probably going to be a oneshot. I may add more chapters later but don't wait for it. In Grimm, this takes place a little while after the finale episode (before Rosalee is heavily pregnant with the triplets). My Harry Potter storyline is very AU. Basically, Remus and Sirius took Harry from the Dursleys when he was 5 or 6. Sirius had broken out of Azkaban and was cleared of his crimes quickly after they found Wormtail. Teddy was born when Harry was 14 and Harry defeated Voldemort when he was 17. This takes place when Harry is 19 and Teddy is 5. Harry's girlfriend is Ginny and Rye (Ariana) is Sirius's daughter who is 3. I kind of just felt I had to give him a daughter so there she is. In my head, Harry's maternal grandfather was the last Grimm in his family, but it really doesn't matter. I changed Harry's name a bit because I don't like Harry as a full name. Don't ask me why. I'm fine with it as a nickname. I hope that clears some things up for you if you were confused.