Hey. It's me, Pizzasandpandemonium. Hope you enjoy this. It has Dumbledore bashing, Ron bashing, and a little of Hermione. I'll update every 3 days so watch out for those updates. The words will be between 1,400 and 2,000.

Disclaimer: As much as I wish it would be, the Harry Potter series isn't mine. I'm just using it for entertainment.

The bed creaked as Harry rose up from his slumber. He grabbed his glasses from the dresser next to him and put them on. His eyes were still red and puffy from the crying of the night before. His shoulders sagged as he remembered what exactly he had been crying about. He stood up and walked over to his suitcase. He hadn't gotten around to unpacking. Not that he needed to anyway.

Harry grabbed some clothes and started to walk to the bathroom, sighing.

A fresh shower later, the teenager walked out ready to do some chores. Harry walked down the stairs, and looked to the list on the dining table. His green eyes stayed downcast as he read the greeting in the note that his aunt left.

You will do these chores while Dudley, your uncle, and I are gone. We will be back tomorrow.

Wash the dishes

Mow the lawn…

Harry scoffed and set off toward the kitchen. He would do those later. He made a cheese sandwich for an early lunch and sat down at the counter. Contrary to what many people thought, the Boy Who Lived didn't have hordes of house elves at his beck and call. Harry rolled his eyes as to what people thought of him. First year: Hero. Second year: Evil. Third year: Eh. Not much. Just ignored. Fourth year: Cheat. Fifth year: Liar. Wow… See the differences there… Harry's mind backpedaled to the MOM incident. He sighed.

He wasn't feeling that hungry anymore. He grabbed his plate and started washing the dishes. Moments later, they had a shine to them and Harry stomped back upstairs. If the Dursleys were here he would've for sure gotten a swat to the head for that. Harry sat down at the old wobbly desk in his room and thought about what he should write. He opened his loose floorboard and took out some parchment to write on. He needed to write a letter to Neville and Luna, thanking them.

Hey Neville,

I'm sorry that I dragged you along to the Ministry on accident. I wasn't even thinking that time. It was a really rash decision. Sorry once again. Um you might want to sit down for this part. I thought that I needed to tell you this. Apparently there was a prophecy made and it applied to me and you. Here it is:

The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches...

born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies...

and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not...

and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives...

the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies...

So it could have been applied to either of us but Voldemort just chose me, that's it. It could have been me who was the chosen one but it's you. That must have been life changing, right? Well, if you pay attention to the last line it says if one lives then the other dies. Sorry again for dragging you into this whole mess. I hope that we could be friends in the upcoming year since I have some suspicions about Ron and Hermione. I trust you with this information so I hope that you won't tell anyone.


Harry Potter, The Chosen One of All Time!

P.S. I need to get better at defending myself so could you lend me some books on DADA and maybe Transfiguration?

Harry looked over his letter and nodded at it. It covered all his points other than the balls of scrunched up parchment littering the floor. He was about to send it with Hedwig but realized that he didn't write Luna's letter yet.

Hello Luna,

This is Harry Potter. I wanted to say sorry for dragging you into the MOM mess. Um… If you wanted to, we could sit together on the train with Neville. If you wanted to of course… How's it going?


Harry Potter

That was stressful. Harry worried that it would be too short but he didn't know Luna very well and had a bit of a crush on her. He shook his head of that thought and sealed both the letters to hand them over to Hedwig.

"Here girl," he woke his owl up. He tied the letters to her foot and gave her a pleading expression.

"Please! I know you're tired but I really need these letters delivered to Neville Longbottom and Luna Lovegood. I'll even give you extra treats. I promise," he pleaded.

Hedwig huffed. Or at least that's what it sounded like. She flew off into the sunny sky and Harry smiled. Owl treats could buy anything from Hedwig. He looked out the window to see Mundungus sleeping near the bush almost out of sight.

He grinned even larger. He was sure now that the criminal's shift was from 11 to 2 and he almost always left ten minutes before it ended. Tomorrow, he was going to catch the Knight Bus to Diagon Alley, in disguise of course. He was sure that there were more people watching out for him like . But he already figured that out since Ms. Figg goes out for groceries around that time too so it was going to be perfect. To take some precautions, he was going to walk a few blocks over and then hop on the bus. The reason why he was going to Diagon Alley was because he received a letter from Gringotts a few days earlier. Apparently, Sirius had a will that needed to be read out and he was in it. The letter really didn't specify any details so he would ask questions there. It was also addressed to the name of Lord Potter. There was going to be a ton of questions about that. He was a Lord?! That was certainly interesting. He didn't have any castles, not that he knew of anyway.

He was definitely interested if it turned out he had castles. It would give him a place to live other than with the Dursleys. Oh but of course Dumbledore would insist saying that it was for his own safety that he stayed in Privet Drive. In fact his exact words would be: "Harry, my boy. It is for your own safety that you were placed with your aunt. It is only for the summer after all."

The words would also be accompanied with that mad twinkle in his eye. Harry rolled his eyes. He had finally come to the realization that Dumbledore was a manipulative old man who had nothing else to do then ruin someone's life. He got up from his bed and got ready for the adventure tomorrow. He was feeling giddy inside at the thought of it. Sneaking out without Dumbledore knowing at all. Wouldn't that be exciting?

It certainly was an improvement from doing chores all day long. First he got out some normal clothes and added a cap and hoodie. Hmm… He sneaked into Aunt Petunia's room and got out the concealer in her makeup bag. That would help cover up his blasted scar. He also needed to change his face. A memory popped into his head of him changing his hair back when his aunt cut it. With the idea in his mind, he concentrated on making his hair longer like his 4th year hairstyle. He wondered…

Maybe he could change his eye color too like Tonks. He ran to the mirror and tried to make them a dull brown shade. It took quite a bit of time. 15 minutes later, he was ready to go out. Andddd it was still 4 in the evening. Sighing, he set out to do the chores his aunt set for him. But not before changing his appearance back.