Sector 2828 in the Vega system
Star fire was surprised by the recent action, a resistance to the Citadelian lasers, which with their weaponry had put the limit of the defenses of tamaran, an excellent manipulation and creation of Water depending if it had used the water of the atmosphere, a precision and strength to its equal, if not more than superior.
As soon as the invading ship fell silent, they were surrounded by attack ships, aiming at the main target, Naruto
The Citadelians looked on the target panel, ready to fire the attack, when suddenly, they were partially blinded by the glare it emitted.
Naruto was overflowing with silver and gold flames, this phase being somewhat unnecessary for Naruto, but Shinju insisted that he was demonstrating power and could intimidate his opponents, giving him a strategic advantage, it seemed reasonable to Naruto.
In one swift move, multiple Naruto's passed through the surrounding ships, these clones being reinforced with Yoton and Katon Chakra, reaching the temperature more than necessary to melt the crust or shell of the ships.
One clone in particular had saved an attacker and from the memories he received from his clones he realized that they were all very similar, almost identical, Carbon Black Humanoid Forms and with a metallic clothing, almost like an Android wrapped in flesh.
The clone had pinned him down in the challenges of the destroyed ships, and the Original Naruto used the Tsukuyomi to extract all the valuable information from him in a matter of seconds
"Are you a princess? Is your sister Komand'r? Known as BlackFire?" he asked hesitantly, for as little as he knew, she was originally from this planet, but was physically different from everyone else, something was wrong.
"Y-yes it is, but what does she have to do with this?" He asked with a slight fear, he knew of his resentments towards her, but he doubted that she would betray her own... Or maybe she did?
"I took her by the hand and in a flash they both appeared at a great height, high enough to see the explosions between the ships and cannons of the capital of Planet Tamaran.
In the sky it was constantly shining "He suggested that you release me on the ground itself, in a couple of seconds its blood will be absorbed by my roots and you will be able to focus on the enemy ships" The plan sounded good, but leaving a creature of colossal size would attract more chaos and fear, the cross damage would increase very drastically "Clone, With the principle of chakra transference of the shadow clones I will move among your clones and boringly absorb their blood" Nodding, I take StarFire's bridal form by landing and destroying a ship that was planning to crash into the Royal Palace.
"StarFire, I will leave some clones to help on the ground, while I personally focus on the mother ships" Without giving him time to respond, he appeared a few meters away, creating in turn, a puff of smoke that left the sides partially at war.
"Father, he's an ally." Looking seriously at the King, he nodded and gave an order of support, quickly distributing the information of the appearance of an ally.
Arming himself with the help of the guards, he joined the war with his comrades, who were firing at the lower ships, taking away the opportunity for a suicide attack, some soldiers carrying wounded or escorting common citizens, when they left the palace boundary, he found dry bodies of the invaders, and later heard the war cries, they were being held by the Naruto clones, which were outnumbered 10 to 1, but were taking a big advantage, so, leading their own review, he went to the support, fought side by side with the Naruto clones, protecting and being protected by them.
Atmosphere, Tamaran
A light distracted the warriors, a hugging fire that landed on the first Mother ship, melting the entire bow of that ship.
The new information reached everyone, since the Cidatelians were connected by BlackFire codes.
Apparently a completely unknown ally rose up among them to stop them, the commander only smiled arrogantly, there were no details of his abilities, so, with the idea of lowering morale and destroying their hopes, he gave the order to focus on Naruto, who did not flinch as the ships began to approach and mark him in the sights, likewise, he did not move when the main light projectiles and missiles were sent, as they were completely absorbed, leaving no trace.
Of course, if he was going to fight in space, he would have to implement techniques that would create, deform or destroy the same space as time.
All the Tamarians sweated as the ships began to explode in a wave around the strange ally, dark holes appeared around the multiple mother ships and those that tried to escape were attracted to each other, exploding at the instant of the crash and being compressed until there was nothing left but a silver sphere with some cracks where the blood of the attackers expanded like bubbles through space.
In a matter of seconds Naruto had defeated the invasion "It was not bad for your first time controlling gravity" The Shinju floated around and absorbed the blood of its enemies with great calm.
The invasion was over.
The enemies were defeated and in the face of this huge failure someone would suffer the consequences of the Fascist Empire.
For now the Kingdom would regroup, preparing for a counterattack
Outside the Vega solar system
The doors of a large room opened and two guards passed carrying a young pale Tamarian, with blurred vision he saw the little leader on a throne wearing red military clothing and multiple medals, in his hands he had a leather whip, which made him tense.
Both guards bowed in obedience and one of them took the battered BlackFire from her hair and raised it so that the leader could see her "Bliat!" With his whip he struck BlackFire, leaving a bleeding wound on her cheek, the soldiers immediately removed it, moving it to a worse place.
It was a ship that was in the launch area, the crew were a race of aliens who focused on scientific experiments of the different races of the universe, getting the information at any cost, no matter how cruel the method.
When they found out that they received a tamarian they did not hesitate to take off towards the Vega solar system, the reason was simple, their skin gave them a great resistance and absorption of ultraviolet rays, higher than any other race.
The experiment was to see how much energy their Tamarran bodies could absorb before they exploded, but BlackFire was affected by a childhood disease that took away the possibility of absorbing ultraviolet radiation, which most Tamarans use for flying.
It wasn't going to last long
Perhaps it was fate, perhaps chance, or simply bad luck for the aliens that Naruto was practicing Senjutsu and could sense a way of life very similar to Starfire.
Naruto: Starfire, I believe I have located your sister
They were currently in the grand entrance to Tamaran's palace where they were all gathered to pay tribute to his fallen and his triumphant acclaim of Naruto as his great Hero, some certainly uncomfortable for him and he would not be attending such an event, were it not for a request from Starfire who took him by the hand and lured him, he had the skill along with the strength to refuse, but those emerald looking eyes and crimson red hair made him vulnerable.
After stopping the invasion, saving lives, helping the wounded and even rebuilding several buildings with stone pillars and large trees, he went to present himself directly and formally to the king. Something he could notice was the absolute democratic dictatorship of the king and the royal family, but the people were grateful without showing any trace of complaint. Starfire's father was both surprised and grateful to his main Savior, although slightly annoyed by his daughter's physical and verbal closeness, she knew perfectly well the labels that should be maintained before the nobility and plebs, but that did not prevent her from being quite attached to him.
The nobility in general recorded his presentation "Naruto Uzumaki, from the land, the main protector of Japan and the youngest member of the league of justice" along with his skills, would make his name famous throughout the known universe.
Something that could be noticed from a distance was the special atmosphere that existed among them, the royalty, the nobility and the plebs, they were happy that their princess had found someone special, but they were surprised by the fact that she could protect her, since she trained hard since she was a child, surpassing the greatest warriors of her planet.
What was an atmosphere of sadness and grief changed to one of total hostility, the very mention of Blackfire awakened fire in their hearts, something Naruto could feel immediately, looking around he could only sense grief and disappointment from Starfire and her father, the King.
King: Is it true what you say, Great Warrior?
Naruto: My name is Naruto and yes, I feel it close to your sun King.
King: As the leader and king of this planet, I ask you to please end her for being a traitor and as a father I ask you to do it quickly.
The people smiled in satisfaction and unconcern, it was not good or bad intentions, it was just a relief from a bad prejudice. Though the only one who was fearing his death was Starfire, he still felt a special affection for his sister, for what she had suffered in his past.
Naruto: Very good - turning to leave, he felt Starfire's handshake, he didn't need to talk to know what he wanted - that's good.
Without further ado, both disappeared in a golden/silver flash, reappearing at a great height where Starfire could breathe, Naruto with his Byakugan and a series of ice crystals, was able to find the ship visibly.
Naruto: This may make you nauseous
Without giving Starfire a chance to ask, both were absorbed by Naruto's kamui and then appeared on the science vessel, surprising the crew members who took immediate hostile action.
Naruto blocked the series of attacks with his bare palms and returned to attack with Shurikens and elemental chakra Kunais breaking down the enemy defenses.
Starfire was horrified by her sister's torture and immediately went to force her sister's bonds to free her, without thinking twice the last act of the dying scientist, was to overload the system to catch the enemy in the explosion.
Blackfire's scream was heard throughout the ship frightening his sister and in an oversight creating a contact with the ultraviolet rays that were causing her so much pain.
The explosion was not long in coming and Naruto's bright eyes drained the last drop of information.
In an explosion, both disappeared and reappeared in a meadow far from the Tamaran kingdom, only the two sisters were unconscious
Shinju: Well that wasn't a complete failure, we already know where to exploit all our power
Naruto: Yes, but it's not all the information - I turn to the unconscious and damaged Blackfire -
The explosion of the science ship had not affected him or Starfire by putting a concentrated seal of Sennin Chakra, although he did not expect that the ultraviolet rays would melt the seal and expose it around his systems, perhaps because he was Tamarian it was natural to withstand and absorb the ultraviolet rays, but thanks to his seal that kept a tiny but powerful portion of his Chakra, he would have awakened or developed the ability to keep it inside, spreading it throughout his being. The same thing had happened to Blackfire, but in a much more... forced way, almost unnatural, when observing it closely I notice wounds of previous torture, as well as an act of good will for Starfire he decided to cure it, of immediately he was surprised to the white porcelain skin that had making highlight its dark hair, refusing by the surprising impulse to follow it observing it, he decided to enter its mind to extract information and not to harm it in the process, what he found was more than what he wished
Her main thought and the freshest memory that was constantly in her mind was a set of multiple scenes where she was discriminated, marginalized and mistreated in some cases notoriously more organized near the crown, according to the insults, was born just when the Citadel Empire attacked and destroyed Kysarr, a city in the western region of Tamaran, killing three thousand citizens in the name of Komand'r. Although not responsible for what happened, Komand'r was inexorably linked to the event within the collective imagination. To make matters worse, Komand'r was affected by a childhood disease that deprived him of the ability to absorb ultraviolet radiation, which most Tamarans use to fly. Because of its bleak nature, which contrasted with that of the royal family, the subjects hated it. As a result, and despite being first in line of succession, she was denied her right to be the next Princess of Tamaran to receive the respect and prestige of the royal family. Her privileges, honors and royal style and dignities were passed on to Starfire. Within Komand'r, anger began to grow and her resentment turned into hatred for her planet, her people, her family and finally her sister who, it seems, from Komand'r, made the terrible mistake of being born.
This was perfectly understandable, because of the mistreatment he had suffered, he felt so identified with her and in spite of the damage it caused, he began to want her to be happy, deciding to cleanse his hate and promise her protection.
A few minutes passed and both sisters woke up.
Starfire's first reaction was to try and hug her, but unlike her sister, she backed off.
Another surprise was when they saw the distance she had travelled and even more the dark energy surrounding her hands
Shinju: uhmmm Chakra unexpectedly created, I wonder how it tastes hehe
Slightly concealing her presence, she decided to observe the sisters' behavior, Starfire was overflowing with happiness and was more than willing to dialogue, very much against Blackfire who was in a defensive posture and emitted great waves of hostility and will, but could still reason
Naruto: Blackfire, you need to calm down, Starfire you need to step away for a moment
Starfire: I will not leave my Sister l alone!
Blackfire: I'm not your sister! -Now the dark energy covered her and unexpectedly unleashed a dark ray attack on her.
Naruto appeared as a shield and the Shinju came out in a tiny form, opening its mouth and absorbing the chakra and ultraviolet rays.
In a flash, Blackfire was on the ground with hands and feet tied with roots, Naruto was above it looking down at it.
Naruto: Shhh, don't worry, we don't want to hurt you.
Blackfire: I-I won't let you fuck me," she said, upset and embarrassed.
In all her years as a warrior she had not suffered such humiliation from one man because of her compromising position. Of course Naruto calmly retired, watching her without letting down his guard, but his eyes reflected understanding and sorrow
Naruto: It doesn't have to be like that, Blackfire - I look at it with doubt, not knowing what I wanted to say to it - you don't have to pursue revenge against ignorant bastards like them, you just have to let it go and find a place where you can call it home
He had understood what he was talking about, but he didn't know how, until an idea crossed his mind "You too eh? Have you got somewhere you can call home? Even when there's a big pile of shit chasing you?" Wisely his sister decided to stay out of the conversation, one of the reasons being because her heart trusted Naruto to come
Naruto didn't hesitate to reach out to her and offer help. "I struggled to find admiration, but then I understood that there was no point and I gave up, instead I became strong to protect my loved ones and along with a good friend escape, Maybe it's my turn to be a friend to you and take you to a better place" he extended his hand in peace, the roots that bound Blackfire retreated, he looked with doubt and hostility to his sister, but finally he sighed, he took Naruto's hand with a smile as he relaxed. But he unexpectedly jumped up and kicked him in the left shoulder pushing him a little.
Blackfire: That's for earlier - the defiant smile on his face made him understand what he meant, much to the chagrin of his worried younger sister.
Naruto: No hard feelings, okay.
At night, Naruto built a camp for the three of them with a fire in the middle. They had hunted some strange native Tamaran animals, supposedly one of the most delicious delicacies, but for Naruto's culinary level it was not ... appetizing. The largest prey was the size of an adult elephant, which was eaten by the Juubi in its Ajolote form (photo at the beginning of the chapter).
The reason why they were not enjoying the banquet at Tamaran's palace was because of Blackfire, they felt that it did not make sense to force a change in Tamaran's society, that their prejudices made them lose a valuable and powerful ally. Now their priority was the destruction of the citadel to be able to train the two sisters of the chakra without problems, something that Naruto did not expect was that Juubi had proposed this idea, he believed that the first thing he was going to propose was the sealing and removal of the chakra. Of course he shared the same properties, but it was of a different origin, if he had a descent with these two sisters would have first quality descendants that would drive the Clan ... with a name pending.
The Juubi could be a bloodthirsty beast, an avenger of his clan, or a ruthless monster, but he was not entirely prejudiced, seeing the memories of Naruto, reading his every thought and seeing his actions, he could trust that he could help his cause, his anxiety to free his people was lessened, Thinking clearly, those bastards of the Otsutsuki clan might reveal themselves, but their peers once they matured became invincible in terms of power, their only disadvantage being that they needed a user to concentrate and condense their power to unimaginable levels.
Starfire: So they'll have to go? -The dissuasive side was remarkable- -
Naruto for a moment hesitated, in the short time they were together he had become very fond and appreciative of the strange but charming time they had together and even more, of the atmosphere that made him feel special, loved and nostalgic. A name crossed his mind "Artemis" still had feelings for her, still had a relationship that had to end properly, not in a childish quarrel, his mind was messed up - Take her away - The Juubi after dinner entered Naruto again and heard "without" wanting his thoughts - Look at her, is a woman at war with an unknown power who's about to lose her sister, it's a very dangerous mix if you ask me - denying with her head, I could tell that Starfire wasn't that kind of person, but now with what you just told her a great idea came up.
Naruto smiled broadly and nodded in disappointment. 'I must go home, there are people who miss me and things I must protect, and I must destroy the Citadel and find a home for Blackfire. This surprised the two sisters and without a second thought she nodded in hope of Blackfire's displeasure.
Blackfire: Wait a minute, you can't leave the kingdom, you're the crown princess, our father will never let you go.
What Blackfire didn't know, was that at this moment, in the kingdom of Tamaran, a political wedding was planned for his princess and heiress to the throne, Starfire with Naruto, his savior and executioner of the crown error, all were in favor, not strictly for the politics, but they had observed very well the future couple. It was undeniable that there was a spark of love between the two of them, which they did not realize.
Naruto: Certainly it would be difficult without the fact that she now possesses the power that I strive for, they would have to see it as a training trip, besides I don't think they would oppose me - a divine and threatening aura surrounded him momentarily.
Blackfire had no argument against Naruto and opted to sigh, while Starfire showed off with a semi-shrieking smile and in one jump began to fly around the camp unconsciously in happiness, as if she were a schoolgirl.
Her older sister only negotiated with embarrassment at the sight of her, but according to Shinju, today was a great day, scoring two victories.
The next morning
Naruto accompanied by Starfire quickly entered the castle ignoring greetings and adulations from the main nobles, merchants and even generals, the most surprised as Starfire got along better with them.
The king looked with some suspicion at the performance, but was pleased to hear that the mission was a success - I'm glad to hear it, boy, tell me, how can I reward you - many people gathered around to listen.
Naruto: I will return to my homeland after studying the Citadel -that was the first thing I said- but I will take Starfire with me to train her in her new skills -Starfire channeled her Chakra in her hands, being wrapped by a green aura.
For a moment the whole palace paused, giving space for the multiple Mormulus and gossips, Naruto was taking the heiress ligitimate to the throne, but she had acquired a rare and powerful power, so they needed a correct instruction about her. There was also the fact that Naruto would destroy the citadel - don't worry, she will be free to return and of course I will bring her back, but I have things to finish - he finished saying as he turned and walked away.
Starfire: Father, I will be fine, you taught me well but now I must leave," he said with a smile as he approached and embraced him.
There she was, her great offspring leaving with a man in a single flash, literally a pitiful scene for every father. The rest of the Tamareans smiled simply, they were not going to be greedy about this situation, they just hoped that Starfire would be happy.
Orbite Citadel Homeworld
In a Tamarian ship "borrowed" Naruto, Blackfire and Starfire were traveling through the blind spot of the citadel, with some commands that for the moment were exclusive to her - So, I will call her attention at the front, while your Blackfire with a squadron of my clones will destroy her energy cores and your Starfire, You have to ensure a health for both of you, I will also leave you some clones - explained Naruto while he gathered the Juubi Chakra around him preparing for, according to what his companion told him, an unpleasant experience.
In a Tamarian ship "borrowed" Naruto, Blackfire and Starfire were traveling through the blind spot of the citadel, with some commands that for the moment were exclusive to her - So, I will call her attention at the front, while your Blackfire with...
All the heavy weaponry was in the orbit of their Home, it was the best offensive that the conquering race of the planets had, their tyranny over the 21 of the 22 worlds of the Vega star system would come to an end. Naruto was orbiting space while two of his clones with an improved version of Meisaigakure no Jutsu (Camuflajhe), which snuck into a transport ship that entered the cargo bay, quickly stunned all the representatives and replaced them with transformed Clones so that the squadron located in the surveillance section would not notice the change.
The guards looked like large primates with cybernetic parts, which were deposited in empty containers. After that the clones did a summoning jutsu to bring Starfire and Blackfire, both were surprised by the fact that they reappeared in the enemy ship without raising any alarm, but they were dizzy because it was their first time in a space-time movement of instantaneous teleportation, As they understood Naruto had marked them for this occasion and once they had finished with the counter-attack he would remove the mark, besides the fact that he would teach them how to detect this type of mark, something sincerely sweet for Starfire as she felt that, even if she wanted to, it would invade her personal space without prior consent. Blackfire, on the other hand, was surprised to learn that this ability existed, and would no doubt be very useful on the battlefield.
As Blackfire and Starfire could not manipulate the chakra to make a hegen, they were hidden in tiny wagons, which, the former remained in the escape zone, but instead Blackfire, was taken directly to the dictator. Supposedly, today a shipment of new ammunition arrived, which he personally evaluated.
While the sisters were fulfilling their part of the plan, Naruto was at the most guarded point on the planet, which was on a small Semi-Artificial Satellite, it was his only communication satellite because of its large range and he was in charge of it. As Naruto did not need a ship to move through space he was not detected.
Arriving at the Pinnacle of that satellite, channeling Raiton and Futon Chakra around it, he launched an electromagnetic pulse which was so big that it disabled all the electrical components of the satellite.
Just when the dictator, the leader of the Cidelians was about to open the car, the alarm sounded, at that instant, Blackfire jumped in hitting the dictator and shooting before the guards reacted.
Naruto's clones undid their hegens and attacked the dens around him.
Just like that.
Multiple gates opened to give vision to different hidden weapons, multiple attack and reconnaissance ships were deployed, the entire orbit of the planet Cidatel was on alert - So, are you sure? The Juubi was saying to him inside while Naruto's muscles began to throb and a golden aura destroyed the surface on which he was standing, said aura wrapped him in a sphere where the brightness called the attention of all Cidelians.
The sphere grew and grew until it reached the size of Mount Everest, this clearly alarmed the Cidelians, the commanders who were currently in charge sent squads to attack immediately, but multiple extremities ended up with a movement to the different ships - it could not be otherwise - then from that same sphere, a great eye opened and with a roar the Juubi appeared in all his explender.