It was a peaceful day in the California sun, weather surprisingly nice for the middle of the day in May. It was a day where kids would look wistfully out the window of their classrooms, ready for the day to be over, and to be in the warm rays of the sun's embrace.

"Dude, the guy seriously looked like Elvis, I'm telling you!"

A young boy, around twelve, looked skeptically towards the other boy that was talking to him.

"Abel, are you sure that it wasn't just some guy dressing up? I mean, it's pretty popular around here."

The boy groaned, and spread his arms out. "The dude was like, ancient looking! I mean, it looked like he'd be around Elvis's age! Seth, you've got to believe me!"

Seth looked at his friend, and shrugged. "I just don't believe it man. Elvis would be like, really old now. Like, super old."

Abel grinned. "That's what I'm trying to tell you man, the dude looked like he had to be at least 200."

Seth rolled his eyes, and leaned over his chair. "Whatever man, either it was him or it wasn't. That's besides the point. You do the homework last night?"

Abel laughed. "I did it, but it wasn't last night. I was busy jamming last night. I just got that Les Paul, and man lemme tell you, she's a beaut."

He nodded. "Yeah, I hear you. Hey, let's compare answers, I wanna make sure I did it right."

The two pulled out their homework, and began to compare notes. The two both had similar answers, but that wasn't much of a surprise, they had been friends long enough that they had a lot of similar tendencies.

Abel stretched out in his seat, whispering to his friend. "So, wanna swing by this evening and we can do some quirk training? I think my folks are bringing home chinese, so I'm sure there will be plenty of food."

Seth ran a hand through his short black hair. "Ah, yeah I'll come by. I gotta tell my parents though, although I know they'll be fine with it. I mean, I basically live over there part-time."

The young boy snorted. "Yeah I mean, you're like my fourth brother."

The two chuckled, and quickly shut it off, aside from a few snickers here and there.

The school day continued on normal for the two boys, and once it was over, they began making their way to Abel's house. The brown haired boy walked with his arms behind his head, as he talked to his friend.

"I'm telling you man, I really wanna start up a band."

Seth snickered. "Abel, I've got like no actual musical talent."

He waved his hand in dismissal. "You can be my tech guy! I bet we'd be a hell of a duo!"

The black haired boy adjusted his backpack strap. "Well, you'd have to find other people to do it with you, right? Unless you're gonna have to be a one-man-band."

Abel tapped his chin in thought. "We can always have auditions or something at school. Oh, we should totally ask-"

He was cut off when he accidently bumped into someone, and knocked them over. He turned around, and offered them a hand and a sheepish smile.

"Oh, sorry there bud, I wasn't paying-"

The man he knocked over slapped his hand away. "Watch where you're going, damned kid. I've got things to do, and places to be."

He hopped up, and rushed past the boys, hitting Abel with his shoulder as he did. Abel frowned, and adjusted his glasses.

"Well, that was kind of weird."

Seth shrugged. "Whoever that guy was, he was a total ass."

The two continued on their way, and soon arrived at the relatively large house that Abel called home.

"So, grab a water, and meet me in the back yard. I've got some ideas for our training."

The door opened, and it was like they entered a zoo. Two younger children went running past, one of them with medium length black hair, and the other wearing a baggy hoodie and shorts, the black haired one chasing the baggy hoodied one around with what looked like a leather bat. In the kitchen, a young girl with poofy hair and big hoop earrings talked on the phone, spinning the outdated curly chord around her finger.

"I'm telling you, Joan, he was such a hottie!"

Abel rolled his eyes, and another woman peeked in from the livingroom, and grinned when she saw the two boys.

"Oh, welcome home boys! There's snacks in the fridge."

She wiped her hands on apron that was wrapped around her sunday dress, and she clicked away in her heels. Another voice echoed in from the livingroom.

"I hear ya Frank, the boys and I been talking, and we think it'd be a great idea to start it up. Yeah, we can talk to the guys down at the chamber of commerce, and I think we can get it set up."

A tall, well built man walked by, wearing a white dress shirt, with dark pinstripe pants. He had a cigar in his mouth, and a cell phone in his hands. He noticed the two, and offered a wave.

"Hey there boys, good to see you made it home."

Abel returned the wave with a lazy one of his own. "Hey pops. Seth and I were fixin' to start quirk training in the back yard."

He nodded. "Don't break anything you two."

The brown haired boy grinned. "Will do, old man."

He turned to Seth, "Meet me in the backyard, I gotta grab some stuff."

The brown haired boy rushed off into the back of the house, and Seth went over to the fridge, and grabbed a couple bottles of water, and made his way to the back yard. He set them down on the outside table, and not soon after, Abel came outside with his big speaker.

"I'm thinking George Thorogood today."

Seth rose an eyebrow. "One Bourban, One Scotch, and One Beer, or?"

Abel nodded. "Yeah, I was thinking we do endurance training today. We can do a little sparring, and see how much of your quirk I can take."

The black haired boy nodded, and finished off the water that he was currently drinking, putting the empty bottle aside. "Alright, you ready?"

The brown haired boy grinned. "I always am."

He hit play on the speaker, and George Thorogood's voice echoed from the speakers.

"I wanna tell you a story, about the house-man blues."

The guitar began to play, and Abel grinned.

Abel Chevelle, Quirk- Radiohead! The music he listens too gives him a boost based on its composition!

"Come at me big guy!"

Seth rushed forward, and began to jab at Abel, sparks coming from his hands. He landed a hit, and Abel jolted.

"Oof, you must've had a good bit of water today!"

Seth Townshend, Quirk- Generator! He can expel electricity out of his hands, and the intensity of the shock varies depending on how much water he has in his system!

"I had a feeling you'd want to work on endurance! I'm probably letting out about 240 volts right now, so about my max!"

Abel grinned. "Awesome, keep it coming! I can take it!"

They clashed again, with a series of jabs and blocks. Seth landed a solid hit on Abel's side, and let out a burst of electricity. He shook for a second, before the black haired teen withdrew his hand, and grinned. Abel stumbled back, and held his hands up.

"Okay okay, you win today. Gosh, I'm gonna feel that one later, jeez."

Seth chuckled. "I mean, we gotta be able to take it if we're gonna be heroes together."

The musical boy grabbed a bottle of water, and sat at the table. "Yeah, you're right, as usual. I mean, I can handle it though. Maybe we should find a third sparring partner, you know? Switch it up a bit?"

The electric boy sat down beside his hand, sipping from his own bottle. "I dunno, may work. I can't think of anyone at school though."

Abel snapped his fingers. "When we do auditions for the band, we can quiz people on their quirks, and find one that way!"

Seth chuckled. "How would we even go about setting that kind of thing up?"

The brown haired boy shrugged. "Guess we'll have to ask the principal. Maybe we can hold like some sort of talent show?"

The other boy shrugged, and they sat in silence, drinking their water. After a few moments, Seth broke the silence.

"Abel, why do you wanna be a hero?"

He turned to Seth. "I dunno man, why does anybody wanna be a hero? I guess for me, it sounds like my ticket to the top."

The black haired boy nodded. "Yeah, I hear you."

Abel looked at his friend. "What about you?"

He grinned. "I just wanna be a cool hero, that saves a lot of people."

The brown haired boy laughed. "Well, way to make me sound like an ass. That's a good reason though."

The two laughed, and a voice echoed out from the house.

"Boys! Come on in, it's dinner time!"

Abel grinned. "Awesome, I'm starving, lets go. Oh, and when we're done, I can show you that Gibson!"

Seth nodded, and grinned in return. "Totally."