It is time. The final chapter has arrived and well... it's time for the rise of the Gray Scaled King. This chapter won't be as long as the previous three, but it'll do. Caeira will find out the truth in this chapter, and well... she'll get what Zilla means when he talked about finding out about the true colors of the one who saved her. You know what I mean. Anyway, like I said before, not as long as other chapters, but it'll be around three thousand words give or take. So enjoy the finale.

Ch.4 Rise of the Gray Scaled King

Caeira, with the young girl in her arm, was slicing her way through the Spike Monsters as she made her way to the point where the other civilians were at, who were being defended at the entrance as the Warbound were holding back the swarm as the entrance. The civilians backed up as far as they can as the Warbound were pushed back to the beginning if the entrance. "We win this," Miek said confidently as he stood between Hiroim and Korg.

"Whatever you say bug," the Kronan replied with a smile as they all prepared themselves, "I'm with you." The swarm was getting closer, only for Zilla to leap on the stairway in the middle of the swarm, smashing several of the Spikes as he stood to full height. He unleashed a devastating roar before whipping his tail at them, sending several of them flying. "Zilla!" Miek said in relief as he ran down to join the Titan while the others took care of the Spikes that were up there with them. "Zilla, over here!"

"Miek!" Zilla said as the Spike's started to climb up on him, only to drop off dead the moment their spikes met his radioactive blood. "Get back!" he yelled out as he started to get dog piled by the Spikes, only for his sails to start glowing blue, which Miek got the message as he ran back up to the entrance. The expected atomic blast didn't happen though. Instead, it created a shockwave that dropped all the spikes around Zilla dead, but he growled as he saw more coming at him. "Round 2," he muttered as he growled in preparation.

Meanwhile, Caeira was quickly make her way towards where the stairway was, so she can get the child to safety. She noticed most of the swarm was now converging towards Zilla, who stood guard halfway up the entrance, and taking out the swarm with slight difficulty. As she ran to get their though, one of those metallic orbs flew up to her and then formed into the Red King. 'Caeira, well done. You lured Godzilla there.'

The lieutenant panted before giving a request. "Sire, we need help! The Spikes have returned!"

It was then what was said next that completely left Caeira question everything she stood for. 'I know. I sent them.' That caused Caeira to gasp in shock. "You what?" she asked, in shock with anger slowly building up. 'Don't be so surprised,' the Red King waved her off, 'the Spikes have always been my greatest weapon. They helped me find you. And now they'll rid this world of that scaled monster and his friends.'

Caeira's eyes widened in realization, remembering what Zilla said about the true colors of the one that saved him. It was happening to her now. "You unleashed them onto my village?"

'I needed an Oldstrong as my shadow,' the Red King said with a smirk, 'and that was the only way to find one.'

"But-but my people... my parents!" Caeira said in anger, before glaring at the king. "You killed them!"

The Red King did not accept the tone she was giving him. 'Unless you want to join them, Caeira, I suggest you leave,' he told her. 'Now.' His image then disappeared, but Caeira paid him no mind as she rushed to get to the child to the closest place of safety she could think of, the mountain cave.

With Zilla, he was once again being dog piled by the swarm, but this time, there were a bunch more on him. He was buying his time when it came to this shockwave, but it didn't stop him from swiping, tail whipping, and biting those who were under or around him. To Miek though, it looked like he was being overrun. "Zilla needs us!" the Native said in concern, but Korg grabbed him and made his way back to the entrance. "We can't help him now," the rock man told the bug as Hiroim and Elloewaited for them from the top, with the former Shadow Priest turning and seeing something of concern.

"We've got other problems," he told the rest of the Warbound as they all turned and saw a large ship fly over head. Zilla saw this too, and even with a swarm of Spike Creatures on his back, he turned towards the Warbound. "Get in the cave!" he roared out, making the others look at him for a moment before Hiroim turned to the civilians. "To the back, quickly," he told the civilians, who followed his orders and ran for the back. "Go! Go now!"

Zilla, seeing them enter the cave and out of sight, turned and saw the ship drop something out of it. Not wasting anytime, the son of Godzilla dug into the ground and lifted up a piece big enough to be flipped over, blocking the entrance from what's about to land. He then unleashed another shockwave, killing all the spikes that were on top of him before he stood up. It was then when he heard the voice of a little girl. "I'm scared," she said, causing the Titan to turn to where the voice originated from, and he caught a glimpse of Caeira holding a little girl as the bomb dropped down.

"Shhh. It's all right. Just close your eyes," Caeira told the child in her arms, unaware that Zilla heard them. Knowing he had little time, and only one real way to block them from the blast. Right as the explosion began, Zilla managed to leaped over and grabbed the two of them, shielding them with his massive frame as the liquid flames of the blast overtook him, leading to a roar of pain.

Caeira couldn't believe it as she lifted the massive arm of Zilla off her and the child as he laid their, he was now in a decent size dent in the stone wall. She wasn't sure if he was alive or not, but the child only seemed to have succumbed unconsciousness. Probably for being so scared. She gently sat the child down as she moved towards Zilla's massive head and checked to see if he was still breathing. As she did so, the orb floated over to her and the Red King formed. 'Is he dead?'

He couldn't see her reaction, but it was one of two emotions. One of anger at her king... and one of surprise due to the beast in front of her. She gave the Red King her answer. "Yes," she told him, which made him smirk. 'Excellent. Then I want his body brought back here and paraded through the streets. Understood?' His lieutenant fought back a growl, remembering previous revelations before speaking. "Yes, sire."

'What about the others?'

"They're alive," she answered, "Godzilla saved them."

'That's fine,' the king responded, 'Bring them back aswell. I'll handle their executions personally.' The device then shut off, and just as it did, Caeira spoke up; "You can wake up now."

Zilla's eyes snapped open as he then tilted his head up and looked at her. "Considering you haven't told him the truth," the Titan spoke up in a pained groan, "I take it you found his true colors?"

"He sent the spikes to my village," she said after a moment, "and to this one." The Titan growled as he heard this before trying to get up. "Gives me another reason to kill him," he told her, but before he got up, Caeira placed a hand on his head. "The King thinks you're dead," she told him, "I think it would favor us if you let him think that."

That caused the Titan to come up with a smirk as he looked to her. "Alright then," he said as he laid back to his side, "what's your plan?"

It was the morning of the next day, and the citizens of Crown City as they saw the Red King's lieutenant walking down the street with her head down, followed by guards who surrounded the four members of the Warbound, all cuffed and in chains. Trailing behind them on a giant platform and covered by a giant red sheet, was the 'dead' body of Zilla, along with a legion of guards behind the body. It shocked many as they marched towards the Red King's castle.

When they entered, the Red King, now in his golden suit, testing his sword on the execution table. He looked up and saw them all enter and saw the expression on his lieutenant's face. "Don't look so glum, lieutenant," he told her as he approached them, "This is a great day for all of Sakaar." Caeira remained silent, her eyes closed as she remained with her head down.

An orb floated in front of the Red King to present the execution to the whole kingdom as he then spoke up. "My loyal citizens," he spoke up before walking towards where Zilla's body was, "you'll be relieved to know that the violent prisoners responsible for that destructive riot have been apprehended. Unfortunately," he said as he made it to the head of Zilla, "the most savage of them all will not be feeling the executioners blade," he then removed the sheet off of the Titan's head. "For you cannot kill what is already dead."

The Red King smirked, and was about to continue when heard Caeira say four words that confused him. "Long. Live. The King." He turned to her, just as a massive tail swung towards him. It made contact and sent the Red King flying into the air. Many of the guards went to attack the monster who attacked their king, but Zilla was up before they could act, and it lead to many getting sent flying by a mere swipe from the behemoth. The Red King roared as he charged at Zilla in the air, gaining his opponent's attention. He gravely underestimated the speed of the Titan as Zilla blocked the blade by grabbing it with his clawed hand before sending the tyrant flying into a wall. The Red King slowly climbed out with a look of pure hatred on his face, with Zilla only puffing steam from his nostrils in response.

Meanwhile, as all the guards were going to attack the Titan, Caeira pulled out a remote to the cuffs on the Warbound and pressed the red button. It immediately released them from their confinements as the cuffs glowed green and opened. Some of the guards were cut off guard as Korg sent one flying with a punch while Hiroim disabled one and took the guard's spear, with Miek seizing the shield. The five of them all got into a circle, prepared to face the guards who were now surrounding them.

Back with the fight between Zilla and the Red King, the Titan was sent sliding back into the thrown room by a kick from his opponent, who once again went for a sword slice, but it was once again caught. Before the Prince of Monsters could do anything though, yellow electricity went through him. It surprised him momentarily, but he has taken way stronger bolts... from much, much stronger opponents. He then began to squeeze the sword, which then, much to the Red King's shock, broke under his grip.

Then the suit was struck by a very fast and very hard swipe, making a shockwave that sent the Red King flying back, his suit now heavily damaged. It didn't stop him from sending missiles after missiles on the hybrid who tanked them as he pressed forward.

With the others, Caeira and Korg were going through the guardsmen with little challenge as the lieutenant down a whole group with one spin of her bladed staff before kicking ione in the jaw, breaking his neck. Korg on the other hand sent a group of them flying with a single punch before grabbing two of them and using them as projectiles to throw them into two separate attacks. He then turned around to see an entire group chargin, but he punched the heads of the group and the rest falled down like dominos by the force of the punch.

Zilla had remained strong on his approach to the Red King, though now he had fire on his body and his eyes were now beginning to grow bloodlusted. It was then when the Red King sent a massive torrent of magma flames towards the Titan, nearly overtaking him. Though it was at this moment that Zilla's sail began to glow blue as they traveled up towards the head until his eyes glowed, even through the flames. The atomic breath he unleashed was so powerful, it cut right through the flames and right to the suit, which began to melt due to the sheer power.

He tried to block the blast with his arms, but the arms of the suit were melting quickly, scaring the king. "All Death's Head guards to my position! Now!" he yelled out in desperation, just as the atomic breath died down, but Zilla wasn't done glowing as he approached the armored king, now lacking arms.

With the others, Hiroim used a role and mule kick combo before grabbing the axe of the man he just kicked and used to block a sword strike, but was unaware that another guard was charging from behind, going for the kill. Elloe saw this, but before she could reach him, two other guards charged her, going for her head, but on succeeded in cutting off the axe part of her staff. The staff she then used to beat the both of them down before charging at other combatants. Miek then used his shield as a sled as he dropped down and used himself as a battering ram to take down several guardsmen. He couldn't help but chuckle to himself while he did so.

With the big fight, Zilla once again sent the Red King crashing into a wall, making the already cracked suit crack even more. The king growled as he then added more power to the rocket boots as he charged forward, but only succeeded in getting a swipe so hard he left a crater in the ground. Zilla then stepped on the Red King, shattering the legs of the suit before his claws proceeded to tear right through the armor, until the Red King was exposed, revealing a scared man underneath as Zilla took off his helmet, and crushed it in his jaws.

The Red King then saw him lean down, jaws opened. "Wait! Stop! Stop! Don't kill me! Please!" Zilla smirked as the quote-on-quote 'king' begged for mercy. He growled before he spoke, "As much as I'd like to be the one to kill you," he then seized the man's right arm in his jaws, crushing it with little difficult as he screamed in pain before being lightly tossed towards a waiting Caeira, spitting out the now dismembered limb of the Red King in the process. "The pleasure goes to her," Zilla finished.

Whining and groaning in pain over the loss of his arm, the Red King looked up to see the face of Caeira glaring down at him with hatred in her eyes. She then raised her blade in the air, ready to go for the kill. "Caeira," the king said as he served his wound, "you're my shadow. You can't!" She then stabbed the blade in the ground right in front of him. She then said something that brought fear in his eyes. "It's not me you have to fear," she then pulled out a brown sack, which seemed to make the king sweat in nervousness; "It's your legacy."

It was then when she turned over the sack, revealing a Spike which dropped down and landed on the Red King's remaining hand before burying itself in him. He screamed in pain as he began to mutate. "No!" he yelled as he then ran out of the thrown room and into the hall where he collapsed just as his Death's Head approached him. He looked up and saw them, and then yelled out; "Kill them! Kill them all!" The machines did not listen though, due to their scanner finding the Spike within the king. They then aimed their flamethrowers at their creator before unleashing the flames, his screams echoing through the halls.

When they heard the screaming stop, Zilla then turned to the guardsmen who were still alive. He growled at them before speak; "Bow," he ordered simply. He saw no more need for bloodshed. The Red King was dead, and these men no longer served under him. That's when several of the guards slowly did so, followed by the rest of their comrades. Unknown to the group, all the citizens, who had saw what had happened, soon bowed down to their new king as well.

Zilla, who nodded in approval at the show of submission turned to his Warbound. "Let's get this place sort out."

Three weeks.

It took them three weeks to sort everything out, including freeing all of those to be held as gladiators, destroying all the Spike missiles and Death's Head guards, and repairing the castle from the damage. It was all repaired, and now, Caeira stood alone in the thrown room looking out into the city. She was in a more regal attire than she once was in. She was in a black top with long, armored sleeves with golden shoulder guards, along with a dark blue skirt and her normal armored boots.

She then heard footsteps as she turned and saw Zilla enter the room. He was now in a cleaner pair of his combat pants and boots, along with a light armored charcoal gray tank top with the eye of the Eggbreaker hanging around his neck. golden gauntlets with charcoal gray markings were now one his hands as well, with his hair also cut shorter on the sides with the tops and back stood up like they were his sails.

"Took you long enough," Caeira said in a joking manner. Zilla shrugged his shoulders as he approached her. "Had to make sure this was all real," he told her as he glanced out the windows. "All of Sakaar now looks to you," Caeira told him as she stood beside him. Zilla took a deep breath. "All my life, I wanted to be the king my father might've wanted... what my grandfather saw within me. I never would imagine it would take me here. From the Cloned Son of a Fallen King, to the 'Gray Scaled King' of Sakaar."

"You are their savior, Zilla," Caeira told him as she hooked one of her arms in with his. "My family has never been seen as anything other than monsters," he sighed as he looked down.

"Zilla… those from your old world," Caeira started, "they didn't understand you, nor of your kind. They did not see you as what you are..." The new King of Sakaar glanced at her for a moment before looking back down. He then felt her hand lift his chin up and he looked her in the eyes as he looked her in the eyes as she finished. "Not like we do. We've witnessed your true power, and yet, we don't fear you. We honor you."

This was when Zilla gave a sad smile. "All my life, I've been treated like a weapon, moved from one fight to the next. It didn't matter is I was free or not, I was always someone's weapon. Here... I'm no one's weapon. and it's strange for me..."

"Well, allow me to help you find where your path leads," she told him as he gave her a smile. Before he could say a word though, her lips crashed into his, and he returned it a second after registering it. They kept it up for a moment before breaking off, just as Hiroim, now in Shadow Priest attire entered. "They ready?" Zilla asked, getting a nod from his new right hand man. "They're ready for us," Hiroim stated.

Zilla nodded; "From this point forward... I am Godzilla," he told all who was present, but most of all to himself. He then, with Caeira's arm laced with his, walked towards the stairs the lead to where the public was waiting. He looked to both sides, with the left being the Shadow Priests other than Hiroim, who bowed in respect for the Titan. On the right side, the Warbound stood, in more regal attire, who also bowed in respect for their friend and king. As Godzilla and Caeira walked past them, the cloned son of Godzilla saw his whole life flash through each step, from his early life in Cadmus, to his newfound freedom, making new friends and working with the Justice League, to fighting to reclaiming his rightful title, to meeting his grandfather, to the battle against Ghidorah and Darkseid… to the betrayal, and finally here on Sakaar as the door opened and he and Caeira stepped out, right to hearing the crowd cheering his name to the heavens.

He looked on in awe as he saw the crowds that came to see him take his place as their king.

He came from a place called Earth, exiled by the creatures who live there.

Godzilla then looked beyond the crowd, and he was sure he was just seeing thing, but he saw him. Four hundred feet in height, charcoal scales, flaming ember eyes, rugged looking sails on his back, and a long tail dragging behind him. It was the mirage of his father... the mirage of the original Godzilla. The older Titan stared right at him for mere moments before giving a low nod of respect to the being that was his son. Godzilla looked in shock before slowly nodding himself. He then was surprised to see a proud smirk forming on the older Godzilla before he disappeared in the wind. "Thank you," Godzilla said in a mere mute voice, "father."

They feared his power. But here, that power was used to strike down evil, to unite the kingdoms, to restore life to all life of Sakaar.

Godzilla then looked and saw that the arena that he fought in nearly a month before was growing in greenery, something that placed a smile on the King of Sakaar's face. As he then began to shift into Zilla, causing the crowd to cheer louder and Caeira to look on with an amused look as he then looked over his kingdoom once more.

And through him, may we finally find peace.

And he roared.

For he is... Godzilla.


And fin. I hope you guys enjoyed this small story. Wasn't expecting to finish it this week, but here you all go, for it is done. Anyway, the sequel will come out after the next story I finish, so that'll be a while. Anyway, I hope you're all gonna be excited. For Week four, I introduce yet another Godzilla crossover with our boy Zilla involved. It may be out tomorrow night, so keep an eye out for it.

Also, I want to thank you for enjoying it, and don't forget to review, and to check out my profile for my other stories and future content... peace out.