Reborn as Acnologia q and A doc

Hey there, hope you're all having a perfect time during these times!

I decided to stat a little Q and A for anyone who wants it on this here story (as it's about to pass I'm Immortal in popularity, and I've become more invested in writing this story than my others as of late)

I won't (and have never before done) do this very often, but with how developed this story has become, I feel as though this could be helpful (and fun) to anyone who wants to give suggestions or is confused about any events in my story.

Some things I should address first:

Blood bathing magic

This, I will admit, was something I came up with within the heat of the moment. Think about it, why did Acnologia get so much stronger then literally EVERY other dragon slayer in the war? There were others who probably went through the same thing he did, (Zeref, albeit he's no dragon slayer, went through the same thing so its reasonable to assume a lot of others did too) and yet for some unknown reason, he's dragon king and the others aren't? Even Irene, who INVENTED the stupidly broken magic, paled in comparison to Acnologia. Hell, three dragons at once couldn't take Acnologia (As seen in Dragon cry).

There's also another factor. The dragon slayers of the modern era are actually fairly weak, as none of them could barely hurt a single dragon without some serious backup. Yet Acnologia was tearing through hundreds if not thousands of them back in the day, despite the future era being RICH AS FUCK with ethernano, meaning Natsu and the others actually should be MORE powerful then dragon slayers during the war. (Which isn't true, since the slayers back then could actually kill dragons while they can't...maybe I overlooked that fact a tad.)

Plus, Acno's whole original magic was to stop bleeding. A.K.A, it was blood-related magic, and everyone says that he got that strong from bathing in the blood of dragons, and there's a scene (which is the thumbnail for this story) of him staring at the blood of dragons in his hand.

(Mind you, Arcadios believed Zeref was involved with Acnologia's creations when he ha nothing to do with it, and Hades didn't even know who Acnologia even was while, for some reason, Makarov of all people did!? Sorry but that scene made no sense to me, why would Hades, the guy who researches all things evil not know about the evilest bastard to ever live? so I can't take quotes from the show too seriously.)

So even though I made it up on the fly, it didn't come straight out of my ass. (P.S. I'm not actually mad at anyone, just saying. Kyrios, keep giving suggestions, I REALLY appreciate them, believe me.)

Also a big shoutout to a few people:

Softitalics (Cause why not, he/she is supportive enough)

Arclight001 (Cause you're an old fan and I like seeing you in the reviews)

Kyrios112 (For always giving great suggestions)

Sultan Asil Arslan (Did I get that right? That's one hell of a name.)

Bungster (For insta-clicking)

Dustinpuffer (For believing the whole story was amazing)


I feel I should address something about Barry, Barry the beta, Barry the loser, Barry the bitch.

He's NOT me.

This isn't a self-insert of any kind, I don't like those. As it often ends up being a glorified version of the author (I've been down that road, gets boring fast when you don't want to point out your own flaws.)

As for why he's a cucklord (As some called him)

All Barry was really meant to be was a way for the audience to connect with the character. Sadly, that clearly wasn't working out the way I intended. (Believe me, I saw the problems early on). As he lacked something that most characters of have too much of.

Redeeming qualities

Really the only advantage he had was foresight, and that wasn't very good since he was at the one hundred years quest arc.

I tried to avoid making a Gary Stu and ended up making something worse.

I was inspired by Peter B. Parker from spider-verse, he was divorced, had a gut and was a broken man that cried in the shower with his suit on. He felt like someone you could really pity/sympathize with, someone who had a massive falling from grace that wasn't really much of his fault. (I think if I'm remembering that movie right.)

Barry was the equivalent of someone you just met walking down the street. He had no backstory, no redeeming qualities. The moment we met him, he was sulking in an alleyway and accidentally kicked over a trashcan.

The difference between Barry and Peter Parker was that Peter B. Parker still had an interesting story. He was goddamn SPIDER-MAN, Barry wasn't anything but some newbie construction worker before Acnologia and the hand behind the dumpster came along.

So hopefully, with the two of them merged together as Bahamut, I have fixed this error. I haven't given up on Barry completely though, I hope I can fix my mistakes with writing his character.


Yeah, even I had trouble keeping track after a bit. The seven deadly generals (let's face it, that's what they are). Were supposed to be used differently, of course, shit went down and they're not in the same league as Bahamut at all, so they kinda got shoved out of the spotlight.

Problem was that the Seven arc? Yeah, uh, I'm gonna be honest, sometimes my mind just DOES things. Even I wasn't planning for Ignia to burn it all to the ground, but then I thought "Nah! That would seem like plot convenience if no one died when the genocidal country-busting fire dragon showed up to potentially fight/kill someone as strong as he was.)

So then the generals kinda got shoved to the sidelines.

My plan is I either make them integral to the plot (Greed or whoever was caught first would probably work) or I just discard them and make them side-characters for good.

Don't know what to do about them.

So the thing about OC's, is that they kinda HAVE to show up. Otherwise, in my opinion, your story won't really get developed all too much. Really what if Bahamut just went to Seven and was like "Well fuck, no one lives here" and then just hopped over to Stella since we saw Stella in the show/movie? That wouldn't make any sense at all now would it!?


Yeah, so, I'm thinking about making it kind of an island. Let me explain, it's like the map, but the border is actually a large body of water surrounding the country. That way the canon Fairy Tail ishgar map will still make sense. (Since it was never supposed to be an island but the movie made it into one).


These guys are kinda hard to write since none of them are really all that developed. Like, how powerful is Reizen? How did they all manage to eat dragons when dragons have been missing for centuries? Too many unknowns rn.


She's pretty easy to write, the only question now is her backstory.

Now, review any questions you may have! I will answer at the bottom of the next legit chapter (Currently in progress)