Chapter 1

Disclaimer: I don't own Percy Jackson.

Percy's POV:

Why is English so boring?! I look across the room and make eye contact with my best friend, Jason. He grins and mouths, Are you bored too? I nod. I wish Annabeth were in this class. Suddenly, I feel a stabbing pain in my chest. I see Jason looking at me so I shake my head and mouth, I'm fine. He doesn't seem to believe me, but leaves it alone. I feel really lightheaded, and am sweating, even though the classroom is pretty cool. Every breath makes my chest hurt. I start to cough softly. When I pull my arm away, bright red specks pepper my tan skin. I suck in a breath that makes my chest burn. My vision tinges with red and I cough more violently. My vision blurs and my breathing sounds ragged. The red takes over my vision. My chest screaming in pain, the red turns into black and I pass out.

Jason's POV:

Something is not right with Percy. He looked really pale and kept coughing. I look at him, concerned, but he shakes his head. I hear a soft coughing but it gets louder and louder. I look at Percy and see him pale as a ghost, shaking. I watch as he sways in his seat and slumps over the desk, blood trickling out of the corner of his mouth. I stare shocked for a second. The whole class is staring in Percy's direction. The room is so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Then everyone rushes over to his desk.

"Percy? PERCY?!"

"SILENCE!" our English teacher, Mr. Brunner says. He walks over to Percy and checks his pulse. Whatever he feels makes him frown. That's not good. "Someone take him to the nurse and tell her to call an ambulance," he says.

I volunteer and say, "Mr. Brunner, can I get his girlfriend too?"
He ponders this for a moment and decides, "Yes. Yes you can."
I nod, picking up Percy. I start to run as fast as I can while still supporting Percy. When I reach the nurse's office, I am out of breath, and scared.

"Help me!" I call out. The nurse comes running out of her office. She looks at me, then Percy and gasps. She helps me maneuver Percy towards a cot. When we get him on, she too checks his pulse. Again, her face is grim.

"What?" I say. "What's wrong?"

She looks like she doesn't want to tell me, but the look on my face must have convinced her. She sighs and says, "His pulse is really weak. It's not a good sign and he might have a serious problem. I have to call his parents."

I am shocked. What could have possibly happened? I realize that I forgot to tell Annabeth. Annabeth... Oh crap! She's going to kill me! I tell the nurse I have to get her and I sprint out of there.

Annabeth's POV:

I love math. But why is there a sinking feeling in my stomach. Something's not right. But what? My answer comes sooner than I expected. An out of breath Jason bursts through the door saying something like, "Annabeth... come quick.. Percy.. bad." With that he passes out on the floor, completely exhausted. I look at my math teacher for permission. She nods and I pick up Jason and race to the nurses office. When I get there, I find Percy, unconscious and bloody. The school nurse is on the phone. She doesn't look very hopeful. When she hangs up, she sees me and the unconscious Jason.

"What happened?" She asks?
"Passed out. Probably overexerted himself." I say impatiently. I don't want to talk about Jason, I want to know what happened to my precious Seaweed Brain.

"What happened to Percy?" I ask, my voice shaking. I want to know, but I don't, for fear that it is something terrible.

"Percy passed out in his class. He was coughing up blood, and has an extremely weak pulse. His breathing is too irregular for him to be here. I called an ambulance and his parents. It-it doesn't look too good."

I feel as if someone punched me in the guts. Oh, Percy! My eyes are watery but I can't cry. I need to stay strong. Paramedics burst through the door and put Percy on a stretcher. They start carting him out of the school, but I race after them.

"Wait!" I cry. "Please let me come with you! Please... I-I-I can't leave him!"I wail. With that, I really start to cry, sobbing at the thought of Percy leaving me forever.

The paramedics must have taken pity on me, because they allow me to climb in after Percy. The ride in the ambulance is a blur, but when we arrive, I am jolted back into the now as the paramedics hustle me into the waiting area and away from Percy.

A/N: Soo? How was it? I decided to re-write an old story because I liked the plot, but it wasn't very well written. I hope it was good, because I'm really sad. I ACCIDENTALLY DELETED MY NEW STORY AND I ALREADY DELETED THE DOCUMENT AND I AM REALLY SAD AND I DON'T FEEL LIKE REWRITING IT AND UGGGGGHHHHH! Please review, it really makes my day! Have a wonderful day and stay safe!

