Okay, I couldn't help it. Ashevillain, writer of the amazing fic "What They Wouldn't Do", suggested a Daredevil / Veronica Mars crossover a while ago and now that I'm finally up to date with the new season, I checked and only found one nice, but short story from 2015.

So I started writing about how Matt and Veronica crossed paths at Columbia and met again after the events of the new VM season and Daredevil season 3. Obviously, there will be spoilers for the last seasons of both shows, but I think it's enough to be familiar with one of the shows. This is of course AU, because Veronica Mars doesn't exist in the Marvel universe. I will just assume that the comment Logan makes about Veronica being more into the green guy than Bruce Banner was about a real person, not a comic book character… ;)

Otherwise, I haven't changed anything. Nope, not even that. So, if you were thinking about watching the new season, please do so before diving into this. I liked it, way more than the film we got in between and I'd love for them to continue from there. (I'll be happy to discuss it, but fair warning: I'm not done processing...) However, I also think Veronica turning up in Hell's Kitchen would be amazing, so here's how that goes…

Looking back it is a little ironic how I associated living in New York to work for a law firm as the grownup boring choice compared to being a detective in Neptune - even after "the incident" brought all the ugly cracks to the surface. But I left, because I felt I was needed more somewhere else.

Of course the longer you live somewhere the more you see and experience the corruption in that place. So the ones born and raised in Hell's Kitchen knew the struggles of their neighbourhood best. I knew the rich, the famous and the manipulative sociopaths who were running things in my hometown, but Nelson, Murdock & Page were dealing with their own versions of them. And against all odds we all won… mostly. Even if we had to sacrifice a lot along the way.

The spike in vigilantism in recent years should probably have been a giveaway that I would find an interesting case in New York that required the talents of a petite blonde with a habit of siding with the underdogs. But the jury was still out on whether a certain "Devil of Hell's Kitchen" was one of those or just a narcissistic rich boy with a hero complex who likes to beat up criminals for fun.

The first time I got a glimpse of him it did seem like he was enjoying himself quite a bit - like a kid who came out to play with the bad guys. It was impossible however to get his smirk on camera which made me question if I really saw it later or if that was just what I wanted to see. The streetlamps weren't offering a lot of light and he merged with the shadows just too easily. And if it was true that he could hear the people in his city call for him somehow, then he must not have been very interested in a chat with me.

So I had to use my Columbia contacts after all. Not that I didn't look forward to seeing Franklin Nelson again. In fact "Foggy" was one of the few people I actually got along with, but things went a little awkward after I started to investigate his best friend and accused him of faking his blindness and lying to his buddy. I've been wrong a couple of times about awful things, but when Matt Murdock's pupils didn't react to my flashlight at all, that was one of the more embarrassing mistakes of my life and it was one of the reasons why I wanted to leave my PI past behind for good. In my defense: I was just trying to help Nelson who was obviously upset when his friend got tangled up with this mysterious girl and got uncharacteristically behind in his studies. It seemed like he got mixed up in something really dangerous...

I didn't mention how I followed the tracker that I planted under the car of a certain Elektra Natchios one night and how I knew about the police picking up a bloodied Roscoe Sweeney - the man responsible for the death of Murdock's father. Obviously, she helped him get his revenge. I was there that night and I saw them carrying the man into an ambulance, no trace of the couple that was responsible for this. And I also didn't ask where that Greek girl disappeared afterwards either.

It was none of my business and she didn't show up again, so Murdock didn't need to know just how much I'd overstepped his boundaries - how much I do that on a regular basis, actually. Luckily, he did not mention anything to his friend and I was miraculously off the hook for some reason. It didn't help though that I felt like an ass whenever I met them and Murdock also seemed... different.

So, things weren't great between us which is why I didn't try to contact them in the first place. But when I lost the Devil again I had to try and talk to the lawyers and the former journalist that seemed to be associated with him the most. Surprisingly enough, Foggy Nelson was actually excited to hear from me, when I called him to ask for a favour. He immediately invited me to come by their office and he was so sure that his partner would also be glad to bond about our time at law school that I almost believed we could leave past differences behind us.

The lawyer was much less enthusiastic however when he opened the door to me. He almost seemed a bit nervous. And I didn't think this had anything to do with the place not exactly oozing success. He even seemed a little proud when he offered me a piece of a cake that they took as payment for their last case. (And rightfully so, because it tasted like heaven.) Nelson had made it clear back in law school that he intended to earn a lot of money, so most people expected him to go for a safe career, but I thought this place made a lot of sense. And I met lawyers with huge paychecks, but they rarely seemed as happy as this guy who really struggled to keep his little firm running. As long as he was doing it for the right reasons, with his friends, Foggy Nelson was gonna be fine. And I was sure if he knew what I accused his best friend of doing he'd never talk to me again. So I had to win his trust.

After sharing a couple of old anecdotes with the cake it was easy to get more comfortable with him again and I was about to ask about the man in tights when a pretty blonde joined us, to investigate what the laughter was all about.

"Karen!" Nelson grinned, waved at her and turned back to me. "Let me introduce you to our in-house investigator, the brilliant Karen Page…"

The former journalist shook my hand with a small smile and reddening cheeks. I couldn't help feeling scrutinised under her curious eyes, though. "Don't listen to him. I'm still starting out here. Nice to meet you!"

This woman was somehow not what I expected after reading up on her. Maybe it was the flowery blouse or the warmth that took me by surprise, the lack of professional coldness that fierce reporters always seemed to wear. But she had an aura of caution around her that made me think that there was more behind the friendly front. I can tell when someone is good at pretending like me. "Foggy told me that I could learn a thing or two from you," she added charmingly. And maybe she could, but her articles already showed that she had some impressive investigative skills of her own, without a daddy who could show her all the tricks.

Of course I was able to match her flattering comment: "I think the Bulletin would disagree. Why did they even let a promising writer like you go?" She laughed and looked away uncomfortably, either because of the compliment or because of the suspicion my rhetorical question implied. Page didn't like being observed any more than I did, that much was clear. She probably knew something she didn't want to share with her paper, I was sure of it. Maybe something about the Bulletin attack that the supposed fake Daredevil was involved in...

"And Murdock? He isn't joining us, is he?" Nelson's eyes shortly traveled towards a door to another office.

"Um… Matt won't be able to, because he's busy with a case. He's gone to question a witness."

Right. That was definitely a lie. So, Murdock was still avoiding me and I couldn't blame him. It's not like we only had hostile interactions before, but those were the ones I remembered more vividly and maybe it was the same for him. Or he still had secrets that I could dig up. I still thought there was something off about him… But that day in his office I told myself: Veronica, you are not supposed to go down that road again. Remember the case? Leave the blind man alone.

"Well, maybe I can catch up with him some other time at Josie's. If you're still going there..." I wasn't going to.

"You should do that."

"Although… he doesn't always join us there," Karen added hastily.

"Still the old dork then?" Good, maybe after getting justice for his father's murder he stayed away from trouble.

"Yeah, still the same…" Foggy tried to suppress a bitter laugh then. "Anyway, what's that favour you wanted to ask?"

The lawyer tried to smile again, but it felt a little strained now and I couldn't help noticing how tense Karen got next to him as well. No, these two were hiding something, but whatever Murdock's secret was they seemed to be in on it which was a bit of a relief. Or maybe he just told them about my accusation after I contacted their firm. That would explain how Nelson's mood changed since our phone call.

Hopefully they'd still decide to help. "Well, if you want to get right to it: I was wondering if you could help me find Daredevil." Both of them raised their eyebrows almost as if they didn't hear that request all the time. (They had to, right?) "You've worked with him and I…. I need his help." I offered Nelson my most dazzling smile. "For old time's sake?"

He nodded slowly. "Um, it's not like we have his number or anything. He usually comes to us, but we can try something, maybe..."

"What's this about?" Karen wanted to know first. Was she being a little protective? Her writing sure implied that she was team Daredevil... and also team Punisher somehow.

"You can tell him that my client is missing something since she had an encounter with him when he saved her life. A little bag that she lost in the confusion and she needs it back."

The blonde crossed her arms and squinted a little under her lashes. "You're not here to get another documentary made revealing Daredevil's identity, are you?"

Okay, so obviously Page did her research, too. Good for her. I found a serial bomber who was an attention seeking asshole and got a couple of filmmakers to tell his story. But he was still rotting in a cell, so that's what mattered in the end. As much as I wanted him dead for what he did.

"I didn't even help their stupid documentary. But it got me a couple of cases outside of Neptune, so here I am."

I sincerely hoped they would drop it, but of course they didn't...

"Good job on that case by the way." An innocent comment, to be fair. But whatever I accomplished wasn't good enough though and that thought made me take a deep breath. Nelson quickly noticed his mistake and tried to soften the blow with a hesitant smile.

If they watched the documentary, they must have understood that I needed a fresh start after what happened. The two then came to some silent conclusion together and I braced myself for what the lawyer would say next: "Okay, we can... try…" I saw Page nod in agreement to my astonishnent. "But Daredevil does whatever he wants. He might not show up."

As much as I hated being pitied and I was sure that's what was happening, at least it served a purpose. "Thanks! You're a lifesaver, Nelson…"

"Foggy." His grin was finally back. "And I leave the life saving job for our hero…"

That is a strong word. Hero. I was not sure if it applied to the guy I was looking for, but I kept my mouth shut. Everyone has demons and I got what I came for. Better not risk it. "Just let him know I'll be where he was yesterday at around midnight. Can you do that?"

"We'll try."

Afterwards we chatted some more about law school and Karen, who also offered her first name to me, really enjoyed the stories that Nelson apparently hadn't shared with her yet. The inside scoop to his first dates with Marci Stahl. I was also really surprised to hear that she was going to get married to this goofball and I actually felt happy for them. Personal growth, guys. My therapist would have been proud.

Logan would have been proud.

I still declined Foggy's dinner invitation. Sometimes you have to know your limits, too. But checking in at Josie's did seem a little more appealing after actually bonding about law school for real. Even if it was just to change the topic.

When I got back to my hotel I decided to take a better look at the photos I took of the man I had a creepy back alley date with now. He sure knew how to avoid my camera, but I made a video as well and something about his fighting felt a little familiar. But I couldn't put a finger on it. It was impressive though, the way he worked. His moves were elegant and powerful at the same time, it looked effortless, cocky and yet it was obviously very effective.

This guy didn't break an arm by accident. He either enjoyed it a little too much or he had a real good reason for it. Maybe more than one.

The five jerks who wanted to rob a petrol station were all bleeding on the floor within a few minutes and he just vanished. On one of the pictures it looked like a criminal got him with a knife, but if he did, it didn't even slow the Devil down. Maybe he was invulnerable or something. This was the town of the Avengers after all.

I arrived at the petrol station to meet the guy in question a bit early when suddenly there was a voice out of nowhere going: "Drop the camera."

Sure... and break the most important tool for my work. I rolled my eyes. Some hero... "I'll put it away safely, if you don't mind." After doing so I held up my hands in a defensive gesture and smiled. "Happy?"

"I'll break your fingers if you go for the taser or the gun." Not that happy then.

"Fair warning. How do you know I'm armed?"

"Lucky guess." Yeah, I was not gonna meet a violent vigilante without any form of security. I'm not an idiot.

After a tense second his silhouette appeared out of nowhere and yeah, it was a little intimidating, the little black ensemble, the creepy head tilt, arms covered in robes that had some blood on them and the closed fists. Was he already angry with me for some reason?

"Page told me something about a bag you're looking for?" He was making his voice sound rough and deep and I tried hard to memorize it.

"Yeah, you could help me make some quick money. You saved a girl last week-"

"I do that a lot." A bit full of himself, huh? But also: Probably true. "Don't know anything about a bag. The police might-"

"The police didn't find it." I crossed my arms. "And the criminals were unconscious with broken bones, so they couldn't have taken it either. There was nobody else that night."

"Are you accusing me of stealing from the people I save?!"

I shrugged my shoulders. "You wouldn't be the first hero who got into the business for fame and money. Hey, as far as I'm concerned: Why shouldn't you take a little bit for the service you provide, huh? I just wanna get my client's stuff back. You can keep the money."

"How generous." He chuckled. "Did your... client tell you that?"

"Not in those words… no. But I'll just tell her the money was gone." She also didn't really explain what exactly she was doing in that area which was a bit shady. "She told me you broke her arm. Is that true?"

He didn't even think before answering. "Don't remember."

That's when I saw someone move on top of a building with a clear view into this alley. Before I could warn the vigilante, he grabbed me and quickly shoved me behind a dumpster. "Did you tell anyone that you were meeting me?"

"That question is an insult and I'll pretend I didn't hear it."

I swear I saw him smirk for a sec. "Okay, here's what we do: I'll run around the corner there and you'll just take the other direction. He'll go after me."

"What if I'm the target?"

"Possible. I've only just met you and I already wanted to knock you out twice." That had to be a joke, right?

"Well, I'm glad I had the sense to come armed, then."

"We have to move. Use the distraction to get away." He slowly stepped towards the edge of the dumpster getting ready to run and I had a bad feeling about this. Sure, I didn't tell anyone about meeting him, anyone apart from the team at Nelson & Murdock that is. But it still felt planned and I certainly had to look at my client a little more closely.

And maybe at Nelson & Murdock as well.

When Daredevil started running I went after him, fully intending to follow his suggestion and go the other way, but when I saw a bullet hit his shoulder I made a quick decision to stay with him. I had to make sure he was alright, especially since Foggy set this up for me.

Daredevil however did not appreciate my concern and quickly pinned me against the wall to growl at me. "What are you doing?!" This was probably the third time he wanted to knock me out.

I tried to shove him away roughly. "You were hit! I was worried, asshole."

As if confused for a moment, he held me in place, then shook it off and let go of me. I don't know why I didn't get my gun out right then, but I told myself that we were on the same side. Not that I trusted him, but in my experience it was always better to pretend like you do to make others let their guard down. I treated him like a wild wounded animal and hoped he wouldn't hurt me. Of course, back then I was unaware that this guy didn't even let his guard down around his best friend who was the most loyal and trustworthy individual I've ever met, maybe only rivaled by Wallace.

I was about to ask him about his injury when he held up his hand to stop me. "Someone's coming…."

Since I had hopefully showed him that I wasn't an enemy I opened my bag and had the sense to ask for permission before I reached inside. "Do you mind if I….?"

"You're not shooting anyone…"

So maybe it was true that the real vigilante didn't take lives and the reports of Daredevil killing's were the result of an even more violent imposter after all. "Not to kill I won't."

Clearly running out of time, he gritted his teeth. "Fine."

I took my gun in both hands while my new involuntary ally held up his billy club, just when I also started hearing footsteps.

And this was how it all began...