WARNING: This fanfic is heavily self-indulgent, because there is a lack of Counterpartshipping in this fandom.

SUMMARY: One day, the famous actor and performer, Yuya Sakaki, got attacked and nearly killed on his way home. The mysterious Yuto saved his life and introduced him to a world far more magical and wonderful than Yuya could have ever dreamed - and far more dangerous than he could handle on his own. But Yuto has promised to protect him... no matter the personal cost.

A blinding pain, the sensation of falling...

"Hello, my name is Yuto."

A photo... the glimpse of a face...

"You're the one that killed her!"

A figure in white races towards him, followed by a figure clad in black. He's falling, falling, falling...


Yuya Sakaki woke up with a gasp, pale and sweating, green and red locks spread out across his pillow.

He sat up slowly, wiping sweat off his forehead, pushing his bangs out of the way. Heart thundering wildly, he groped around his bedside table and found the light switch. Within seconds, his room was bathed in the soft glow of a lamp. Yuya took a deep breath, staying utterly still for a moment. Then, with a heavy sigh, he swung his legs out of bed. His bare feet hit the cool floor with a light slapping sound. Briefly, he closed his eyes.

It's that dream again...

Yuya shook his head, then sprang to his feet.

It was going to be one of those nights.

'Is this him?'

'Yes, his name is Yuya Sakaki.'

Grey eyes stared intently at the photo.

'You need to protect him, no matter what. Remember that... Yuto.'

'I will, I promise.'

Yuya Sakaki was a celebrity. At the tender age of sixteen, he had already become an internationally famous actor and entertainer.

Yuto was a boy, powerful and lonely, his past mired in darkness and blood and tragedy.

Their meeting was inevitable.