DISCLAIMER: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh. This is purely for fan enjoyment.

DISCLAIMER 2: This is a follow on from my previous story, Loose Ends.

Alexis surveyed the horizon, the sun setting in the distance staining the sky crimson. She was leant on a large metal railing that ran around the deck of the ferry.

It had been six months since the trip to Venice, and the school year had finished. All of the students had returned home, leaving Duel Academy staff to have a break. Her first full year of teaching had been quite an experience. Dr Crowler had helped her with understanding the process of setting examinations, marking and other required documents to monitor the students. She thought he was glad to have one of the students return. After all he was the one who agreed with Alexis about the Silfer dorm improvements. He even wanted the Jaden statue! It was funny how much he'd changed over her time at the academy. The first day he'd hated Jaden but by the end he didn't want any of them to leave.

The Silfer students she'd been caring for had grown as duellists, with many of them moving up to Ra following their end of year results. She couldn't have been prouder to know she'd helped them learn how to become better duellists.

In the six months that had passed, Jaden had kept in contact with her, letting her know of things he was up to. They spoke a lot on the phone, growing closer, while planning the next time they would see each other. With the school year over, Jaden had agreed to return to Japan so they could spend time together.

Alexis had proposed Toyko and Paradise City as possible destinations, but Jaden had been stubborn about spending it in his home city, Domino. Agreeing that they should stay in separate places to start with, Jaden had booked and paid for a hotel room for the week for her to stay, though Alexis had argued that she should pay for the room.

Jaden hadn't told her what he'd planned for the week, even when she tried to pressure it out of him over the phone. All she had been told was bring a week's worth of clothing, including something formal. His mysteriousness caused her conflicting feelings: nervousness and excitement. Jaden Yuki being mysterious, the last time that happened, she dared not to think about it.

During his travels over the six months they'd been apart, he'd sent her photos from places he'd been. New York, Sao Paulo, Prague, even Paris. He didn't always tell her the full story with the photos but with a bit of pushing he'd tell her what dangers he'd managed to find himself in. She worried about him a lot, though knew he'd find a way through it. That's what made him so special.

Though they'd been talking for a while, they'd not explicitly asked each other out. He would send her messages about how he missed her, so she knew he felt something. She hoped this trip would be the springboard to their relationship moving forwards.

"We will be arriving at Domino City in twenty minutes," The ferry's intercom system rang out.

Snapping her back to reality from her daydreaming, Alexis headed down to her cabin to gather her luggage ready for their arrival.


Jaden lay on the bed thinking about the week ahead of him. He'd been nervous about it for weeks. Yubel and Banner had loved it, making jokes at his expense. Even Neos and Winged Kuriboh had joined in at points!

The bed was situated in a large bedroom, with bright red walls. Each wall was adorned with posters of various duel tournament held in Domino City. Many of them showing Yugi Muto and Seto Kaiba in dynamic poses. A large chest was positioned at the end of the bed, in line with the doorway out of the room. The bed was positioned against the wall of room with a large window high above the bed overlooking the city. Over the other side of the room was a large wardrobe, surrounded by a sea of clothes thrown to the floor.

"Jaden, how do you make such a mess in one day?" Yubel moaned at him, hovering to the side of the bed surveying the mess.

"I was lookin' for somethin', I'll sort it later, no biggie," he replied to her, trying to get out of sorting it.

"If Alexis sees this what will she think?" asked Yubel playfully, watching his reaction. Jaden, realising she was right, shot to his feet and started to bundle his clothes into any drawer he could find space.

After finally clearing the floor, he glanced at the clock on the wall, 9:30PM.

Lex should be in Domino now, he thought to himself.

Pulling his phone from his pocket, he shot her a message.

Hey Lex, hope you arrived safely x

Jumping back onto his bed, he lay waiting for the response. He didn't have to wait long.

Don't worry big guy, I'm here now. Just checked into my hotel. Can't wait to see you again, miss you xx

Glad that she had safely arrived, he replied to her message before setting his phone on the bedside table.

Ok I'll see you tomorrow, miss you too x

He started to run through the next day trying to calm his nerves. Why was he so worried? He was only spending time with Alexis. Feeling his eyes get heavy, he closed them. He lay there, breathing slowly as he drifted off to sleep.


Hope you enjoyed that. I'll be posting the next chapter soon, though if I get some reviews, I'll definitely post it up sooner!