Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.
A special thanks to The Lonely God With a Box for beta'ing my story.
Chapter Two: Not The Greatest of Days
Harry couldn't believe his luck. He laid on his bed looking around the room. His bed was so soft. The duvet was extra fluffy. When he got into bed the night before, Harry felt like he was laying on a cloud. He never felt so comfortable in all his life.
Harry woke up and he saw that it was still dark outside. One of the drawbacks of living with the Dursleys. He had to get up early and make breakfast. If he was lucky, he could make himself a quick sandwich that he could eat before Aunt Petunia came downstairs. It was the only time Harry was guaranteed something to eat when he was home. Sometimes it didn't work out that way. On the days when Aunt Petunia would wake him up, he couldn't sneak any food. But he learned how to fill his stomach so that he wasn't hungry.
Harry heard a tap on the window, bringing the child out of his memories. Hedwig was standing on the sill. Harry hopped out of bed and opened the window. Hedwig flew in and landed on the bed. Harry climbed back in and started talking to Hedwig.
"Oh, girl," Harry said smiling. "Can you believe this? I've never been so comfortable in all my life."
Hedwig tilted her head to the side.
"Feel how soft this is," Harry said, rubbing his hand over the top of the duvet. "It's the softest thing I've ever felt. Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's covers don't feel this soft."
Hedwig hooted, tilted her head on the side.
"And guess what?" Harry asked. There was so much enthusiasm in his tone. "I have a friend. A real friend."
Hedwig hooted again. She flew the short distance and landed on Harry's leg. Harry started petting her feathers. Hedwig lightly nipped Harry's fingers. Harry could feel the affection of his owl.
Harry yawned and slowly laid back down. Hedwig moved to the headboard and kept a vigil over her familiar. For the first time in ten years, Harry slept in.
Harry woke up to someone shaking him.
"Come on, Harry," Ron said. "We have to get ready."
Harry stretched. "Morning, Ron." Harry got out of bed and rushed to do his morning ablutions. A few moments later the two first year Gryffindors rushed down the stairs.
"You ready for breakfast?" Ron asked as they left Gryffindor tower.
"Yeah, sure," Harry said, shrugging his shoulders.
The two boys walked into the Great Hall and took their seats towards the front of the Hall. There was food already on the tables, so the students could fill their plates once they sat down.
Harry and Ron sat across from a wavy-haired girl with her nose in a book. Ron didn't give her a second glance, but Harry looked at her.
"Hey," Harry said.
The girl looked up from her book in surprise. She wasn't sure if someone was actually talking to her.
Looking at the boy across from her, she said, "Did you say something?"
"I was just saying, hi," Harry replied with a smile.
"Hi," the girl stuttered.
"I'm Harry. What's your name?"
"I'm Hermione," the girl said.
"This is Ron," Harry said, pointing to the boy next to him.
Ron looked up and nodded but didn't stop eating. Harry shook his head. Hermione smiled at them. Harry started putting a small portion of eggs on his plate.
"What are you reading?" Harry asked.
"It's our Transfiguration book," Hermione said. "I want to be prepared when we start this class."
Harry nodded and started eating.
Severus woke up with a groan passing his lips. He ruggedly got up. Even though he only had one glass of Firewhiskey last night, the headache he was sporting begged to differ from that fact. It wasn't a sharp pain, more of a nagging one. Severus had been plagued with these headaches for a little over ten years. The pain reliever potion wouldn't help. The only thing that would ebb this pain was standing under hot water.
After taking his shower and getting dressed, Severus grudgingly left his chambers and headed upstairs to the Great Hall for breakfast.
Severus sighed in disgust. It was the first day of classes. He liked to spend the last morning before the dunderheads graced his classroom causing havoc. But because of that meddling old fool, Severus had to sacrifice his last peaceful morning eating with the cretins.
Severus walked into the Great Hall and saw that over half of the students were sitting at their House tables eating their breakfast. He walked up to the Head table, sitting down. The first thing he did was pour himself a cup of coffee. It was the only thing that helped his head.
"Good Morning, Severus," Albus said, once Severus sat down.
Severus didn't reply until he took his first gulp of coffee.
"How did you sleep?" Albus asked.
Severus turned and glared at Albus.
"It would be a lot better if I were in my chambers," Severus growled.
"Dear boy, you must stop being a recluse," Albus tutted. "You spend too much time in the dungeons."
"I like my alone time," Severus said.
"Good Morning," Minerva said, sitting down on the other side of Severus. "How did you sleep, Severus?"
"What is it with you two?" Severus asked. "Why are you so enamored with me? There are plenty of other Professors at this table that you can leave me alone."
"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed," Minerva mumbled low enough but just enough for Severus to hear her.
"Now, listen, you old cat," Severus said.
"Severus," Albus said, putting his hand on Severus' arm, cutting him off. "There is no need for tempers. It's a beautiful day. The students are here ready to learn." Severus rolled his eyes. "These children are our future."
"Are you finished?" Severus asked. "I would like to eat my breakfast in some semblance of peace."
Albus nodded, "By all means. You need your strength while teaching the little angels."
Little angels? Severus thought. How about hellish minions?
Thankfully, Severus was able to eat a few bites in peace when he looked up and saw mini Potter coming down the aisle with the youngest Weasley. Severus watched them until they sat down. He didn't know why he had to keep his eyes on the black-haired boy. The one thing he didn't want was to fret over the Potter spawn. Severus forced himself to continue to eat while ever so often he would look up.
Severus noticed that Potter again didn't put that much food on his plate. There was something puzzling about that.
Severus shook himself out of that train of thought. The last thing ever he would want to do was to worry about that boy.
After breakfast, all the students got their schedules. Harry and Ron compared their schedules. They had Transfiguration, Charms, Lunch, Defense, Potions, and Study. The schedules were just for the first week. It was an introductory week. Getting to know the Professors. Starting the second week, the schedule that the first years receive would continue until the end of the year.
"Come on," Harry said. "We need to get our books and head to class."
Harry stood up along with Hermione. Ron stood still trying to stuff his face.
"Ron, leave it," Harry said.
Harry started walking out of the Great Hall. Before Harry got halfway down the aisle, he felt a chill slither down his spine. He turned around and didn't see anyone looking his way. Harry shrugged and walked out the Hall.
Harry and Ron were running down the hall.
"I told you to hurry up," Harry griped as they ran.
"Sorry," Ron said.
The two Gryffindors raced down two flights of stairs and down the corridor. When they reached the room, everyone was already sitting down, writing.
"Whew," Ron said. "At least we aren't late."
Harry didn't say anything. He hated being the center of attention. It was never good. He liked to stay in the shadows. You didn't get hurt in the shadows.
Before the two boys sat down, the cat sitting on the desk jumped and turned into Professor McGonagall. Harry ducked his head. His face turning deep red.
"And where have you two been?" Minerva asked.
"Sorry, Professor," Harry mumbled.
"We got lost," Ron said.
"Well, sit down," Minerva said, turning and walking to the head of the class.
Ron and Harry slid into the empty desk.
Harry couldn't get his heart to stop pounding. He was so scared. His first day, first class, and he was a failure. Maybe Uncle Vernon was right. Nothing he does will ever be right.
"Mr. Potter."
Harry quickly looked up. Professor McGonagall was standing in front of him. Her stern face looking down at the boy. Harry wished the floor would just open up and swallow him whole. Freak. Freak. Freak. Pay attention.
Harry wanted to bang his fist into his forehead. Harry thought it would be different. Harry's throat burned with tears. He rapidly blinked his eyes so no traitorous tears would fall. It didn't do any good to cry. Crying only caused more pain.
"Mr. Potter," Minerva said again. "Do please pay attention. Open your book."
Harry slowly reached out and opened his book. Harry kept his head down so not to draw any more attention to himself.
As the day continued, Harry's classes didn't get worse. Charms was okay. Harry and Ron were on their way to the Great Hall for lunch. Harry was quiet.
"Harry," Ron asked. Harry looked at him. "Are you okay?"
Harry nodded. "Yeah."
Ron put his arm around Harry's shoulders. "Cheer up. It's lunch time."
Harry looked at his friend and couldn't help smiling at him.
The morning classes of dunderheads didn't go too horribly. Severus sat down behind his desk after the last hooligan walked out of his class. He knew he should head up for lunch; he just didn't want to. Severus called for a house-elf and ordered his food.
He had first-year students after lunch, and he wanted to have a peaceful, secluded lunch before the students arrived. He had Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff first and the dreaded Gryffindor and Slytherin houses last. Teaching the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff shouldn't be a problem. Severus wasn't looking forward to teaching the Gryffindor and Slytherin class. The famous Harry Potter is going to grace this class. Severus was not looking forward to that.
A piece of parchment popped on Severus' desk next to his plate.
Your presence is requested at the Head table.
Severus sneered at the parchment. He pulled out his quill and wrote a reply. He knew his answer was going to cause more problems for him, but Severus was determined to have a peaceful meal. Another note followed and Severus let out a sigh. If the school term continued this trend, Severus was going to enjoy his quiet time.
After lunch, Harry was determined he wouldn't let his morning classes mess up his afternoon classes. There were only two classes left. Harry was looking forward to these two classes. Harry thought if he learned some defense moves or something to defend himself against his cousin, he could last through the summer holidays without Dudley and his friends always playing "Harry Hunting." When Harry got his Potions book, he looked through it first. It was very intriguing to him. Harry always had a desire to see what would happen if some things mixed with others. He used to mix different seasonings on his relatives' food all the time. Sometimes it worked. Sometimes it didn't and he went to bed hurting more than usual.
Harry and Ron walked with their dormmates. They were talking as they got to Defense class. Sitting down in the middle of the room, Harry and Ron sat together. Dean and Seamus were together. Neville sat with Hermione. The group of children whispered amongst themselves as they got their supplies ready for class. Once everyone was in the class, the Defense Professor, Professor Quirrell, came out of his office from the front of the room.
Instantly, Harry started to feel sick. He looked over at the other kids and saw that some of them had their hands over their noses. Harry had to endure some of the most disgusting chores while with his relatives, so he knew if he could get through that, he could get through this class.
Quirrell introduced himself, which was a chore because he stuttered. As the class continued, Harry felt more and more nauseous. It was almost the end of class and Harry laid his head on his desk.
"Harry," Ron whispered. "Are you alright?"
Harry turned and looked at Ron. Ron could tell that Harry was ill. The boy looked almost green.
"M..m..mister P..p..otter," Quirrell said, walking over to Harry's table. "Is everything—"
Before Quirrell could finish his question, Harry started whining, gripping his head. Ron leaned closer to Harry to see what was wrong. Harry was in so much pain he couldn't think straight.
"Take M..mister Potter to the Infirmary," Quirrell told Ron.
Ron packed up his and Harry's things and helped Harry out of the room. Once Ron closed the door, Harry stopped whining and gripping his head. There were tears streaming down Harry's face.
"Come on, Harry," Ron said.
The two boys walked quietly to the Infirmary. When they walked in, Madam Pomfrey walked up to them.
"What's happened?" Poppy asked.
"Harry got sick and started making noises in Defense class," Ron said.
"Hmm," Poppy mumbled. "Come, Mr. Potter."
Poppy took Harry's arm and walked him over to one of the cots, mumbling.
Poppy mumbled to herself; neither of the boys heard her. She looked over at Ron.
"Why don't you go back to class. I'll release Mr. Potter when he's feeling better."
Ron nodded and walked out of the Infirmary. By the time he got back to Defense class, it ended. Ron met up with the others. All of them asking what happened to Harry. On their way down to the dungeons, Ron told everyone what happened.
Harry was sitting on the end of the cot. Now that he was away from the Defense classroom, he started to feel a little better.
"All right, Mr. Potter," Poppy said. "I'm going to run a diagnostic charm on you so we can see what's going on."
Poppy started waving her wand. Harry didn't like the sound of that. He didn't want anyone to know how much of a freak he was.
"I'm alright now, Madam Pomfrey," Harry said. "I felt better the further away from the Defense class I got."
Harry got up and started walking towards the door.
"I'm going to be late for my Potions class," Harry said in a rush. "Thank you."
Harry left of the Infirmary. Poppy was so shocked by Harry's reaction, she never seen a child that skittish. She just watched the boy leave. Poppy decided she needed to talk with Minerva and see if she could send Potter back here, so she could give him a full physical.
Harry ran as fast as he could towards the dungeons. When he got to the Potions classroom, he saw that the door was still open. He smiled, believing that he arrived on time. The smile didn't last long when he got closer to the door, he could hear the teacher talking.
"…put a stopper in death," Severus said smoothly.
Looking up Severus saw the new bane of his existence standing at the door.
"Well," Severus said. "Mr. Potter. I see you let your fame dictate how you are in your classes. You believe you're above the rules that you can arrive in my class late?"
"No, sir," Harry said. "I—"
"I don't want to hear your excuse," Severus snapped. "You will have detention tonight after dinner. You will learn that you cannot get by on just your fame. You are not important here. Now sit down."
Harry sat down in the closest desk towards the door. This day had been utterly awful. Nothing went right today. He was late for Transfiguration. He got sick in Defense. And now, he got off on the wrong foot with his Potions Professor, so now he had detention. Sitting alone, Harry couldn't stop the tears pooling his eyes. He was a freak. He will always be a freak. He thought he could be a normal child here in this school, but it seems like that wasn't so. Pulling his book and parchment out, he discreetly wiped his eyes and tried to salvage the rest of the class.
Severus continued with his lecture. Every once in a while, he would look back at the Boy Who Lived and saw the boy slump down in the seat.
He must believe that everyone is supposed to cater to the little brat, Severus thought. Well, this boy has another think coming.
During class, Severus walked up and down the aisles to see what each child was doing as he continued his lecture. When he got to the brat's table, he looked down at the boy. Severus brow raised as he saw there were tear tracks on the boy's cheeks.
The spoiled brat doesn't like not having things his way.
"All right," Severus said. "Tonight, I expect a six-inch essay on the ingredients on the Cure for Boils. You will have how the ingredients are to be processed and I expect as you study you learn what to look for when you brew. We will brew this potion on Friday. Your homework is due on Wednesday. Out."
Everyone started packing up their supplies. Severus walked to the front of the classrooms.
"Mr. Potter, stay," Severus said, sitting down behind his desk.
Harry thought he could now put the day behind him, but when he heard he had to stay after, he slouched down in his seat. Ron walked to Harry.
"You want me to take your things to our dorm?" Ron asked.
Harry gave his friend a smile. "Thanks, Ron."
When the last student walked out of the room, Severus waved his hand, closing the door with a slam. Harry flinched by the noise.
"Mr. Potter," Severus said.
Harry looked up and saw his Professor pointing to the seat in front of his desk. Harry tried to calm his nerves, so he could walk straight and not fall on his weakened knees. The boy took a deep breath, trying to calm his heart that felt like it was pounding out of his chest. He walked over to the seat and sat down. Harry lowered his head.
"My eyes are up here, Potter," Severus snapped.
Harry looked up at his Professor.
"Now, you will serve detention with me tonight at seven. I expect you here on time." Severus put emphasis on the time word.
"Yes, sir," Harry said softly.
"Get out of here," Severus said. "I expect you to have a decent dinner. Your pickiness over the food needs to stop."
Harry couldn't get out of the classroom fast enough. He ran to the closest restroom and went to the first stall. Closing himself in, he sat on the closed seat and tried to calm his breathing. Harry didn't want to walk into the Great Hall looking nervous. Once he finally got his breathing under control, Harry walked out of the stall. He went to the sink and wet a towel and wiped his face. Once he was calm enough, Harry walked out of the restroom and headed to the Great Hall.
Dinner was a somber event. Harry sat next to Ron. He couldn't bring himself to put any food on his plate. Ron tried to coax Harry to eat something, but Harry just didn't think that he could hold anything down.
"Please, Harry," Ron pleaded. "Try and eat something. Maybe some mashed potatoes."
Harry looked at Ron. "Thanks. I just don't know."
"My mum told me that sometimes having something soft will help you," Ron said.
Harry gave his friend a small smile and reached for the potatoes. He took a small bite. If it stayed down, he would continue. It did. Smiling, Harry continued to eat.
Severus was getting ready to go up to the Great Hall when the floo flared. Sighing, Severus turned to see who was coming, though he had an idea.
"My boy."
Severus sighed.
"Yes, Headmaster," Severus said, walking to his armchair, sitting down.
"Is everything alright?" Albus asked, sitting across from Severus.
"Yes, Headmaster," Severus replied. "I was on my way to the Great Hall."
"Well," Albus said, standing. "Let me walk with you."
Severus rolled his eyes as he stood. The wizards walked out of Severus' chambers.
As it got closer to his detention, Harry got apprehensive about being late. He wanted this first day to be over and try to start over tomorrow. He walked into the Potions classroom. Harry didn't see the Professor, so he walked to the side door and knocked.
"Enter," A voice commanded on the other side.
Harry opened the door just enough and slid in. He saw Snape sitting behind his desk writing.
"It's nice to see that you do know how to be on time," Severus said, looking up at the boy.
"Yes, sir," Harry said quietly.
"Tonight," Severus said, standing up. He walked over to Harry. Harry quickly stepped back towards the door. "Move, Potter, I can't get you started with you in the way," Severus barked.
"Sorry, sir," Harry said, moving out of the way.
Severus walked back into the classroom and headed to the sink area. Harry followed.
At the sink were six grimy, goop-caked cauldrons. Severus pulled down some dragon-hide gloves and the cleaning solution, thrusting the items to the child.
"I want these cauldrons to be spotless," Severus ordered. This will knock Saint Potter down a peg or two. He will not be treated special.
"Yes, sir," Harry said, walking to the sink.
Severus raised an eyebrow. The instant compliance of the boy didn't sit right with Severus.
"I expect you to work," Severus ordered.
"Yes, sir," Harry said. He put the gloves on. Harry couldn't help to smile at the way his hands felt in the gloves. It was so smooth. It almost felt like he didn't have gloves on. The child went to the sink and turned on the hot water. He put all six cauldrons in the sink and poured a little of the solution in each cauldron and grabbed the scrub brush from the back of the sink. He gave the first cauldron a cursory scrub and then filled it with hot water so it could soak. He continued until all six cauldrons were in soak.
Severus thought Harry would have made a fit about scrubbing cauldrons, but it didn't happen. Harry started without complaint. Severus didn't like what he was seeing, so he walked back into his office.
Harry continued oblivious that he was being watched by the Potions Professor or that the man left him alone.
Harry went to the first soaked cauldron. He was used to working with hot water, but he had to get his hands used to it. When he put his hand on the side of the cauldron, he realized that the dragon-hide protected him from the heat. Harry looked at the gloves and let out a small giggle. Boy, I wish I had these gloves when I was with my relatives. Knowing that his hands were protected, Harry plunged his hands into the cauldron and started scrubbing.
Severus was sitting behind his desk, looking over the sixth years' summer essays. He couldn't stay focused. There were a few things on his mind. The boy in the next room was a major reason. He thought back to how the boy looked when he came into class. During dinner, Severus was sitting beside Minerva, and he heard her talking to Poppy about Harry being escorted to the Infirmary this afternoon.
Severus tossed his quill on his desk and sat back in his chair. Next he thought of the slight fear he saw in Potter's face when he walked up on him going back to the sink.
"This is nothing," Severus berated himself.
He cast a tempus charm and saw that it's been an hour and a half since he left Potter alone. Severus got up and went into the classroom.
Harry was scrubbing the last cauldron. There were five cleaned cauldrons stacked on the side of the sink.
Severus walked up to the sink to inspect the work to see if Potter did subpar work. Standing next to the boy, he was surprised by the quality of work that was put into the cleaning. A high-pitched squeak brought Severus out of his musing. Looking down at the child, Potter was staring up at him with wide eyes.
"Sorry, sir," Harry said. "I'm almost finished, sir."
"I can see that, Potter," Severus said, curtly. "That's enough."
"But I'm almost finished with this one," Harry pleaded. "Let me finish, I can get it done. I promise."
"Mr. Potter," Severus said, cutting off the meanderings of the child. "This was a punishment. You did it. Surprisingly, admirably. It is getting close to curfew and I want you in your dormitory before then."
Harry's shoulders sagged. He wanted to prove to the Professor that he wasn't a freak, that he could do what he was supposed to. He was almost finished. He guessed he still wasn't finishing the day on a better note.
"Potter," Severus said, sharply. Harry looked up at the man. "Gloves," holding out his hand.
"Sorry, sir," Harry said, pulling the gloves off his hands. "Good night, sir."
Harry walked out of the classroom without waiting for a response.
The boy puzzled Severus. Part of him still wanted to believe that he was a spoiled brat like his father, ready to flounce his celebrity status. But what he was seeing in the boy was something totally different. And he didn't like it.
A/N: A special thanks for the wonderful feedback I received for this story.
Thank you to everyone who favored, followed, and reviewed my story. Please leave a review letting me know what you think of this chapter.
Many hugs and kisses to you all!