Disclaimer: I don't own Star Wars!

Chapter 4: Victory and Death

Obi-Wan wasn't having it today. He wasn't at all. Today just wasn't his day. Was Anakin Alive? Was Ahsoka alive. But Ahsoka wasn't a Jedi anymore. So she wouldn't get target for order 66 right?

Obi-Wan looked down at Cody. Bail was studying him as Padmè was in the other part of the ship. Obi-Wan remembered when Fives mention about the chips. Maybe that's why the Clones where doing what they where doing.

Finally Bail and Obi-Wan found the chip inside of Cody. To which when Cody got up he let out a breath. Obi-Wan didn't know how he would react when he saw him. Maybe it wasn't the chips doing. And he was still a Jedi at that time.

"Where am I?" Cody asked once he got up. Obi-Wan tho thought that the Clone was confused on where he was. "Oh force did I shot down my General!"

"I'm right here, Cody." Obi-Wan addressed him. Cody looked up at him to which Obi-Wan almost thought that he was going to cry. Of course Obi-Wan wouldn't blame him. He would be in that mode if he was in Cody's place.

"Sir, I'm sorry that I almost killed you sir." Cody stared.

"Cody, it wasn't your fault." Obi-Wan told him firmly. "You didn't have a choice you where force to do this. Remember Fives?"

"Oh yeah." Cody said. "So sir what happens now?"

"About that I forgot to mention that the war is over." Bail said.

"But I don't think this is the last where we'll be fighting." Padmè said as she came in. "He said during his meeting that the Jedi would all be hunted down..."

Obi-Wan knew what she meant by that. He would have to run. Run somewhere face. He sure did hope that Anakin was alive. He tried to sense him or Ahsoka in the force. But he couldn't sense Ahsoka. Because what ever force bond they've created in the war broke when Ahsoka left the Jedi. He stilled had his bond with Anakin. But for some reason he couldn't feel him. He couldn't be dead? Could he? No impossible! Obi-Wan knows Anakin. His former Padawan can make it out alive. Couldn't he?

"I don't feel Anakin." Obi-Wan stated as he looked at Padmè.

"But he couldn't be..." Padmè trailed off.

"I don't know." Obi-Wan said.

"Go to the Jedi Temple we well." Master Yoda who had recently got here said. "See what it is like, we well."

"Of course Master Yoda, I'll set a course to the Temple." Bail said to the Green Jedi Master.

Obi-Wan then watch as Yoda turn to Padmè. "Strong your children well be in the force, they we'll be."

The only thing Padmè did was nodded. As much as Obi-Wan wanted Anakin's and Padmè's child to be raise in a peaceful world he doubts that. And they might never even know there father...


Meanwhile on Mandlore a group of clonestrying to break into the medbay. Inside, where Ahsoka, Anakin, Rex,andthree droids, R7,Cheep, and G-G,stand at the ready.

"How are we gonna get out of here?" Rex asked.

"I have an idea." Anakin said.

"Which is?" Ahsoka asked hoping that her former Master didn't have one of those crazy plans he usually had.

"Just set those things to stun. We're not trying to kill anyone." Anakin finally said.

"Yeah, well tell that to them. They're almost through." Rex said.

The sparks from the clones breaking in get closer to the top of the door.

"Wait, wait." Ahsoka said.

The sparks reach the top of the door.

"Now!" Ahsoka said.

Ahsoka and Anakin uses the force to push the door forward, knocking some clones back with it. Rex shoots out of the room, stunning clones. Ahsoka and Anakin followed him out and defends him from blaster shots with there lightsabers. They continue fighting for a minute, incapacitating a dozen clones.

"R7, find us a path out of here!" Anakin said.

R7 beeps and plugs into a wall. He closes the door to a nearby hallway as Rex, Anakin,

and Ahsoka finish off the clones in another. Once the coast is clear, the three droids all follow Anakin, Ahsoka and Rex out.

"Alright, now what?" Rex asked.

R7 beeps.

"The escape pods have been destroyed. Taking a shuttle is our best bet." Ahsoka answered.

The group leaves. Rex stops over the body of an unconscious clone, who groans.

"The boys are having a rough time of it. Did you hear Maul also escaped?" Rex asked.

"He didn't escape. We let him out." Ahsoka said as Anakin just gave Rex a nod. Ahsoka knew that he was going to ask that.

"What? Why?" Rex question.

"Diversion. Come on!" Ahsoka said. As She and Anakin ran around a corner, followed by the droids.

"That's one word for it." Anakin said.

Maul comes through a door into a corridor on the ship. He's carrying a communicator and eavesdropping on the clones' comms. He walks down the hallway as he listens.

"Target number one's and two's escaped the medical bay. We're in pursuit." A clone said.

"What is the status of CT-7567?" Jesse asked.

"Commander Rex is still missing in action, sir." The clone said.

"Did he aid in Tano's and Skywalker's escape?" Jesse asked.

"Unknown at present." The clone said.

Two clones turn a corner and aim at Maul. He uses the force to strangle both of them.


Once there ship was landed Obi-Wan and Yoda walked around the Temple. All Obi-Wan could see where the bodies of fallen Jedi.

"I can't believe we letted this happen." Obi-Wan finally said. "We where all blinded by the war. Fools we where that we where blind this whole time by a Sith Lord who was in charge of the senate and was playing both sides this whole war."

"Blinded by the Darkside we had been." Yoda said. "All right they have been. Count Dooku, Barris Offee, Ahsoka Tano. Seen through the corruption they did."

Obi-Wan did have to agree with the Grand Jedi Master there. Ahsoka did have an agreement with him about that before she left to go to Mandlore. He probably won't ever see her again. Anakin again. There both probably dead. Obi-Wan was angered at Sidious. The Jedi Master had a hatred for the Sith Lord. He pretended to be Anakin's friend. He pretended to be a mentor to Padmè. If Obi-Wan had seen this early on through the clone wars maybe this wouldn't have happen. But it was to late and he couldn't do anything about it.

What was he and Padmè going to say when the baby asked about there father when they where older. How where they going to protect him. What where they going to do. Where were they going to go. Obi-Wan knew that Padmè was discussing things with Bail and Cody. They where going to wait until the baby is born and there going to go somewhere safe and far away form Sidious as possible as they can be. It was Obi-Wan's job now to protect Anakin's child. He couldn't lose Anakin's child just as he lost Anakin.

"What do you see, Master Yoda?" Obi-Wan asked Yoda who was looking on who killed all the Jedi.

"Seems like Barris Offee had done this, she had." Yoda said. Obi-Wan remembered Barris. He remembered what she did to Ahsoka. Though she was right about one thing. The Jedi. He remembered her whole speech.

I did it. Because I've come to realize what many people in the Republic have come to realize. That the Jedi are the ones responsible for this War. That we've so lost our way that we have become villains in this conflict. That we are the ones that should be put on trial, all of us! And my attack on the Temple was an attack on what the Jedi have become. An army fighting for the Dark Side, fallen from the Light that we once held so dear. This Republic is failing! It's only a matter of time.

As much as Obi-Wan hates to admit it she was right. The Jedi where falling. The republic fell because of what happen in the war.

"Let me say something, Master Yoda," Obi-Wan said as he was about to deliver his final public message. In hopes if any other Jedi survived they would find this message.

"I regret to report that both our Jedi Order and the Republic, have fallen with a dark shadow of the Empire rising to take their place." Obi-Wan said thinking about everything that had happen in just one day. "This message is a warning and a reminder for any surviving Jedi . Trust in The Force. Do not return to the Temple...that time has past."

He ended the message in hopes that one day someone can find it.


Anakin, Ahsoka, Rex, and the droids make their way through the ship as it begins to shake more violently, and alarms blare.

"Oh, I don't like the sound of that." Rex stated.

"Hangar bay doors are sealed. They've got everything locked down. If they weren't trying to kill us, I'd be proud." Anakin said.

"R7, start unlocking the doors on bay 12." Ahsoka ordered the Droid.

R7 beeps and moves away.

"Cheep, prep the shuttle." Ahsoka ordered the droid.

Cheep beeps and moves away.

"G-G, find out what happened to the ship." Ahsoka ordered the other droid.

G-G beeps and plugs into a nearby console. Cut to a shot of clones running in a hallway.

Once they where in the Hanger Control Room Anakin heard G-G beep.

"What do you mean the hyperdrive is offline?" Anakin asked.

G-G just beep at him.

"Destroyed? It's completely gone?" Anakin asked.

G-G beeps. A nearby computer begins beeping.

"We're caught in that moon's gravitational field." Anakin said.

"R7, open the main hangar doors." Anakin heard Ahsoka's respond.

R7 beeped and opened the main hangar doors. The moon comes into full view.

"We need to get out of here." Ahsoka said.

A shot of the cruiser falling apart even more as it gets closer to the moon. Inside, clones continue running through the corridors. Maul continued to go unseen behind them and makes his way through the ship. Cut back to the hangar command room.

"Any luck with those doors?" Anakin asked.

R7 beeped back at him.

"And the shuttle?" Anakin asked.

R7 opens some doors in the hangar, revealing the shuttle.

"There it is." Ahsoka said

More doors open, revealing dozens of clones, who run into the center of the hangar.

"They were waiting for us." Rex said. Anakin should have guessed that they where.

Jesse walks in front of the rest of the clones.

"Hold your position, men. If they try to leave, they'll have to go through us."

"So what do we do? Fight our way to the shuttle?" Anakin asked.

"There are too many. Besides, I don't want to hurt them." Ahsoka said. Anakin didn't either. He knew these men. He knew them well.

"I hate to tell you this, but they don't care. This ship is going down, and those soldiers, my brothers, are willing to die and take you and me along with them." Rex said. Anakin could feel his sadness in the force. He was like that when his mother died. He had lots of questions right now. Was Obi-Wan alive? He tried to feel his former Master through there bond that they had. But for some reason Anakin couldn't feel him. Was Obi-Wan dead?

After a moment, Ahsoka steps forward and removes Rex's helmet. A tear streams down his face, and he looks away.

"You're a good soldier Rex. So is every one of those men down there. They may be willing to die, but I am not the one that is going to kill them." Ahsoka said finally trying to comfort the Clone. Anakin allowed a faint smile. Padmè did that when his mother died. Was Padmè even alive. Was there child even born.

"So, we're just going to surrender? Admit defeat? Is that it?" Rex asked Ahsoka.

"No." Anakin finally said.

"Well I don't see any other option." Rex finally said.

Anakin then look out among the clones below.

"I have an idea. Don't worry, it's a good one... I think."

"Hopefully it isn't one of your crazy ones Skyguy." Ahsoka said as Anakin letted out a small smile. Even in a life and Death situation Ahsoka is still his snips.

"Can We count on the three of you?" Anakin asked the droids.

The droids beeped back at him.

"Good. I'll explain on the way." Anakin said.

Cut to the clones in the hangar bay. Jesse's comm beeps .

"Sir, we think Maul might be headed your way. Be aware." A clone told Jesse through his common link.

"Hold your fire!" Rex said.

Rex walks into the hangar, holding both Anakin and Ahsoka at gunpoint .

"Hang on, we have Skywalker, Tano, and the commander. Send all remaining troops to my position." Jesse ordered.

The clones prepare to fire. Rex, Anakin, and Ahsoka get closer.

"I said hold your fire, Jesse. I have the situation under control." Rex stated.

"You have your order, sir. Now execute it or I will!" Jesse said.

"The order was to execute the Jedi for treason against the republic." Rex said. "And we all know that General Skywalker wouldn't do something like that. Throughout this whole war he defend and protect the republic. Didn't he? The problem is, Ahsoka Tano isn't a Jedi. Hasn't been for some time."

Jesse lowered his guns. "Sir, you said yourself we're under special order from Darth Sidious to eliminate Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano and any other clone who disobeys Order 66."

Anakin and Ahsoka both Cheep and G-G nearby. They turn to R7, who shakes his head. They turn back to Anakin and Ahsoka and shake their heads."

"Just keep him talking a little longer." Ahsoka finally said.

"Jesse, Jesse, listen to me. We've known each other a long time. If we don't get this right, you will be the ones committing treason, not her." Anakin finally said. He knew Jesse we'll. This was not like him. At all.

Jesse raises his guns back up and looked at Rex. "Commander Rex, you're in violation of Order 66. I accuse you of treason against the Grand Army of the Republic. You'll be demoted in rank from Commander and subject to execution, along with the traitors Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano."

R7 beeps. Cheep waves at Ahsoka.

"Ready?" Ahsoka asked.

"Yeah, I didn't much like being a commander anyway." Rex commented.

"Yeah Rex your better off as Caption." Anakin said.

Jesse then looked at them. Company. Ready, aim-"

An alarm blast.

"Now!" Ahsoka said.

The floor falls away, causing many of the clones to fall into the space below the hangar. Jesse turns and fires, but Ahsoka pushes him over the edge with the force. Rex tosses her her lightsabers and they begin to fight the remaining clones, incapacitating many of them. Anakin managed to grab Jesse and knock him unconscious. He didn't want him to die. He was going to get the chip out of him when there done. Maul enters the hangar. He sees the fight going on, as well as the shuttle. He begins sprinting to the shuttle. G-G beeps, alerting Ahsoka, who turns and sees Maul.

"Rex, the ship!" Ahsoka said.

They run to the ship, still under fire from the remaining clones. Maul sees her and stops. He uses the force to throw some crates at her. As Anakin who was caring Jesse ran with Rex.

"You wanted this chaos!" Maul told her.

Ahsoka comes close to hitting him with one of her sabers, but he manages to force push her backwards. She slows herself, but still falls over the edge. G-G shoots out a grappling hook and Rex runs over. Maul makes his way to the shuttle. In the space below the hangar, the clones who fell begin to stir. Clones come close and begin firing at Ahsoka.

"Move it, move it! Get these lifts activated, get us up there!" A clone ordered.

"Our panel's locked out." Another Clone said.

R7 watches the commotion from nearby.

"Fire on those droids!" The first clone said.

The clones fire at G-G, Cheep and Rex,Ahsoka narrowly avoids a shot. Inside the shuttle, Maul begins taking off. Ahsoka finally crawls out onto the ground and sees the shuttle leaving.

"The shuttle!" Anakin said.

He ran towards the shuttle with Ahsoka and they attempt to prevent it from leaving with the force. Maul feels the ship suddenly stop mid-air as Ahsoka and Anakin pull. Maul pushes forward harder. Rex who was caring Jesse came over and helps Ahsoka and Anakin, who begins slipping. R7 sees more clones enter the hanger and beeps. He moves towards Anakin, Ahsoka, and Rex.

"Incoming!" Rex said.

He shoots into the crowd of approaching clones.

"Surround them!" A clone said.

Rex loses his hold on Ahsoka and she faller over. She gets back up and continued trying to stop the shuttle from leaving. Anakin saw R7 get and killed, falling over next to her. Maul pushes the throttle forward. Rex gets hit in the shoulder.

"Can't hold them off! Too many of them!" Rex said.

Anakin and Ahsoka both stop trying to pull the shuttle back. Maul escapes and she watches it zoom out of view. They comes back to Rex's defense. Outside, Maul enters hyperspace and disappears. In the hangar, the clones continue trying to circle around Anakin, Ahsoka and Rex. After fruitlessly trying to halt them, Ahsoka throws her sabers down into the floor and uses the force to spin them around, cutting a circle and allowing them to fall into the space below the hangar. More clones downstairs are ready for them and prepare to fire. Rex sighs.

"Blast them!" A clone ordered

Upstairs, Cheep plugs himself into a wall and begins to bring the clones back up into the hangar. Clones are jolted everywhere.

"Hey!" A clone said. Some clones approach G-G and Cheep.

"Blast those dirty droids." Another one added.,

The droids scream as they are killed. Outside, the ship begins hitting the moon's atmosphere and begins falling faster. Inside, Anakin, Ahsoka and Rex continue to hold off the clones under the hangar. Ahsoka jumps forward and takes some out while Rex runs on the side. He looks into additional ship bays as he passes.

"Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Everything down here is under maintenance." Rex said as he carried Jesse who was still knock unconscious.

"There!" Anakin said as he points to a ship suspended over an exit. More clones arrive and begin shooting.

"Get me over there!" Rex said.

Ahsoka jumps to a ledge near the ship. Rex runs over. Ahsoka and Anakin use the force to push him over the gap and onto the ship. Ahsoka is hit by a blaster shot, which causes her to cry out. She turns back and continues defending with Anakin as Rex gets into the pilot's seat on the ship and putted Jesse down as they where going to take out his chip. More clones arrive from up in the hangar. Anakin pushes a group back and continues deflecting shots.


Once Padmè's ship was landed on Mastafar Obi-Wan could feel Barris dark presence.

"Barris!" Obi-Wan said as he came by. Be lighted up his lightsaber.

"Master Kenobi." Barris said as she came down. "What a surprised to see you here."

"Lumirna wouldn't have wanted this." Obi-Wan told her as he thought of Barris former Master when she still had been a Padawan. "You've gone to far Barris!

"I don't think so." Barris said as she grin at lighted up her lightsaber. She then swung it at Obi-Wan who defend it with is lightsaber. The two dueled for a while. Mastafur was hot. Obi-Wan decked. Hotter then Tatooine. Obi-Wan remembered that Anakin complained how not Tatooine was. Well this planet was hotter.

"It's over Barris I have high ground." Obi-Wan called from where he was from.

"You underestimate my power, Master Jedi." Barris said as she continued To duel him. Finally Obi-Wan got enough strength to knock her down in the lava. He looked and all he could see was ashes.

Slowly Obi-Wan walked backed to the ship. Thinking about everything what has happen and the only thing he could think of where that the Jedi where destroyed. And that Anakin was dead.

"Are you ok sir?" Cody asked. Obi-Wan was glad that they saved him.

"I'm fine thank you, Cody." Obi-Wan told the clone. "Padmè?"

Padmè looked pale. Really Pale. Obi-Wan could tell that she looked scared even. "I think that the baby is coming."

Obi-Wan then sent a look a Cody who born went straight in the ship so that Padmé could give brith.


Two officers are standing on the deck.

"We've entered the atmosphere. Fire retro-rockets!" An officer said.

"We've lost lateral control. We're gonna break apart!" A clone said.

The command center explodes as the ship plummets to the surface.

The ship tilts. The clones all fall and begin sliding. Ahsoka stops herself by plunging her sabers into the ground.

"Come on!" Rex yelled.

She and Anakin ran over, but the ship Rex is piloting falls as the two of them are in middair. Rex is sent spinning behind the cruiser. He does a barrel roll among the debris as he tries to right himself. Finally he manages to get control of the ship and goes back for Anakin and Ahsoka. He searches through the falling debris and eventually sees where the two of them are plummeting. He moves the ship over and tries to get underneath them but Ahsoka and Anakin go too far. They lan on a large piece of debris nearby and the to of them ran over it. Rex approaches. The two of them jumps off the edge the debris and Rex slows the ship in front of her. After a few moments of grasping Anakin and Ahsoka are both able to grab a hold of the ship. Rex pulls up away from the cruiser. Ahsoka and Anakin both manage to get into a seat as the cruiser plummets below the clouds. They all sit in grim silence.

Padmè didn't know how to feel when she was giving birth. She knew the names already. Leia if it's a girl and Luke if it's a boy. She knew that Bail, Obi-Wan and even Master Yoda where there.

"It's a girl." The med droid said.

"Leia." Padmè breath out.

"And a boy." The med droid said again. Twins Padmè was shock at that. How did she and Anakin not know.

"Luke." Padmè said.

Then everything went black.


"Sri?" Anakin heard the voice of Jesse ask as he awoken.

"I'm right here Jesse." Anakin told the clone.

"I'm sorry that I almost tried to kill you sir." Jesse said.

"Jesse it's ok it wasn't your fault." Anakin said. "You had no control over what happen. Remember Fives?"

"Yes, Sir." Jesse said.

"It turns out what he said was true." Rex said as he came over. "That those chips where made to destroy the Jedi."

"There right you had no choice Jesse." Ahsoka said. "You had no control over it."

"Thank you, sirs." Jesse said. "For saving me."

"Anytime, Jesse." Anakin said with a small smile.


"Glad your awake." Padmè heard a voice.

"Where are we?" Padmè question as she woke up. She notice that they weren't on the ship anymore.

"On Tatooine it was the only place where I would think that the empire wouldn't be." Obi-Wan said finally.

"Luke and Leia?" Padmè asked.

"Over there." Obi-Wan said as he pointed where the twins landed. They where asleep.

"What about Anakin?" Padmè asked Obi-Wan. "Is he here?"

"I'm sorry to say this Padmè but I couldn't feel him." No he couldn't be dead. Can he? "I think he is dead."

"Guess it's only the to of us left them Obi-Wan." Padmè said as she and the Jedi Master hugged each other as they watch Luke and Leia.


At the very end is the ship Rex, Anakin, and Ahsoka took. Rex and Jesse both approached. A broken droid sits under it. The to Clones approached the ship. They looked over at Anakin and Ahsoka. They are both standing in front of a mass grave, both of them wearing robes. Each grave has a metal stick with a clone's helmet resting on top. Anakin and Ahsoka both pulled out there lightsabers. They both hold it in there hands for a few moments, eventually they both drop there lightsabers on the ground. Together Anakin and Ahsoka looked up at the ruins of the cruiser.

A/N: Wow this chapter has to be the longest in this story so far.

This story isn't over. There is more to come. It's just that I am finish with the first arc. So don't worry there are more chapters to come.

I just have to have Obi-Wan say his quote. I never did like the fight between Anakin and Obi-Wan during revenge of the sith. It was just so sad for me to seeing our boys fighting each other. But I just wanted to add Obi-Wan's quote. At least he didn't fight Anakin this time.

RyanSquad- Anakin manged to save Jesse. And I also saw your review for Survive the Game. Thank you for both reviews. I only watch Rebels for Ahsoka and Rex. Rebels isn't my favorite thing Star Wars has made I well admit. But that doesn't mean I hate it. It's just not my favorite Star Wars thing. But I never knew that. So thank you for telling me about the clones. I wish that if they where to have included more clones in rebels Jesse would have been there.

littlesky33by- Thank you so much. I just had to hand them hug each other. I mean Ahsoka means so much to Anakin. And I also wished they would have called each other Snips and Skyguy during season 7.

As always I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. And may the force be with you, always.