A/N: So this is the tenth chapter for the story. So I read the reviews for the previous chapter. A lot of you appreciated the bomb I dropped and I am happy that my readers were pleased. One of them was kind enough to respond to my choices on the members of the order. So I plan on adding two or three of those 4 characters. Now then to answer some questions.

Q: The addition of Grayfia being Naruto's daughter felt as if it was done for the hell of it.(said by YuukiAsuna-Chan)

A: I have no arguments to that. I did decide to add her in the last moment. The fact that 'Grayfia being Naruto's child' is a last moment decision however the fact that Naruto has children in the DxD world that are still alive is something I decided a while back. They do play a part in the story. So keep your panties on alright. And yeah the reason why I did not make it so emotional in the previous chapter was because it feels kind of repetitive to write the same trope as I did for the third chapter. So I decided to make it slightly different because Grayfia has a different character as compared to Issei's mother. She does have emotions don't get me wrong but it takes a little time for it to reveal so I wrote it in this chapter. So once again, Wait, There is still more to read so don't be critical already.

Q: Are you tamil?

A: I don't know why my ethnicity or linguistics come into play here but the answer is yes. (Tamizh mannil pirandha suttha tamizhan… itha mudinja naa tamizh le ezhuthuven aan a script fanfiction support pannala.)

Q: Naruto feels completely different from the Naruto in narutoverse. He feels like a cross between Knight and Assassin. And too much exposition. (for Chapter 5-trex0428)

A: Yeah Naruto is kind of different from canon because of the way I have built his character. Second his fighting style is completely fluid varying between a knight and an assassin. I felt like a cross between them would be perfect later on due to the settings of the story. He fights like a knight in the beginning but tends to lean more towards assassin like qualities than knight like ones later on.

And the title of the story 'The Knight in Shining Armour' is meant to be an irony. He is identified as a knight but instead wears dark clothes and fights like an assassin. That said, even if he is an assassin, he is a protector. Thus it can also be taken in the figurative sense where the description is that of a 'Heroic' being.

I intend to properly explain this some other time so please bear with me alright?

And If you guys think that I add too much detail into my works then I will try to reign it in… however some pointers would be appreciated because I don't know where I went wrong?

I also had some suggestions given by a reader called EDG1999. Here's the list he gave

Zoro (One Piece)(Yep he gets a pass, I love Zoro)

Saeko(High School of the Dead)(This is the purple haired kendo wielding girl isn't she?)

Levi/Mikasa(Attack on Titan)(I know these two you don't need to tell me)

And basically any main character from Sword Art Online

Now then these characters are kind of difficult to add except the first one. The reason I gave those characters in the previous chapter was because all of them are demon hunters (except Kisuke ofc)

However if you guys want me to add one of the characters from the above suggestions, I don't mind but please note that it will be completely different from their canon.

Now then with that settled let's move onto the story shall we

Here's Weapon X

Troyes, 1128 AD

Naruto, Gabriel, Christina and Beatrix had later come to meet again. Naruto now saw Beatrix in formal clothes. She was wearing a blue and green dress like one the worn by Italian Nobles. Her whole body was hidden but that did not hide her beauty. Naruto could not perfectly see her body before due to the armour but now he can see that she had the correct body. Her body was voluptuous with the right amount of curves. Her breasts were big, almost as big as Hinata's while her behind was shaped like an apple. It was perky. She was thin and fit but Naruto could see some amount of muscle hidden beneath her arms.

Gabriel said, "Allow me to introduce you to her. This is Beatrix de Faliero de Doni. She's the wielder of the Sephiroth Graal and the daughter of the 34th Doge of Venezia (Venice)."

Beatrix did not say anything but snorted. Naruto thought it was rude but, 'Well I did beat her in a fight. She must be angry about that I guess.'

Beatrix then turned towards Gabriel and asked, "Big Sister Gabriel! Is this protection even necessary?! I told you I could take care of myself and Christina!"

Gabriel sighed, "Little one I already told you. Big Sister will not be there at all times. There has been a lot of problems these years. I asked Father to request Naruto's services after a lot of difficulty. Please don't waste it."

Beatrix who heard that lowered her head and said, "I am sorry Big Sister. I didn't know."

Gabriel smiled and said, "It's quite alright, dear. Now then I have to leave now. Heaven beckons me and Michael will be wondering why I am taking so long. Farewell. Take care sweetheart."

Beatrix said, "Goodbye Big Sis. Give Lord Father my thanks."

Gabriel smiled. She then turned to Naruto and said, "Please protect her with all you can."

Naruto bowed and said, "Don't worry. I will."

Gabriel then left in a flash of light. Naruto then turned towards Beatrix and asked, "Well then, why don't you go rest? We need to leave early tomorrow. It is not safe here."

Beatrix looked at Naruto and snorted. She then left the area. Christina smiled wryly and said, "Forgive me Master Archambaud, she is still sour about her defeat this afternoon. Give it a few days and she will be back to normal."

Naruto said, "It's fine. She may be a woman but I guess she still has honour as a knight."

Christina smiled and said, "That she has. Now then, as you said, we can leave tomorrow. I trust your friends know of this arrangement?"

Naruto said, "It will be a few days before they complete their mission. I told them the gist of things and they asked us to move ahead."

Christina nodded her head, "Well it is getting late. Goodnight, Master Archambaud."

Naruto said with a smile, "Goodnight to you as well, my beautiful nun."

Christina left the room after he said that. She hid her face but Naruto did notice the blush on her cheek from the compliment.

Naruto smiled and thought, 'Man what a day! Better get some rest.'

(The Next Day)

Naruto woke up to the sounds of birds chirping. He did his morning rituals and got ready for departure. However when he went to their rooms he found them to be empty. He thought, 'Of course! They had to leave without me!'

He asked the proprietress of the inn about their whereabouts. The proprietress responded that they left earlier that morning. She also added that there was much protest from the maid but the lady she was handling did not agree and they went ahead and checked out.

Naruto sighed and gave her his thanks. He then packed his things and rode for Jerusalem. He knew that they would have not gone far and thus rode like the wind.

Soon enough, he was able to catch on to them. He shouted out, "Is it customary for somebody to leave their bodyguard behind and move on alone when they have a huge target on their backs?"

Beatrix who saw that snapped her lips. She made a sound, 'Tch' and just ignored Naruto.

Naruto did his own thing and was on lookout.

The three journeyed onto Jerusalem with some breaks in between. Naruto was able to get close to Christina in the time but no closer to Beatrix in the regard. Christina was a wonderful woman to talk to. Naruto had found many things in common among them. She was polite and kind. Naruto was sure that this girl was somebody that he can connect with. However Christina was always prevented from talking with Naruto by Beatrix who got jealous. She was jealous of the fact that Naruto was able to make someone professional like Christina open up to him.

Now Naruto and Beatrix was a completely different story. Naruto tried talking to her a lot in the beginning but Beatrix either ignored him or insulted him. If she ignored him, then he would just let her be but once the insults start coming in, he would give insults of his own back at her. So now they were like fire and water. Each trying to dominate the other.

Just like that 2 months had passed. They were nearing Jerusalem. They did not face any major problems other than some highwaymen and bandits on the road. Other than that they did meet a few devils on the prowl but they were eliminated rather quickly. Beatrix thought that they were just weaklings roaming around but Naruto understood that the devils were scouts.

They had camped for the night. Naruto said, "It's best if we take a different route to Jerusaslem. We can go the long way and enter the city through the East gate."

Christina who had become close to Naruto asked, "Why do you say that Archam?"

Naruto said, "There is a chance that the previous devils we met were scouts and if my instinct is right then they are most likely expecting us to pass through. I fear an ambush."

Beatrix who heard that snorted, "Pfft! As if the devils are that smart! We are strong enough to win against them. Relax, we will stick to the original plan or are you a coward, Master Archambaud?"

Naruto who heard that said, "Listen here brat! I had enough of you trying to ignore my warnings! Listen to yourself! Are you willing to risk the lives of the people here because of your arrogance?! This is not the time for pettiness!"

Beatrix snorted and said, "No, you listen to yourself! You speak like a coward not willing to face the enemy!"

Naruto reasoned, "It's not being a coward, It's being cautious!"

Beatrix said, "Well alright then! We will decide this by vote! Who stands with me?!"

None of the people in the convoy spoke or raised their hands. Unknown to Beatrix, everyone in the convoy thought that Naruto's reasoning was just and logical. It was better to be safe than sorry. So they did not agree so that they can protect their lady.

Beatrix who saw this turned pale and angry. She then asked Christina, "Christina..?"

Christina gave a wry smile and bowed her head, "Milady, It's best if we listen to Master Archambaud."

Beatrix gave them a look as if she was betrayed. She then looked at everyone and said, "Fine! If that is what you wish, then so be it!"

She then went back to her own tent to sleep. Naruto, who saw her like that sighed. Christina who saw that said to Naruto,

"Forgive Lady Beatrix, Archam."

Naruto shook his head and said, "I just don't know why she does not like me."

Christina said, "Well that's simple. It is because you won against her in a fight."

Naruto asked, "What? She is still on about that? After two months?"

Christina laughed and said, "Of course. In fact, it was the first time she ever lost in her life."

Naruto asked, "I see. However why does she train so hard? She may think I don't notice but I have seen her swinging the sword and practising late in the night."

Christina smiled sadly and said, "Milady was not always like that. However an incident happened on her fourteenth birthday that changed her….."

Naruto asked, "Incident?"

Christina said, "Milady's mother passed away during childbirth. She had been raised since young only by her father. Her father was a wonderful man. He did not turn sad for his child and took the role of a father rather seriously and had been there for milady whenever he can. There were a lot of times he neglected his health doing so. Lady Gabriel was a friend to both milady's mother and father. Thus she always visited milady whenever she could. Thus even if Milady had lost her mother even before she could see her, she had the warmth of a mother from Lady Gabriel whom she saw as a mother figure. Thus Milady was happy as in her eyes, her family was whole. The church had found about her sacred gear early on and recruited her in. She did not become a nun but rather one of the church's nobles on the outside giving monetary and military support while helping with their affairs."

"But everything changed during her fourteenth birthday. It seemed that like the church, the devils had also found out about her sacred gear and wanted to eliminate her. A dozen devils had disguised themselves as guest and attacked. The forces of the church had helped fend off against the devils and they were successful but her father had died in the attack. Lady Beatrix thought that it was her own fault that her father died. She thought that if she was stronger, then she wouldn't have lost her father."

It was silent for a while. Naruto asked, "So what happened afterwards?"

Christina smiled and told, "Her father's death had been covered up as though he had died fighting the Hungarians as he was an influential figure in Venezia(Venice). The church was thorough in covering up the supernatural like many other times these occasions happened. Milady went to the church and started to train. She lived there under the pope's permission who had come to see her as his own grandchild and thus was allowed to do as she pleases. And now you see the result."

Both of them were once again silent. Naruto then said, "Its better you get rest Christina. I'll be on the lookout."

Christina looked grateful at that and said, "Thank You."

Naruto then noticed that one of the horses was missing. He had a suspicion that he wish was not true. He checked Beatrix's tent to find that she had already sneaked off. He saw some horse tracks and found that she was going the same route she planned on going.

Naruto sighed and said, "Never listen."

Meanwhile Beatrix was riding while thinking, 'That arrogant…! What nerve he has to think that I would listen to anything he says!'

She was riding on her horse while being cautious. Once she found out that she was nearing the city, she rejoiced in a triumphant manner.

'Hmph. Ambush he said! What a load of bollocks!'

However her joy turned to a sombre mood when she found out that she had been narrowly hit by a spell. She turned around to look that there were more than 20 devils surrounding her.

She thought, 'This was a bad idea after all….. Stupid Beatrix! Stupid! Stupid!'

She then saw that the devils surrounding her were grinning while licking their lips. She was mortified at the action as she knew that she did not have a fighting chance but she was still bull headed. She drew her sword and shouted,

"Alright You filthy demons! Come one by one so that I can slice your head off!"

The devils surrounding her laughed and one of them said, "Why would we do that when we can just fire you at a distance?"

Beatrix replied, "Hahahahaha! You have proved that you devils are cowards since you cannot fight a woman up close."

The devil who heard that turned red with rage. He then shouted, "Alright you human scum! You asked for it!"

He then rushed towards Beatrix breaking his position. Beatrix waited for the right moment and was on guard. The devil lunged forward to punch her which Beatrix countered by hitting his legs with her foot and cleaved the devil's head clean off with her sword.

The rest who watched this turned angry at one of their own getting killed, the leader however calmed them down and said, "Calm down you filthy maggots! That woman is dangerous in close combat but even she cannot dodge all our spells from a distance! Stick to the plan and we may be able to enjoy some human ass!"

The devils who heard that grinned. They started preparing their spells and fired at Beatrix. Beatrix developed a barrier to protect herself from the spells. However it did not hold out for long. She then dodged the continuous firing of spells and countered some with some of her own. She was able to cover some ground and kill off a few devils.

She then saw an opening in their formation and took it. She escaped the ambush. The devil leader who saw that turned serious, "After her! She's too important to lose!"

She then ran and ran towards the direction of the city. The devils who were on her back fired a few spells at her. She was able to dodge a lot of them. However one of the shots pulled through and hit her legs. She fell down. When she stood up again she saw that she was surrounded. She closed her eyes thinking that this was the end of the line. She thought,

'Forgive me everyone. I made a big mistake.'

She waited as the finishing blow she expected to come, surprisingly did not. When she opened her eyes, she saw the back of the blonde haired man she called a coward who turned his head and grinned at her. He told,

"Man! You sure are a piece of work!"

Beatrix who heard that said, "I…"

Naruto once again said, "We can talk later. Let us first take care of the bats."

The devil leader who saw him said, "I would appreciate if you could leave that human to us Guardian. We have some important business with her. Leave and I may consider sparing your life."

Naruto said, "Well, you are an arrogant one, are you not? I am sorry but she is under my protection."

The devil leader said, "So be it. Men, Kill them both."

Naruto then saw that the devils who heard that grinning and prepared their spells at him. He however did not give them the time as he threw some kunai at the devils interrupting their casting. He then moved forward and killed each one of them in a blink of an eye. Almost all of the devils except the leader and two others had died instantaneously. Naruto narrowed his eyes at the leader,

'Like I thought, they came prepared. The others were just small fries. This guy is the real deal. He is way above the devils I faced before.'

Naruto then lunged forward to strike the leader with his sword. The leader dodged the attack and prepared a spell while making some distance. He then fired the spell,

"Lightning Bolt"

Naruto moved forward and dodged the attack narrowly. However he did not notice the other two devils that sneaked up on him. He noticed that an attack came from his side and prepared to counter it but was stopped when a sword went through the devils neck from behind. He saw that it was Beatrix's sword.

She said, "Go! I will take care of the other one."

Naruto nodded and moved forward towards the devil leader. He then used some chakra to enhance his body and jumped forward with unreal speeds. The devil leader who saw that was stunned but was able to block Naruto's attack narrowly. Naruto backed off and then threw a kunai with an explosion tag on it. The devil who saw that was confused as to what this was but dodged the kunai. However Naruto activated the seal at the right moment he dodged when an explosion in 5 metre radius took place. The devil who had taken the full brunt of the explosion was caught off guard.

He coughed some blood. He then noticed that Naruto threw some other kunai at him with the same paper. He now knew that he cannot afford to take another hit from one of those. So he dodged all of them and backed away as far as he could.

He shouted, "Alright human! Now you have done it! I am going to go all out on from here on!" He then released his energy completely. The devil then prepared a spell by creating an orb in his hands. He threw out the orb which looked like a red ball of static electricity at Naruto.

Naruto noticed that the devil had let off all his limiters. He dodged the dangerous looking orb and then noticed the amount of destruction it caused when it went blew everything it touched to smithereens.

He then turned to see multiple such balls fired at him. He dodged all of them trying not to take even one hit as he was sure that it will kill him.

Naruto thought, 'Alright! I have to end this quickly.'

Naruto then threw a smoke bomb. The devil thought that Naruto was trying to escape and threw multiple orbs of destruction at the smokescreen. However all of them went through. He was on high alert. Once the smokescreen faded away, he saw that no one was in it. He then noticed something moving to his right and saw that Naruto was coming at him. He dodged Naruto's attack and made a ball of destruction to kill Naruto who was in front of him as he was out in the open.

He made the ball of destruction and said, "This is the end of the road for you, Guardian! Say goodbye to this world. And know that the one you reach the next one was Zeran Bael!-!"

However he stopped saying and fell down. He found a sword plunged in his heart. He turned to look at another Naruto and thought,

'How come there are two of them?!'

Naruto who noticed the expression said, "It's a technique of mine. I can create corporeal copies of myself which can think and act independently."

The devil leader who heard that understood. He said, "Seems it is the end…(Cough) of the road for me and….(cough)….. not for….. you."

Naruto said, "So it seems…."

The devil leader said, "They… will come for her…you know…..They..(Cough)… will come for…..(cough)… her….sacred gear…"

Naruto said, "And I will kill them."

The devil leader who heard that laughed, "Haha….(cough)…(cough)…hahah….(cough)… They are a lot more….. stronger…..than …(cough)….me."

Naruto said, "Stronger they maybe but they shall still find their heads at the end of my blade if they dare to touch her."

The devil leader said, "You….may or you may not…Forgive me father(cough)…..seems…I have failed…"

The devil leader closed his eyes and had finally passed away turning into dust. Naruto left the place to find Beatrix to be in Christina's arms. It seems that the others had finally caught up with them and Christina who was worried that Beatrix may die in this cried on her shoulders while complaining how reckless she was.

Naruto saw the interaction and smiled while the rest of the convoy made space and were cleaning the area of their tracks.

Naruto then saw Beatrix eyeing at him and smiling. She mouthed the words, 'Thank you'

Naruto bowed and gave a smile of his own. Dawn had come at that moment and Naruto saw the beautiful sunrise. He saw the city at a distance in all her glory with the Jordan River by her side. He thought,


Back to Present

Naruto was with Grayfia hugging her. He said, "I have not done right by you."

Grayfia said, "You had no choice in the matter father."

Naruto said, "Still I shouldn't have left you and your mother when the Lucifuge clan was onto me."

Grayfia said, "You left to protect us. Mother understood. And you got one thing wrong. I was never angry at you for leaving but angry at you that you did not even try to reach out to us."

Naruto sighed and said, "I could not risk it. The devils were in the midst of breaking up. All the houses were more paranoid than usual."

Grayfia said, "But you still did not try to reach out to us…. Reach out to me after the civil war was over."

Naruto sighed, "I was too scared. You had already built up your life. With me coming into it again is equivalent of destroying it. The Devil faction and I were never meant to mix and yet love blossomed between me and your mother which resulted in you… my beautiful little daughter"

He then kissed her forehead while crying slightly. He said laughing, "Look at me. Crying like an old fool."

Grayfia unknowingly started crying herself. She may have hidden her feelings before but now she bared out all her emotions in front of the man whose blood is flowing through her veins. The father and daughter cried for a while but they did not separate for even a single moment.

It was a while before the pair decided to separate. Naruto gave a good look at her daughter. He said while smiling, "You have your mother's looks."

"And I have your eyes."

Naruto smiled at her. He then asked with a bored look, "So is it necessary to have the maid outfit?"

"Yes. It is my duty as a Lucifuge to serve the current Lucifer as a servant." said Grayfia

Naruto sighed and said, "Sheesh. Seems the looks is not the only department you got from your mother."

Grayfia smiled at that. They then talked for a while. Naruto asked, "So you are married are you?"

Grayfia nodded, "Why are you asking questions to answers you already have?"

Naruto wryly smiled and said, "Well I was expecting you to be married by now. After all you are…."

Naruto did not continue as Grayfia gave him a cold smile and said, "Finish that sentence and even if you are my father, I would freeze your balls."

Naruto shivered. He thought, 'That smile. That freezing cold smile and the sudden drop in temperature… Yes, she's her mother's daughter alright."

He then continued on, "So do I have a grandchild yet?"

Grayfia smiled and said, "Yes. Millicas Gremory, we named him after Sirzech's grandfather."

Naruto said with solemn look, "So I missed both the marriage of my daughter and the birth of my grandchild….."

He then said, "I have a lot to compensate, don't I?"

Grayfia said, "Yes. Yes you do father."

They then talked about mundane topics for a while enjoying the other's company Naruto smiled and then said, "Well then my dear eavesdroppers who are polite enough to wait outside, why don't you come in?"

As soon as Naruto said that the door opened to reveal three falling devils. It turned out to be the Gremory couple and their eldest son.

Sirzechs and Zeoticus had a wry smile on their faces while they were rubbing their heads with their hands. Venalana just stood there smiling. They all stood there like that for a while until Sirzechs said,

"I had noticed earlier that Grayfia was not her usual self ever since the three faction meeting. She shrugged it off whenever the topic came on saying there was no problem. I was monitoring her-"

"-don't you mean stalking? Which I think is a bad thing to do even if she is your wife." asked Naruto interrupting Sirzechs.

Sirzechs coughed but continued, "As I was saying, I monitored her without her awareness to find out what the issue was. So when I noticed her going into your room, I thought I might be able to find out what was going on. Seems as if I was right."

Naruto then asked, "What about the lovely couple behind you?"

Zeoticus said, "Well we were walking down the hallway when we noticed Sirzechs sitting there with one ear over the door. We were kind of curious and we joined in. Sorry."

Venalana added with a smile, "We couldn't help it."

Naruto sighed and waved his hand, "Doesn't matter. Secret was going to come out anyway."

Naruto then added, "I should have never hidden it from you anyway. I have to thank you for taking care of my daughter all this time. I had never been there for her"

Zeoticus shook his head and waved his hand, "No, Grayfia is the daughter in law that everyone would want. We are truly happy to have her in our family. Without her we never would have been whole."

Venelana added, "She's my daughter and a part of our family."

Sirzechs said, "I love her with all my heart. This is how it has been until now and this is how it will be in the future. Now and always."

Grayfia who heard the confession said, "Sirzechs…"

The young couple then hugged each other. Zeoticus smiled and said, "Youthful and Affectionate. They are just like us when we were young aren't they dear?"

"No they are more like us, passionate and loving. Aren't they Vena-chan?" asked Naruto.

"Yes Dear."






"Say what now?" said a stupefied Sirzechs.

Venalana who heard that blushed. She then hid her hands beneath her face. Zeoticus who saw her asked, "Dear…. What is this man talking about…. Please don't tell me-"

Venalana did not say anything but just slowly nodded her head.

Zeoticus who saw that actually turned to stone. Oddly though, the stone was green in colour giving it a jade like look. Sirzechs thought that he was dreaming things. He asked, "When in Satan did this happen?!"

Zeoticus who turned angry and asked, "That is my question?! When the hell did you NTR my wife you son of a bitch?! Huh Tell me! Tell me right now or I swear to Satan that I-"

Venalana who heard that narrowed her eyes and released her aura, "Zeoticus?"

"Yes dear?"

"Shut up."

Naruto who saw this laughed his ass off, "What? Do you think I am low enough to gun for a married man's wife?! Hahahaha! That is the best bit I have ever heard."

Zeoticus who heard that regained his colour, "So wait? You are not cheating behind my back?"

Venalana snorted and said, "I am truly appalled that you would think that Zeo dear. Do you honestly think that I would have an affair behind your back?!"

Zeoticus who heard that gave her a wry smile. Naruto decided to wrap up the confusion. He said, "Me and Vena-chan go way back. I met her during one of my visits in Florence. She was drinking rather heavily in an inn that I usually come by when I met her. We had spent some time together and in our drunk stupor we made love."

"I thought of taking responsibility afterward but she said it was alright. However I would not let her go and thus we were in an on and off relationship for a while."

Venalana continued with a smile, "Well it was going on well. I would not call us a couple but more like friends with benefits….. The times we had in bed was so wonderful. He was so manly, so tough and could last longer than a-"

Sirzechs who heard that turned green and said, "Mother. Can we skip the details of your sex life? Because I am not sure I want to hear that."

Even Grayfia who was near him agreed with him. She was turning green herself as she did not want to imagine her father in that sense. Nobody needed to know that which also included one Zeoticus Gremory.

Naruto then said, "It went on for a while until we saw that we were not compatible. I wanted a serious relationship while Vena wanted a casual one. So we decided to separate and we did so after one full week of wild sex. Man do you remember that Vena? We even had an or-"

Sirzechs who heard that said with the most pitiful look he can give, "Please don't!"

Zeoticus was already unconscious with the given details. Who could blame the man? This was some guy talking about his sex life with a woman who was currently his wife.

Venalana said, "Oh grow up! How can I forget, Archam! That was our last night, it was truly the most wonderful way to end the relationship. I still have some of the recordings of that week. It was so hot and steamy that I sometimes-"

"STAAAAAAAHP PLEAAASSSEEEEE!" shouted Sirzechs with a face like a kicked dog. However that did not stop the old couple from talking with each other. They talked all kinds of details that made both Sirzechs and Grayfia puke while poor Zeoticus was on the ground writhing foam.

Once that deal was over. Naruto looked at Sirzechs who was pale. He said, "Well. Reminiscence aside, I still have one favour to ask of you, Sirzechs."

Sirzechs who heard that turned serious. Naruto spoke, "I want you to keep the relationship between me and your wife between the five of us. Not your son. Not even your sister."

Sirzechs asked, "Why? I can understand Millicas as he is still a kid and might blabber it out but Rias is powerful enough to know this. Besides she is still our family."

Naruto said, "It is too risky. The secret must be contained. If it is known to the general populace that I am your father-in-law then there is a chance that your word will lose credibility. The older devils will manipulate anybody to gain power. Your sister is powerful but she is also the most vulnerable right now with her pawn in the limelight. We don't know who may be spying on her."

Sirzechs who heard that said, "I see."

Naruto said, "I know it is hard. However please do this for me. It's only temporary. Once things cool down. We can have our talk."

Sirzechs was hard pressed but he relented. He said, "Fine."

Naruto who heard that smiled. He said, "Thank you son."

Sirzechs who heard that said, "Now that I think about it, it is kind of an awkward turn of events isn't it? The person who I have always admired since I was a child turned out to be my father-in-law. Now I don't know what to call you…."

Naruto laughed and said, "What? Are you that shy to call me Father? You don't need to worry kid, I always side with Grayfia. Whomever she chooses to be her husband is her wish and my blessing is always with the one she chooses."

Sirzechs who heard that finally calmed down and said, "Thank you Father."

The group then talked for a while until Naruto decided to say, "Well then why don't we all go to sleep. It has been a rather taxing day."

The rest including Grayfia gave their greetings and went to sleep. Naruto then heard a voice,

'Never expected you to reveal your relation to that little squirt.'

'Things never go the way they are planned Kurama.'

'So you already revealed yourself to two of your brats. What about the third one?'

Naruto winced at that. He said, 'I don't know. I do need to check up on him since I am back for good. I heard that he has been making a name for himself these days... I have a lot to take care of don't I?'

Kurama replied, 'Yes you do.'

Naruto then said, 'So everything went smoothly today. Couldn't have gone better. With this the three factions will have some momentary peace between them.'

'Yes. However something about that council felt off. You sensed that too didn't you?" said Kurama

'Yeah. There are traitors within the new devil faction.' Said Naruto

'Probably those old fossils who cannot bear change.' Said Kurama

'Most likely. We need to tread carefully. They will be onto our moments from now on.' Said Naruto

'And you are going to get that thing back from the Magical Forest aren't you?' said Kurama

'I am and he is not a 'thing''


Naruto did not argue with Kurama anymore and just went to sleep.

(Next Morning)

The next morning, he woke up late and spent some time with the Gremory family and finalised some of the recruits he had chosen with Sirzechs.

The entire day went by until evening came. Naruto had approached the magical forest when he saw the familiar sight of a person. The person was an oddball that turned out to be the familiar master Zatouji. He said, "It has been a long time, Master Archambaud. I hope you are faring well."

Naruto responded with a smile, "It has been sometime, yes."

Zatouji respectfully asked him, "So what can I do for you? Is it to check on your partner?"

Naruto said, "Yes. However this time I have come to retrieve him for good. Would you mind taking me to his current location?"

Zatouji nodded his head, "Yes, I know where he is right now. I will lead you right away!"

Naruto nodded and they made their way deep into the forest. They went deep inside until they saw a cave. Naruto noticed the cave which he had set up for his old friend. He then threw a pouch at the familiar master and said,

"There's something good inside. Keep it. You have earned it for protecting this secret from the other ones of your kind."

Zatouji who heard that said, "No No No sir! I can't accept this. I don't know about the other devils but both my father and I are indebted to you after you helped save my mother from that hydra. Helping you on this regard is the least we could do."

Naruto said, "Just keep the damn thing without arguing. Man you sound just like your old man."

Zatouji smiled at that. Naruto then said, "Well then you take care of yourself. I have to go in alone now."

Zatouji who heard that sighed. He said, "I really wanted to meet your partner in person. I heard that it is the most magnificent beast to ever live."

Naruto said, "That he is. However he is kind of cranky around devils and I would rather avoid a confrontation for now."

Zatouji nodded and said, "Farewell then Master Archambaud. Safe travels."

"To you as well, Zatouji."

Naruto then went inside. He walked deep into the cave until he saw the multiple seals covering a huge door. He made a couple of hand signs that removed all the seals. He then muttered,

"Time for you to wake up again old friend."

He then opened the door and went to the center of the room. There was a pedestal on the room. He dropped a drop of his blood on it and the pedestal shined. It then glowed until the whole room was filled with blinding lights.

He heard a deep and gruff voice,

"You have some nerve trying to approach me after that stunt you pulled out."

Naruto smiled, "I am sorry. However it was for your own safety."

"Safety does not mean putting your best friend in an induced coma and sealing him away in another dimension in my dictionary."

Naruto said, "And since when have you been such a cynic? You already knew what I was going to do and remember that you asked for this."

The voice replied, "I asked you to kill me. Not seal me away."

Naruto then said, "You of all living beings should know that I can't do that."

The voice did not say anything and said, "Why are you here?"

"I need your help old friend."

"Hmph. Figures."

"Come on, don't be so grumpy. Please? I really need your help. Besides you could come out again. It will be like old times."

The voice sighed and said, "Couldn't be helped. Alright"

"Aww, there's the sweet little-"

"Don't push it."

Naruto said, "Alright, Alright! It has been 600 years since I have seen you. Why don't you show youself?"

Then from the shadows of the cavern came a small beast. Once light shown on it, the beast turned out to be a grey dire wolf that stood at the same height as Naruto. It had a magnificent fur which was a mix between white and black. However out of all those the one detail that stood out most about the wolf was it's eyes and a scar across the face. It was the same sky blue colour as Naruto's.

Naruto smiled at him and said, "It has been a long time, Argo."

"You too. Master."


A/N: So that is the story so far you guys. I hope you guys enjoyed reading. Grayfia's past won't be revealed for a while. I want to come chronologically in the flashback so it will be sometime before you get the full story concerning her. The story for Argo will be revealed in the flashback of the next chapter, so don't worry. Yes I got the inspiration from Game of Thrones but it will be a whole lot different. And yeah this is going to be the last chapter for this story until September 13(that's the current date of my examination... which can be postponed even further), So that's why I did not leave any cliffhangers in this chapter so that you guys don't die of suspense and curse me to hell

So I have a few more words before I reach 7,000 so I wanted to say this. I gave a lot of thought about it and I realized something. Maybe The Last of Us 2 was not that bad after all. Don't get me wrong, the way they executed it was disappointing but I think the story itself is not that bad. Hear me out. I think the reason as to why we cannot appreciate the story is the nature of the story itself.

Recently with all the happenings in the world. With COVID-19, with the police brutality, with the riots and all that dark shit happening throughout the world. I think that our psyches had been so used to experiencing this dark shit that we want to see something positive out there. The last of Us 2 was that opportunity. It is a survival game that is actually relatable (on the slightly minimum level) to us as we are also trying to survive another day. So when a dark story like that came into existence I believe that people sub consciously reject it and brand it as a bad game saying that the plot is poor. I don't know if this is possible or not but I think that instead of 2020 if it had released later on in 2021 or any other time when things had started going well then there wouldn't be such a reaction from the audience. Hell, I thought that this theory was bogus but now I want to ask you, what if I told you that the Joker movie was released in I don't know right after the riots had ended, then how would you have felt after you saw the movie. To the extent of my imagination, I would have seriously had some choice words on the audience review. So tell me what you think in the reviews.

Well with that said, I only hope that the other games like Dying Light 2 and Cyberpunk 2077 are not going to be as disappointing as TLOU 2. Also since people loved the way I signed off, I have decided to make it official. So…..

Nandri Vanakkam! You may now go back to your video games and creepy Japanese pornography!