A/N: Hello guys/gals/guyals? So I have been working on this new project in my free time. I cooked up a pretty interesting one if you ask me but that's for you to decide. I thought that since I had some free time I could probably write two stories at a time. This one will be much shorter than the Gardener as good as it sounds. I intend to complete this within 200k words (which I doubt will happen because I want to cover the story with full detail and proper pacing)
Like I have said before, I don't want to leave it as a half assed job. So I will be releasing the chapters for each story every four days with each of these story's having a gap of a day between them which means that one day will be The Gardener, the next day will The Knight then two days after that there will be my break and once again the chapters are released. This is what I have decided for now. This story has some elements of history in it. I want to make it as mysterious as possible too so…
….Hope you guys enjoy the chapter! Cheers!
It was 3:59 in the evening. The entire ground of Kuoh academy was silent. The birds were chirping in the trees and the leaves were rustling in the wind. The entire school was completely still with no other evidence of life inside except for the sounds of teachers writing on black boards and lecturing the students. It was then when the clock struck four that a bell was heard announcing the end of the period.
The silence that was present before was lost and one could hear the clamor of students coming out of their classes chatting up and heading towards their lockers.
The teachers were dismissing their students after giving them their work for home. One third year High School class was no exception to this.
An aging old man with grey hair was standing near the teacher's desk announcing the home work for the day.
"Alright class. Revise on what you learnt today in World War 1. We will be having a short quiz tomorrow to see how far you have grasped on the subject." said the old man.
"""""Hai Uzumaki-sensei.""""" said the entire class in chorus.
The man named Uzumaki left the class. As you may have realized that this was Naruto Uzumaki, an old teacher of history for the higher classes. He was a tall man standing 6'2 which was quite tall among the Japanese population. He had a clean shaven face as suited for someone of his position and job. He looked to be about in his 50's judging by the wrinkles on his face. He had ordinary brown eyes and he wore some sharp looking spectacles which made him look like a strict and stern man.
"Good evening Uzumaki-sensei." said a passing by student who bowed towards him
"Good Evening Shizukawa-san." said Naruto addressing the student and went to the teacher's lounge. He then went inside and greeted everyone present with a smile,
"Good evening everyone."
"""Good evening Uzumaki-san""" said everyone greeting Naruto with a smile.
He went to his designated table and started working on some papers that were submitted to him. One of the newer teachers who had just been hired by Kuoh asked his associate,
"Who's that?"
"Oh the old man? That's Uzumaki-sensei, he's been working here as the History teacher for around seven years now. He's technically the eldest person in this school and one of the most respectable people in this school." said the associate with a huge amount of respect for the old man.
"Is that so? He looks like a very casual person." said the new teacher.
"Haha, believe me, he's hardly casual. He is the definition of strictness and professionalism. He hardly is tardy and always does his work on time. He's also very diligent in correcting the papers and seriously strict with the students." said the old hand.
"Oh? Then he must be unpopular with the students then?" said the new teacher assuming the most probable case. Any strict teacher who is very professional is hardly liked by the students. The most the teacher can get is that they are treated indifferently with respect to the teacher that he treats everyone fairly but not that of a close bond that forms between a teacher and student who help each other.
"Surprisingly, that's hardly the case. Uzumaki-sensei can be pretty strict but he is actually the most popular teacher with the students. A lot of the other teachers say that they saw him spending time with students and giving them advice on matters. Maybe that might be the reason but no one knows for sure. Though the reason I stated earlier is why he is popular with the teachers. He helps us out a lot from time to time." said the old hand in the school.
"Cough Cough, while I do appreciate the compliments Hashimoto-sensei, aren't you supposed to be doing something? I believe that you still have the grading for the math quiz written by the students today?" said a voice from behind.
The pair of men who were talking about the old man in question finally noticed the person in question standing before them
"H-hai Uzumaki-sensei!" said the now named Hashimoto and immediately went on to work.
To say that the freshly hired teacher was intimidated by Naruto's presence was an understatement. He was pissing his pants and hoping that he won't be forming a bad impression. He then looked at Naruto sizing him up and finally smiled.
"So you are the new chap here huh? So what do you think about this school? Do you like it here?" asked Naruto while maintaining a friendly smile.
"Y-yes Sir! I like it very much sir! The students here seem friendly and are attentive to the classes and there are no signs of bullying to be found among the classes I taught today!" said the new teacher.
"I am glad you find it so. What's your name son? What do you teach?" asked Naruto.
"My name is Shinosuke Kurosawa sir! I teach physics. It's very nice to meet you sir!" said the now named Shinosuke.
"It's very nice to meet you Kurosawa-san. My name is Naruto Uzumaki and I teach History in this school and drop the sir, Call me either as Uzumaki-sensei or Uzumaki-san." said Naruto waving his hand which calmed down Shinosuke.
"Hai Uzumaki-sensei" said Shinosuke.
"Well then Kurosawa-san, don't let me keep you from your work. I believe that you have a lot on your hands besides familiarizing with the faculties." Said Naruto
"Hai Uzumaki-sensei. If you would excuse me." said Shinosuke and went ahead.
Once he was sure that he was far away from Uzumaki-sensei, he breathed a sigh of relief. He had been very bothered at first as he was speaking with both a senior and an old hand in this school. Though he may not have the authority, Shinosuke figured that he at least should have the influence to have him fired and did not want to create any bad impressions.
Hashimoto who ran off to do his work was nearby his desk said,
"Don't worry. Uzumaki-sensei may be a strict person but he is a very nice guy once you get to know him. He won't do anything unreasonable unless you break one of his two rules."
"Two rules?"
"One, Never mistreat a student no matter what the reason is. Always be patient with them. Two, do not touch his ramen without permission. As long as you follow these rules you won't face his wrath."
"I get the first rule but don't touch his ramen? Why is there such a rule?" asked Shinosuke.
"Cause the last time someone did, he was found the next day in the storage room butt naked and tied in a Shibari with a mix of orange and pink graffiti all over his body. That person never knew said the culprit was but we all knew it was Uzumaki-sensei." said Hashimoto while shivering.
"How?" asked Shiosuke with confusion.
"Simple. The graffiti on his left buttock said 'Ramen-Stealer' and on his right it was 'Infidel'." Said Hashimoto.
"Oh…. But why were you staring at his butt if there were writing all over his body?" asked Shinosuke with a tinge of suspicion.
Hashimoto turned silent at this. He put a hand on Shinosuke's shoulder and said, "Nevermind."
On that day, Shinosuke learnt two things. One, don't break the two rules of Naruto Uzumaki. Two, to always clench his asshole and protect his butt when in front of Hashimoto-sensei.
Coming back, Naruto Uzumaki was a simple man. He was dressed in simple clothes. He had a simple house and a normal but exemplary Teacher's record. He did not use any form of motorized vehicle and always took the bus home. On the way, he makes small talk with some of students who take the same route as him and that's it. Once he arrived home, he was greeted by a simple two storey house with a small garden in front.
He said, "I'm home!" but what greeted him was mere silence. Nothing else. However Naruto did not care. He quickly went inside to change from his work clothes and changed into an orange Yukata with thin black lines on it. Though there was a big difference. The Naruto who entered the living room was a completely different Naruto. This one was young, about 20-25 years old. He had long white hair but his face which was decorated with wrinkles was now without any. His face was without spectacles and his brown eyes had changed to bright blue ones. His old body which had no muscle mass looked as if it had undergone a fat to fit transformation minus the fat. He went on to the couch and had his dinner while watching the news.
'Still. Nothing interesting turned up. Why are you so boring these days brat?' asked a voice in his head.
'I won't say boring, more like peaceful. So did you enjoy your nap Kurama, my old friend?' said Naruto through his mind while throwing out the Ramen Cup into the trash bin and taking some sake out from the fridge.
''Yawn' it was pretty good for a nap. I woke up thinking I would find something interesting but it's your boring ass doing nothing important again." said the now named Kurama.
'Well, like I said it is more peaceful for me even if it is a bit slow.' said Naruto.
'So how long do you plan on staying here?' asked Kurama.
'I am going to retire in three years by this identity. So four years tops.' said Naruto.
'Where do you plan on going after that?' asked Kurama.
'I don't know. Maybe India or China. The population is both countries are high and makes it easier for us to disappear. What do you think?' asked Naruto.
'South India. The place is more peaceful and the weather is good. Doesn't have much of the supernatural over there. Besides the Hindu gods are friendly even if they are stuck up. Much better than the Chinese Immortals.'
'Agreed.' said Naruto.
'I better get some sleep now. Need to get to school early tomorrow.' said Naruto and went to sleep.
(Next morning)
The alarm blared soundly at 4:30 am which woke up Naruto and made him stop it. He then continued to do his morning rituals. He went out and ran around the city five times for his morning work-out so that he doesn't put on any weight. He then came back and took a bath at his home at 7:00 am. He transformed back to the old man he once was.
He changed into his work clothes once again and put on his glasses. He tidied himself in front of the mirror and had breakfast and once again caught the bus to school which arrived at 8:00 am in the morning. School timings were 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. However he arrived there at 8:10 am. So he pretty much had 50 minutes until school started to do whatever work he wanted to.
It was a normal day for him. The students greeted him on the way to the teacher's lounge as usual and he greeted them back with a smile. He settled down in his spot and did his usual work. He then moved to his class with his books and a couple of papers. However he bumped against someone on the way. He looked at the person he bumped.
It was one of the 'Two Great Onee-Sama', Rias Gremory. She was also part of the class he was taking and he had a friendly relationship with her. She was an unusual sight for a 17 year old as her body had developed and drastically matured enough to make her look like a professional model. However the one thing that attracted Naruto's attention was her long and crimson red hair which he thought to be fitting on her.
Rias who had bumped into him immediately bowed and said, "I am sorry for bumping into you Uzumkai-sensei."
Naruto waved her off and said, "It's alright Gremory-san."
Rias then noticed Naruto collecting the papers and said, "Let me help you with that sensei."
She then bend down on the floor to collect the papers for Naruto. Naruto who noticed this said, "Thank you dear."
Rias shook her head, "No it is my fault in the first place. You need not thank me."
Naruto, however continued to stare right at her with mixed feelings in his heart. Rias who noticed his continued stare looked at him and asked curiously, "Sensei?"
Naruto who heard the call immediately shook off his thoughts and said, "It's nothing. Carry on to your class. You have a test now."
"Hai sensei." Said Rias but her mind was elsewhere and not on the test. She wanted to know what caused the Uzumaki to stare at her like that but she filed that question for later.
The rest of the day had passed without any interference or anything unusual.
'Another day. Another casual day. But that won't happen to me won't it?' sighed Naruto as he saw the infamous trio moving towards the Kendo club.
'Those hormonal fools are at it again. Here I thought that Issei would mature a little after he joined the devils.' thought Naruto.
'You really think that? After knowing that joining the devils may make him even a bigger pervert due to devil customs allowing harems to be formed?' asked Kurama.
'Well, you have a point but becoming aware of the supernatural must have at least made him take a more serious outlook at life.' thought Naruto.
'I guess. Though you have a duty to do now, don't you?' asked Kurama.
Naruto did not say anything and made his way to the three raging perverts. He then went behind them and said,
"If you guys are trying to peek at the kendo club, you should make a better effort at finding a better hiding spot than this. I will give you a 1/5 for stealth, 0/5 for creativity."
"What the-
"Who the fu- Uzumaki-sensei! Shit! It isn't what it looks like!" said Issei.
"Who's there!" said a voice from inside the club room.
"RUN!" said Issei and immediately jet out of there but was tripped by Naruto who kept his leg in the way. He then said,
"Where are you going ? I thought you came here to appreciate the female body? The girls are coming out now. You can appreciate all you want now." said Naruto.
The girls had arrived just on time and looked at Naruto,
"Good evening Uzumaki-sensei. The girls and I were about to catch these three little perverts for peeking at us. Can we handle this ourselves?" asked Katase with a tight grip on her shinai.
"Good Evening Katase-san, you can have them. After you finish with them send them to me alright? I need to discuss something with them. Try not to mess up their faces too bad." said Naruto leaving the area and going back to his office.
"AWW! DAMN IT TO HELL!" said all three perverts complaining.
"Alright Boys! Time to face the music!" said Katase.
"Oh shit-!"
"Mamacita please not the face! Not the-"
"Aww Shit, Here we go again." Said Issei and sighed and started getting the beatings. Maybe Issei did mature a little, but not in the way that Naruto thought he would.
The three boys were beaten black and blue by the girls. Naruto was here glaring at each of the boys and giving them the talk about what they did. It was already 5:30 pm.
"Do you know what you guys did wrong?" asked Naruto.
"Peeping while the girls were changing sir." said Motohama.
"No. That's not what you did wrong." said Naruto in a sagely manner.
"""What?!""" asked all three boys in chorus.
"Wait?! If we are not here for peeping at the girls, then what are we here for?" asked Issei in a confused manner.
"You are here not because you were peeping, you are here because you suck at hiding yourselves and evidently got caught red handed 'while' you were peeping." said Naruto.
Issei blanked at this and asked, "What's the difference?"
Naruto smiled and said, "The difference is that the first one is the reason and the second one is the cause. I called you here because of the cause."
He then said with wisdom in his voice which would have sounded like age-old wisdom if it were not for the fact what he was saying was controversial,
"Peeping at women is an art. One must always know oneself and his body best before he engages at the art of peeping. One's eyesight must be sharp as an eagle to look at the curvaceous and voluptuous female body. His other senses must also be on high alert so that he can notice his surroundings…..."
The three boys started listening to his sermon on peeping with bright and curious eyes before they begged him to continue. Naruto smiled at that and continued his speech on the 'Art of Peeping' as he had learnt from his age old mentor. This sermon went on for an hour before it ended with Naruto's final sentence.
"…. This is the art of peeping. Know that the peeper and his target are not always the predator and the prey respectively. They are relative with the positions. Once the peeping tom is caught then he is the prey and the victim is the predator. So always be prepared to get hunted as you hunt your targets!"
"""WE WILL UZUMAKI-SENSEI! YOU HAVE ENLIGHTENED US!""" said all three boys with more vigor to peep than ever before.
Naruto smiled but he then turned serious and said, "Now then. To the topic of the said crime itself. This is the third time this month that you boys got caught. The only reason I allowed the Kendo team to beat you is that they don't pursue this matter with the police. They had enough witnesses to throw you boys in juvy hall. I don't need to remind you what the Law mandates for breaking privacy, do I?"
The three boys started sweating at this and shook their heads. They knew well enough what the punishments were. They got lucky. Naruto who saw this nodded his head and said,
"Good. I am not going to talk about this matter with you anymore. I understand that your hormones are at an all-time high so you have some perverted tendencies but put it under a limit guys. Distract yourself with some hobbies if you feel inclined to do those things again. Issei, I know you joined the O.R.C so go do those work. Matsuda, take up athletics again so that it may provide you some extra credit for your graduation. Motohama, if you don't want to study books then write them. I heard that you had a good talent in writing or pick up photography but do it in the wild. There are plenty of those wildlife photography competition around here and I am sure that you will win if you put your heart into it."
"Aww come on sensei. You just got us fired up with your speech on peeping!" said Motohama
"I instructed you on the art of peeping so that next time you do it, you will not get into trouble. I like you guys because you don't go far and beyond and take pictures of the girls and upload them on the internet. Trust me when I say that if you did, this conversation would have been a whole lot different. Peeping is harmless as long as the parties involved don't do anything beyond that."
The three boys turned serious and Issei said, "NO sensei. We know that we may harm the girl's privacy and dignity by peeping but we will never share of what we saw to anyone else as we know that it will harm their future."
Naruto nodded his head, "Good that you understand the consequences of doing so. I don't want this to be the conversation topic the next time I see you guys for some trouble again. Are we clear on that?"
"Hai sensei."
"Alright. Now then, it's already late. Are you sure your parents will not be worried that you have not yet come home?" asked Naruto
"No sensei." said all three of them together.
"Alright then. You guys want some ramen? My treat." asked Naruto.
The three of them looked at each other and nodded their heads. Free food and not had to pay anything? Who would refuse? The four of them took to walking as the shop that Naruto had mentioned was not far.
They had some small talk with each other before they finally ended up at the shop. They had a good time by Naruto's standards as all three of them enjoyed the meal. They talked for a while until all four of them decided to go home. Incidentally Naruto took the same route as Issei. He was only a few blocks away from his house. While walking Issei talked to Naruto and asked a question,
"Sensei?" called Issei
"Yes Issei?" responded Naruto
"Don't take any offense but I never knew that you were so cool before. You were always kind of strict in class and never talked much. The only time you did were when you answered the questions of students."
Naruto laughed and said, "That is because one should always be professional at work. If one is not then it would mean disrespect to it even if it is unintentional. My work timings were over by the time you three wound up getting caught. I am Naruto the Strict teacher only from 9 am to 4 pm. Outside I can be whatever I want. Teachers also have their own lives ya know."
Issei turned silent at that and contemplated on what he said. The pair separated. Unknown to Issei, Naruto had been watching him move to his house. He then saw Rias Gremory entering the same house with Issei's mother. Apparently Naruto had figure that they had gone shopping. Kurama who had been silent the entire time decided to finally talk.
'When are you going to finally talk to them?' asked Kurama.
'Oh? I thought you said that you weren't interested in this business?' said Naruto.
'Well one would get interested when you are staring at that damn house whenever you get free time. We have been in this part of town ever since you discovered them.' said an annoyed Kurama.
'Well, I am nervous Kurama. I don't know how to approach them, don't know how to approach 'her'' said Naruto.
'Hmph. You are being a pussy. It's not that you cannot approach her. It's just that you don't want to approach that feisty little brat ever since you found she was living there.'
'It's not this I can't. I just do not want to alert the other devils.' said Naruto.
'The conversation has to happen one day, Naruto. It cannot be in school because it will be a mess where we don't want others to see.'
'I know.'
'Whatever it is Naruto. I hope you know what you are doing.' said Kurama.
'Trust me old friend. I am trying.' said Naruto.
'Don't look at it anymore. Go to sleep.'
7 days later.
Naruto had been doing his work late at school today. His schedule has been busy the entire week that he didn't get time to his above mentioned past time. It was 8'o clock and Naruto decided to get home as he had to catch the last bus or he had to walk home and waking for 50 minutes straight was sure as boring as hell.
As he was about to move back home, he heard some noise in the school grounds. He decided to check it out to see if there are still some people within the school compounds.
'Damn that security guard. We are paying him to keep people out after school. What the hell is he doing?!'
He immediately went out via the door and shouted,
"ALRIGHT WHO IN THE- world….is….making…"
Naruto started reducing his voice the moment he saw outside. There he saw a guy that looked like an elf with ten black wings and two people dressed in priest robes. On the opposite side he saw exhausted and bleeding members of the Occult Research Club along with two other girls wearing skin tight suits. All of them were either carrying swords or wearing fancy gauntlets or holding a small ball of red and black sparks which seemed to give static effect.
Naruto looked at them as they looked at him with bewildered eyes. He then said,
"Umm...I seem to be interrupting something. You guys carry on with your….umm stuff."
'As usual, you have a very horrible sense of timing.' Said Kurama through their mental link.
'Shut it fuzz butt! You are not helping!'
'What gave you the idea I would? I would love to see where this ends.'
A/N: Well that's it folks! I am ending the chapter over there. I guess I am off to a slow start. Let's see where this one goes as I have painted a pretty little picture with regarding to the story.