I walked into the bedroom of our future son's room. Logan was sitting on the floor looking at the parts to build our crib. He took one glance at the instructions and tossed them across the room.
"You might want to use those." I told him.
Logan looked at me. "Huntzbergers don't need instructions."
"This one might. I'm leaving to pick up Paris. Need anything while I'm out?"
"Does she really have to stay with us?" Logan stood up. "I'll pay for a hotel."
"Good, go stay in a hotel then."
"I meant for Paris."
"She's staying with us. It's just going to be for two nights anyways." I reached for Logan's hands. "She'll be gone Sunday morning before you even wake up."
"She better. I can only take so much of her."
I kissed Logan. "I know. Now get started building that crib. I can't wait to see it when I get back."
"Don't rush back."
I drove to SFO to pick Paris up. Paris flew out to visit me for the weekend because she needed a break from both med school and Doyle. I was excited to see her. I've missed having her presence in my life. As soon as she got into my car, she complained at how horrible the flight was, and how she was sitting next to someone eating a tuna salad that made her want to gag. Yeah, I've definitely missed her.
We stopped for lunch on the way home at one of my favorite Mexican spots. After eating, I drove us home and gave her a tour of the house. On the way to the room she'll be staying in, I showed her the baby's room.
"It's not much of anything yet, but-" I stopped mid sentence when I saw Logan still sitting on the floor struggling to put the crib together. "Babe, it's been over an hour, and you still don't have it set up? Have you looked at the instructions?"
"Don't need them. Almost done."
"Classic Huntzberger." Paris said. "Too good for instructions."
"Hi, Paris." Logan said annoyingly.
"Anyways, this will eventually be the baby's room if Logan ever finishes the crib. I was thinking the crib could go against that wall. A rocking chair next to the window, and a changing table against that wall. Maybe add a cute rug and some pictures on the wall to tie the room together. I was thinking about adding a bookshelf, but then I thought what if it falls on him?"
"How tall of a bookshelf where you thinking of getting? Just get a children's one that's yay high." Paris said.
"Come on, I'll show you to your room." She followed me out, and across the hall. "So, this is it. There are extra blankets in the closet if you get cold."
Paris sat down on the bed. "I have to admit, when you told me you were moving to California with Logan, I thought you were crazy. But this is a nice place you got here."
I sat down on the bed beside her, and looked around. "It is. It's finally starting to feel like home. It's going to be weird when the baby finally arrives since it's just been Logan and I. I'm getting more and more nervous as I get closer to my due date."
"What's your birth plan?"
"My what?"
"Your birth plan, what is it? You do have one right?"
"I'm having him at a hospital if that's what you're asking."
"No like, are you going to have a vaginal or c-section? Are you planning on getting the epidural? Who are you going to have in the room?"
"Well, obviously Logan will be in the room, and I would love to have my mom here too, but I don't know if it'll work out. I do want to try to go all natural, but we'll see when the day comes what happens. I've never given birth before. I don't know if I'll want an epidural or not."
"You'll want it, but think about all the potential side effects you could get like having back spasms the rest of your life. If the doctor is incompetent, you could be paralyze. How competent are the doctors?"
"I like my doctor. I haven't met the anesthesiologist yet, so I wouldn't know. But I would assume he's very competent at what he does."
"Don't assume. Don't forget the nurses either. They will be at your beck and call. Have you done a walk through of the hospital yet?"
"That's a thing?" I asked.
Paris shook her head at me. "Rory, Rory, Rory. You have a lot to learn in such little time. You can't just walk into a hospital when you go into labor. You're planning to breastfeed right?"
"That was the plan."
"Good. Do you have a name yet?"
"We're still throwing names around."
"Just don't pick a stupid name like Axel or Xander or Gage."
"Axel is kind of cute actually."
Logan appeared in the doorway. "Ladies, the crib is built."
"Correctly?" I asked.
"Yes." He grinned.
"So if I put a sack of potatoes in it, it won't collapse?"
"Go ahead try it." Logan gestured. "Now if you excuse me, the boys are waiting for me to join them on xbox live."
The next day, Paris and I drove into San Francisco to spend the day in the city. We did a lot of touristy things, like go to Coit Tower, see the Painted Ladies, take a picture in front of the Full House house, check out the pier. We ended our day at Baker Beach where we were also able to see an amazing view of the Golden Gate Bridge.
When we got back home, Logan was cooking dinner. While Paris went to her room to call Doyle, I sat down on the sofa in the family room exhausted from the day.
"I think I walked too much." I told him.
"Probably was the most exercise you've done in a while or ever."
"My feet hurt, my back aches. My boobs are sore."
"Sounds like you need a massage."
"A massage sounds exactly like what I need."
Logan walked behind the couch, and started to rub my shoulders. "Just think, three more months to go."
"Thank god. I don't know how much longer I can do this for. Your son has been kicking off and on all day long."
"Is he moving right now?" Logan walked around the sofa and sat down beside me. He placed his hand on top of my stomach.
I placed my hand on top of his, and moved his hand where I could feel the kicking. "Do you feel him?"
Logan smiled. "There he is. Hi buddy. I'm your dad."
Guys, so, so sorry for such a long wait for a new chapter. Been super busy since the last update. I'm going to try to not have you wait so long for the next chapter.
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