I told myself I would never be my mother. I told myself I would graduate from college and focus on a career before starting a family of my own. This wasn't supposed to happen. Not yet anyways. I'm supposed to be married before I become a mother. History wasn't supposed to repeat itself.

Now I'm pregnant with Logan's baby. What the hell am I going to do? How can I have a baby when I don't even know what I'm doing with my life? Sure I'm graduating from Yale, but I have no job lined up. I was really hoping for the New York internship, but I didn't get it. I should have taken that editorial offer in Providence, Rhode Island.

I stared at my reflection through the bathroom mirror. "Okay, I'm just pregnant. It's not the end of the world. In fact, it's just the beginning. Besides, if mom was able to do it at sixteen, I think I can do it at twenty-two."

I finished getting ready for the night. Grandma and grandpa are throwing me a graduation party at their house. Everyone will be there including both my parents, even though they are in the middle of getting a divorce. I'm meeting Logan there since he had just gotten back from spending this past week in California for job interviews. I missed him. I have no idea how I'm going to tell him I'm pregnant.

I pulled up to my grandparent's house. Immediately upon entering their house, grandma greeted me, and put an alcoholic drink in my hand. An alcoholic drink I can't even drink. I accepted the drink because I don't want her to start questioning me. I tossed the drink when nobody was looking, and walked around the house greeting people I knew.

I then spotted Logan as I was talking to some DAR women. I smiled as he made his way to me. He kissed my cheek, and placed his hand around my lower waist as he said, "Sorry ladies, mind if I steal my girlfriend away for a minute? It's some rather urgent business."

"No, not at all." They said with a smile.

As we walked away, I said, "Oh, you really are my knight and shiny armor tonight."

"I saw you dying, and I did want to tell you something rather urgent."

"Oh, what is that?"

"You're beautiful."

"Awww." I kissed him.

Mom and dad walked over to us just as grandpa requested for everyone's attention. He and grandma called me to the front of the room, and gave a short speech... or should I say song. They sang a song they wrote for me. Just as they finished, Logan went to the front of the room.

"If I could, I would also like to say a few words about my girlfriend of the past three years." Logan faced me reaching for both my hands. "You amaze me Rory Gilmore every day. Everything that you do, everything that you are. This past year, I realized I don't know a lot more than I thought I knew... if that makes sense. I'm sorry, I'm a little bit nervous." Logan laughed it off. "What I'm trying to say is that I don't know a lot. But I do know I love you. And I want to be with you. Forever."

Logan reached into his pocket and pulled out a small black box. My heart was racing. Is this really happening? Is he about to do what I think he is? Logan opened the box which revealed a gorgeous diamond ring. I along with everyone else gasped.

Logan took a deep breath. "Rory Gilmore, will you marry me?"

Anxiety swept my body. I wasn't sure what to say. "Uh, wow." I looked around the room and back at him. "Wow, wow. Um, I- Wow."

"Is there a yes in between those wows?" He joked. Everyone laughed.

"I'm just so surprised. I just- Will you come talk to me outside?"


Logan and I made a quick exit outside to the courtyard away from the crowd.

"Sorry, I didn't want to talk in front of everyone."

"No, I completely understand." Logan said.

I spotted a horse-drawn carriage. "Is that-"

"For us?" He finished. "Yeah. I'm sorry, I know you're not into big gestures, but that's what wedding proposals are. And tonight with your parents and grandparents here, I thought-"

"No, it's not how big the gesture, it's the gesture itself."

"Rory, I got the job in Silicon Valley."

"What, you did?" I smiled. "Oh my god, when?"

"Well, they offered me the job forty-five minutes after the meeting, but I didn't want to tell you until after I proposed."

"Oh wow, you've been thinking about this for a while."

"Yeah. Back when all the business stuff was up in the air, I knew if I only had you, I'd be okay." I smiled. "Rory, I love you."

"I love you too, Logan."

"You would love Palo Alto. We could go hiking, biking on the bay land. You could drink coffee on university avenue. There is this house we could rent that has a backyard with an avocado tree."

"I do like guacamole."

"And it's only thirty miles from San Francisco."

"Wow, you've done a lot of research."

"Yeah, you could work at the Chronicle or the San Francisco Bay Guardian."

I couldn't stop smiling. "Wow, that sounds... amazing. Logan, it sounds wonderful."

"What do you say? Let's spend the rest of our lives together."

"Before I give you an answer," I looked down at the ground, and gulped. "I have something to tell you myself." I looked back up at him and took a deep breath. "I, um, I'm pregnant."

Logan blinked. "What?"

"I'm pregnant, and I'm scared. Or at least I was about the future of you and I, my career, and all. But I love you so much, Logan. I say yes to all of it. Let's move to California. Let's get married. Let's pick avocados off that tree and make guacamole. Let's have a family that neither of us were able to have."

A smiled appeared on Logans face. He wrapped his arms around my waist, picked me up, and hugged me. "I can't believe you're pregnant."

Logan set me back down. I smiled as I wiped the tears from my eyes. "Neither can I."

"How did this happen? I mean I know how it happened. Oh my god, I love you so much Rory."

"I love you too."

I held my left hand out so Logan could slide the ring onto my ring finger. We kissed again and headed back inside to the party hand in hand. The moment we joined the rest of the guests, Logan shot his fist in the air and shouted, "She said yes!" Everyone cheered and clapped in response. For the rest of the night we were being congratulated. The women were gushing over my ring, saying Logan did a nice job picking it out.

The next day was graduation. My parents and grandparents were all in attendance, as well as Logan who also came to see some of his friends graduate. I told Paris Logan and I are engaged, and she told me I'm crazy to marry him. After the ceremony, we all took pictures together, and then headed out for lunch my grandparents' treat. Logan and I talked late last night about this pregnancy, and we decided we'll wait to tell everyone until I'm seen by a doctor, just to confirm everything.

"Oh, Rory, I already hired a wedding coordinator for you. I was thinking a November wedding. It'll just be gorgeous here with the fall colors."

"Actually, we're going to wait, grandma." I said. "We're moving to California, and we want to get settled and situated before planning a wedding."

"You're moving to California?" She exclaimed

"I got a job offer for a tech company in Silicon Valley." Logan explained.

"How soon will you be leaving?" Mom asked.

Logan and I looked at each other. "Immediately." I answered.

"Sounds like Gigi and I will have to make a trip out to California then." Dad said.

"Of course. You're all welcome to visit anytime." Logan said.

"Yes, definitely." I agreed.

Mom forced a smile on her face. I know this will be the hardest for her. "So, California. That's exciting."

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