The Dark Hero Izuku.

Chapter 1

Dark Days. -

"Hello, here with another fic, this one will focus on a darker more nihilistic chapter will follow him gaining his ability at the start of the ( Entrance Exam arc ) Please enjoy this and check out my other work *Izuku the Bright Hero.* and as always stay greedy.

Aldera Junior High

Izuku midoriya was sitting at his desk quietly mumbling to himself as he scribbled the last of his notes into his notebook vaguely paying attention as the teacher threw the career assessment papers into the air and the class erupted in cheers as each of his classmates showed of their quirks, ranging from useful with increased muscle mass, stone generation or wind manipulation. To manually extendable eyeballs to face all the quirks; however, he thought

"The most useful and powerful in his entire school would have to be Kachans quirk simply named explosions."

Lost in his thoughts, Izuku had missed Bakugou's outburst and was only brought back after hearing the teacher say his name.

"Oh yeah, Midoriya wanted to go to the U.A.,too, right?

With that one sentence, the room grew quiet, that changed in an instant when the class began to laugh and tease him about how he would never be let in. Izuku tried to explain that U.A had lifted the rule about quirkless applicants but Bakugou, who instantaneously appeared, blew him out of his desk and onto the floor before he could get explained further.

"Listen up Deku you're even worse than the rest of these Damn rejects you quirkless wannabe, you really think they'd let someone like you in when they could have me!?

Quickly Izuku recovered and one again scrambled to say something to save himself from Kachan's wrath.

"no wait you've got it all wrong really, i'm not trying to compete against you." he said as he scooted away until he felt his back press firmly against a wall. "You gotta believe me."

Izuku didn't have any other ideas, maybe he could appeal to Kachans better nature...right?

"It's just that, I've wanted to be a hero since we were little, I may not have a quirk but can still try my hardest can't I?

After pleading with his childhood friend he hoped to any god listening that their past friendship and his pleads meant enough to dissuade any further harassment, to no avail.


he shouted louder than he had been gaining further support from his class. The aura in the room was suffocating, and Izuku swore It was as if a thick miazma had blanketed his vision, only allowing him to see monstrous silhouettes which were once his classmates. Izuku snapped out of his haze when Kacchan continued his ridicule

"Defenceless Izuku, This school's already really wanna embarrass it more by failing so hard."

Finally,The Teacher called everyone back to their seats and class continued with little more than smears and mocking glances until the end of the bell Izuku stayed seated waiting as his classmates left, electing to read about hero news will he waits to leave.

"Man that fight this morning was all over the news, better write some notes down before I forget anything."As he was about to start jotting stuff down when suddenly Kacchan snatched the notebook from his hands.

"Were not done deku." izuku looked as Kacchan glared down at him."

"Katsuki what's that?" One of Kacchans friends asked before inspecting the book further."Don't tell me you're actually taking notes on how to be a hero, That's so Pathetic."

"Real funny guys, now give it back." begged izuku as he reached for his notebook only to watch in horror as Kacchan created an explosion in his palm, scorching his book before his eyes.

"AHHHH!" screamed Izuku."That's mean." Izuku tried to say only to be silenced by kacchan when he threw his notebook out the window and placed his hand on his shoulder, gripping it slightly, burning it with his quirk.

"Most top tier heroes show potential early on. People look at them and know they are destined for greatness. I want the shine of being able to be called the only student to make it into U.A. from this mediocre city junior high school then everyone will realize I'm legit. That's my ego talking but I'm a perfectionist."

Izuku froze in fear as kacchan smeared at him.

"He's so petty." laughed his friend "Ego." chuckled the second one.

"So don't apply to U.A nerd, or else." as kacchan turns Izuku can't help but look back, he's about to say something back until kacchan turns and creates explosions in his palms silencing Izuku.

"Pffft, come on, you could at least say something back." said the first friend as he walked out of the room."He finally gets it. He'll never be a hero. Better to find out now then later, I guess hahaha." said the second before following suit.

"If you wanna be a hero that badly, there's a quick way to do it. Hope you'll be born with a quirk in your next life and take a swan dive off a roof!"

That was when Izuku realized that bakugou truly hated him, sure Izuku knew that he wasn't his friend anymore. he knew bakugou didn't like him but now Izuku saw just how much bakugou hated him and he felt something shift inside of him. Something vile and ugly, It was rage.

Near the Bridge

As Izuku walked down the street he had decided to stop trying to reason with his peer since no one seemed to care about him or his feelings. This rule doubly applied to bakugou who had made it clear to Izuku he wanted him dead or gone, probably both.

" I'LL BECOME A HERO AND SHOW EVERYONE ONCE AND FOR ALL WHAT I CAN DO, I'LL BECOME THE NUMBER ONE HERO AND SURPASS ALL MIGHT AND BAKUGOU!" he said this but his thoughts still lingered on his dark revelations from earlier.

These Thoughts weighed on the poor boy but we cut short when from the corner of his eye Izuku spotted an alleyway which he hadn't remembered being there before.

"Huh has this always been here?" Izuku wondered as he glanced down the mysterious new path. Izuku felt oddly drawn towards this place as if this back alley were calling to him, willing him to enter and explore. With a huff, Izuku puffed out his chest and entered mustering all the remaining courage he could spare.

"Here goes nothing." squeaked izuku not knowing this choice would change his life forever.

The alley was more like a market with stalls and vendors lining the pathway giving the once eerie and chilling passage a vibrant and charming feel to it, though admittedly It still had a slightly eldritch feel as he glanced from stall to stall. Izuku couldn't help but to stare, eyeing one vendor selling strange Items called Teigu but quickly glanced to another which Had shelves filled with colorful books with the sign reading Grimoire each book having a playing card symbol on them. Izuku walked down the path so enthralled with the sights to wonder where the customers or the shop owners were.

"Wow so cool. I wonder why I never notice this place sooner?" wondered Izuku in excitement as he passed more shops.

It wasn't until he came to a stall selling something called devil fruits that Izuku stopped to examine the strange produce and admire such odd fruits however after glossing over an orange with fiery swirls his eye was drawn to a strange light purple fruit which looked to be made up of fused teardrop shaped berries with swirls on them.

"Zehahahaha! so you're interested in the yami yami no mi?" came a loud voice causing Izuku to flinch and stiffen as he glanced to find a rather large man in a red coat and green pants sitting with a bottle held in his hand.

"T-the what?" asked Izuku, clearly still shaken, stuttering for a moment.

"The Yami Yami No Mi, It grants the user the powers of darkness. You've come to this stall and seen the other fruits; however, since I'm here that can only mean you seek The dark fruits power." stated the man in a matter of factly tone.

Izuku was even more confused than before. First this mysterious alley then the strange stores and stalls selling items he'd never heard of before and now a strange large man was asking If he wanted a strange fruit which would grant him a quirk. Of all the questions Izuku had his reeling brain could only ask one.

"what is this place?" Izuku had decided to gain basic information before tackling the crazy stuff, He wanted answers and here was the one person he could find to answer them.

"ZEHAHAHAHAHA, YOUR IN AVARICE ALLEY KID. THE MARKET Which COLLECTS ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING YOU COULD EVER DREAM." the man yelled, practically knocking the young midoriya off his feet. " In this place every era from every world comes together but it only reveals itself to one person, the one with the intense desire to seek their dreams."

Izuku felt both a chill run up his spine, he desired a quirk more than anything and this man told him that a quirk was just waiting for him.

"This devil fruit, It will give me a quir-" before he finished, the man slammed his hand down on the table and began laughing, making Izuku flinch.

"ZEHAHAHA THAT'S NOT WHAT I SAID KID." he roared as he loomed closer to Izuku.

"You said this fruit would give me the power of darkness" Izuku glared at the man, he was just starting to gain hope and now he learns it was just this man's sick joke.

"Yes but I never said anything about a quirk, that's where you're wrong." The man began to guzzle a bottle of strong smelling booze.

"W-what are you talking about? Having the power of darkness...without a quirk?" Izuku stared as the man finished his drink before pulling out a cherry pie and began to eat it whole as he continued.

"This era of quirks is a load of shit, where I'm from people seeked out these devil fruits either to eat or the yami yami no mi has the chance to taste the fresh air and see new life in you boy. Will you accept it's call or *( MUNCH MUNCH )* turn your back?"

While the man ate, Izuku's head swirled with thoughts. This can't be real. He thought and began thinking of the pros and cons of accepting this offer. On one hand this Devil fruit could aid in becoming the next symbol of peace and prove to everyone he wasn't the worthless nobody they thought he was but then again he knew nothing of this alley, this man or these devil fruits, nothing from history ever mentioned any power granting fruits. Then there was this man who reeked of booze and dressed like a sailor, no he looked like a pirate and spoke as if he came from another world. Izuku's thoughts turned into muttering which in turn triggered blackbeard into action yet again.

" So you're just gonna abandon your ambitions and dreams huh." stated the man again speaking like these were the facts. " That's why you came to averous alley, isn't it? It's why this place exists, for those with dreams and it's why you're here, to eat the yami yami no mi and claim your dream." as the man spoke Izuku felt his heart swell with emotion as tears threatened to spill from his eyes.

" Sir, do you think a quirkless nobody like me...could ever be the number one hero?!" Izuku was practically howling at the end, his heart hoping just one person, anyone would believe in him. even a stranger from a mysterious alley, if he only needed one person to have faith and maybe just maybe he wouldn't feel so pathetic and useless.

"Hehe...Hehehe...ZEHAHAHAHAHAHA!" To Izuku this man's laugh was defining as if it was the final bell toll signaling his hopes doom. " You're asking me if you can follow your dream, and your dream is to protect the same system which leads you to be nobody. It's hilarious that the most evil devil fruit in the book would choose you to be its vessel ZEHAHAHAHA! so ridiculous I can't help but laugh ZEHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

"The evilest devil fruit." Izuku spoke, still crestfallen but feeling much better than before he explained. " What do you mean the evilest devil fruit?" At this point Izuku's emotions have been put through the wringer from Bakugou's abuse and this man's mind games leaving Izuku dazed and slower than usual."

"ENOUGH, do you want the damned fruit or don't you." Izuku was taken aback by this and couldn't think straight but after remembering the words of his former friend bakugou and his goons Izuku couldn't miss this chance and so Izuku grabbed this devil fruit and went to take a bite before being interrupted.

"There are a few things to know about this devil fruit. First, the yami yami no mi is a logia which allows you to generate, manipulate and become darkness. Second, as a dark human you are able to absorb anything, objects,people, even pain meaning unlike other logia users you will feel the pain. And third, all devil fruits are hated by the sea, once you've eaten this fruit you will be unable to swim or even move in waist deep water." and with that Izuku stopped mid bite and stared at the fruit he nearly consumed.

If I eat this I'll lose the ability to swim. He thought as he examined the fruit but If he eats this something inside him says he'd have more than enough power to become number one.

"I will achieve my dreams." said Izuku in a voice which was barely a whisper. " I will become a hero." He screamed before scarfing the whole fruit down, swallowing it in a single gulp.

Izuku didn't register it at first either due to adrenaline or because he barely chewed the thing but after letting the remaining fruit juice sit on his tongue Izuku nearly threw it back up and had to clasp his hands over his mouth to prevent it.

" ZEHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" laughed the man. " Listen kid, there are some fights that are just not worth fighting." the man's eyes shone with a mix of nostalgia and excitement. "It's not easy to surpass a person, you'll find that the higher your goal the more those around will doubt.

"My dream,for so long I've been mistreated and neglected for not having a quirk. I have been laughed at and mocked for my whole life but starting today I will fight to become stronger than bakugou and surpass All might himself. I'm not doing this for society or the status of number one, I'm doing this to prove I'm not a worthless DEKU!" Izuku hadn't meant to shout but as he continued to talk to the man he felt a part of his revival as if something long dead had been resurrected… was this Hope or was it DETERMINATION.

( far away,in another stall ) heh, not yet kid. I UNDERstand your confusion readers but this is a reference to another TALE yet to be written.

" The dreams of men...WILL NEVER DIEEEE!" yelled the man before a bright light flashed blinding Izuku. Izuku tentatively opened his eyes careful not to blind himself only to find he was back near the bridge and Avarice alley was gone.