Ben Tennyson was in his house watching the news with Kevin Levin...

"Wow, it feels like years since you defeated Vilgax, people see you as someone huge." Kevin said to Ben.

"Well I did defeat the world's largest threat." Ben said to Kevin.

But just then, Ben's plumber symbol rang, so Ben went to answer it.

"Ben Tennyson, what do you need?" Ben asked on his symbol.

"Ben, it's Azmuth, the universe needs you." Azmuth told Ben. "Vilgax is up and running again, he's coming after you, but don't worry, I've signed you up for a reality show called Total Drama Island, you just need to send in your audition and then you'll be safe." Azmuth explained.

Later that night, Ben was working on his audition, he explained that he was the one who defeated the world's largest threat. He also explained some things about the Ultimatrix, but not alot. The next day, he got an email saying that he made it into the competition, he told his parents everything and he also told his cousin Gwendolyn (I'll be calling her this so she doesn't get confused with the Total Drama Gwen), his parents wished him good luck, but Gwendolyn had a quick word with him...

"Ben, you need to be careful, you're famous, but people could expose you for your Ultimatrix, so please be careful." Gwendolyn said to Ben, clearly worrying for him.

"Don't worry Gwen, I'll be fine." Ben said reassuring his cousin.

But before he went to the boat to take him to Camp Wawanakwa, Azmuth told him a few things.

"Ben, me and The Justice League will be watching you, do don't screw up! Secondly, I'll be calling you on your plumber badge for updates on Vilgax, Albedo, or any other lowlife that will endanger you O you peers. Thirdly, good luck on the island." Azmuth said to Ben.

Ben was soon at the docks waiting for the boat to arrive. After 30 minutes of waiting, the boat had came and Ben was ready for his adventure.