MXC: My Little Pony vs. Equestria Girls

Rated T for a little bit of language and violence

Summary: What happens when your favorite ponies from Ponyville take on their own human counterparts in the most toughest competition in town? Nothing but a bone-breaking good time that is nothing short of painful!

Disclaimer: If anyone asks, I do not own anything associated with Most Extreme Elimination Challenge, Takeshi's Castle or the My Little Pony franchise. MXC and its characters are owned by Paramount, Takeshi Castle is owned by the Tokyo Broadcasting Station, and My Little Pony, Equestria Girls and it's characters are owned by Hasbro. This will be another MXC fic with me and The Amazing Ghost Musician doing all the work. I know it may not be true, but just like the other fic, this will take place in a universe where MXC is owned by Disney-Fox Entertainment. So, unfortunately, we won't see Guy's or Kenny's perviness at all. But on the bright side, this will lead to Kenny getting pissed off. It's so funny when people fume for no reason. Anyway, on with the story!

Chapter 1: Prologue/Sinkers & Floaters

What are these people running from? They're not! They're running to the world's most toughest competition in town: Most Extreme Elimination Challenge! Today, things get magical as My Little Pony takes on their counterparts, Equestria Girls! It's a classic battle between friendship and magic! So get fired up for MXC! Now here are our very own two magical friends, Kenny Blankenship and Vic Romano!

Once the announcer was finished doing his little intro, the scene transitioned over to see Kenny Blankenship and Vic Romano sitting right on their seats as always while a row of their own interns sat right beside them.

"Hello everyone, and welcome to yet another edition of MXC, now being owned by the wonderful folks of both Fox and Disney!" Vic smirked to the camera.

Kenny then rolled his eyes in a sarcastic way and said, "Whoo-hoo…"

"Come on Kenny, don't be that way." Vic replied, "Today's episode is a very special episode, we're going to be having the characters of the My Little Pony Franchise."

"I'm sorry Vic, I'm just a little on edge today." Kenny stated, as he held a book that said on it "Disney/FOX Television Handbook".

"I've seen that you've got our Disney/FOX handbook on what we can and what we cannot do on TV anymore." Vic nodded out.

"Yeah I'm telling you, it's hard for me to keep up with all these new rules." Kenny explained as he opened the book, "I had to spend the whole week just going over everything."

"Ah, I bet it's quite an interesting book, isn't it, Ken?" Vic politely asked him.

"Well Vic, it's got so many rules to follow by, I have not idea if I can keep up with all of them." Kenny said with his eyes still on the book.

Vic then turned back to the audience and said, "Well, as you're brushing up on those new rules, we might as well inform our viewers of the team that My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic will be up against, and that of course is their human counterparts, Equestria Girls."

"Aren't both those shows kinda the same?" Kenny questioned with a confused face.

"In a way they are, but there's many differences between the two shows," Vic replied, "Such as the fact that Equestria Girls happen to look almost like human-beings, while in the Friendship is Magic series they show the characters of almost every race of creature. And not just ponies, but also unicorns, dragons, changelings, griffons, hippogriffs, yaks and many other creatures from many different races. The difference is that some can choose their own path in life, while others choose to stick with their brand of nature."

"Whoa whoa whoa, hold on Vic!" Kenny said getting a little uptight, "Isn't that statement a little bigoted? Or maybe a little racist?"

"Kenny!" Vic said as he smacked Kenny on the head with his fan, "This is a family show! The network made sure that words like 'bigoted' and 'racist' wouldn't be used at all, and they certainly made sure that we don't make any comments that are racist or bigoted."

Kenny shook his head, "I'm sorry Vic, I just wanna make sure that we don't say or anything that'll get either one of us in trouble with the network. After all, we've had that meeting about what Guy did with the characters of The Loud House and The Casagrandes on our returning episode a few weeks ago."

"Yeah, and it involved Guy getting suspended indefinitely without pay." Vic nodded, "And the only way he'll ever be brought back now is to attend a counseling class about sexual harassment."

"Maybe while he's outta action, Guy should stop being the creepy perv that he always is." Kenny brought up.

Vic then rolled his eyes before saying to Ken, "And maybe you too, Ken!"

"Whoa whoa whoa, what are you talking about Vic?" Kenny glared, "I haven't been doing any of my perviness since the producers of Disney/FOX Entertainment gave me the hand book, and I had to take my mind off my old self. Believe me, it's not easy at all."

"I bet not!" Vic said, rolling his eyes in an unbelievable way, "Anyway, replacing Guy right now will be Equestria Girls's own nature-lover, Gloriosa Daisy! Take it away, Gloriosa!"

The camera then turned things over to a grassy field where this episode's field reporter, Gloriosa Daisy, was standing there with a microphone in hand.

Sporting the most dainty smile she could ever make, she spoke to the camera, "Thanks, guys. It's great to be here calling the action alongside you guys. And I should be thankful I wasn't anywhere near the mess hall, knowing that there's a perp on the loose that keeps checking me out. Hopefully, the security's got that covered. But anyway, let's get to the challenges!"

As she continued talking, the montage for today's challenges started to play out one-by-one in order.

"We start off the show with the traditional Sinkers-and-Floaters, next we bash our way through Door Jam, after that we surf's up with Irritable Bowl Syndrome, then we dodge our way through Boulder Dash, and finally we finish off the show with Dope on a Rope."

After going through all the challenges one-by-one, the camera shifted back over to the field where Gloriosa was still standing.

"Now that I've finished explaining things to everyone, I've sprayed some repellant over myself where no greasy hands can ever touch me." Gloriosa Daisy smirked as she dug out a spray bottle full of disinfectant and sprayed it all over her, "This'll show them pervy guys not to get anywhere near me! Anyway, let's turn things over to Captain Tenneal. Take it away, Cap!"

The camera then switched right over to Captain Tenneal

"Thank you, Gloriosa!" Captain Tenneal replied as he turned his attention over to the competitors, "Question: How many of you think that Princess Twilight Sparkle's Book of Friendship can lead to lessons that can be learned later in life? Show hands now!"

Only half of the competitors raised their hand in agreement.

"Well, you're wrong!" Captain replied, "All this book ever teaches you is serious lessons about becoming a good friend that you should be learning all your life, even from your younger years as a kid or a filly as some of you are. As we saw the outcome from that My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic episode from season 7 "Fame and Misfortune", many of those in Ponyville bought Princess Twilight's Book of Friendship, a lot of those who bought the book missed understanding the lesson Princess Twilight and the rest of her friends have learned through the years. Many of these lessons that Princess Twilight and her friends taught a lot of fans is that friendship is built on trust, honesty, promise, standing up for others and many other great lessons as it's all shown through the show."

"Oh, that's a bunch of bulldump!" A voice said from the crowd, mostly coming from Gilda herself.

"I beg your pardon!" Captain said as he turned to stare at Gilda, "You definitely sure got some lip on you? Who are you by the way?"

Gilda then stood up and smirked, "The name's Gilda Griffon, and I was the one who T.P.'ed your private trailer."

"Oh great!" Said another voice, which turned out to be Discord, "Just what we need, another creature with a know-it-all stuck up attitude and likes to bully and prank every creature."

The Captain turned his head over to Discord, "Oh, like you're one to talk Discord!" He then said to the crowd, "You see, this is what I'm trying to get here. The Book of Friendship definitely doesn't condone anything mischievous or dangerous, such as destroying someone's reputation or using this book just as an excuse to let all the fame and misfortune go to their head!"

"Excuse me Captain, I think you're getting me the wrong way." Discord replied, "Although, I do agree 100 percent on what you're saying about Princess Twilight's Book of Friendship, I learned many lessons myself throughout my life. Gilda on the other hand should be taking these lessons to heart, and I've had some good friends like Fluttershy, Twilight, Spike, Big Mac, Starlight, Thorax and a few others help show me many mistakes I've made."

"Well Discord, I can't argue with that logic." Captain Tenneal replied, "You for one did learn a lot from your life in the show, plus despite being a creature of chaos you do happen to make me laugh from time to time."

"I do what I can!" Discord nodded before he took his seat yet again.

"Okay, now that we have settled on this whole debate, anyone wanna tell me something I don't know?" Captain said, asking the contestants a question.

All of a sudden Gilda spoke out to the Captain, "Yeah, I keyed your car while you weren't looking."

Discord, who right now getting fed up with Gilda's BS, snapped his fingers, causing Gilda's mouth to be taped shut, much to most of the competitor's relief (While some of them laughed) and Captain's relief.

"Thank you again, Discord!" replied the Captain, "Extra backstage passes for you and your friends after the show." He then grabbed his sword and swung away to the air, "LET'S GO!"

Once he said that, the rest of the competitors that were competing in this episode suddenly all came down the hill, following their captain over to the first event.

"With the contestants up and running, let's head down to our first event, Sinkers and Floaters!" Vic exclaimed, "This is where our contestants must skip atop the slippery stones and cross the pool of stool."

The scene then transitioned over to Captain Tenneal, who was standing on top of the hill as he blew his whistle.

"Get it on!" The Captain said, swinging his sword.

The first contestant from the My Little Pony team appeared before the Captain sporting out purple skin with long bluish hair with a pink stripe, along with a horn on top of her head and wings on her back.

"Alright, first up for My Little Pony," Vic replied.

"I like Hay Burgers!" Twilight exclaimed.

"It's Twilight Sparkle, the princess of Magic!" Vic exclaimed as well, "And not to mention the successor to Princess Celestia's throne!"

"I like her hair." Kenny replied as he saw Twilight skip stones around two to seven, "It's almost like it was washed with pine tar."

"Well, she definitely knows good hygiene for sure, Ken." Vic nodded to Kenny.

Twilight attempted to skip stone number eight, only for her to lose her balance and front-flip right into the secret mystery fluid.

"Oh, and she's right into the mystery fluid!" Vic exclaimed.

"Which is a mixture of baking soda and stale lemon juice directly from Mrs. Cake's Sugarcube Corner." Kenny smirked out.

Vic then nodded as he said, "Definitely lovely people if I saw them. Let's go right to the replay."

As Twilight slowly began to exit out from the fluid entirely, the replay of her run started to play out in full form, mostly focusing on her front flip onto the fluid.

"You see, right here, Ken?" Vic pointed out, "She started to go on a roll before that one little slip-up on that eighth stone forced her into that sweet and sour drink!"

"Looks like someone's getting a little tart." Kenny nodded.

"Indeed." Vic nodded as well before Twilight's replay came to an end.

Then, the first contestant for the Equestria Girls side began to climb up the hill next wearing a purple shirt, leather jacket, orange skirt, black/purple boots while also sporting some red and yellow bacon-like hair.

"I'm red hot!" Sunset Shimmer shouted out before climbing down the hill and running right to the course.

"And coming up first for Equestria Girls, it's Sunset Shimmer!" Vic replied, "Sunset of course, is an enemy-turned-friend of Twilight. And not to mention she's also a brilliant guitar player, Ken."

"I totally love to rock with her anytime." Kenny smirked a little as he saw Sunset go full-speed on the course, skipping stones one to ten before skipping over the eleventh stone by leaping toward the end of the platform with a big giant jump.

"Oh, but she totally rocked this course, Ken! She's made it!" Vic quickly pointed out to Sunset Shimmer's victorious celebration, "With that giant leap, Sunset Shimmer takes the first lead for her team 1-0!"

"Let's see that again." Kenny nodded as her run was shown once again on the replay.

"As you see right there, Sunset pulls off a fast-paced Eddie Van Halen, a very slick Angus Young before ending it all with a victorious Eric Clapton!" Vic joyously exclaimed, "Definitely what you come to see from Sinkers and Floaters."

Once her replay was over, another contestant from the My Little Pony side began to climb up, wearing a cowboy hat, brown vest, yellow fur and dark yellow mane around his head. He looked very pumped to hear the truth be told.

"YEEEEEEEEEE-HAAAAAAAAW!" Braeburn shouted before he came down the hill full-speed.

"And here's Braeburn from the My Little Pony side," Vic replied, "Braeburn, of course, is one of Applejack's cousins and one energetic cowboy!"

Braeburn managed to skip stones from one to two, only for him to get his ribs crushed on the third stone, leaving him to sink inside the mystery fluid.

"Well, someone got bucked hard!" Kenny smirked with laughter.

"He probably is, Ken!" Vic nodded, "And that's why it's our MXC Impact Replay!"

As Braeburn began to clutch his ribs in pain, his run was shown once more, but in the ever familiar MXC Impact Replay in slow motion.

"As you can see right here, he tried to make this an eight second ride, but all that got him was the buckling of his life!" Vic exclaimed.

"Yeah he brags about how great Appleloosa's buckball team is the best, but he couldn't justified for that little mistake." Kenny smirked in Braeburn's expense.

"Right you are, Ken!" Vic nodded, "As Mr. George Strait usually puts it, 'The cowboy rides away'."

Once the replay of his run was over, another Equestria Girls character ran up the hill wearing a blue jacket, purple skirt, navy blue boots, blue skin and glorious long silver hair.

"I shall prove myself great and powerful!" Trixie shouted before running down the hill.

"And next up for Equestria Girls, she calls herself the Great and Powerful Trixie!" Vic exclaimed.

"She calls herself Great and Powerful, Vic!" Kenny replied, "But sometimes I think Trixie just likes to brag about how great she is at magic. She acts like she's as great as Harry Houdini!"

Before Vic could say anything though, he immediately saw Trixie's feet slip on the eighth stone before she fell backfirst right into the fluid, eliminating her right away.

"Well, she definitely disappeared on that run, Ken!" Vic nodded out.

"I got a magic word for her: LOSER!" Kenny smirked with a chuckle.

"Kenny!" Vic said as he smacked him on the head with his folding fans.

As Trixie made her way out of the fluid, the camera then shifted over to the next contestant from the My Little Pony side, which happened to have grayish-yellow fur and a tealish mane on top of his head.

"Yona, call me!" Sandbar shouted out before taking off.

"And coming up next for My Little Pony, Sandbar, he's one of the members of the Young Six who happens to go to Princess Twilight's school of Friendship." Vic explained.

"Isn't that the male pony who's got a crush on that female yak known as Yona?" Kenny asked Vic.

"I do believe so, Ken!" Vic replied.

As they were talking though, they saw Sandbar lose his balance on the seventh stone before belly flopping into the fluid, eliminating him from the contest.

"Oh, and down into our lemony sour fluid!" Vic exclaimed.

"Man, that lemony sour has gotta be burning Sandbar's eyes for sure." Kenny cringed.

"Right you are, Ken!" Vic nodded again, "Let's go down to Gloriosa Daisy and see what she's gotta say to this defeated pony!"

The scene then switched right over to an open field, where field reporter Gloriosa Daisy was standing right beside a defeated Sandbar, who was still ringing out the entire lemony fluid off his mane.

"Can't believe you came so close." Gloriosa groaned, "What on earth happened?"

"Ehh, I blew it…" Sandbar said with a disappointed sigh, "I swear, those dang stones are slippery as hair gel itself."

"I can't argue with that." Gloriosa shook her head, "Maybe you should've worn goggles or perhaps maybe stickier hooves."

"Ah, thanks for the advice." Sandbar nodded before he started sniffing his mane for some reason, "Hey, did some creature hock a loogie in that fluid?!"

"Sandbar's right about something, Vic!" Kenny pointed out, "Hair gel happens to be greasing, messy and it's not good for your hair at all. Some people say that it could cause your hair to fall out at a younger age."

"Right you are, Ken!" Vic nodded, "Although I'm certain The Captain's ticked about his hair gel missing."

"Well, that's his own problem for not locking the door to his trailer." Kenny replied.

"Indeed!" Vic nodded as Sandbar's interview came to an end.

The camera then shifted over yet again to another contestant from the Equestria Girls side, who had a short-sleeved black hoodie jacket, green shorts, leather boots, tanned skin, and short purple hair.

"Dashie is my homegirl!" Scootaloo declared in front of the captain.

"Next up for the Equestria Girls Team, Rainbow Dash's protege Scootaloo!" Vic brought up, "She of course is one of the members of the trio known as The Cutie Mark Crusaders."

"That's right, Vic!" Kenny replied, "She's quite a fangirl for Dashie."

"Right you are, Ken!" Vic nodded before he saw Scootaloo lose her balance on the ninth stone and then perform a freakish backsplash into the fluid, "Oh, that was a painful splash into the lemony drink!"

"Oh boy, I can tell that Rainbow Dash might be calling for a redo." Kenny mentioned.

"I wouldn't doubt that, Ken!" Vic agreed, "If you already know, MXC doesn't allow redos."

"No way, Vic!" Kenny replied, "Once you've had your turn, you have to wait for everybody else to have their turn to compete."

"That's definitely how it goes, Ken!" Vic nodded in response.

Once Scootaloo was out of the fluid, the camera turned right over to the next contestant from the My Little Pony side, which happened to be a short female yak with a teal cloth wrapped around her back.

"I shall win for us, Sandbar!" Yona shouted.

"And next up, it's Yona from the Young Six!" Vic exclaimed, "She of course, has a crush on Sandbar!"

"Just so you and the fans also know, Vic!" Kenny stated, "Yaks are tough creatures who know how to fight, unfortunately most of them are not good at swimming. So, Yona here better be careful not to land her hooves on a sinking rock and fall through."

"Right you are, Ken!" Vic replied, "We can see as Yona is having a time moving through those stones!"

Yona was slowly moving onto each rock, taking her time while she was being careful not to fall into the fluid. "You can see that Yona is being careful where to step first."

"She might also wanna keep her balance at peace, " Kenny mentioned, "If she slips even once on the rocks, she'll be totally wiped out of the contest."

"I don't think she's having a problem with that, Ken!" Vic shook his head as he saw Yona pick up the pace on the stones she was skipping, "Look at her clean house!"

"Wow! I can say that when it comes to competition, Yaks can become best at what they do and that is staying strong and not letting anything or any creature stand in their way." Kenny said.

"Right you are, Ken!" Vic nodded as he saw Yona skip the three final steps and land safely on the platform, without any trouble at all. "And check that out, Ken! She's made it across!"

After she realized she made it across those stones, Yona then started to celebrate with her traditional Yak dance as a way to celebrate her victory.

"I can see that Yaks are not only tough fighters, but they're also strong at dancing." Kenny smirked.

"No doubt that's definitely showing here tonight." Vic nodded his head.

After Yona was done celebrating her victory, the camera turned back up the hill where another female contestant had emerged from the top wearing a pink beanie cap, teal shirt, black vest, gray jeans with ripped holes, black shoes with pink shoelaces, purple hair with teal streaks and pale purple skin.

"I don't socialize much!" Starlight exclaimed as she ran down the hill to the course.

"And last up for Equestria Girls, Starlight Glimmer!" Vic exclaimed, "Considers herself to be the best friend of The Great and Powerful Trixie!"

Kenny then smirked out, "Looks like if a hipster got engaged with a hobo."

"Kenny!" Vic growled angrily at his partner while whacking him upside the head with his fan.

Trixie managed to skip around stones one to four before losing her balance on the fifth stone and barrel rolling towards the mystery fluid.

"And she rolls right into the sour lemon fluid!" Vic replied, referring to Starlight's fall.

"Her light just got turned off." Kenny replied.

"Right you are, Ken!" Vic nodded before replying, "Let's take a look at the replay."

As Starlight Glimmer was attempting to wash the lemon juice off her hair, the camera switched to the replay, showing her entire run.

"Of course, you see right here Starlight Glimmer tried to get through this course like a shining star, but one barrel roll into the drink and she is fizzed out." Vic replied, commentating through the replayable run.

"She probably would've wished for a better run." Kenny replied.

"Indeed." Vic nodded as her replay finally came to an end.

Once it did, the camera quickly managed to turn to another My Little Pony contestant, who was short, had short auburn hair and had a light blue-green fur around him.

"I'm gonna win on my first try!" Snips declared loudly.

Vic rolled his eyes as he said, "Next up from My Little Pony, it's Snails's best friend, Snips!"

"Let's see what happens here then." Kenny smirked for some reason.

Before he could finally step on the course, Snips accidentally slipped on the grass while running full-speed, and ended up in the mystery fluid much to the laughter of everyone that was watching.

"Well, that didn't take too long!" Vic exclaimed.

"Yeah, that was pointless to watch." Kenny nodded.

As Snips let out a defeated groan while leaving the course, the last contestant for the Equestria Girls team appeared up the hill wearing a white shirt with a brown vest, green skirt with daisies around it, brown boots, dark pink hair and light pink skin.

"I'm taking everyone to school!" Cheerilee shouted out before taking off.

"And coming up last for Equestria Girls, it's Cheerilee, one of the teachers from Canterlot High!" Vic exclaimed.

Kenny let out a smile, "Quite a pretty teacher too."

"Heh, like you'd get a chance to date her, Ken." Vic scoffed with laughter before seeing Cheerilee skip stones all the way to stone three before slipping on the fourth stone and bellyflopping into the mystery fluid, "And she's already out"

"The only thing she's gonna be dating is our mystery fluid." Kenny smirked.

"Indeed, let's take another look, Ken." Vic pointed out as Cheerilee got right out of the fluid.

Once she did, her run was shown yet again in the replay, forcing Vic to do his usual commentating shtick.

"There you see right there, Cheerilee tries to clear up exam after exam and fails right into the fluid." Vic replied.

"Someone get her an apple just to calm her down." Kenny pointed out, "She's definitely not gonna be herself when she's hungry."

"Right you are, Ken!" Vic nodded, "So that's it for Sinkers and Floaters, thanks to the combined efforts of both Sunset Shimmer and Yona, both teams start off strong and heavy with a 1-1 tie!"

Once the score was shown, the camera soon shifted over to the studio where Vic and Kenny were still sitting in their seats.

"Talk about a strong opening, huh Ken?" Vic smirked at his partner.

"Ehhhhh…" Kenny shrugged in response, "I've seen less pain."

"I know, it takes a while to get used to the new rules." Vic nodded, "But take it from me, Ken. With time and time, our age demographic will rise with numbers you haven't seen."

"What kind? The ones from 1-12?" Kenny rolled his eyes.

"And the ones from ages 18-36 and 37-60, too." Vic nodded.

"Wow Vic, that's going to be a lot to remember with so many people watching." Kenny replied.

"Indeed, but I'm sure you'll get through all that in no time." Vic said.

Ken then held up the network handbook and said, "Can you explain why I had to go through all 5,000 pages of this crud, though?"

"Oh, Ken," Vic sighed before tapping him in the head, "Sadly, I cannot."

Hey, don't go anywhere, cause when MXC comes back, we get a little case of Door Jam! You got that, horsedump?

Ah, it's been a while since I've finally posted another new story. I swear, I gotta quit going on hiatuses. Gotta thank The Amazing Ghost Musician for rejuvenating my writing career. I feel like I can post anything I feel like.

Anyway, the ponies and humans will be running the Door Jam next chapter, so make sure you leave a little R&R for me as well. Until next time, GET IT ON!