Hello all Storm here with a new chapter! Here we'll be seeing Naruto reuniting with some of his friends along with meeting with the Hokage to discuss his position in Konoha, along with Naruto being tested to see ho far he's come. So, without further ado.

I own nothing

Walking through the gates, Naruto glanced at the check-in station, only to shake his head, when he saw that the guards on duty were Izumo and Kotetsu.

'Well, at least I won't have to deal with any trouble, or anyone finding out I'm back, too soon.' Naruto thought, knowing how incompetent those two are on guard duty.

Which was bad for Konoha, but very good for him, as it he could just walk in, without any trouble, or being stopped.

Though as he walked through the village, the more anger Naruto started feeling, as he saw people walking through the streets. Most of them he could recognize from before he left, all of them glaring or sneering at him, seeing him as a freak for not having Chakra. As being nothing, but a stain on the Yondaime's family and Uzumaki Clan, something that shouldn't exist.

'And I could wipe them all out, without lifting a finger. Funny, how that works.' Naruto thought, smirking wickedly, while imagining the fear and horror on the villagers faces, that the so-called "abomination" was capable of killing them all, without even trying.

And if any of them piss him off, he'll be more than happy to show them that he's able to fight back.

Reigning in his anger, Naruto looked around, and saw that no one was really paying attention to him, outside of a few passing glances. Though given the fact that he looked completely different, than when he left, it was understandable that no one recognized him, unless they looked closely at him.

It also helped that he currently has his tail wrapped around his waist, not wanting to draw that kind of attention to himself. Since he knew how close-minded and prejudice Konoha is, even to their own Ninja, despite their talk about teamwork and the Will of Fire, if they saw that he had a tail, they'd probably call him a demon, or a Yōkai.

'Really starting to consider just leaving, while I still have the chance.' Naruto thought, before shaking his head, and continued on his way towards the Hokage's Tower.

It didn't take long, until Naruto arrived at the tower, and went up to the Hokage's Office, before walking in, where he saw the Sandaime, Hiruzen Sarutobi, sitting behind his desk. Though when he heard the door open, Sarutobi looked to see who it was, only to raise a brow in confusion at seeing a child. Not recognizing it was Naruto, given his changed appearance.

"Can I help you with something, young man?" Sarutobi asked, while wondering why he was here.

"Wow, it's only been four years, and you've already forgotten me old man, I'm hurt." Naruto said in mock pain, with the Hokage frowning at his words, before looking at him with narrowed eyes.

"Four years…wait…Naruto?" Sarutobi said, shocked at realizing just who it was, standing in front of him, along with spotting the whisker marks.

"Yep, I'm back, new and improved. And much stronger." Said Naruto, smirking, as Hiruzen looked at him disbelief.

"I don't understand, what happened? Where have you been? Why do you look like that?" Sarutobi questioned, having wondered where Naruto went, after he vanished four years ago, having sent out a few teams of Anbu to try and find him, only for them all to return empty handed.

"Well, given what happened, being abandoned by my own family, and being alone in a village, where the majority of the people see me as a freak. I didn't really like the idea of staying in a place, when it was made painfully clear that I wasn't wanted." Said Naruto, scowling, while the Hokage winced at that knowing it was true, with how the villagers never made it a secret that they hated Naruto.

Naruto didn't mention the fact that he also killed several dozen villagers, before he escaped, knowing that while the Hokage may have been kind to him. He's still the leader of Konoha, and it wouldn't be good if he had him, Naruto, be watched, to make sure he didn't kill anyone else.

"As for why I look like this, it was due to the stress and anger I felt, after the Uzumaki Clan left, I awakened a dormant power in myself, one that predates the era of Ninja, and even Chakra. My ancestors were a race of mutants, that possessed the ability to use a powerful energy for various purposes. I was able to awaken this power, which also resulted in my changed appearance, and my tail." Said Naruto, as his tail unraveled itself, much to the Hokage's shock at the appendage.

"As for where I've been, a little bit of everywhere, until I was found and trained by my mentors, who taught me how to control and use my power." Naruto said, keeping it secret about The Lookout and Korin's Tower, while Sarutobi nodding slowly, as he processed everything, he just heard.

"Okay. So why have you come back, now?" Questioned the Hokage, while folding his hands on his desk, with Naruto giving a shrug in response.

"I've recently completed my training under my mentors, and they believed it'd be best if I came back here to face my past and move on from it." Said Naruto.

"Does that mean you will become a Ninja?" Sarutobi asked, since if Naruto does have these powers, he says he's awakened, then he could join the Academy to become a Ninja.

Hearing this, Naruto scoffed, since he would never become a Ninja.

"No offense, but I'm not becoming a Ninja for any village. I'd prefer not being tied down to a village by becoming a Ninja. Though I am willing to offer my services as a mercenary, that works directly for the Hokage." Said Naruto, crossing his arms, with Sarutobi nodding in acceptance at this.

"That is acceptable. Though, before that, I do need to perform a blood test, to show you are indeed, who you say you are." Sarutobi said, as while he could sense that he wasn't lying about who he was, and what he's said, one can never be too careful.

Nodding, Naruto bit his thumb, and let his blood drip into a glass container.

"Makes sure that's destroyed, after its tested, and make sure that all of it's destroyed." Said Naruto, not wanting his blood to get into the wrong hands, having been told by Dende and Popo about Cell, and how he was created by the Z-Fighters DNA.

And while Naruto doubted anyone in the world could hope to create a being like Cell, given the technological regression that the world went through, he'd prefer not to take any chances.

"Of course. I'll have it tested by my personal doctor. I'll also look into any potential living arrangements, for while you're here. I'll send some ANBU to get you, so you can look over the options I find." Hiruzen said, with Naruto nodding at this.

"Well, until then, I'm gonna go see what's changed. Later." Said Naruto, before exiting the office to reintegrate himself into the village


After leaving the Hokage's Office, Naruto simply wandered around the village, seeing that not much has changed, since his departure. With him still feeling anger, whenever he recognized anyone who pushed him around or any of the children that used to bully him.

Though Naruto felt his anger vanish when he spotted someone he recognized.

A girl his age, with long black hair with a blue tint, pale skin, obsidian colored eyes, wearing blue Kunoichi sandals, black spandex shorts, a short white skirt, and a black shirt with the Uchiha symbol on the back.

'Satsuki.' Naruto thought, smiling at seeing the person he has been closest to, besides his sister.

"Hey Satsuki-chan." Said Naruto, while walking up to her, Satsuki gaining an annoyed expression.

"You losers need to get it through your thick skulls, and leave me-" Satsuki started, thinking it was yet another fanboy coming up to her, only stopping when she saw it was a boy she didn't recognize, along with the fact that he was smiling in a non-perverse manner, nor was he undressing her with his eyes.

In fact, Satsuki narrowed her eyes as she took a closer look at him, feeling something familiar about him. It took a moment, before Satsuki's eyes widened in realization at who it was.

"N-Naruto-kun?" Satsuki said, wanting to be sure this was actually Naruto, with the Half-Saiyan's smile becoming more soft.

"It's good to see you again, Satsuki-chan." Said Naruto, with Satsuki's eyes filling with tears at seeing her closest friend again, after four years.

Before Naruto could react, Satsuki had wrapped her arms around him, and started crying into his chest.

'And now I feel like an asshole.' Naruto thought, while frowning at having made Satsuki cry, as he patted her back.

While Naruto knew him leaving like he did, would have hurt her, he also didn't want to risk her being targeted by the villagers, for associating with him. Especially after word got out of what he did to that mob, and if anyone tried attacking Satsuki, he likely would have destroyed this entire village, back then.

When Satsuki finally stopped crying, and separated from Naruto, she immediately backhanded him across the face.

"Yeah, I deserved that." Naruto said, knowing he had that coming, and expected that when he saw Satsuki again.

"You're damn right, you did! Do you have any idea how worried I was, when you went missing, that you couldn't be found anywhere?! I thought you were dead, and that I lost someone else, I cared about!" Said Satsuki, while glaring at him with tear-filled eyes, with Naruto frowning at what she meant, by the last part.

"What do you mean by, lose someone else? What's happened since I left?" Naruto asked, having forgotten to ask Sarutobi, while in his office, of any events that have happened, since his departure.

"It happened about two years after you left, Itachi, he…he killed almost the entire Uchiha Clan, including Tou-san. Kaa-san and Izumi are still alive, along with some others, but everyone else, Itachi killed them all, before going rogue. He also put me under some Genjutsu, and made me watch it again, and again." Answered Satsuki, while shaking as she thought about that night, both in sadness at how most of her clan had been massacred, and anger at Itachi for what he did.

Hearing this, Naruto's eyes widened to learn what Itachi had done, before narrowing his eyes in anger at what he did to Satsuki.

"I swear, if I ever see Itachi again, I will kill him." Naruto said, swearing to make Itachi suffer for what he did, before reducing him to ash.

"If you find him, I'm going to be the one who kills him." Said Satsuki, wanting her own revenge against Itachi.

She didn't care what Naruto did to him, or what condition he's in, as long as she's the one who kills Itachi.

"So, what else has happened, since I left?" Naruto asked, wondering what else he's missed.

"Nothing much, really. I did join the Academy, not long before the Massacre happened, and will be able to become a Genin, in two years. Though there have been several downsides." Satsuki said, given she's had to deal with not only fanboys trying to get in her pants, but also fangirls swooning over the boys, mostly over that bastard, Arashi, even when he's not here.

"Why did you leave, Naruto-kun? And what have you been doing to look like…that?" Satsuki asked, looking at Naruto's arms and seeing how muscular they were, making the Uchiha blush lightly at the appearance of her friend, and secret crush.

"It hadn't been long after the Uzumaki Clan abandoned me, here. Given you know how the rest of the villagers saw me, a group of them felt brave enough to attack me, now that I didn't have the protection of a clan. I was cornered and beaten repeatedly, for who knows how long. It only ended, after I couldn't take it anymore, and awakened a power that was dormant within me, that granted me the power to kill the mob. I didn't regret it, but I knew if I stayed, and everyone found out what I did, they'd likely call for my death, so I left to save myself. After that, I mostly traveled, eventually learning I was descended from a race of mutants, with powerful abilities, which I had unlocked and trained myself to use. Now I'm back, after deciding it was finally time to confront my past, along with becoming a mercenary." Said Naruto, not telling her everything that happened.

Not because he didn't trust her, Naruto trusted Satsuki with his life, but he didn't trust anyone not to overhear what they were saying. Or for anyone to use Satsuki against him, given how Konoha did have a clan of Mindwalkers.

'I really am thankful that Dende and Mr. Popo trained me to resist possession and mind reading, along with Genjutsu.' Naruto thought, knowing his mind was safe from being tampered with, along with being immune to most Genjutsu.

Given he didn't have any Chakra for someone to manipulate and put him under a Genjutsu, along with his mind being strong enough to resist them. Though he could still be affected by exceptionally powerful Genjutsu.

Hearing this, Satsuki scowled in anger at what the villagers did to her friend but pleased that he paid them back for it. Along with being amazed to hear he was descended from a race of powerful mutants and had awakened that same power.

"Well, how strong are you?" Satsuki asked, wondering how strong Naruto's become in the past four years.

"Let me answer that question with a question, what do you think it'd take to reduce the Hokage Monument to rubble?" Said Naruto, pointing to the mountain with the Hokage's faces carved into it.

"Uh, I'm pretty sure several S-Rank Ninjutsu, and it'd probably take a couple hours." Satsuki replied, with Naruto smirking as he pointed a finger at it, that sparked with Ki.

"Well I can do that with a finger, in less than a minute. Along with being able to fly, sense energy, and many other abilities." Said Naruto, with Satsuki looking at him in shock and amazement to hear what he can do.

"This energy you can use, would you be able to teach someone to use it?" Satsuki asked, excited at the idea of being able to do what Naruto can do, since he didn't say the power he had was a Kekkei Genkai, meaning there's a chance she could use it, as well.

"It's called Ki. And it is possible, since Ki is a form of energy that we've always had, but never knew about. Having been forgotten over time, and eventually being suppressed by Chakra. But yes, I can teach you to use Ki, along with the others, if they want to learn, and once I reveal myself." Naruto said, with Satsuki smiling in excitement at the chance to learn to use Ki, and how much stronger she could become with it.

Unfortunately, before the two could continue catching up, Satsuki scowled, when she saw someone coming towards them. Looking, Naruto also felt angry, when he saw who it was.

'The Mutt.' Naruto thought, seeing it was Kiba Inuzuka, another one of his bullies, and one of Arashi's little "friends", that followed him around.

"Hey Satsuki-chan, are you finally ready to go out with me." Kiba said, smirking, while completely ignoring Naruto.

"For the last time, Mutt, I will never go out with you, or any of those other losers! I'd sooner date a viper, than you!" Said Satsuki, while glaring at the Inuzuka, who wasn't deterred.

"Ah, come on, just go out with me, and I'll show you what an Alpha is really like." Said Kiba, shamelessly looking her up and down, with Satsuki gaining a disgusted look, knowing what he was doing.

"An Alpha? All I see is a pathetic Omega, that hasn't learned his place." Satsuki taunted, with Kiba now scowling at her words.

"Fine! I tried being nice, but I'm tired of waiting, you'll come with me, right now!" Kiba growled, reaching to grab Satsuki and make her come with him.

'Oh, now you're dead Mutt.' Thought Naruto, angry that this Mutt dared tried touching Satsuki.

Before Kiba could grab Satsuki, Naruto stepped between them, and grabbed the Inuzuka's wrist in a painful grip.

"She already said leave, and you didn't listen. Then you tried grabbing her, and now you get to deal with me Mutt." Naruto said, with Kiba sneering at him, not recognizing that it was Naruto.

"Stay out of this, loser!" Shouted Kiba, punching Naruto in the face, the Half-Saiyan not even reacting to the hit, before smirking sadistically.

"My turn." Naruto stated, before grabbing Kiba by his right leg, and lifted it up.

"What're you-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Kiba started, only to squeal in utter pain and agony, when Naruto buried his fist right between his legs.

What made it hurt even more, was the fact that Naruto didn't hold back any of his strength, in that strike. With Naruto then tossing Kiba back, while Satsuki could see the growing red stain between his legs, making her giggle darkly, knowing after that, he won't be having kids, or capable of having sex, at all.

Leaving the Inuzuka writhing in pain on the ground, Naruto and Satsuki continued on their way.

"Have you always had to deal with that crap?" Naruto asked, wanting to know if he'll have to give any more painful gender reassignments.

"Yes, even before I started at the Academy, I've had to deal with assholes like Kiba, with it only getting worse, when I started the Academy. Aside from the now neutered Mutt, the worse of my pursuers is Hibachi." Satsuki said, know those two are the worst, and no matter what she does or says, they won't leave her alone.

Acting as if she already belonged to them, with her only being safe inside the Uchiha Compound, where they didn't risk following her.

The Uchiha couldn't help, but shutter at thought of when Arashi returns with the rest of the Uzumaki Clan, knowing he was even worse. Though Satsuki was now relieved that Naruto was back, as well, and if what he did to Kiba was any indication, she'd hopefully not have to worry about fanboys, again.

Hearing this made Naruto scowl, swearing if he sees any runts touch Satsuki, he'll make what he did to Kiba, look like a love tap in comparison.

"By the way, Naruto-kun, where will you be staying?" Satsuki asked, doubting he'd go back to the Senju Compound, where the Uzumaki Clan had stayed, before leaving.

"I went to see the Hokage, when I first got back, and after offering my services as a mercenary, he said that he'll be looking into some place for me to stay at." Naruto replied.

"Oh, well if you want, you could stay at the Uchiha Compound, with me and Kaa-san. I'm sure that she and Izumi would like to see you again." Said Satsuki, hoping he'd take the offer, since she's just gotten her friend/crush back, after four years, and wanted to see him as much as she could.

Naruto looked at her in surprise at the offer, though did find it tempting, since did want to see Mikoto and Izumi again. The former of whom had been more of a mother to him, than Kushina had ever been.

"Yeah, I'd like that, as long as Mikoto is alright with it." Naruto said, with Satsuki smiling brightly at his words.

"I'm sure she will be." Said Satsuki, before the two continued onward.


Before Naruto and Satsuki went to the Uchiha Compound, they had stopped at the Hokage Tower, and told Sarutobi he'd be staying with Satsuki and Mikoto, with him being completely alright with it. While cancelling his search for a potential residence for Naruto to stay at.

Once that was done, the two had went to the Uchiha Compound, with Naruto frowning once they arrived, and saw how empty it was, compared to the previous times he visited. It was only a reminder of what Itachi did, and Naruto swore he'll make Itachi regret it, before he dies.

It didn't take long, until they arrived at Satsuki's home, with the two going inside.

"Kaa-san, I'm home! And I brought a friend!" Satsuki said, smiling, while imagining her mother's reaction to seeing Naruto again.

"Really, a friend? Who is it Satsu-" Said Mikoto, coming out of the kitchen to see who her daughter brought home, only to freeze and look at who it was, in shock.

Then before either Naruto or Satsuki could react, Mikoto had suddenly appeared in front of them, and began hugging Naruto tightly.

"Naruto-chan!" Mikoto squealed happily at seeing that Naruto wasn't only back, but was safe, as well.

'Can't breathe…' Naruto thought, starting to feel lightheaded from his head being trapped between Mikoto's breasts.

Thankfully, Naruto was soon able to breathe, when Mikoto let him go, only to wince when the Uchiha woman roughly grabbed his ear.

"Where the hell have you been?!" Mikoto demanded, looking at him sternly, wanting an explanation of why he suddenly left for four years.

Sighing, Naruto began telling Mikoto the same thing he told Satsuki of why he left, what he's been doing, and why he came back. Mikoto was also angry at what the villagers had done, while also being amazed at his heritage. and the power he's awakened.

"Well, I'm just glad you're back Naruto-chan, and yes, you can stay here for as long as you like." Mikoto said, smiling at him, with Naruto returning the smile, and nodding in thanks.

"Thank you." Said Naruto.

"And you're in luck, I was just about start making dinner." Said Mikoto, about to go back to the kitchen.

"In that case here." Naruto said, pulling out his case of DynoCaps, confusing Satsuki and Mikoto at what they were.

Only to be amazed, when Naruto grabbed on and pressing the button on top of it, and in a puff of smoke a large pile of various fruits, vegetables, meats, and other assorted foods appeared before them.

"Wh-what was that Naruto-kun?" Satsuki asked, looking in amazement at the sudden appearance of the food.

"They're called DynoCaps, or Capsules, and can be used to store a variety of things like vehicles, containers, food, water, even houses. They're a really advanced piece of technology, that I came across on my travels, and have used them to store my stuff in." Naruto explained, much to the amazement of the two Uchiha, especially at seeing how similar they were to Storage Scrolls.

"What else have you come across in your travels?" Asked Mikoto, wondering what else he could have found, besides those Capsules.

"Lots of stuff. But I won't show it off, not unless I have to." Naruto answered, not wanting anyone to steal his stuff, and try recreating it.

Mikoto nodded in understanding, while Satsuki was annoyed at not getting the chance to see more, but also understood his reasoning.

With that, Mikoto got started on making dinner. using all the food Naruto had given her to use. Once she had finished and set it all out, both mother and daughter could only look in amazement at how much Naruto was eating, as if he hadn't eaten in years.

'I'm definitely going to have to start getting more food.' Mikoto thought, knowing with Naruto staying with them, she'll have to make sure they have more than enough food for his seemingly endless appetite.

"So, how has Izumi been?" Naruto asked, as he took a small break from eating, to converse with Mikoto and Satsuki about the woman who became like an older sister, to him.

After all, Izumi had feelings for Itachi, the last time he saw her. So, she obviously must have taken the Massacre and his defection pretty hard.

"Izumi has been doing well, having recovered from the Massacre, and actually used it to motivate herself into a better Kunoichi." Mikoto said, while she and Izumi did understand the true reason as to what Itachi did what he had done, it didn't make it any easier.

Especially after using Tsukuyomi, a powerful and dangerous Genjutsu that can't be learned, but only awoken by unlocking the Mangekyō Sharingan, on Satsuki. While they could tell that Itachi wanted Satsuki to one day kill him, it didn't excuse what he did to her.

"Yeah, she's also living with us, as well. Though she's currently on a mission at the moment." Satsuki said, before smirking mischievously at Naruto.

"And while she will be happy to see you again, I doubt that she will be happy with how you left, without saying anything, either." Satsuki said, with Mikoto now sharing her smirk, while Naruto could only facepalm with a groan.

Giving the smack that Satsuki gave him, and the pinch on the cheek that he got from Mikoto. Naruto could only wonder what his punishment from Izumi will be.

Once the three had finished eating, with Naruto offering to do the dishes, they had gone to sleep, with the Half-Saiyan being given a spare room, that used to be Itachi's.

*Timeskip-One Day*

After waking up and getting ready, Naruto had gone to meet the Hokage. Which lead to Naruto now standing in front of Sarutobi.

"Well, the results came in, and you are indeed who you say you are, Naruto." Sarutobi said, with Naruto's blood having come back as a match for Minato's, though it hadn't been a match to Kushina's.

But given what he told him yesterday, the Sandaime figured that Naruto's DNA had been altered. by the awakening of his ancestor's power. While it was also possible, he could be a bastard child, claiming to be someone he's not, Hiruzen knew that Minato had been completely loyal to Kushina, so that theory was out.

Plus, Sarutobi had sensed that Naruto was being truthful of everything he said, with the blood test just confirming that this was indeed Naruto.

"Yep. So, do you have any work for me?" Naruto asked, eager for the chance to go out and fight someone.

"Not yet. While I'm sure you are more than capable of fighting, and defending yourself, I wish to test you in what you know. So, to that end, I will be having you face off against Kakashi Hatake, Might Gai, Kurenai Yūhi, and Hayate Gekkō in one-on-one matches, to see where you stand." Sarutobi said, knowing those four were the best Ninja he had in their respective fields.

'Hm, so Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, Genjutsu, and Kenjutsu tests.' Naruto thought, before nodding.

"Alright, I'll go get ready for them." Said Naruto, with the Hokage nodding, before telling him where to meet them, once he was ready.

Leaving the Hokage Tower, Naruto went back to the Uchiha Compound, where he grabbed the Brave Sword and Power Pole, to use in his match against Hayate. He had received the Power Pole and Brave Sword from Dende, with the Guardian having received the latter after Trunk's passing, to be given to someone he deemed worthy. With Naruto having proven himself worthy to wield the enchanted sword.

Strapping the weapons to his back, Naruto left for the training field, where the Hokage and his four opponents were waiting for him.

"Ah Naruto, you've arrived good. Then we can begin, first will be Kakashi with it being Ninjutsu only, or in your case, the abilities you have." Sarutobi said, as Kakashi stepped forward, while pocketing his book and unveiled his Sharingan, to give the match his full attention.

"Well Naruto, let's see what you've learned in the last four years." Said Kakashi with an eye-smile, as they stood across from each other.

Not a moment later, Kakashi went through handsigns.

"Fire Style: Grand Fireball Jutsu!" Kakashi said, expelling a massive fireball at Naruto, with the Half-Saiyan smirking, before he flew into the air, surprising the five at seeing him fly.

Though Kakashi quickly jumped back, when Naruto began launching a barrage of Ki blasts at him, forcing the others to jump back as well, to avoid being caught in the explosions. Jumping back, Kakashi began going through handsigns again, before slamming his hands on the ground.

"Earth Style: Multiple Earth-Style Walls!" Said Kakashi, as several walls of reinforced earth rose up blocking the Ki Blasts, though only for a moment, before they were reduced to rubble.

Floating down to the ground, Naruto saw Kakashi was gone, making him spread out his senses for where he was.

'Not to the left, not the right, and not behind. That just leaves…' Naruto thought, before jumping up, just as Kakashi's hands shot out of the ground to grab his ankles.

Aiming his palm to where Kakashi was, Naruto gathered Ki in his hand for his attack.

"Big Bang Attack!" Naruto said, launching the Ki ball, that detonated upon impact in a large explosion.

Though not as large as it could have been, since Naruto is holding back, to ensure he doesn't accidentally kill Kakashi.

Though once again, Kakashi was able to avoid being reduced to ashes, as he reappeared, standing on the nearby pond, and going through a long chain of handsigns.

Seeing this, Naruto smirked as he got into a stance for one of his stronger attacks.

"Galick Gun…" Naruto started, as he was surrounded by an electric, fuchsia-colored Ki.

"Water Style: Great Waterfall Jutsu!" Kakashi said, as a massive amount of water swirled up around, before going straight towards Naruto.

"…FIRE!" Shouted Naruto, while thrusting his arms forward, launching the powerful Ki Blast at the swirling water.

Rather than result in the two attacks meeting against each other, with the Galick Gun blasted straight through the vortex of water, destroying it, as it continued traveling forward. With Kakashi ducking out of the way, and looking with wide eyes, as the Galick Gun destroyed everything in its path, before finally stopping, when Naruto stopping pumping Ki into it.

The five Ninja looked on in shock and amazement at the power of the attack, and the aftermath.

"Uh, Hokage-sama, I believe that should end the match." Kakashi said with his eyes wide open, knowing none of his Jutsu could even come close to that level of power.

"Yes, I believe so. Then the next match will be Taijutsu. Gai." Said Sarutobi, nodding at the Taijutsu Specialist, who nodded, and walked into the field, across from Naruto.

"Yosh, Naruto! Your Flames of Youth have truly burned brighter than ever! Now let us see how you have advanced in Taijutsu!" Gai said with a thumbs up and bright grin, before turning serious and getting into his Gōken Stance.

Naruto nodding with a smirk, as he got into the Turtle School Stance, with Gai raising an intrigued brow at the stance, not recognizing it, which made him more interested in seeing what its purpose was.

For a moment neither moved, until immediately Gai vanished in a burst of speed, reappearing above Naruto.

"Severe Leaf Hurricane!" Gai said, delivering a powerful backwards spin kick at Naruto, who raised his arms blocking the kick, though grunted as he was pushed back slightly from the force.

Acting quickly, Naruto grabbed Gai's leg, and pulled him in close, smashing his fist into his face, sending him flying back. Righting himself in midair, Gai landed on his feet in time to block Naruto's arm with his own, before bringing his knee up into his chest, sending him into the air.

Following after the Half-Saiyan, Gai began rapidly kicking Naruto higher and higher into the air. When they were high enough, Gai spun in the air and brought his heel down on Naruto's head to send him flying back to the ground. Only to be surprised when his foot phased right through Naruto, before he vanished into thin air.

'An afterimage!' Gai thought, shocked at the speed, before Naruto reappeared behind him and grabbed the back of his flak jacket.

Spinning them in the air, Naruto gave a shout as he threw Gai straight back to the ground at highspeed. Though just before Gai impacted the ground, Naruto appeared below him, delivering a spin kick of his own at Gai, sending flying off to the side.

Reappearing in front of Gai, Naruto punched him in the face, sending the Jōnin flying away once again, before speeding in front of him again, as well. Only for Gai to be ready this time and using his momentum to his advantage.

"Dynamic Entry!" Gai shouted, delivering a jump kick to Naruto's head, only for the Half-Saiyan to grab his foot stopping the attack, with Gai immediately kicking his other leg out into Naruto's head.

Naruto grunted at the kick, as he was launched back, flipping in the air, Naruto pressed his feet against a tree, before kicking off straight back towards Gai. Once was close enough, Naruto made it look like he was about to throw a punch at Gai, with the Jōnin being to block it. Only for Gai to be surprised, when Naruto phased through him again showing, it was another afterimage.

"How did he-GAH!" Gai gasped, when Naruto reappeared to his left, and slammed his foot into his side, knocking the wind of him, while sending Gai flying back to the group.

Standing up, Gai panted lightly, before he started laughing loudly, and flashed a Good Guy Pose.

"Well done Naruto! You have truly grown stronger!" Gai said, while knowing that Naruto had also been holding himself back, which he could only guess meant Naruto's true strength would have been too much for him to handle, unless he resorted to opening the Gates.

Nodding at the Hokage, showing he's ending the match, Sarutobi nodded, before motioning Kurenai to go forward.

"Don't think that because you can beat Kakashi's Ninjutsu and match Gai in Taijutsu, you can beat my Genjutsu." Kurenai said, smirking, believing it'd be easy to beat him with Genjutsu.

"Let's get this over with." Said Naruto, knowing for a fact that none of her Genjutsu would work on him.

Frowning at his words, Kurenai went through handsigns as she vanished in a swirl of wind and cherry blossoms. Naruto looked around at cherry blossoms swirling around him, likely from whatever Genjutsu she's attempting to cast on him.

"Tsk." Naruto muttered, as Kurenai appeared behind him with a kunai in hand.

Before Kurenai could react, Naruto grabbed her wrist and kicked her legs out from under her. Tensing up, as he held her own kunai against her throat.

"You should learn to think less, your thoughts give you away." Said Naruto, having heard her thoughts with his Telepathy.

Gritting her teeth, Kurenai attempted to cast another Genjutsu, only to freeze when Naruto dug the kunai lightly into her throat, deep enough to draw a little blood.

"You really wanna try that again?" Naruto asked with a raised brow.

Releasing a frustrated sigh, Kurenai lowered her head in defeat, as Naruto released her, and tossed the kunai away.

"And lastly, Hayate will test your Kenjutsu." Sarutobi said, as Hayate stepped forward with his sword strapped to his side, while Naruto drew the Power Pole.

"You aren't going to use your sword?" Asked Hayate.

"No, when I use that, it'll be when I aim to kill. Besides, it'd be pretty overkill. anyway." Naruto said, with Hayate nodding, knowing that Naruto wasn't being arrogant, and was just stating a fact.

Drawing his sword, Hayate held it up, while exhaling deeply, before vanishing in a burst of speed, leaving afterimages in his wake.

A little surprised at the speed, Naruto raised the Power Pole and blocked the sword slash, before batting Hayate's blade away, and slammed the end of the pole into his chest. Then to Hayate's surprise, the Power Pole extended out, sending him skidding back.

Gritting his teeth, Hayate managed to flip over the Power Pole and landed on top of it, before managing to keep himself balanced, and run along its length towards Naruto. Seeing this, Naruto lifted the Power Pole up in an effort to throw Hayate off. Only for the swordsman to stick to it with Chakra, though once he was close enough, Hayate jumped off it and fell towards Naruto, with his sword held above his head.

Shrinking the Power Pole, Naruto raised it above his head, blocking Hayate's slash. Naruto then extended both ends of the pole, before he began rapidly spinning around, forcing Hayate to jump back to avoid being hit by it. Naruto then used the Power Pole to vault himself towards Hayate, with the swordsman rushing towards him again, with his blade held at his side.

Only to once again be surprised again when Naruto aimed the Power Pole at the ground and extended it again to launch up and over Hayate. Then, before he could react, Naruto landed behind him and swiped his legs out from under him, sending Hayate falling to the ground.

Before he could get back up, Hayate found the Power Pole inches from his face, and knowing how fast it could extend, Naruto would likely have it shoot through his head, if he were an enemy.

Knowing he was beaten, Hayate nodded as Naruto moved, allowing him to get up.

Once Hayate had joined the others again, the Hokage nodded, thinking over the matches and felt that if Naruto wanted to, he could have ended them the moment they began. Rather than let them last as long as they did.

"Well Naruto, I must say, that was quite the performance, and I believe that you can handle any mission that I can give you." Sarutobi said, as he, Gai and Kakashi felt proud of how far Naruto has come, in just four years.

"I believe it also goes without saying, that none of you may speak of what you've seen." Said Hiruzen to the four Ninja, knowing after what they've seen Naruto can do, it'd be better to keep his abilities a secret.

Kakashi and Gai nodded, along with Hayate, all three knowing it'd be best to keep Naruto's abilities a secret. Though Kurenai wasn't of the same mind.

"Hokage-sama, with all due respect, how could we keep this a secret? This kid has powers unlike anything we've seen, and he's not even an actual Ninja, he's a mercenary. What happens if he finds someone else, who's willing to pay him more?" Kurenai said, believing Naruto was a potential threat, given he's not an actual Ninja of Konoha, along with being rather bitter at how quickly she was beaten compared to the others.

"My word is final Kurenai, you will not tell anyone of Naruto, or his abilities. That's an order from your Hokage." Said Sarutobi, only for Kurenai to cross her arms stubbornly.

"I'm sorry Hokage-sama, but I can't accept that order. For all we know, he could have come here just to infiltrate Konoha, on orders from another village. His abilities can't be kept secret and should be researched to see how they can be stopped." Said Kurenai, refusing to trust someone she doesn't know, with abilities as powerful as that energy blast.

Hearing this, Sarutobi couldn't help, but sigh, knowing that Kurenai was rather close-minded about certain matters. And knew she wouldn't keep quiet about Naruto's powers, or the fact that he was back in the village.

With this in mind, the Hokage nodded to Kakashi, who nodded in understanding.

"Hey Kurenai." Kakashi said, getting her attention as she turned to Kakashi, only to be met with his Sharingan eye staring at her, before Kurenai slumped forward asleep.

Going through some handsigns, Sarutobi tapped Kurenai's forehead, sealing away her memories of the matches, Naruto's abilities, and of Naruto being back, as well. While he didn't like tampering with his subordinate's memories, he'd rather not risk Kurenai telling the wrong person about Naruto's powers, and having them try something against the Half-Saiyan.

Knowing any attacks against Naruto, would just end in people dying, if not in the destruction of Konoha, itself.

"Hayate, please take Kurenai back to her apartment." Sarutobi said, with Hayate nodding, knowing where Kurenai lived, having been there a few times with his girlfriend, Yūgao.

Once Hayate had left with Kurenai, Hiruzen turned to Naruto.

"I'll send someone to get you, when I have a mission for you, Naruto." Said the Hokage, with Naruto nodding, as Sarutobi Shunshined away, leaving Naruto with Kakashi and Gai.

"So, what exactly was that energy you used, Naruto?" Kakashi asked, knowing it wasn't Chakra, since Naruto didn't have it, along with feeling denser and more powerful.

"It's called Ki, a latent energy I learned to use for a variety of purposes, such as flying and Ki Attacks. If you want, I'd be able to teach you to use it." Naruto offered, having made the same offer to Satsuki and Mikoto.

"Can you teach others to use this, Ki?" Kakashi asked in surprise, having thought that it was an ability unique to Naruto.

"With time and training, yes, anyone could learn to use it." Replied Naruto.

"Hm, I may take you up on that offer Naruto, and I'm sure Lee would, as well." Gai said, intrigued at the idea of using Ki, and will make sure to tell Lee about it, sure that it will help him achieve his dream.

"I'll have to decline, since I'm fine with Ninjutsu, at the moment." Said Kakashi, as while learning to use Ki would be interesting, it's also too destructive for his fighting style, though considered learning it, another time.

"That's fair, and yeah, if Lee wants to learn it, I'll teach him. I'll also offer Shikamaru, Shino and Chōji the chance to learn it, as well once I reveal myself to them. As well as Izumi once she gets back from her mission. If they're interested, that is." Naruto said, understanding Kakashi's reasons, and knew learning Ki wasn't for everyone.

With that, the three went their separate ways, with Naruto searching Satsuki's signature, and met up with her.

"Hello, Satsuki-chan." Naruto said, smiling at her, which the Uchiha returned.

"Hi, Naruto-kun. What did you do, today?" Asked Satsuki, curious of what Naruto did.

"I met the Hokage, and had some matches against four Ninja, including Gai and Kakashi, to see how I measured up." Naruto said, as he told Satsuki about the matches, with Satsuki being proud of how good her friend did against experienced Ninja.

"That's really great. The Academy was fine, just more lectures and sparring, as usual. Though I actually had some peace for once, given Kiba wasn't there, and is currently in the hospital. From what I heard, he's forced to get his entire dick removed, and have it replaced by a synthetic replica." Satsuki said, smirking, while feeling vindicated joy, after hearing that.

With it being even better, that the replica was just so he could still urinate, and he couldn't feel it, nor could it get erect. So, Satsuki no longer had to deal with the Mutt trying to get in her pants, anymore.

"Good." Naruto stated, pleased that he managed to permanently neuter his former bully.

The two then headed back to the Uchiha Compound, after seeing how late it was, so they could get some sleep.

'Two more years.' Naruto thought, while lying in bed.

In two years, he learn, was when the Uzumaki Clan would come back to Konoha, and he'd be forced to see his former family again. The only good part, is that he'd get to see Miso again, and see how much she's grown. But he'd also be forced to see Arashi and Kushina again, as well, which he wasn't looking forward to. Unless it was to throw the little bastard into the sun.

At least he had two years to mentally prepare himself. Then the real challenge begins.

So, what did you think, good. Yep Naruto has offered his services as a mercenary, refusing to become a Ninja and get tied down to a village, along with reuniting with Satsuki and learning everything that's happened. Along with paying back one of his former bullies, in the most painful way imaginable, before reuniting with Mikoto as well. Then we see Naruto facing off against Kakashi, Gai, Kurenai, and Hayate to test his skills, with them also being sworn to secrecy but given Kurenai's closed-mindedness (which she is like) she refused forcing the Hokage to seal her memories. Finally we learn just when the Uzumaki Clan will return, with Naruto having two years to prepare himself, so he doesn't viciously murder them when he sees his former clan again. So, review if you liked go away if you didn't.

Storm out