
Another day without you. Can you believe it? It has already been a year since.

Somehow, I pulled through. Somehow, I am still in one piece, staggering, struggling, surviving, just as you told me to.

And I suppose you have not the slightest idea of how arduous it is.

Be it in the heat of summer or the cold of winter, the drizzles of spring or the breeze of autumn, I have scoured endlessly for warmth and beauty akin to yours.

Alas, I doubt even the finest velvet quilt in the Rainsworth's possession would even come close to the comfort your mere presence bestowed upon me.

Please rest assured, I have advanced beyond the idiocy of wallowing in despair. I will continue to survive, as you so wished. Believe me, I would have more than willingly allowed an otherworldly being manipulate me into mad bloodlust again had it harboured the slightest possibility of bringing you back. But your command is one thing I would never so much as to consider disobeying.



I miss you so.

Perhaps in this short-lived wonderland yet to be defiled by crimson, I would be permitted to utter words I never dared to:

I love you. I love you with all my heart. I love you more than the accumulated amount of kindness and care and mercy you had given me. I need you. I need you to live. I need you to breathe.

Would you be so kind as to bless me with all the hope in existence just once more? A single, brusque glance at your silhouette would suffice, I beg of you, please grace this rotting blood-red eye with your compassion.

So please, would you let me see you tonight?


... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

He woke up.

The End