Chapter One: First Day

Summary: Tara Knowles has moved to Charming to get a fresh start with her daughter. Jax Teller is the vice president of SAMCRO with a family of his own. What happens when Tara and Jax meet through their kids? Will they be one big happy family? Will they be enemies? Rated M for language, sexual themes, and adult situations.

I wanted to make part of this first chapter as a background because these are the parts that are not going to either be brought up or they will be brought up but in later chapters.

Tara Grace Knowles: Age 28

She was born and raised in Chicago. Her father, Allen, wasn't a drunk, but he paid more attention to his lawyer job than his daughter. Her mother, Grace, died when Tara was 9 to cancer.

Tara's daughter, Lillian Grace Knowles, is 5.

Her Aunt Winnie and Uncle Sam basically raised Tara up until she was 21 and got out of the house on her own.

The two of them moved to Charming because Tara needed to get out of Chicago. When Tara turned 21, they started to travel a lot. They would flip houses, live there for a year, and sell them completely furnished for a decent size profit. Instead of selling their flip in Charming, they gave it to Tara because of how far Charming was away from Chicago. (That part will be explained in later chapters).

Tara owned a bakery in Chicago called Gracie K's Confections, but now she is opening one in Charming.

Jackson Nathaniel Teller: Age 30

He was born and raised in Charming. He is the Vice President of SAMCRO, and his father, JT, is the President of SAMCRO. His parents are divorced, and Clay, JT's SGT in ARMS, is Jax's step-dad.

Jax is married to Wendy - unhappily. Together, they have a son - Abel John Teller - who is 5.

Once Abel was born, JT and Jax got the MC out of guns and into more legal matters. Porn and Pussy.

I was peacefully sleeping thinking about Captain America's butt when I felt my bed dip. I peeked my eyes open to see my 5 year old, Lilly, sitting there looking at me. "What are you doing up, baby?" I looked at the clock. "You can still sleep for another hour before you have to get up for school."

She laid down next to me. "What if they don't like me?"

I furrowed my eyebrows. "What makes you think that? They will love you. All you have to do is be your beautiful self." My poor baby. She starts Kindergarten today, and it's the first time she is in school for more than 4 hours and in a new town. "I know this is scary stuff, sweetie. It's okay to be a little scared, but they will love you just like I do." I tucked her in my bed. After a few moments of looking at her, she started to fall back asleep.

Since I was awake now, I just stared at my little girl. I started to feel a little guilty because I do move her away from her little friends, but we need this new start. My lawyer told me that her father, my abusive ex, was possibly getting out of jail. I didn't want to be there when it happened. It would be a never ending cycle of him trying to get to know Lilly and getting me back. Out of my peripheral vision, I saw the two scars on my right hand. These two surgical scars and Lilly were my motivation to get out of Charming.

Two years ago, her father popped up at our apartment. He tried to convince me to move back in with him. I told him no. He slammed my hand multiple times in the same spot with our heavy front door. One of our neighbors witnessed it, and he called the cops on him.

It ended my medical career because my nerves were too weak to operate. Since I didn't know when I was going to get my nerves back, I moved onto another business adventure. My Aunt and Uncle moved back to Chicago to help me. The three of us opened Gracie K's Confections.

I sighed and kissed Lilly's head. I slowly got out of bed, so I can get ready for my day. I showered, brushed my teeth, put my hair up in a bun, and got dressed. I put on modestly ripped skinny jeans and a white shirt. As I walked out of the bathroom, the alarm went off.

Lilly was sitting up in bed rubbing sleep out of her eyes. "Do you feel better, baby?" She nodded. "Let's go eat some breakfast." She slowly got off the bed and followed me to the kitchen. "What would you like?" She just sat at the table staring across from it trying to wake up. I chuckled because she looked too damn cute. "What would you like? We have cereal, fruit, waffles, or blueberry muffins that I made last night." She didn't say anything. "Lillian Grace," I warned.

She yawned. "Can I have a muffin and a banana, please?"

"Yes, you can. Thank you for using your manners." I got one the muffins on a plate and cut up a banana for her. I put her gummy vitamins on the plate too. "You need to eat your gummies too." I put some juice in cup and gave her it too.

"Okay." She started to eat. "What am I getting for lunch? Can I have a ham and cheese?"

I nodded. "Yes, you can." I packed her a ham and cheese sandwich, a small bag of cheez-its, grapes, and broccoli with ranch dipping sauce. When she wasn't looking, I put a special note in her unicorn lunch box. "Put your empty plate in the sink and meet me upstairs in your room." I went upstairs to her room to make sure that she had her things still in her backpack. All the things were there plus the extras that the teacher asked for.

Lilly walked into her bedroom more awake. "Can I wear my Elsa dress?"

I laughed and shook my head no. "Sorry, baby. You can't wear your pajamas to school." I grabbed her a pair of shorts, a blue t-shirt that had small white flowers on it, and her white tennis shoes and socks. "Put these on." She quickly got dressed. "Go brush your teeth and use the bathroom. I will be there in a moment." I finished putting on my shoes and put her things in my car. "Ready?"

"Ready." She nodded. We loaded up and left. "What are you going to do today?"

I smiled. "I am going to go to Gracie K's to see where we are on that. Then, I am going hang around the house missing you."

"I will miss you too, Mommy." When we got to Charming Elementary, I led her to her classroom. We walked in to see that a there was group of guys standing by the board wearing what looked to be a Motorcycle Club jacket. "Are they my teachers?" Lilly whispered in my ear.

"No, baby." I pointed to her teacher. "That's your teacher."

Her teacher walked over to us and kneeled down to Lilly's level. Lilly moved behind me. I kneeled down too. "I'm Mrs. Winston. I will be your teacher this year."

"Hi," Lilly whispered. "Lilly."

She started to put her two fingers in her mouth - her nervous tick. I grabbed them and put them down. "I told you that you can't be doing that anymore," I gently told her.

Mrs. Winston smiled. "Do you want me to show you wear your cubby and your spot is? I'm sure that your Mommy would like to see you in it?"

Lilly shyly nodded. I gave her a big hug. "Have a good day. I love you so much. You can tell me all about it."

Mrs. Winston and I stood up, and Mrs. Winston grabbed her hand. "Please don't let those guys make you feel bad. Their son/grandson/nephew goes is in this class. I swear this won't happen again."

I shrugged. "Eh. It's not bothering me. Lilly thought they were her teachers." I sighed. "I kind of need to get you informed on some things. Do you have time after school?"

She nodded. "Yeah. I need to meet with all the parents that are here too." She turned to the group of gentlemen. "In the hallway." They all moved out there.

I kissed the top of Lilly's head. "I will see you later, baby girl." Lilly hugged me tightly. "I love you."

"Love you," she said.

I walked out to the hallway before Lilly could say anything else. When I got out there, I saw that the other parents were on one side while the biker group were on the other. It was like the other parents were scared of the biker group. I just walked into the middle and leaned against the wall.

"Are you new to Charming?" A dad wearing a deputy chief badge asked. "We didn't know someone new was moving in to our town."

"Way to be an ass," the most handsome man in the biker group said. His jacket had a vice president tag on it.

I looked at cop. "Yes, I am. I didn't know I needed permission to move here." Handsome chuckled. I looked at him. "M.C.?" He nodded his head. "I didn't know they had one here."

"SAMCRO." He held his hand out. "Jax Teller. My son, Abel, is in your daughter's class."

I shook his hand. "Tara Knowles."

"I'm John Teller," the guy with the president's patch said. "I"m Abel's handsome grandpa. This is Chibs, Bobby, Tig, Juice, Happy, Opie, and Piney." I waved my hand to everyone.

Mrs. Winston walked out. The taller guy - Opie - walked over to her. "All your kids settling okay?"

"Yes," she said. She looked at me and smiled. "Looks like your daughter made a new friend already."

I let out a sigh of relief. "Thank God." I peeked into the classroom to see that she was coloring a picture with a little boy. "Check that worry off my list."

Mrs. Winston nodded. "Yeah. She told Abel that you make the best chocolate chip cookies. He was hooked."

Jax laughed. "That's my kid."

I giggled. "Yeah." I looked at Deputy Dad. "Do I need to get permission to open my bakery too?"

John Teller laughed. "You messed up."

Mrs. Winston looked at Deputy Cop. "Really, David?" She asked. She shook her head. "You all can call me Donna. I think it is weird when parents call me 'Mrs. Winston'." She handed each parent a small packet. "Here is a packet of rule and some papers that I need you all to fill out. The rule packet is the Charming Elementary handbook, and I added some rules about birthday's. No treats that are baked at your own house. I will accept treats from a bakery or the store. All drinks need to be sealed to be allowed." She pulled put the rule packet down. "These papers are basically saying that you read understand that handbook. Then this last paper is for you to fill out who is able to pick your child up." She handed everyone a pen. "Where's Wendy?" She whispered to Jax.

"I don't know. She didn't come home last night." He shrugged.


I quickly filled out all the forms and handed them back to Donna. "Thank you." She smiled. "Parents, you are free to go." We all left the building.

I got into my car and watched the M.C. get on their bikes. Jax looked around the lot. He smiled at me and waved. I smiled and waved back.

Boy, why did you have to be married?