A/N: Well you know how this works. Just had an idea and decided to try it out. So just read and enjoy. Explanations will be down below.

*Action* / *Sound*



Disclaimer: I don't own My Hero Academia or any of its characters.

Nezu sighed for the umpteenth time that day. Gone was his usually cheerful demeanour, replaced by a slight frown. His table — which was usually neat and tidy — was littered with various papers.

It was only a few days after All Might's fight with All For One and the incident was still fresh in everyone's mind. The public, as expected, was in widespread panic. News of the fall of the Symbol Of Peace had hit the world and morale was at an all time low. Even some of the small time heroes had began losing hope.

Worst of all, crime rates were rising. Fast. With All Might gone, villains had begun to see it as a sign of a new era of villainy. Muggings, robberies, human trafficking, drug distribution, etc. The heroes were having a hard time keeping up. Even those in the top ten were feeling exhausted.

As for the press, they were having a field day. Every headline was the same.

'The Symbol Of Peace Falls'

'The End Of An Era?'

'The No 1 Hero: Retired'

'Who will take up the mantle?'

'The fall of hero society'

Nezu grimaced at the last one. As much as he hated to admit it, it wasn't too far from the truth. All Might had been the pillar of hope for so long that everyone had began relying on the man more and more as time went by. Why push yourself when someone could do it far better than you ever could?

Sighting to himself, he sorted through some files or more specifically 1-A's and 1-B's profiles. With the world in chaos, it would be safer for the students to remain at school. Thus, the dorm system was created. The only problem was getting approval from the parents but he would worry about that later.

Just as he set the files down, a particular student's file stood out. Nezu raised an eyebrow as he saw the corner of the file sticking out. Following his gut, he selected the file and read through it.

'Izuku Midoriya'

'Ah. Toshinori's successor.'

A smile graced his lips as he read through the boy's history. He had above average grades and if All Might was to be believed, a knack for analysis which could prove useful in his future career.

The more he read, the wider his smile grew. The boy was the only one to rush in and save a complete stranger from the zero pointer. The boy showed remarkable battle prowess and a resourceful mind during the battle trial. And if the witness reports were right, Midoriya had kept a cool head and devised a plan to escape the Flood Zone as well save his classmates.

This boy... This boy was hardly a teen and had already showed the makings of a Pro Hero! Nezu smirked as he saw that the list went on. Placing first in the obstacle course, inspiring other students at the cost of his own victory, beating All Might during their final exams, saving a kid from a serial killer and even incidents which were off record. Oh he knew about the Stain incident. You didn't get to where he was by being ignorant. The wounds Stain had were obviously not from Endeavor's quirk. The only reason he let it slide was because the police had already covered it up.

But Nezu had to admit. Though reckless, the boy was the embodiment of heroic, always sacrificing himself to save those in need. Not even stopping to think about his own wellbeing.

'Truly special. Not many posses such a trait these days.' he thought, closing the file. 'The world needs more people like him.'

The gears in his head turned. All Might retired and the world needs a new symbol to look up to. Someone that embodied the values of being a hero. Someone who would uphold the law with every fiber of their being. Someone who people would look up to in times of need. Someone. Someone like...

'It seems I've found a solution.' Nezu thought as he chuckled, eying the file.

Soon, his chuckles turned into manic laughter. He quickly grabbed some paper and began planning. He had a meeting with the Public Relations Committee to discuss All Might's retirement coming up and if all went according to plan...

'If this works, things will be interesting from now on.'

Detective Tsukauchi could already feel the incoming headache he was gonna face. Everyone had already arrived and just from the tension in the air, he could tell this meeting was gonna be a pain. They were here to discuss All Might's retirement and possible solutions to ease the public's worries.

With All Might out of the picture, things had, for the lack of a better term, gone to shit. His fellow officers were barely keeping up with most having to pull all nighters. He himself had begun feeling the drawbacks from the lack of sleep which was saying something with how many all nighters he's pulled throughout his career.

No doubt that his friend was kicking himself. He always did force himself to shoulder the burden alone. Shaking his head, he looked to the people present. Endeavor sat across from All Might, sending a small glare at the former No. 1 Hero. Hawks sat next to the flame hero with a bored look on his face. Nezu sat next to All Might. He looked to be contemplating something. Tsukauchi sighed, already dreading the incoming arguments.

'Let's just get this over with.'

Coughing into his hand, he addressed everyone present. "It seems we are all here so let's begin the meeting." Seeing everyone nod, he continued. "As you all know, All Might's recent retirement has brought upon some... consequences."

Hawks snorted. "That's putting it lightly. Everyone's panicking and even I can hardly keep up with all the crime that's going on."

All Might stared at the table absent mindedly with his hands intertwined. Endeavor just huffed and Nedzu hummed in acknowledgement.

"*Ahem* Yes and that's what we're here to discuss." Tsukauchi continued. "The public is in chaos and something has to be done to assure them that everything is under control."

"Why don't you just give a speech?" Endeavor said, taunting All Might. The blonde man just remained silent.

"Endeavor. We're here to discuss what we should do not act like children," Tsukauchi said, sending a stern look. No 1 Hero or not, this was no place to start a fight. "Now let's remain civil. Preferably for the rest of the meeting. Anyone have nay suggestions?"

Seeing his chance, Nedzu raised his hand. "If I may, I might have a solution."

Tsukauchi shivered. That gleam in the principal's eyes meant trouble. And with trouble came mountains of paperwork. Pushing down the feeling of dread, he nodded to the principal to continue.

Nezu leaned forward with his paws pressed together. "What we need is a new symbol."


"We don't need another bumbling blonde idiot!" Endeavor abruptly stood up as he slammed his hands on the table. "We HAD a symbol and look where it got us!"

"I agree. It was a mistake to think that we could rely on one person. Now we're paying the price." Hawks interjected, a small frown on his usually bored face.

"Endeavor. Do not make me kick you out." Tsukauchi said before turning to Nezu. "Maybe you should elaborate a little more."

Nezu nodded, not even flinching at the flame hero's outburst. "As I was saying. What we need is a new symbol. Someone people will look up to just like they did for All Might."

"Tch. And then when that symbol falls, everything will turn into chaos AGAIN," Endeavor refuted, narrowing his eyes at the principal.

"Yes. And that's why this symbol will only be temporary. At least until we can find a better solution." He paused, letting his words sink in. "The way I see it. There's no direct solution at least not at the moment. What we need is to get everything under control. Having a new symbol will ease the public's worries and give us time to think of a better alternative."

"That's fine and dandy but where are we gonna get a new symbol on such a short notice," Hawks asked, an eyebrow raised. He had heard of the U.A. principal's intelligence and knew that he had to be planning something.

Nezu looked to his side and spoke to the former Symbol Of Peace who had been silent the entire time. "We already have a capable candidate, don't you think?"

All Might's head jerked up as he straightened up. "You couldn't mean..."

"Yes. He's just what we need."

"B-But he's just a kid!"

Nezu seemed unfazed. "We will just guide him. It is our job as teachers to do so."

"Hold on. You're telling me that you want to make a KID the Symbol Of Peace?" Hawks asked in disbelief.

"Temporary Symbol Of Peace," Nezu cheerfully corrected him.

"And what makes you think that he has what it takes?" Endeavor asked, growling dangerously. He had no time for games.

"The boy has the spirit of a true hero. His track record can speak for itself. I'm sure All Might can vouch for me."

Tsukauchi looked at the discussion with interest and worry. Interest in what the principal was planning and worry for what his plan would entail. He looked at his friend, wondering what response the man would give.

"*Sigh* Young Midoriya is certainly one of a kind and a true hero but he's still a kid. He doesn't deserve to be burdened by all this," All Might said, shaking his head. He knew the boy had what it took to be a hero but it was still too early. His successor had yet to fully enjoy his youth.

"What kind of kid is he to have caught your interest?" the winged hero asked, an eyebrow raised in curiosity.

All Might looked to the principal and hesitated. Did he really want him to reveal that? He looked into the principal's eye and saw a glow. It was the same glow he had whenever he had a plan.

'Just what are you playing at Nezu?'

He looked at the heroes waiting for an answer. Endeavor was beginning to grow impatient. Sighting to himself, he tried to form a response.

"Young Midoriya. He's... My successor." All Might flinched when Endeavor slammed his hands on the table once again.

"WHAT ARE YOU PLAYING AT?!" Endeavor roared at the principal, his flames rising fast. To his credit, Nezu just sat, unflinching.

"Endeavour! Out! You're not in the right mind to continue!" Tsukauchi yelled, trying to defuse the situation.

The flame hero didn't listen at first, opting to continue glaring the principal. The room went silent as the two continued their stare down. None moved, their bodies as still as statues.

A few tense moments later, Endeavor extinguished his flames, leaving the room in a huff.

Tsukauchi sighed in relief, happy that no damage was done. "I think it's better that we all take a breather," he said, looking at the other three in the room.

"What were you thinking? What was I thinking? I shouldn't have told them about Young Midoriya." All Might groaned, rubbing his temples to soothe the headache the meeting caused.

Both he and Nezu were currently sipping some tea in the conference room. Hawks had decided to stretch his wings and Tsukauchi had decided to get a cup of coffee. All Might could've sworn he heard the detective moaning about how he should've stayed at home.

Nezu calmly sipped his as he let the former hero continue his rant.

"I mean he's just a kid. He shouldn't be dragged into this kind of stuff. If only I was a better hero. If only I had actually defeated All For One the first time we fought. What would Master think of me?"

Taking it as his cue, Nezu spoke. "If you keep thinking about the what ifs then you'll just be going in circles." The principal gave him a smile. "Midoriya is strong if his file is anything to go by. He'll be fine."

All Might gave a heavy sigh as he slumped into his chair. "What are you planning? Why mention Young Midoriya?" For the life of him, he could never figure out what was going on in Nezu's head. It had always been this way now that he thought about it.

"I am simply trying to remedy the situation we are in." He held a paw up as he saw the blonde man opening his mouth. "I've read through the boy's file. I must say, he has quite the record. Did you know he even went against the hero killer?"

All Might's eyes widened in alarm. Why wasn't he informed of this? Why didn't Gran Torino tell him?

'He's probably mad I didn't visit.' he thought with a grimace.

"And he won with a little help of course," Nezu continued, bringing All Might out of his thoughts. "Tordoroki and Iida were there. And before you ask, the only reason I haven't expelled them is because the police covered it up. To be honest, I shouldn't really be telling you this but I trust that you won't go around spreading this information."

"What were they doing to have met the Hero Killer?"

"Don't know. You'll have to ask Midoriya yourself," Nezu said with a shrug. He did know but felt it was better for the blonde man to hear it from his successor.

'I have a feeling he knows but just isn't telling me.' All Might thought with a sweatdrop.

"Regardless, Young Midoriya is simply not ready. He has made leaps and bounds in terms of controlling his quirk but he has yet to reach the level needed to uphold peace," All Might said, coughing a little. He didn't want to force his successor to the front lines while he was still a student.

Nezu took a sip of his tea before speaking. "And that's why it's our job to teach him. He'll have to succeed you one day so he'll be needing to experience what it's like to be a hero and leader. He won't be a full time hero just yet." He turned to look at the blonde man. "I plan on only letting him intern with Pros more frequently and you've seen his grades. He has little to no problem in all the subjects. Plus, with me tutoring him, there should be no problems. I'm afraid he might even find it boring after a while." While it sounded like he was joking, both men knew it was likely to happen.

All Might fell into deep thought. 'Nezu wants to personally mentor him?' It was strange to say the least as Nezu had never expressed any interest in having a personal student before.

As if reading his mind, Nezu spoke up. "I simply see potential in Midoriya. I have no doubt that he will be a great hero upon graduation. He truly has the qualities of the No 1 Hero. Courage, determination, charisma. You couldn't have picked a better successor."

All Might couldn't help but swell with pride. Receiving such high praise from one such as Nezu was no small feat. To think that his successor caught Nezu's attention. Was this how a proud father felt?

"I assure you that this will do more good than harm for Midoriya. As your successor, he will no doubt be the face of the next generation of heroes. This will allow Midoriya to garner experience." Nezu set his now empty cup on the table. "Of course. This will all depend on Midoriya. We'll be asking him before making any decisions. This concerns him after all."

"*Sigh* I can't really argue with that. It is a sound solution but we'll have to think things through with Hawks and Endeavor. Tsukauchi would probably be willing to side with us," All Might said, stroking his chin in thought.

"Hmm. Some sensitive information will need to be kept secret such as One For All," Nezu hummed in thought. "How about..."

With that, the two spent the rest of the time coming up with a cover story. They only hoped that it was enough.

"So now that everyone is calm and ready for a civilised talk..." Tsukauchi said, looking at Endeavor who huffed. "I believe we left off at the topic of Nezu's suggestion."

All Might raised his hand before speaking. "I think I'll take over for Nezu. Young Midoriya is my successor and after discussing this at length with Nezu, I believe that making him the temporary Symbol Of Peace is the best course of action."

Endeavour growled. "Do you think he's suited for the job just because he's your successor?"

"Enji. Please listen to what I have to say first."

Endeavor 'tched' but complied and crossed his arms in annoyance.

"Thank you. Young Midoriya is an outstanding student. His will and determination are truly comparable to a Pro. I believe that some insight on his achievements may help." All Might handed the occupants of the room, besides him and Nezu, a file.

He watched as they flipped through the file, trying to gauge their reactions. Hawks let out a whistle as he nodded his head, a glimmer of respect shone in his eyes.

'Gotta give it to the kid. He's a true hero.'

Tsukauchi couldn't help but let out a small smile at the boy's accomplishments.

'Toshinori really wasn't kidding when he said he found the perfect successor. A little reckless but I guess he takes after Toshinori in that aspect.'

As for Endeavor, he merely flipped through the file, his face undiscernible. Though if one looked closely, a slight twitch of his lips could be seen.

"Well I must say it is very impressive for a someone his age," Tsukauchi said, handing the file back to All Might. "However, I'm worried he may be too reckless and having a kid bear that much responsibility..."

"Yeah. What makes you trust this kid so much?" Hawks said, wondering what the kid could've done for the former Number One Hero to acknowledge him.

The former hero grimaced slightly, thinking back to the words he first spoke to the boy. "It's a long story so I'll just give you the important bits. *Sigh* To tell you the truth, the reason I initially accepted a teaching position at U.A. was to find a successor."

"So you were already weakening before that fight?" All Might nodded in confirmation at the winged hero's question.

"But with Young Midoriya, going to U.A. became a way to look after and continue to guide him. Our first meeting however... wasn't pleasant." The occupants raised an eyebrow at the former hero's hesitation.

"I was chasing a villain made of sludge through the sewers. I got a bit lost as I wasn't too familiar with the system and by the time I found the villain, he had already begun attacking Young Midoriya. Luckily, I was able to apprehend the villain rather quickly by trapping him in a few emtpy bottles." All Might paused and took a breath. "Back then, Young Midoriya was quite the fanboy. Still is actually. I was already running out of time in my hero form so I just said a quick greeting before leaping off."

All Might gave a chuckle, confusing the others. "He did something I never expected... He grabbed my leg as I jumped, prompting me to land on a nearby roof."

Hawks could hardly contain his grin at the kid's gutsy action. Nezu was chuckling while both Endeavor and Tsukauchi rubbed their temples.

"Seeing as how I didn't have much of a choice, I told him a little bit about my situation and made him promise that he wouldn't tell anyone." All Might stopped a bit, clenching his fist. The other occupants wondered why he looked so somber. "The next thing that happened is one of my biggest regrets. He asked me, 'Can I be a hero without a quirk?' *Sigh* ...I told him no." He looked to the ground in shame.

The room went silent, even Endeavor was caught off guard. To think that the Symbol Of Peace had crushed someone's dreams was shocking. Taking a deep breath, All Might continued.

"The look on his face is something I'll never forget. We left the roof not too long after that, only to find the very same villain I had apprehended taking a hostage. It seemed that when I leapt, the bottles fell out of my pockets and the villain escape." All Might look ashamed that he had made such a rookie mistake.

No one in the room — Well maybe except Endeavor —blamed him though. He may have been the Symbol Of Peace but he was human. He was allowed to make mistakes just like any of them were. Like they always say, 'Shit happens'.

Hawks raised his hand. "Wait. Isn't that the sludge villain incident that was on the news a year ago? The one with the hostage who had an explosion quirk."

All Might nodded and gave a weak laugh. "It was truly not one of my best days. Crushing a kid's dreams, letting a villain escape and I was even going to leave the situation to other heroes. But Young Midoriya..."

He let a nostalgic smile grace his lips. "He surprised me for the second time today. Even after I told him he couldn't be a hero, he did what I along with the other heroes never did. He ran head first and put himself in danger just to save someone in danger. The hostage... His name was Bakugo and apparently he and Young Midoriya have a rather unpleasant history together. Yet, despite knowing that, Young Midoriya ran to his rescue without a second thought."

The others could feel their respect for the young man growing. Even Endeavor begrudgingly, although he would never admit it, acknowledged the boy's heroic action.

"If it wasn't for him, I would've never been inspired to push myself and I would've never saved Young Bakugo. Later that day, I confronted Young Midoriya. I asked him why he jumped in when he could've let the other heroes handle that." All Might paused, smiling at the memory.

"And his answer?" Endeavor urged impatiently.

All Might gave a proud smile. "'My body moved on its own'. When I heard that, I just KNEW he had to be the one. And so, I chose to train him."

"Hold on. You said he was quirkless. I remember seeing him at the Sports Festival and he had a quirk. One that broke his arms but a quirk nonetheless." Hawks questioned.

"He was a late bloomer. We only found out that he had a quirk after he completed his training. It turns out that his body wasn't able to use his quirk because it was far too weak at the time." All Might lied as naturally as he breathed. "As for his training, I had him clean up the entirety of Dagobah Beach in order to instill the values of a true hero. I was just aiming to increase his overall physical ability and use some support gear to make up for the lack of a quirk." He finished his explanation with a small smile. He was glad that he and Nezu had managed to come up with a believable story.

The rest of the room took some time to digest the information. They had heard of late bloomers but to develop one that late? It was highly unlikely but not impossible. Hawks was the first to break the silence.

"So we wanna make him the new symbol?" Hawks grinned before speaking again. "I'm all for it. From what I've heard, the kid seems to be the perfect candidate."

Tsukauchi gave a small smile. "Well as long as it's temporary, I'm fine with it. The kid has shown he can handle it. Plus, it's not like he'll be going out to the field full time... Right?"

"Of course not. He'll just be interning with a few Pros to patrol the streets and the occasional villain attack. With my private tutoring, I'm sure he'll have no problem keeping up with his peers." Nezu explained in a cheerful tone.

Everyone turned to the flame hero, interested in what his response would be.

Endeavor grumbled and narrowed his eyes. "I will admit... He seems to be quite capable. I'll support this plan if only to see what the boy is capable of. He's still far too inexperienced but he has potential." He finished with a huff.

All Might was shocked that the flame hero had actually agreed to it. He shook it off and smiled. 'It seems that Young Midoriya has the ability to inspire others to his side without even knowing it.'

Nezu just grinned as he mentally cackled. He loved it when a plan came together. 'He'll be a great hero one day. With a little bit more training, he could be just what the world needs.'

"Well seems like that's settled. We'll still have to inform Midoriya of this decision. We can only go through with it if he agrees," Tsukauchi declared to which everyone agreed.

"I'll talk to him then," All Might volunteered and no one argued seeing as the man was the boy's mentor.

With the meeting adjourned, everyone went their separate ways, leaving only Nezu and All Might in the room.

All Might sighed. "I hope we did the right thing, dragging Young Midoriya into this."

Nezu patted the skeletal man's arm. "We did. You've chosen well." He looked out the window, staring at the sky. "Besides, we'll be there guiding him. He won't be alone in this. Not if I have anything to say about it."

They both left the room, thoughts of the upcoming troubles they would face which for All Might was telling his successor the news and for Nezu the paperwork he would need to do for this to work. All in all, it was gonna an eventful next few days.

Somewhere, a green haired teen shivered, completely unaware that his life was forever going to change.

A/N: Poor Izuku will surely have his hands full.

So what'd you think? Leave a review and some criticism telling me what you think about the story. Any flames will be ignored.

Not much to explain besides some possible stuff that's gonna happen. Might make it a harem so sorry if you don't like that. Izuku and will have some authority as the Symbol Of Peace but is still restricted cause he's a kid. Things definitely won't go smoothly with some of his classmates. That's all I can say without spoiling too much.

With that out of the way, anyone willing to some fanart for this? I kinda want this fic to have a special cover so if you want me to use your art, PM me. Thanks in advance.

Well, that's all I have to say. Bye! See you, hopefully, in my other stories.