Writer's note:

Hi everyone, WeirdoWriter1306 here. I'm so glad there are people enjoying my fanfiction enough to like and follow it. This chapter is very action-packed and I realise I haven't been progressing much with Oikawa and Kitsune's relationship. Also, just a little gay Akaashi being protective of his emotional friend in Nekoma in here. And Kuroo X Kitsune friendly banter and flirting on Kuroo's side in here. Hope you enjoy these few days of me posting chapters non-stop! Love ya'll!

EDIT: I noticed that I only said that Karasuno was coming for a practice game, but I actually meant that they were going to have somewhat of a weekend training camp with Nekoma. My bad!

~ WeirdoWriter1306

"Oh my god, I thought I'd never see you again!" Kitsune leapt at the figure at the entrance of the gymnasium excitedly, wrapping her arms around it.

"Kitsune-kun, I can't breathe." Akaashi returned the hug weakly. She hopped off him, smiling apologetically. "I missed you too." He grinned slightly.

"EH? AKAASHI-SAN?" Hinata pointed at the black-haired setter from Fukurodani, still in his volleyball uniform. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?"

"Oi, Boke, don't shout so loudly. And don't point at other people!" Kageyama scolded him equally loudly.

"Akaashi, so you're the friend she told us about. Honestly, I'm kinda relieved her best friend from Fukurodani is the one player from there who makes sense." Kuroo greeted him with a handshake.

"No comment."

"So what are you doing here? Tell me Fukurodani doesn't want to schedule another impromptu training session." Yaku groaned, Lev nodding in agreement.

"Just checking in on my friend. Jerkawa and Iwaizumi just updated me on what happened between you two, and I wasn't sure if she had a solid support system, but I see you have it under control." Akaashi nodded to Kenma, who nodded back.

"Oikawa's a good player, but I heard from his coach that he's a bit of a playboy. Shouldn't you have seen this coming, Kitsune?" Coach Nekomata butted in.

"He's been a friend of mine since elementary, I trust him but ironically he paid even less attention to me when we started dating as compared to when we were friends." She smiled sadly, Kuroo looking on worriedly.

"Anyway, get back to the game!" She clapped her hands loudly, forcing the players to concentrate. She nodded to Kiyoko and Yachi, who both gave her the thumbs up signal that stood for "we can take care of this, you go on with him".

She walked out of the gym with Akaashi, side by side. "I never could have imagined you'd be here, in Tokyo." He laughed lightly.

"Yeah, it's been a while since the game, hasn't it?"

"Yeah. You still practicing archery at 4am every day?"

"I'm an athlete, of course I have to." She puffed out her chest proudly.

"Really? Even on snack days?" He raised an eyebrow, smirking.

"….. I do what I can."

His laughter brought back so many memories for her. Flashback after flashback of the good times, before it transitioned to that one memory. It was a game against them that she had hurt his leg. A single tear of guilt escaped her eye as it came back to her.

"Hey, babe. Why are you crying?" He wiped away the tear with his finger, cupping her cheek in his other hand.

"No reason." She sniffed.

"It's because of what happened the last time we played against Aoba Johsai, right? Honey, that's not your fault. Come here." He spread his arms wide open, to which she almost tackled him, wrapping her arms around his torso. Her soft sobbing echoed throughout the empty hallway.

"You are an emotional mess, Kiki." He combed his fingers through her hair slowly, earning a laugh in the middle of the tears.

"I know, I know. Shh, breathe properly." He consoled her gently.

"I'm honestly so relieved you're gay. I would not be able to this with anyone else." She let a giggle escape her lips, causing a smile to form on Akaashi's face, before she buried her face in his jersey again.

"It was not your fault. Those damned fangirls of his pushed you over and you couldn't help it." Akaashi's face twisted in worry. That event was 3 months ago, the final time she'd gone to a volleyball game. If she was still hung up on it, that was not good news.

"Don't worry about me, Aka-kun. You should get back to Fukurodani. They need you to play against Aoba Johsai." She let go of his jersey, smiling at the taller boy. He stared at her, concerned. "Alright, but only if you promise to call me if anything bad happens. Okay?"

Her furious nod of agreement was answer enough. "Alright, I should get going now Kyu-kun." He pet her head lightly, a smile appearing on his face. "I'll see you soon!" She agreed, waving at him. "Love you!"

"I know!" He replied.

A newfound sense of relief overcame her. She was the only one who could pull Akaashi out of his monotonous state, into basically a mother figure to her. And she wouldn't have it any other way.

- Fukurodani Academy -

"Akaashi." Iwaizumi approached him slowly.

"What?!" He grumbled.

"You smell like oranges and blossoms. Did you go and visit Kitsune?" He raised an eyebrow.

"What if I did?"

"So you know where she is?"

"And what if I do?" Akaashi crossed his arms, getting a little pissed off. The older boy had no reason to push him around.

"Can you at least tell us her school?" Iwaizumi was getting frustrated. He wanted to clear things up with Kitsune for Oikawa, but Akaashi was stubbornly standing in his way.

"Absolutely not. She'll tell you when she wants to, and there's no budging." He walked off to his team, ignoring the pained look from Oikawa.

"Akaashi!" Bokuto hugged him tearily. "I thought you were leaving us for good!"

"Don't be silly, Bokuto-san." He murmured, a blush ever so slightly appearing on his face.

"AGASHIII~" Bokuto wailed.

"Oh my god…" Akaashi muttered. He tried to pull him off, but noticed something stuck to his jersey. It was a sleek black hair pin.

"Dammit. I need to go now, Bokuto-san."


- Nekoma High School -

"You should try playing, Kitsune-san!" Kageyama insisted.

"Yeah, yeah! You would be so cool!" Hinata nodded his head in agreement.

"I've tried before, and the only thing I'm any good at is serving. Don't worry about it, Hinata-kun, Kageyama-kun." She shook her head.

"Oi, oi. What are you two doing with our precious manager?" Kuroo slunk an arm around her neck, hugging her from behind.

"Get off of me, Kuroo-san." She grumbled.

"Kuroo-san, don't you want to see Kitsune-san try playing volleyball?" Hinata stared up at the Nekoma captain expectantly.

"That would be something to watch- "He looked at her, mischief showing in his gaze.

"Uh-uh. No way, Kitty." She shook her head. "I spent 10 years working on archery, and that's what I'm sticking to."

"10 years is a long time…" Hinata stared at her in awe.

"Of course, she's been scouted by the under-19s Japan team for the Olympics. She'd have to train for a long time, Shrimpy-chan." Kuroo snickered, resting his chin on her shoulder, his face in the nook of her neck. He nibbled on it lightly, causing a squeak to escape from Kitsune's lips.

"Alright, that's it, that's far enough Kuroo-san. You're not allowed to rest on my lap for the next week. I'm out of here." Kitsune shook him off, and walked off, carrying the crate of water bottles.

"But Kyuubi~" Hinata and Kageyama snickered as they watched Kuroo chase after her.

"I swear to god, Kuroo- "

"Wow they've really gotten close in a matter of days, huh?" Yaku nudged Kenma.

"That idiot is only gonna make her more and more irritated." Kenma shook his head as he took his water bottle from the crate as Kitsune walked by.

"Imagine if Oikawa sees this- "Yamamoto laughed loudly.