Katsuki led the other four boys through the forest. He had no real goal in mind. They were just exploring that day. Soon they came across a river.

"Now what?" Wings asked. Katsuki knew that wasn't his real name but he didn't care. If they were going to insist on calling him Kacchan, he would give them nicknames too.

"There," Katsuki said after looking around. He pointed to a fallen tree a little ways up the stream. He started for it without looking back. He knew the others would follow him.

"Are you sure this is safe, Kacchan?" Deku squeaked out when they got to the improvised bridge.

"Don't worry Deku! Everything will be fine," Katsuki said with a big smile. He posed with his fists on his hips. "Because I am Here!" The other boys cheered. Katsuki nodded to himself and climbed onto the tree trunk. He pointed forward and with the same confidence he has in most things he declared "Alright Bakugo Hero Team, forward march!" With that he started across.

The other boys climbed up after him and followed. They ended up in a single file line. None of them wanted to get too close to the edge.

Katsuki was about half way across when he slipped. He was letting off a few pops from his hands when his foot hit a particularly slippery patch of moss. By the time he realized what was happening he was already off the log and falling to the river below.


He landed hard with a splash. He sat up quickly. He was soaked and he was a little sore where he landed, but other all he was okay. Another splash and a muffled cry of pain drew him out of his self assessment. A few feet away Deku sat in the river holding one leg with tears streaming down his face.

"Deku!" Katsuki rushed over to him.

"He jumped in!" One of the others called from above.

"Can you stand?" Katsuki asked once he was kneeling in front of Deku. He could already see a bruise forming on Deku's ankle. Deku shook his head.

"Hur-hurts," Deku stuttered through the lump in his throat.

What do I do? Katsuki thought, because he was the leader. That meant he had to take care of all of them. They were counting on him. The ones above were silent, waiting for him to make a decision. Deku was looking at him with big, tear filled eyes.

"A-are you o-okay, Ka-Kacchan?" Deku spluttered.

"Eh?! Course I am!" Katsuki didn't understand why the nerd asked when he was the one with a possibly broken ankle. He turned around. "Get on my back."

"B-but," Deku started.

"Just do it!" Katsuki snapped. This was the decision he had made. It would take too long for the others to get help, so he would carry Deku back himself.

It took a few minutes and some awkward shuffling, but eventually, Deku was securely on his back. Katsuki stood up with a bit of difficulty. Deku was heavier than expected. Still, Katsuki could handle it. He was going to be the best hero one day, so of course he could carry his injured friend. He climbed out of the river and started heading back home. He did say anything to the others. They would get the message soon enough.

"What the hell were you thinking!" He snapped at the boy on his back. Deku sniffled a little into his shoulder before answering. Katsuki was vaguely aware that there was probably snot on his shirt now.

"I-I saw you fa-fall, an' I ju-ust had t-to make s-sure you were o-okay," Deku blubber, obviously holding back sobs.

"That doesn't mean you should hurt yourself!" Katsuki yelled. Honestly he was annoyed that Deku thought he wouldn't be okay. He was more annoyed though that Deku had been an idiot and gotten himself hurt for it.

"So-sorry," Deku said and then tucked his head further into Katsuki's shoulder.

"It's okay," KAstuki said, much quieter. "Just don't do it again, idiot."

They made it home later than Katsuki would have liked. He insisted that he go to the hospital with Deku and Aunt Inko. His mom let him.

He was relieved a few hours later when they learned that it was just a sprain and not a break like Katsuki had secretly feared.