Chapter 1: Blood Rite

Disclaimer:I do not own any of the Hazbin Hotel characters/properties and I am not attempting to say that I do while making this fictional, and fan-made, story. They are owned by Vivziepop.

Chapter Warning(s): Slight blood/gore.

"So that's what this project aims to achieve. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm opening the first of its kind; a hotel that rehabilitates sinners!"

The awkward pause of her announcement was thick. Her thin arms raised high in the air above her long blonde hair. Her yellow and black eyes then squinted, the shame of the news crew's silence hitting.

"You know, cuz hotels are for people passing through…temporarily."

The demons surrounding a small electronic store's TV display began to snicker and silently whisper. Attempting to comprehend what the sole daughter of their ruler was saying.

"I figure it would serve a purpose. A place to work towards redemption…yay…"

The quiet clicking of his shoes alerted no one of his approach to the store's window. His yellow jagged smile so wide he had to squint his glowing red eyes. The piercing sound of radio interference circling him.

The girl began to drown on, stating how every demon has something good to offer, some type of 'redeeming quality'. Drivel really. Though as the news crew still remand silent around her, her face began to glow. A sudden bust of confidence changing the girl as she jumped on top of the anchor desk and signaled a piano to ring out.

Titling his head, the yellow toothed demon watched on with astounding. This girl had actually broken out into song for all of Hell to see! It took every ounce of his restraint to not burst out into laughter at the lyrics. 'Inside of every demon there's a rainbow?' Please, that is just wacky nonsense!

Raising a red gloved hand, the yellow toothed demon removed the monocle from his right eye. Pulling a clean handkerchief from his breast pocket, he began to clean the small round red-tinted glass. Placing the object back to his nose, he could confirm that what he believed to be witnessing, was indeed taking place. Energetic music and all!

The demon's mind began to race under his red and black tipped bob. His smile widened as he watched the girl's unanticipated performance; so much so that it nearly began to hurt his face. His shadow lifted from its stationery place on the ground and gave a heckling laugh. He pulled the edge of his red pinstriped suit down to smooth it. Turning sharply the red clade demon left the multiple tv screens of the store's display. He had already seen enough to put his thoughts into motion and did not need to stay to the end of the girl's presentation to know of its inevitable disastrous reception.


The princess of Hell sat outside of her father's office. The large black door with gold reflective trim always was a source of anxiety while she lives at her parent's estate in the center of the pentagram. The door represented everything her father was and what she, no matter how hard she tried, would never be.

After her terribly failed news report of her passion project, Charlie has received a message from her father. One that stated that she return home immediately. She had quickly said good-bye to her longtime girlfriend, Vaggie, and made her way home. Her father was rarely that direct with her, and the fact that he was acting this way now only meant that he was furious with her and her actions.

Sitting silently outside of that large door only added to her twisting stomach. He had not even greeted her at their foyer. Instead sending his servant imps to collect her and place Charlie at her current location. Pulling at her long blonde hair, the princess' heart raced at the anticipation of facing her father and his inevitable wrath.

Then, with a soft click, that big black door swung open. A small black and red imp emerged, beckoning Charlie inside. With a swift intake of air, the princess of Hell stood and entered Lucifer's office.

The red and off white striped walls seemed darker than normal as the fireplace was the only source of light within the room. The flickering low light also added to the menacing hand painted portraits of their family that hung on his walls. It felt as though the room was closing in on her, so Charlie quickly walked to her father's mahogany desk.

With the sound of her approaching footsteps, Lucifer turned in his chair to face his daughter. His usual wide smile lowered behind his white gloved laced fingers. His purple eyes half closed with seriousness at the sight of his only child.

Charlie, not able to take waiting any longer, raiser her hand to greet her father. This action was of course cut short by her father's voice. "What do you think you think you are doing?"

Charlie bit her lip. Her open palm quickly coiled in on itself as her arm dropped to her side. "W-What do you mean?"

Charlie could have sworn her father's eye twitched. "The news broadcast!" With a flip of his hand a materialization of her earlier presentation appeared next to Charlie. The girl turned from the play back and her hands clutched the cloth of her red vest; her breathing becoming short.

Lucifer pinched the bridge of his nose. "Do you have any idea how you made yourself look? How you made your mother and I look?"

Charlie open her mouth to answer but her father beat her yet again. "Weak!"

The demoness looked to the wood floor; her face defeated. "That was not my intention…"

Lucifer leaned back into his chair. His white suit becoming creased as a sigh escaped his lips. "I know it wasn't-" His tone was calm yet still held frustration. "Regardless, we are here now, and you need to know what that entails."

Charlie's eyes shot to her father as he stood. Adjusting his signature white top hat, he grabbed his apple crowned cane and walked to his daughter's side. "Apple Dumpling, you have to understand. This-" Lucifer gestured back to her song replaying on his manifestation. "makes you – us, look weak. That weakness will entice others to rise against us. Challenge our way of life."

Lucifer then reached down and tucked Charlie's blonde hair behind her ear. His voice gentle and loving. "I do not wish to see you hurt."

Charlie's heart fell at her father's words. He was absolute right. She had unintentionally invited demons from all five corners of the pentagram to attack her, the hotel and everyone inside. All in the chance to get at her father and their family name.

The small demon princess began to shake. "What are we going to do?"

Lucifer patted his daughter's head, his whimsical smirk returning. "We are going to ally you quickly with someone before anyone gets any bright ideas."

Charlie shot her father a questioning look. "I do not understand. Just being allied to another will not guarantee that demons will not attack the hotel, or even guarantee that this person will be with me every minute of the day."

Lucifer squared his shoulders. His tone switching once more to serious. "It will if they are your betrothed."

Charlie's eyes went wide, all of the air escaping her lungs. "But you would only agree to this if he were an-"

"An Overlord? Yes. And I assure, he is one."

The list of overlords quickly flashed through her mind. Which one had agreed to this? Her stomach than sank. With a sudden change in persona, the girl nearly recoiled into herself. Shaking more than before, the girl's hands became clammy. Her breath short and staggered. Teeth nearly chattering she began to speak.

"H-He isn't a-" her voice all but gave way to the dryness of her throat. "Von Eldritch…is he?"

Her father's serious tone did not falter. His smile nearly dropped to a frown as vain appearing on his forehead just underneath his top hat. "No, he is not. I can assure you of that."

Charlie let out a haggard breath, practically falling to the ground with relief at her father's feet. Charlie's yellow and black eyes then stared at her father's purple. Her look relaying her pondering question without speaking a word.

"My little Apple Dumpling, you will be wed to none other than Alastor." Lucifer said triumphantly.

"Alastor?" For the life of her, the princess could not place the name.

As if manifesting from the shadows themselves, stood a thin man next to her. His red pinstriped suit only adding to his height as he loomed over her.

"Hello darling." He said, a thick old-timey radio filter place over this voice. A wide toothy smile spread across his face that rivaled her father's.

Charlie jumped at his sudden appearance. Now recognizing him, Charlie continued to step back until there was ample distance between them. She had not had the chance to become acquainted with the Radio Demon personally, as she had with the other Overloads of Hell, which was why she had not recalled the name. However, now that she knew the identity of her intended, goosebumps screamed down her body while she crossed her arms above her chest.

Why him?

He was a relatively new Overlord, only really holding his position for a few decades. As such, he was not accustomed to the ways of the Magne House, or the other Overlord's, aristocratic expectations. He seemed to be the type to go about his own business. Privacy was definitely a strong point of his as hardly anyone knew him. Did he himself even know what he was getting into?

Alastor let out a hearty laugh, the sound of an audience applause echo behind him. "Sorry little darling. Didn't mean to scare you." He walked closer to Charlie, closing the distance she had tried to establish. "I only wished to become acquainted." He waved his hand gallantly in the air before dipping onto a low bow in front of her.

Charlie removed one of her hands from its fixed location to give a small wave. "H-Hello-"

Alastor took this opportunity to quickly take the girl's arm and pull her close to him as he stood. Careful to be easy and respectful while still in her father's presence. The thick scent of oak and spices radiated from him at their closeness.

"It's a pleasure to be finally meeting you sweetheart! Your reputation precedes you! Haha! A true demon belle!" Though his voice was energetic and lively, it was also smooth underneath the radio's filter.

"Riiiiight." Charlie, feeling her face grow warm, removed his hands from her arm and stepped away from his presence. A thought nagging her since his arrival. "So what are you doing here? What do you want?"

"Sorry for the late introduction darling, but I saw your fiasco on the picture show and I just couldn't resist! What a performance!" Alastor's red eyes then closed halfway, as the air around him shifted for the briefest of moments. "I was inspired to help!"

Charlie could not look the Radio Demon in the eye, instead choosing to look at her father for backing, which was not received.

"Alastor and I came to same conclusion. You need to be protected in these now unsure times. Also, as payment for your protect, he would gain access to the Magne family. Bolstering his own title and reputation."

As her father spoke Charlie watched Alastor from the corner of her eye. His own attention was elsewhere in the room as static filled the void of his silence. The girl could have sworn she saw the features of the red demon next to her falter. A more sinister smile replaced the enthusiastic one as his pupils narrowed into thin slits. However, as Charlie turn her full attention to Alastor, his demeanor abruptly reversed back. Leaving the girl cold and panicked in his ecstatic gaze.

Charlie clenched her jaw as she realized that the two men were then waiting for a response from her. Weighing her options quickly within her own mind, the girl did not seem to have much of a choice. If she were to accept the offer, she and her project would be guarded by one of the most powerful beings in Hell. However, if she were to decline, that would mean putting everyone a risk, including Vaggie. And that was not to say that her father would not propose the same offer with another Overload who was not already spoken for. Would she be comfortable being tied to someone like Vox or Valentino? Knowing them, probably not. But Alastor was a complete mystery to her. A wildcard. What if he turned out to worse than they would be?

Gulping loudly to steady her nerves, the princess of Hell stood tall against the two men. "Ok- Al, your sketchy as fuck, and you clearly see what I'm trying to do as a joke, but I don't. I think everyone deserves a chance to prove they can be better. That being said, I know the severity of the situation I have single-handedly placed us all in. So I will accept your offer of proposal-protection. On the condition that there be no trickster, voodoo strings attached."

Alastor chucked, white noise invading his speech as that malicious intent once again flashing across his eyes. He manifested a red microphone topped staff and twirled it in the air enthusiastically. "So it's a deal then?" The Radio Demon stuck out his right hand to Charlie. A green energy suddenly bursting from his body. The force of the power pushed Charlie back as voodoo sigils circled the girl's body.

Charlie froze, unaware that Alastor was a Deal Maker. Biting her lip she ran through what she had said to him. Deal Makers were notorious for taking what their associates had said and twisting it with loops holes. Sighing she realized that there were many ways that he could take advantage of the situation, but what other choice did she have to move this proposition forward? Could she even request to negotiate terms further?

Heart racing Charlie moved forward, about to challenge Alastor, when her father's cane tapped the Radio Demon's open hand. "No! None of your deals will be used to seal this binding."

Alastor retracted his hand as the green energy insanity dissipated. Alastor cocked an eyebrow at Lucifer as he readjust his monocle. "Then how would you suggest we officiate the terms my good man!"

Lucifer's smile widened to a point Charlie believed to be impossible. "By Blood Rite of course."

Charlie's heart all but stopped at her father's suggestion. It was one thing to be in a binding deal with a Deal Maker. There were loop-holes to be exploited on both sides. Ways to weasel things out of the other and constantly change rules. But a Blood Rite was as absolute as it was black and white. There was no getting out the terms, making changes, or exploits to be made with these rituals.

Charlie glanced to Alastor and noticed his smile had slightly dropped, though he kept his composer all the same. "My, what an excellent idea! By Blood Rite, I would have it no other way! Ha-ha!" Alastor placed his right hand to his chest. "And I am sure you have a few terms for the ceremony?"

Lucifer raised one of his hands so he could rest his head on it. "Why thank you for asking, I did have a few conditions for this offer." He tapped his apple topped cane to the ground, becoming serious without losing his smile.

"Firstly, you will protect Charlotte 'Charlie' Magne with your life from all enemies. Even if the attack is from a fellow Magne family member; by means of all powers and resources for which you possess."

Lucifer then glanced at Charlie for a brief moment before continuing. "You shall also not cause harm to Charlotte 'Charlie' Magne. We had an…incident in the past and I would rather not have to clean up another scandal."

Charlie drew up her arms to cross them in front of her chest at the mention of her Ex, Seviathan Von Eldritch. Eyes looking down, she refused to face her father or Alastor in this moment.

"Finally, you will also respect the Magne House. Do nothing to taint its name or reputation. We are bringing you into this family, and you will be representing that name from here on out."

Lucifer, who had been focusing on his own cane and gloves, finally broke to gaze at his daughter and then Alastor. "Will these conditions hinder your previous intentions?"

Alastor, who had listening quite intently to Lucifer, half closed his eyes. His smile shifted to one of dominance and poise. "Of course! I had already previously agreed to her overall protection. The House Magne name is strength set in stone, and I doubt anything I, a lonesome sinner, could ever hope to tarnish. Furthermore, I had ever intended to harm Miss Charlie in the first place, and I am slighted you would believe such a thing from a gentleman such as myself. I simply want to be associated with the name Magne. The terms you mentioned will not hinder that goal."

With a huff, Lucifer turned to his daughter. "And you? Do you agree or have anything to add?"

Charlie looked to the ground once more, pondering anything else she could possibly want from this deal. "I would like it if you could help out with the hotel."

A screeching noise was then emited from Alastor. One that sounded like nails on a chalk board. Charlie snapped her head up to see his baffled features before stuttering a quick response.

"Y-You do not need to be hands-on with any of the patients or practices, but I would like you to protect them as well. Maybe use your connections as an Overlord to get some backers, a-and like I said before, no weird, creepy voodoo spells."

Alastor, composing himself, raised a hand to his chin. "Hmmmm, I have a few…resources that I would be able to lend in assistant to your endeavor. This will not be a problem." He smiled wide as he tucked his hands firmly behind his back.

"Excellent, without further-a-due, let us start the ceremony." Lucifer pulled on the crystal apple of his cane, revealing a small hidden blade within a hollowed staff. Stepping towards his daughter, Lucifer reached out his empty hand, beckoning Charlie to give him hers.

The small demoness gave her father her hand and, in one quick motion, Lucifer had sliced the girl's palm from her knuckles to her wrist. Charlie winced in pain taking her hand back and watched her father approach Alastor. The Radio Demon removed one of his gloves and offer it to Lucifer without a word. However, unlike her, Alastor did not even flinch at the pain inflicted onto him.

Lucifer pulled a handkerchief from his white coat and cleaned the blade, before sheathing it once more. "Now, turn towards each other and clasp your hands together so that the Blood Rite may begin."

The two did as they were told. Turning, they grasped each other's hands in a firm handshake fashion so that their blood would easily mingle. Alastor's hand was surprisingly warm to the touch. Unaffected by the chill Charlie had originally perceived to be there.

Lucifer then walked up to the two and maneuvered his hands so that they hovered above Charlie and Alastor's. The King of Hell then began to speak the ancient language of the angels. A Blood Rite, by all accounts, was actually first introduced in Hell by Lucifer himself. A type of ancient blood magic used by the angels long before the human race ever existed. Lucifer and hand full in Hell even knew how to perform a Blood Rite, much less be powerful enough to pull it off.

Lucifer's voice was suddenly clear and pure as a bell ringing out across the plains of crisp morning dew.

All be witness to this pact

For shadows dwell as sunlight lacked

I call upon the ancient kinds

To witness the agreement of these two lines

Magical energy of green, blue, and purple swirled around the conjoined hands. Pushing and pulling the separate blood pools until they merged with one another into one single consistent fluid.

The magical energies then merged once more as they focused in on the two hands clasped together. Burning the flesh white hot as it drew the blood back into each of the wounds in equal parts.

Duty bound by name comply

Protection, a single party must supply

Support in ventures aimed to glorify

Denounce from destructive sins horrify

With the blood pulling back into her wound, Charlie could feel the icy cold liquid push itself back into her body. Stretching up her veins and leave traces under her skin.

As Magne name due hold

None shall this world withhold

Supreme ruling over those in fold

Will be the blessing of those of old

Lucifer then looked to his daughter, his eye glowing a bright purple. "Charlotte Magne do you agree to these and the terms spoken before?"

Charlie's mouth went dry. Mouthing words she could not speak as the pressure of the Blood Rite nearly overpowering her. "I…do."

Lucifer's eyes then shot to Alastor. "And you Alastor – Radio Demon, agree to these and the terms spoken before?"

Alastor took a brief moment for his eyes to glance at Charlie. He placed his free hand to his chest and gave a slight bow, tough the princess could see the malicious intent that flashed within his narrow pupils. "I humbly do."

All be witness to this pact

For shadows dwell as sunlight lacked

To witness the agreement of these two lines

Now unbreakable are these binds

With a quick pop and a blinding amount of magic, the spell released its hold of the two, allowing them to separate once more. Charlie looked down to her right hand. A large silver scar sealed down her palm, tracing from the underside of her knuckles to her wrist. From the bud on the joint then sprouted other smaller silver scar-like marks on the skin of her forearm. Parting and spreading like barren tree branches.

Charlie glance up to see Alastor carefully pulling the sleeve of his suit, inspecting the new markings in a way only he would be able to see them. Noticing that she was now watching him, Alastor quickly dismissed the markings and slipped his glove back on.

"I am glad we were able to come to such a spectacular agreement my dear." In one fluid motion Alastor stole a hand from her side. As simply as he seemed to smile, the Radio Demon placed a smooth kiss atop her knuckles. His lips cold and lifeless.

Standing straight once more Alastor looked at the girl. A hunger by the likes she had never seen before dripping from his glowing red gaze. "I look forward to our future."

A chill ran down Charlie's spine. A coldness struck her in a way that cut her to her very core. The silent question of if she had done the right thing barreling its way to the forefront of her mind.

"Thank you. I look forward to our future as well." Her voice was quiet and shy as she turned away from him.

But no matter how he loomed over her or made her feel uncomfortable. There was still one thing one her mind that frightened her more than the demon holding her hand.

How was she going to explain this to Vaggie?

A/N:Hello everyone! I feel like an idiot, but I just discovered "Hazbin Hotel" and Charlastor has completely taken over my life! Here is my crack at a multi-chapter fan-fic where we will drive deep into all kinds of mature content. (Murder, Cannibalism, underhanded deals, physiological trauma, drug use, sexual content, ect...) So if that is something you are not interested in then this might not be the story for you. (I will also be putting chapter warnings in every chapter as well as flags in future chapters in case someone is cool with one thing, but not another.)

I am glad you are here, and I hope I can live up to you expectations. This chapter, and the next few chapters, will be a little on the lighter side to start us off, but do not worry, we will be getting into the nitty-gritty soon enough! :D