Waking up to a head full of red hair was nothing new to Izuku. It had happened nearly everyday since he had gotten his quirk, at first the sudden appearance of a weight on his bed would startle him awake, but now he just slept through it, and even found himself cuddling with whichever member of his apparently demonic harem had appeared in his bed. The current question though was who.

Sure, he could just actually look - or feel - his way to an answer but it was kind of fun to wake up each morning trying to guess who it was by just their hair alone. This morning, it was long, that meant that it wasn't Satania, nor was it Tayuya - which was good - It also wasn't dyed black, so it wasn't Sakie, it was on the darker side, so it wasn't Zero Two plus hers was a lot straighter. No fox ears on the top of the head, nor were there a bunch of tails wrapped around him, so it wasn't Kurama. That meant it was either Rias, or Twenty One.

The darker more true red color meant that it was easily Rias.

That and the fact that she currently had his hand pressed into her large bust meant that this was indeed the first girl he met, Rias.

Rias was in many ways the easiest of the girls to manage and generally when she was around the other girls were likewise just a bit less chaotic. Sure, she was a bit on the bossy side and she was the reason why he had such a strict workout routine that none of the other girls let him skip on, but she was also just so nice, happy, wonderful, and she was even his first kiss.

With a smile Izuku rolled over and -

"Sakie!" A bang on a nearby door followed Twenty-one's harsh morning voice. "Get up! Or you won't be able to shower before class!"

A moment later Twenty One's head appeared as she turned on the lights to his room and smiled. She was currently in her more human appearance, with long wild auburn hair, grey eyes, and an odd sense of fashion. Twenty One was the second oldest of the girls and one of the few that had their shit together, along with Sakie they were the only two members of his quirk currently in college.

"Izuku," She whispered softly, smiling at him. "I made french toast."

She was also the best cook.

And one of the scariest when she was set off.

"Thanks Twenty, We'll be up in a second." Izuku lifted his head open to smile back at her.

She giggled and closed his door again. "Don't take too long."

So where was he? He had just rolled over, and his hand was currently grabbing one of Rias' awesome breasts, and he was about to kiss her in the eyes. Bright, sparkling blue eyes met his and he found himself half tackled from the bed as Rias lunged towards him.

Instead of waking her up with a kiss, she started her morning ritual of all but smothering him with a kiss that might have been the cause of why it was so easy for him to get up in the morning. Her hands were in his hair, her chest against his, her legs wrapped up in his as her hips pressed against him. He kissed her back, his hands finding her hips.

Rias pulled back, shaking her long red hair back behind her head and smiling at him. "Good morning Izuku, did you dream about me?"

Uhh, crap. He needed something romantic to say. This was a test! "Uhh, I'm dreaming now?"

Rias smiled and sat on his stomach, the button up shirt she had worn to bed was opened all the way down, giving him a wonderful view of her breasts, stomach, hips and lacy black underwear. "Next time say it with more confidence, I'm going to be your wife one day, and I'd like you to be able to make me swoon on command."

Izuku rolled his eyes and smiled at Rias. Demanding as always in the best of ways. "Have you ever considered that I have no game?"

"You have seven fiances, you're not allowed to have no game." Rias tapped him on the nose before she shrugged off the button up shirt and tossed it effortlessly to the side. "How else are you going to earn our love?"

Her smile was predatory as she leaned down to kiss him. "I know that I'd love to marry the man I love."

Izuku sat up, keeping his hands firmly on Rias as he did so, and trying to keep the kiss going. All of his girls had a set of demands from him, somewhere simple, others seemed impossible, especially Rias's, but he'd learn. "Don't worry, when we get married I'll make sure you can easily say you love me."

Rias laughed and pushed him back down before rolling off the bed. "What happened to no game? Now, then shall we get dressed, Twenty One's french toast smells wonderful." Rias smacked her lips and wiggled just the slightest bit showing off her ridiculously curvy body. "I think she used the cinnamon raisin swirls."

His teenage hormones said stay with the boobies, but his stomach said follow the boobies to good food.

Izuku nodded and stood along with Rias, taking great pleasure in helping him get dressed and even greater pleasure in helping her get dressed. The room he had stayed in for nearly half a year now was larger than the living room of his parent's apartment with a large bed that could easily fit three people, there was a dresser for each girl and himself, as well as a T.V. just perfect for laying in bed and watching movies.

Once dressed he followed Rias - and the smell of french toast - out of his room into the government-issued home he had been moved into. Sure, the fact that he was under several kinds of surveillance was a bit annoying, but it was hard to complain about having his own place, especially one as nice as this.

He took half a step out into the hallway that had two smaller bedrooms attached to it as well as an open office space with several computers, and crashed into someone.

Sakie let out a yelp, and Izuku found himself falling backwards in slow motion, his hand grabbing onto her towel by pure accident. Her long black hair, with just a hint of her deep crimson roots showing came free from her wet towel as she was completely exposed. Sakie was probably one of the most dangerous of his girls. But not because of her raw power, but rather because of much more subtle power.

She simply amplified how sexy she was, to a dangerous degree that could be problematic at times. And she couldn't control it, it was just who she was as a demon. Sakie did everything in her power to appear as unsexy as possible - it had mixed results - by dressing in tracksuits, wearing glasses, dying her hair black, showing as little skin as possible, and keeping her hair in a ponytail.

The last time Izuku accidentally saw her naked he passed out.

And that was nearly the case this time.

"Sakie," He extended a hand out towards her. "Are you okay? I should have watched where I was going."

The college aged woman stared at him with wide black eyes. Her mouth opened once, then twice, then she finally accepted his hand.

Pure erotic energy coursed through him and he barely managed to help her up to her feet, and handed her back her towel.

"Again. Sorry."

"No," Sakie shook her head smiling at him. She pushed a bit of her hair back behind her ear which was like a shot of pure adrenaline to his entire sexual ego. "I'm sorry I should have watched where I was going. I'll uhh." Her face was bright red and she let out a scream before running into her more private room.

Izuku stared for a few moments before he covered his nose to prevent the torrent of blood from spilling out.

He felt Rias's hand on his shoulder and he saw her give him a thumbs up a bit of blood also coming out of her nose. "See, you do have some game!"

Izuku rolled his eyes and smiled.

Twenty One's french toast was really good though.


"Izuku Midoriya quirk interview 3: Entity number three, named herself Sakie Satou." Mera let out another sigh. He had already done two interviews and already he was finding it hard to see the point beyond just a full assessment of this kids quirk. At least compared to the first two this woman appeared to be much more on the sane side.

Dressed in a red tracksuit that covered as much of her body as possible, the woman simply looked like a modest member of society that didn't pay any mind to how she looked. Her hair stood out from the others as the only one to actually have black hair, though apparently it was dyed. She was also one of the smarter ones, nearly into the realm of super human intelligence.

Mera leaned back into the microphone. "Please confirm."

The woman jumped. "Oh, umm, yes, that is correct. I'm uhh Sakie Satou." She stood and bowed sharply. "It's a pleasure to meet you!"

Well she certainly was polite. A lot more polite than the last interview.

"Could you please confirm your age?"

The woman blinked and then stood, wiggling her hips and biting her knuckle while looking incredibly cute. "Umm, well, the thing is, I'm uhh nineteen."

That was much older than Izuku. It really wasn't much of a surprise at this point given how the first interview was, he still wasn't certain if the second interviewer had been lying though.

Mera let out a long sigh and took a look at his notes once again. "So, what exactly is your role with Izuku?"

"Role?" Sakie let out a screech and sat back down. "Well, I mean, I'm not exactly certain. I mean, I'm supposed to marry him, but I don't really have a specific role. Not really at any rate. I'm not really good at anything besides studying." Sakie's face lit up and she snapped her fingers. "Oh! I'm his tutor! My role is to help Izuku succeed academically."

"I see, and I understand that you're interested in furthering your education?" Mera asked, once again glancing at her exam scores. With scores like that she'd be able to enter any college in Japan with full scholarships even if she wasn't a citizen.

Sakie nodded. "Yes, that'd be my goal, ideally I'd like to become a teacher."

What a pleasant and realistic goal. Even if she was wasting her own impressive talents.

"Very well, I'll make a note of that."

It'd be easy to have her tested a bit more to see just how high her I.Q. was, with any luck they'd be able to get her a scholarship, and a schedule that worked with her odd attendance rate. At least until Izuku grew enough to summon all the girls at once.

Why did that thought send a shiver down his spine?

"Now then, in terms of powers how strong are you?" Mera debated bringing up another target, but the last one had gone a bit overboard. "And how well can you demonstrate it?"

"Oh, well, I'm not all that strong physically." Sakie tilted her head to the side and laughed. "I'm actually one of the weaker girls, even Satania is stronger than me, though, I might be able to beat Tayuya if it ever came down to it."

Holy crap was she actually normal?

"So you have no special powers or transformations I need to know about?"

"Umm, not exactly." Sakie's face turned red and she started to fidget in her seat. "Because my demon race is succubus I'm able to easily attract members of the opposite sex, normally this would require a conscious effort, but, I have inherited the Mantle of Desire from my mother."


Sakie let out a long sigh. "My attraction factor is very pronounced and not something I can control," She flopped her arms and gestured towards herself. "I have to dress really plainly and keep my distance in order to suppress the affects, and if I really tried to take advantage of it, well, I'm not sure what I could make someone do for me."

"I see." Mera glanced at his sheet. "Would there be any way for you to demonstrate this passive ability to me?"

Sakie nodded. "Since you're looking at me from another room it should be safe." Her face was red but she took a long deep breath. "Would you like me to start?"


"Okay." she reached for her glasses, square, unflattering, and completely devoid of sex appeal. "I'm going to start with my glasses."

The simple act of her removing her glasses made his heart race. She had gone from plain to a head turner with such a simple gesture, her eyes sparkled at him with a powerful desire that threatened to burn the mirror that separated them.

"Now my hair."

Pulling her hair out of her ponytail, made him feel wide awake as the same sensation of those drunken college nights, where he had managed to get lucky with an absolutely beautiful woman washed over him, only a thousand fold.

"Now my jacket."

She started with the zipper and barely managed to move it down a few inches.

"That's enough!" He shouted into the microphone. "I. I believe that I have a better understanding of your ability. And it gets worse than that?" He had never been more aroused in his entire life.

"Sorry, I'll try to suppress it now, the effect is lesser on females, but still present." Sakie mumbled, quickly zipping herself up and turning back into the plain woman that he had started the interview with. "Sorry."

"No no, I asked for it, Uhh, thank you for your time Ms. Satou, we'll see about getting you enrolled soon."

What the hell was that ability?

This quirk was already well on its way to X-rated classification, but that ability just sealed the deal.

AN: I liked the interview, and I'll be doing one for each girl as those characters are introduced. That way, if you don't know who they are you should get more context. Sakie beat out Twenty One because Sakie's power needed to be explained more than Twenty One. Anyways, untilnext time!