I do not own MHA or KHR

Hatsume Mei stumbles backwards as her latest invention blows up, covering her face in soot. Coughing, she stumbles backwards out of the cloud of smoke. A wide grin spreads across her face when she realizes that she doesn't recognize her surroundings.

"HA!" Mei crows. "It sorta worked!" Teleportation is tricky, and even though her teleportation watch blew up in her face, and she didn't arrive at the coordinates she programmed in, at least she teleported. Mei fiddles with the half burnt teleportation watch. She's glad it's not entirely destroyed. That will make it easier to fix.

"VOI! Who are you?"

Mei whirls around at the white haired man's yell. He's pointing a sword at her.

"Hatsume Mei! I love your sword!"

The man smirks. "Swords are pretty awesome."

"Yep!" Mei grins. She eyes the two groups facing off. There's a group of teens in school uniforms and another group dressed in black. A good number of them have weapons drawn. They're not that exciting of weapons, mostly boring things like guns, swords, gloves, and knives, but at least they use support items. Everyone should use support items. They're awesome. "I love your babies!"

Both groups stare at Mei incredulously. "Babies?" A fluffy brown haired teen mutters in confusion. "What babies?"

Mei doesn't seem to hear his question. "I could give you some of my babies or make more babies for you or I could update your current babies!"

A silver haired teen angrily stomps forward, dynamite in hand. "There's no way I'm letting you make babies with Judaime!" He turns, addressing the fluffy brown haired teen. "Don't worry Judaime! I'll protect your virtue!

The silver haired teen sputters as Mei snatches the dynamite from his hand. "Cool! Dynamite! Power Loader Sensei never lets me mess around with explosives! Apparently I make too many explosions even when not using explosives to be trusted with them." Mei examines the dynamite. "This looks like pretty high quality stuff."

"Hey!" The teen snatches the dynamite back.

Mei pouts. "Fine. You can have it back. Anyway, do you want me to make you any babies?"

"Ah, no thanks." The small fluffy haired teen quickly says. "We're good."

"You sure?" Mei asks.

"Ushishishi. Peasant. Who would want babies. They're annoying." A blonde teen states.

"Fine. Your loss." She yanks out a business card, throwing it to the fluffy haired teen. The angry silver haired one would probably just throw it out. "If you ever change your mind give me a call." Mei heads off. Now to get back to U.A. That should be easy enough.