I do not own Harry Potter or KHR.

Harriet hums to herself as she swings back and forth. The park is rather rundown, with overgrown grass, weeds, and far too leafy bushes. Most everyone avoids the park since she spends most of her time here.

She rather likes her park. It's calm, quiet, and peaceful with no noisy kids or Dudley. It would be rather nice to have friends, but no one in Little Whining likes her. She's heard the whispers. They think she's unnatural, a changeling, a freak, and those rumors are only exacerbated by the rumors the Dursley's spread.

Granted, she doesn't help improve those rumors in any way shape or form. It's quite fun to terrorize the local children. Her little tricks and pranks quickly put a stop to the bullying issue the teachers refused to address.

They fear her. With unnaturally green eyes and a mane of fiery red curls, she could be quite pretty, but her ghostly pale skin from hours spent locked in the cupboard, eyebags from sleepless nights, and petite undernourished figure make her appear quite unnerving.

Harriet giggles. At least she no longer has to live in the cupboard. The pretty fire gave Vernon nightmares for weeks. He no longer keeps her in the cupboard, and he doesn't hit her either. It's nice, though it's annoying that he pales and flinches away from her every time she comes near.

Harry calls the pretty fire to her hand. It's a mix of indigo and violet. She's played around with the two colors before. The indigo flames make illusions, perfect for playing tricks on people who annoy her. The violet flames make her stronger and faster, speed up her healing, and let her duplicate things. She also has other powers which she can't really control.

She avoids using both the flames and the other powers in public. Vernon says people will take her away if they know about them, and despite her hate for him, and the fact that he often lies, he's right that someone would probably take her away if they knew about her powers. One time there was a man who could sense her flames; he tried to kidnap her. She fought him off, and he, well, he's dead. She didn't mean to, not that it changes anything. He's still dead, and she'd do it again in a heartbeat. Now, however, she keeps the flames buried deep inside so no one else can sense them. She still occasionally uses her flames in public, but she does so discreetly, and always uses pranks and hand to hand combat before flames. For all people know she's unnatural, she avoids letting them know about her fire.

Jumping off of the swing, Harry heads over to Vernon's house. It's not her home, she may live there, but she doesn't have a home. Homes are supposed to be warm; home is where your family is, and the Dursleys are not family. She's more like an unwanted stray cat that's possibly possessed by Satan. She's fully aware she's not possessed, but a good portion of Private Drive thinks she is.

Entering the house, Harry immediately calls out to her Uncle. "Vernon! I need cash to visit London!" He scowls at her, but doesn't say anything. Pale faced, he hands over a good amount of money, enough for her to pay for food and transit to and from London. "Thanks Uncle Dearest!"

Skipping out the door, she heads over to the bus station. The bus ride to London is boring. London itself, however, is quite fun. After blackmailing a few gang members into teaching her the basics of fighting in addition to the martial arts lessons she convinced her uncle to sign her up for, she started doing underground fighting matches. That's the one thing she would ever thank Dudley and Vernon for. Vernon taught her how to take a hit, and Dudley's Harry hunting helped her improve her speed. Not that she'd ever thank those useless lumps for anything.

Harry loves the underground fighting matches. She'd fight at Private Drive instead of traveling all the way to London, but no one there has any actual skill. Additionally, they're more liable to tattle to the authorities than fight her despite how no one would comment on the one-sided beatdowns other kids gave her when she was younger.

Turning down several alleyways, Harry raps out a code against a relatively plain looking door. The door slides open and Harry quickly enters. The underground fighting ring is rather basic. There are no fancy decorations, just the ring and some empty space for the audience to stand. The fighting ring discourages deaths in the arena through the use of heavy fines for each death caused, but there's no rule against it. Maiming, however, is perfectly legal in the ring.

Harry watches several fights, each of them fairly boring, before he enters. He's tall, and in his late teens with feathers in his hair and a scowl on his face. His fire burns so brightly, like a raging forest fire, wild and uncontrollable. Another teen with silver hair and a sword follows behind him. They're both dressed in black, and the room immediately falls silent as they enter. Harry stares at the duo, tall, proud, and dangerous, and is entranced. She wants to be like them.

"VOI! Where is Antonio Amato!" The silver haired teen yells.

Several heads turn, swiveling to look at a cowering man. He's balding with thin yellow hair and beady eyes. Harry watches as the two teens stalk forward, the silver haired man reaches out and yanks the cowering man forward by the collar of his shirt as the other man talks. "Trash. Did you really think you could run after trying to sell out the Varia?"

The man pales, blubbering out frantic apologies before letting out an agonized scream as the silver haired teen cuts off several fingers with a quick slice of his sword. "VOI! Stop with the pathetic groveling. You're not getting off that easy. You do know what the Varia does to traitors, don't you." The man, Antonio, seems to become even more pale, before our right fainting.

The feather haired teen scowls and kicks the unconscious man in the ribs. "Scum. Come on, let's go." The silver haired teen grabs the unconscious man, hoists him up over his shoulder, and the duo head out the door. Harry follows after them.

"Boss. Someone's following us."

"I noticed." Xanxus scowls, gesturing for his Rain to go find them. Nodding, Squalo drops the traitor on the ground before vanishing. He comes back a few seconds later with a small red headed girl. Xanxus raises an eyebrow. The girl is small, and stares up at him with wide green eyes. She seems nervous, but she isn't afraid which is odd. Most adults, never mind children, are terrified of him. Her skin is pale, and she's dressed in fairly oversized clothes. "Trash. Who are you and why are you following us?"

"Harry. Err. Harriet Potter mister. Your fire is pretty. It's like a wild fire! It feels nice."

The duo exchanges a look. She doesn't seem flame active, and it's rather unlikely she knows how to conceal her flames. She shouldn't be able to sense Xanxus' sky flames. "VOI! Brat. Can you make fire?"

The girl hesitantly nods.

"Show us."

The girl frowns slightly, biting into her bottom lip. "I normally keep it hidden."

"Just show us." Xanxus scowls. "See?" He demonstrates his own wrath flames for the brat who stares at them in delight.

Both Varia members' eyes widen as the girl releases her hold on her flames. Violet and indigo flames dance across her palm.

"Dual affinity. Cloud and mist. Pretty strong too." Xanxus throws a punch at the girl, who barely dodges it. She ducks under the next one too. Her eyes light up as she fights him. Her moves are decently refined, and most of her openings are covered. The brat is a decent fighter. Xanxus speeds up his attacks until the girl is barely able to hold her own. "Use your flames brat."

A grin spreads across the girls face as she follows his advice. Her movements speed up, and her punches increase in strength. She makes sure not to overextend her punches as she fuels their strength with cloud flames. The girl threads in several basic illusions, nothing he can't detect, into the fight. They're simple, but smart. One illusion makes her punch seem like it will hit a few inches away from where it actually does, while another attempts to overwhelm him with sudden noise.

Xanxus increases his fighting ability again so he's completely outmatching her. She doesn't panic. She focuses on dodging and defending, and if she has to take a hit, she tries to make it do minimal damage. She doesn't back down or try to call off the fight. Even when it becomes a one-sided beat down, the girl doesn't give. Xanxus stops as the girl pants for air, bruised, and barely able to move. She glares up at him.

"Not bad, Trash. Not quality, but you have potential." Grabbing her arm, Xanxus hoists the battered girl up onto her feet.

Harry smiles at him. It's a rather feral smile.

"Trash. You're coming with us." Xanxus smirks.

Harry half scowls at the feather haired teen. It's clear by his tone that it is not a request. She quite dislikes that he's ordering her to do something. She also would rather not leave her park, granted as much as the park is hers, it never seemed to fit right. On the other hand, his fire is really pretty, and he's strong. He also is fine with fighting and doesn't think she's a freak. As much fun as she has terrorizing Private Drive, it really is quite boring. Nothing interesting ever happens there.

"Okay." Harry grumbles. Her eyes widen as her fire seems to connect with the feather haired teen's fire. The two flames easily click into place. Her flames purr happily, and Harry almost melts into the warm feeling. She's home.