Disclaimer: I do not own anything, except my insanity which made me write this and my Alan Rickman films. Do not sue. K?

Anatomically impaired

Kevin Smith: Now, where is that damned British son of a bi- Oh, hi Alan!

Alan: *raises eyebrow* I'm really fond of you too, Keith

Kevin: That's Kevin

Alan: Yeah, that's what I said. Now, how exactly are you going to make me 'anatomically impaired'?

Kevin: *evil grin* We're going to chop your dick and testicals off.

Alan: I think I'm going to call my lawyer. Seriously, how?

Kevin: Like I just said.

Alan: *sigh* damn Ken...

Some time later. To be exact, 3 hours, 27 minutes and 15 seconds later.

Alan: This is so stupid

Kevin: Alan Dickman is no more!

Alan: Now there's a relief. I think the worst part was that the person who did THIS *points at crotch which is as smooth as a baby seal* was humming "I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts" the whole time!

Kevin: I pick my crew very well

Alan: He said I had a cute arse!

Kevin: *shrugs* Americans don't lie

Alan: Ohh yeah, sure, and is choking in a pretzel right now.

Meanwhile, at the White House, DC

George Bush: Hmmm... pretzels *Homer Simpson like gurgle* Thanks!

Pretzel boy: Hey, what about my money?

Bush: I'm the friggin' president! Now get out of my office!

Pretzel boy: But...


Security guard: C'mon kid, don't disturb the president

Pretzel boy: You'll regret this, you fascist!

Bush: *pondering what "fascist" means* Okay, whatever. *takes a pretzel out the bag* Hmm... *eats it* soooo gooood... *swallows* Oh God... it's...it's stuck!! *starts choking* Help... *faints*

Back at the Dogma set...

TV: NEWSFLASH: Paparazzo have reported that president George W. Bush just choked in one of these delicious, yummy, salty pretzels. He'll be okay. Now, in better news, a cute kitty was found playing with a ball of yarn. What a cute, silly kitty!

Kevin: Whoa! *backs away from Alan*

Alan: Oh my God! I was Nostradamus in one of my other lives!

Kevin: Who?!

Alan: *annoyed sigh* Doesn't the name ring a bell!? You Americans, if there isn't a movie made about it, it's not worth knowing, is it?!

Kevin: Ha! You just quoted directly from my script! Huzzah!

Alan: Riiiiiiiight... Say, can I put some clothes on now? I don't want to catch a cold...

Kevin: Yeah, you are freezing your balls off! *starts to laugh hysterical*

Alan: *sarcastic* Oh, really funny. Yeah... Heh... hehehe... HAHA! *bursts into hysterical laughter as well*

Both are laughing for the next 5 minutes

Alan: *wipes eyes* Oh, that was funny. Damn, I've got to piss!

Kevin: Too bad, you can't!

Alan: Let's just do the scene and get this over with.

Kevin: Alright follow me.

Alan: Errr... I can't move!

Kevin: Sucks to be you, man...

Alan: And I'm naked too. I swear, if I can move again, I'm SO going to bitchslap you, you... BASTARD!

Kevin: I love it when you talk dirty to me!

Alan: *mumbling* You messed up Americans...

Again, some time later, at the 'Bethany bedroom' set

Linda: I... like your eyeliner, Alan

Alan: What about my hair? Do you know how much gel is in it?

Linda: *starts laughing perversely*

Alan: *rolls eyes* Oh, grow up. I hate being the old guy around here...

Linda: *tries not to laugh* Sorry, I'm perverted... I think your hair is cool. Wait, you can't move, right?

Alan: Stating the obvious.

Linda: You're standing in a very Fonz like position...

Alan: No. Do. Not. Ask.

Linda: Could you do that "ayyy" thing he does? Please?

Alan: No.

Linda: I'll show you my tits.

Alan: Ayyy! *thumbs up*

Linda: *Flashes Alan*

Alan: You bitch, you're anatomically impaired too!

Linda: *cackles evilly*

Kevin: Is everyone ready?

Linda: Yep!

Alan: I still have to piss, I've just been flashed by someone without tits for doing an Fonz imitation, but I'm just as ready as... as... err...

Everyone: Well?

Alan: As... Forget it, let's do the scene.

Kevin: Okay... Light, camera, testicals!

Alan: *sarcastically* Oh yeah, really amusing.

Kevin: CUT! Alan, stop laughing your ass off! It's the only thing you've got left!

Alan: There is no God...

Kevin: Yes, there is! And you work for Him, remember?

Alan: You're taking this movie a bit too serious, Keith.

Kevin: Kevin.

Alan: Yeah, I said that.

Kevin: Never miiiind... Light, camera, ACTION!

Alan: Now, just sit down on the bed and shut up!

Linda: Whatever you do, please don't kill or rape me.

Alan: Oh give over will you! I couldn't rape you if I'd wanted to...

Ben Afflek: *in terribly pathetic attempt to imitate a British accent* I say, you've got no bullocks, sir!

Alan: Damn! I did so well. Don't you have to go on the block, Ben? *starts laughing*

There is a long silence.

Alan: get it? He's going to marry Jennifer Lopez... Jenny on the block...?

Ben: Err... no...

Alan: Oh. Oh! That will happen in 2003. Sorry for ruining the surprise. I *am* Nostradamus!

More silence

Alan: What did you people learn at school?

Everyone: SEX!

Alan: *Annoyed sigh* Let's try the scene again. You shut up, Ben. Or you'll be next on my bitchslapping list.

Kevin: Light, camera... Action!

Alan: I couldn't rape you if I'd wanted to... *tries to open zipper, but it's stuck* Keith! I can't get it open!

Kevin: It's KEVIN! Ben, help him, will you?

Ben: Aww, why me?

Kevin: Because you ruined the last scene. Just do it!

Ben: *kneels before Alan*

Everyone: Oh God, I'm sooo perverted!

Ben & Alan: SHUT UP!

Ben: Just hold still...

Alan: That'll be easy, given the fact that I cannot move!

Ben: *trying to open Alan's zipper* I'd never thought I'd be kneeling in front of an old British guy who can't get his zipper open...

Alan: *looking down* You've got dandruff, Ben.

Ben: Yeah, and you've got no dick!

Alan: Okay, good point.

Ben: *finally opens Alan's zipper* Holy shit! *eyes widen* That. Is. The. Most. Scary. Thing. EVER. *looks up* Uhm...

Alan: What?!

Ben: Can... can I touch it?

Everyone: *gasps*

Alan: Hell no! *pushes Ben, who falls on the floor*

Ben: Awww, man...

Kevin: ANYWAY... Alan, ready to do the scene again?

Alan: Guess so. *whispers to Ben* If you REALLY want to, you can touch it real quick, while I distract everyone. Ok?

Ben: *nods happily*

Alan: All right. *yells* Hey, look all, a pink elephant! *points behind everyone*

Everyone: Where?! *turns around*

Alan: Now!

Ben: *touches* Oooh... smooth ! *let's go*

Kevin: There was no pink elephant there!

Alan: Oh... my mistake. *pulls up pants*

Kevin: *suspicious* Alaaaan... did you go trough Jay's stash?

Alan: *quickly* No!

Kevin: Alright then! *checks camera*

Alan: *to self* Whew... that was close

Kevin: Let's do the Metatron scene agaaaaain!! *does silly little dance* Get it?

There is a long silence

Alan: *suddenly* Ahhaa! Yes, I get it! Let's do the Time Warp again, Rocky Horror Picture Show! Good one, Keith!

Kevin: Kevin.

Alan: You Keith, me Alan.

Kevin: *sighs* Light, camera... action!

Alan: I couldn't rape you if I'd wanted to. *drops pants* see? I'm just as anatomically impaired as Chucky.

Kevin: Cut!

Alan: What!?

Kevin: Don't change the script! And by the way, Chucky is NOT anatomically impaired!

Alan: How do you know that?!

Kevin: Everyone who has seen the Bride of Chucky knows that! Hot steaming puppet lovin'!

Alan: *mumbles* That was just a bit too much information...

Kevin: Ok, again. Now do it right, ok?

Alan: Yes, sir... *pulls up pants*

Kevin: Light, camera, ACTION!

Alan: I couldn't rape you if I'd wanted to. *drops pants* see? I'm just as anatomically impaired as a KEN doll!

Kevin: Cut! Great! Tomorrow we'll do the wings.

Alan: *sarcastically* Oh, goody. Can I go to the toilet now?

Kevin: No. We'll have to peel all the clay off first.

Alan: Damn it...

Ben: *whispering to Alan* Call me!

Alan I hate my job...

~~Yep. I know that I am crazy. I do realise that this isn't the way it really went, obviously, but hey, it's just for my own sick amusement!~